Chapter 5- Addicted To You (Part 2)

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So yeah... I'm putting back all the chapters here on Wattpad. But Radish will always have advanced chapters. Not just paid ones but free ones as well. So please do head over to Radish if you want to read further!


December 31, 2013, 1000 hours
The Nostos Hotel
Washington, D.C.

Isobel woke up and stretched her heavy limbs. The first thought that popped into her mind was how much work she had to do for today-- more typing, editing and arguments with her editor. She groaned and decided to move so that she could get started with her day.

When she opened her eyes, she was in an unfamiliar room. She blinked at her surroundings and wondered if this was all still a dream. She sat-up and pinched herself. Nope, not a dream.

That was when it all came crashing down.

Earlier this night, she woke up to a sight that wound haunt her forever. A man stood over her bed with a rope intended to strangle her. Then, there was Alex. He saved her and shot her attackers as though it was nothing. He drove her to his hotel where she pelted him with several questions—ones he had no answers for.

Isobel threw her legs over the side of the bed and yanked the door open. She smelled cinnamon and her stomach immediately complained. She hasn't eaten since yesterday and now she was feeling weak and light-headed from hunger. She followed the trail of the amazing scent and ended up in Alex's kitchen.

He had his back to her as he finished making two steaming mugs of coffee. "Good morning, sunshine," he greeted.

Her heart leapt in her throat as a hundred memories assailed her. How many times had she woken up to that same greeting and the amazing scent of him making coffee? How many times had she opened her eyes to find him watching her as though he couldn't really believe that she was in bed with him? And how many times had she kissed him after that so she could prove to him that she was real and that she loved him?

"Good morning," she answered and accepted the coffee from him with a smile.

He gestured to the table where croissants along with butter and jam waited. He pulled out the chair for her and she murmured her thanks. Then, he seated himself directly on the other side and grabbed his knife and fork. He dug into his food with relish and she just stared at him, completely forgetting her own hunger.

"Your stomach won't be appeased by simply staring at me, you know?" he quipped. She found herself rolling her eyes just like she did a thousand times over when he joked. She picked up her knife and fork and spread butter over her croissant. She bit into it and sighed with bliss as the taste of cinnamon exploded on her tongue. This time, she found Alex watching her.

"Baby, you still eat like you've never eaten this particular dish before," he told her. She stilled and drank coffee to help her swallow the bite that suddenly tasted like sand. The old endearment tugged at her heartstrings and wounds that she deemed closed before suddenly opened.

"Alex, there's no use bringing up the past. It's over and done," she retorted as she took another bite. It was as tasteless as the previous one but she forced herself to eat so that she could carry on with her day. And what did this day hold in store for her? Would Alex force her to stay with him because it still wasn't safe?

She looked up from her plate and saw him frowning. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Then, he drank his coffee and set the empty mug down. "While you were sleeping, I called Secret Service. They'd be sending your new guards to pick you up today. Some of the men from my own security firm are there. They are competent men and I trust them with your life," he told her.

Isobel hid behind her mask of calmness even though several emotions and memories of the past bubbled up inside her. She managed a weak smile for her old lover who left her ten years ago and came back to save her life. "Thank you for all you've done, Alex. I really appreciate it," she told him.

Alex nodded. "It's what I do," he answered. She saw him open and clench his fist at the table several times. Then, he sighed and leaned back in his chair while he crossed his arms behind his neck. He lifted his head and her eyes met his. He looked at her exactly the way he did before-- as though he was trying to commit to memory every inch of her face.

The moment ended when there was a knock on the door. They heard Howard's voice as he announced himself. Alex frowned and closed his eyes. "I'll go get her ready and we'll be there in a few minutes!" he shouted. He turned back to her and opened his eyes. He scanned her face and his lips opened as though he wanted to say something.

She waited and prayed that she would finally get the answers she craved.

Then maybe, just maybe, she'd finally be able to get over him.

Alex stood up and Isobel did the same. She reached for her coffee and finished it before she set the empty mug down on the table beside his. She wiped her sweaty hands on the hem of her shirt in a nervous gesture. "So I guess this is goodbye?" she whispered. Alex's eyes flashed and she heard his sharp intake of breath.

He stilled and she saw the internal conflict he was having shining in his eyes. Again, she waited for him to say something... but he didn't.

I guess this is it, she mused.

Isobel held out her hand. "Thank you again, Alex. I owe you my life," she told him. She waited for him to shake her hand but he seemed frozen in place. She was about to put her hand down when he grasped it. He rounded the table until they were standing only inches apart. Then, he pulled and with a gasp, she collided with his hard body.

She inhaled and her senses were overwhelmed by his scent. He still wore the same cologne as before. She remembered buying that cologne for him and her joy when she smelled it on his neck and on his chest the first time they made love.

Right now, she was like an addict. She's been on withdrawal from this particular drug for a long time and she was given a whiff of it again. Without thinking, she found herself moving closer to him. She laid her hand over his heart. Her eyes widened at the sight and when she realized what she was doing, she tried to pull away.

But he placed his hand over hers and refused to let go. Moreover, he wrapped his other arm around her waist and tugged until she was plastered to his body and there was no more space between them.

