Chapter 7- Mine (Part 2)

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January 8, 2014
The Andrade-Demakis Shipping Corporation
Athens, Greece

"Alex!" a thickly-accented voice called out. Alex turned around from his view on the balcony and stared saw his long-time friend, Antonio Velez. Immediately, his jealous thoughts and gruesome plans about the Senator faded into the background.

"Antonio!" he greeted as he approached his friend. The two exchanged a brief hug and a tight handshake. They were the best of friends. Their friendship started way back in college. Alex and Nikos met Antonio Velez and the three became inseparable. They became a local legend and left several broken hearts in their wake. But after college, they drifted apart and became busy with their own endeavours.

Nikos and Antonio managed their family's businesses and then eventually started their own. Alex, on the other hand, lived his life as a soldier and then later on as a mercenary. Alex could count on his fingers the number of times he's seen his friends after college and this was a very welcome surprise indeed.

"How's your wife?" Alex asked.

"She's well. We missed you at our son's birthday party," Antonio said in a chastising tone.

Alex grinned apologetically and ran his fingers through his hair. "Sorry, buddy. Been busy," he replied.

Antonio raised an eyebrow. "So I've heard. Any news about the recent kidnapping and also our case from two years ago?" he asked.

Alex's grin vanished and he shook his head. This was his one unsolved case and it grated on his nerves. Added to that was the fact that it was his friends who were hurt and he couldn't even chase after the men who did this to them.

"I'm sorry, Antonio," he whispered. Antonio clapped him on the back and squeezed. "Do not worry, my friend. I know you're doing your best. Now, let's go to the party and you can tell me about your latest escapades." Alex chuckled and took one last look around the balcony before he let Antonio lead him back to the party.

The two of them went to the bar and ordered drinks. They were silent for several seconds as they watched the crowd grow larger and larger as guests arrived. From the corner of his eye, Alex saw something blue. Without even turning, he knew it was Isobel.

He stared and it caught Antonio's attention. "Is that Isobel Clayton?" he asked in an amused tone. Alex gritted his teeth. "Yes," he answered.

"Ahhh. Su primer amor," he drawled in Spanish.

Alex choked on his drink and immediately wiped his mouth using several napkins. "My first love? I think your memory is a bit faulty already, buddy. She's not my first girlfriend. We've had several over college," he pointed out.

Antonio shook his head. "But they are meaningless flings. Isobel is the only one you've ever loved."

Antonio's words rendered him speechless so he just rolled his eyes and grunted. He didn't have a clever comeback for his friend. He just continued to stare at Isobel while he sipped his drink. How did Antonio know that Isobel was the only girl he was serious with?

As if sensing the question in his mind, Antonio said, "I'm Spanish. We know the difference between love and lust; between burning passion and a meaningless flame." Alex's jaw dropped and Antonio chuckled. He only stopped when he saw his wife Elise approaching them.

He kissed her hand the moment she got near. "Elise, you remember my friend Alex from our wedding?" Elise smiled and her blue eyes glittered with amusement. "I do. And I still remember his drunken antics.

Antonio laughed while Alex fidgeted in his seat. He felt all his blood going to his face and he was sure that he was red as a tomato. The night of Antonio's wedding was a night he'll never forget. "I remember," he said through gritted teeth. The couple laughed again and soon he found himself laughing with them as they recalled the events of that night.

When music started playing, Antonio excused himself and his wife so they could dance. Alex was left alone in the bar. He ordered another drink and kept a watchful eye over all the guests. His eyes also roamed around the room and focused on his security team. Nikos and his wife, Cassia, would arrive any moment now and he didn't want anything to happen.

The doors opened and the host announced Cassia and Nikos. Music stopped and the guests all went to the middle of the crowded room. Alex downed his drink in one gulp and joined Antonio and Elise.

They all looked up as Cassia and Nikos descended the stairs. Alex smiled as he saw Nikos' radiant wife. She was a lot different from when he saw her after they were kidnapped. It's not really about how she looked. Bruises faded away but emotional wounds always left a mark. However, looking at Cassia now, it was as if she had none. She was positively glowing.