She felt him shudder and saw that his eyes were closed. When he opened them again, she was lost in his beautiful blue-green eyes. He lowered his head and she felt his forehead touch hers. Their lips were only several inches apart and she could feel his breath on her cheeks. His cologne and the scent of coffee enveloped her and his proximity seemed to rob her of all thought except how right this felt.

She was an addict who recovered and right now, she was spiralling back into addiction. She just couldn't get enough.

"I don't know what to do anymore," Alex whispered. His confession tugged at her heart and she melted against him. She was feeling the same way.

Where do they go from here? Will he just let her go and never look back like he did all those years ago? Or will he fight for her and give her the answers she wanted?

Either way, it was a disaster. People told them they were doomed right from the start but she never believed them. She tried her best to make them eat their words. For a time, she was happy. But Alex left and they were right... their relationship was doomed even before it started.

Nothing changed except the several truths that were left unspoken for Alex refused to answer her questions...

But maybe she can have this day and take the memories with her once he left her again. It will be easier this time. It's not like she fell head-over-heels for him again in the span of a few hours, right?


Isobel shook her head and started to pull away. But Alex's grip was tight and he refused to let her go. "You unbalance me," he told her. She lifted her head to look at his eyes and ask him what he meant. But she wasn't able to do that for his lips descended and captured hers.

Her lips parted on a gasp of surprise but he took that as his way in. The first time his tongue swept over hers she shivered at the sensation. She tasted him and the coffee he drank as his tongue twined with hers. He groaned against her mouth and she sighed against his. His arm holding her to him tightened. In response, she raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck and held him close.

It was like she wanted to pull him closer still even though there was no more space separating them. With his other hand freed, Alex settled it on her waist and squeezed. Then, he moved it around her and cupped her buttocks to raise her against him. She stood on the tips of her toes as he deepened the kiss.

For now, wrong and right didn't exist she completely forgot about their past as well as the heartache he gave her.

Now, only the two of them mattered and how right this felt.

Like an addict that was presented her vice back, Isobel clutched at him desperately. She ran her fingers down his shoulders, towards his broad chest and then down his abdomen.

Years ago, Alex was a lean quarterback. He was tall and handsome with a body that could make any woman's mouth water. Now, he seemed to be taller and his muscles were even more defined. There was no more softness in him—except for the look in his eyes when she caught him staring at her and was unaware that she was also watching him.

Those were the only moments she glimpsed the old him. But when she talked to him and asked for answers... even that was gone. He was all hardness and the aura of danger and mystery that surrounded him would draw more women like moths to a flame.

But they can't have him. He's mine. All fucking mine.

She ran her hands back up and this time her touch blazed with possession. Alex groaned against her lips and she felt her knees buckle. But he was there to catch her. He took several steps and backed her up against the nearest wall.

He placed both his palms flat on the wall on either side of her head. He wrenched his lips away from hers to stare at her. She continued to run her hands down his glorious body and she heard his sharp intake of breath as she came close to touching that part of him which ached the most for her.

Then, he took control once more. He used his body to press her into the wall while both his arms captured her hands and raised it above her head. With one hand, he pinned her hands above her while the other hand cupped her breast. She arched into his touch and moaned. "Alex," she gasped when he found one aching nipple.

He lifted her head. "You unbalance me," he grated. It was the same words he used before and hearing it from his lips as he was losing control made her shiver. She chanced a glance at him and saw a determined expression shining in his eyes. It was the same look he had when he made up his mind about something. And when that happened, no matter how much se cajoled or tried to bribe him, he didn't budge.

He pressed his body against hers and she felt his arousal dig into her belly. She shuddered and felt her power over him. This man could kill without second thoughts but with her touch and her kiss, she rendered him helpless.

"Isobel," he whispered before he took her lips in another kiss that poured out all his passion. Just like that, all the years of heartache faded away into nothing. She ground her hips against him. Only him could quench this burning need inside of her. And she wanted him so damned much.

Right now.

Suddenly, he stilled.

He groaned and stepped away from her. She lifted her passion-glazed eyes and saw him fighting for control. He let go of the hem of her shirt and stepped away from her. That was when she heard the pounding on the door and Howard calling her name.

She sighed and her cheeks flamed as what she had just been doing crashed down on her. She just let go of all the heartache for a moment of passion. He turned her brain to mush with just one touch and she just let him. She was even begging him for it.

"Sorry," she whispered as she straightened her clothing and fixed the tangles on her hair.

"Don't be. I'm not," Alex replied as he stroked her swollen lower lip with his thumb. He bent his head again and she thought he would kiss her once more. One part of her craved it but another part screamed for her to stop this insanity.

But he didn't kiss her.

He just touched his forehead to hers again. His eyes were closed and his thumb touched her cheek tenderly.

"You're wrong, Isobel. We do not say goodbye. Not ever," he said in a hoarse whisper.

Then, he turned his back and left her to open the door. She just stood there watching him with a bewildered expression. Her thoughts were jumbled right now and her brain still hasn't recovered from his kisses and his touch.

But she was sure she heard him correctly.

What did he mean when he said they won't ever say goodbye?


I just love Alex. He's a dream guy. HAHAHA. <3

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