Also, she was smiling at Nikos and holding on his hand as if it was her lifeline. Nikos also was smiling like Alex has never seen him before. Usually, Nikos was calm and kept a stoic expression. He smiled only for the media or when he drove his favourite race cars. But right now? He was beaming at his wife as if he was seeing the sun for the first time.

Alex couldn't help but wish for things that could never be. Once upon a time, Isobel smiled at him like that too. He was also sure he smiled at her back. But unlike Nikos, he was sure that he smiled at Isobel like a mental patient out of the ward for the first time.

Cassia and Nikos arrived at the end of the steps and they greeted the people who were around them. There was no time to greet Cassia and Nikos now for the program will start soon. But Alex made it a point to talk to his friends tonight. He was feeling nostalgic and he also wanted to think about other things aside from Isobel and the Senator.

He walked with Antonio and Elise and sat in their assigned table as did the other guests. Silence fell over the room as Nikos stood up and gave his speech about how their company started and how it has flourished even more after it merged with Andrade Shipping.

Alex barely heard the words for two tables in front of him sat Isobel. He saw red again as the Senator leaned forward and whispered something to her that made her chuckle. His hand tightened on the knife near his plate and he considered hurling it across the room. Knives were not his forte for he was more of a gun person. But this time, he was sure he'd hit his target dead center.

Nikos speech ended and Alex blinked. Either it was a very short speech or time flew while he contemplated murdering the senator. Food was served and he started eating half-heartedly. He looked at Isobel again and willed her to look at him. All night he watched her yet she hasn't seen him yet. How will she react when she knows he's here?

After the plates were cleared, guests stood up to dance. Antonio whisked Elise away and he was left alone again. He decided to circle the perimeter once more. He didn't know how to dance fancy anyway. He'd rather talk to some of the guards and ask for a report.

When he came back to his table, Isobel was not in hers anymore. He scanned the dance floor and saw her dancing with her Senator.

"Fuck this," he muttered under his breath and headed for the bar.

Fuck guard duty.

He'd go blind drunk. His security team was capable and nothing suspicious was reported so maybe he could go as inebriated as he liked. He ordered another Scotch and cradled the glass in his callused fingers.

"A little too early to get wasted, don't you think?" a familiar voice whispered. Alex smiled and turned around.

"It's never too early to get wasted," he replied. It was their motto when they were still in university.

Nikos threw back his head and laughed. He sat on the chair to Alex's right while Antonio sat to his left. Both of them also ordered drinks. "How's Cassia?" Alex asked. "She's great. We're great. Everything's perfect," Nikos answered cheerfully. Antonio rolled his eyes and Alex grinned.

Cassia and Nikos truly have come so far. He was there at their wedding ten years ago. To say it was a disaster would be an understatement. But now, they're genuinely happy. Truly, everything that didn't start out right may still end up perfect.

But in his case, everything started out right and ended up horribly wrong.

"Alex!" Nikos waved a hand in front of his face. "He's distracted, forgive him," Antonio teased. "Why?" Nikos asked.

Alex sighed. He saw no point in lying so he just blurted it out. "She's here."

Both his friends sat a bit straighter and he saw their eyes scan the crowd. It wasn't hard to find Isobel. She stood out amongst the crowd with her simplicity and her radiant beauty. A lot of the girls in here wore gowns and jewelleries that screamed at their wealth. Also, they piled on the make-up that made them look like clowns.

Isobel, on the other hand, wore a simple gown that matched her eyes and wore little jewellery. She didn't need to and wearing those would only compete with her innate beauty. Isobel stood beside Nikos' wife and the two were in deep conversation.

"It seems like Cassia knows your old flame," Antonio pointed out.

"She's grown more beautiful with the years. I still remember the two of you back in college," Nikos added. Alex sighed. He lifted his glass to drink but saw that it was empty. He turned around and grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing waiter.

"Too bad for me then that she thinks I've been the villain all along," he answered. Of all the people in the world, only Antonio and Nikos knew what happened before he left Isobel. But they didn't know the whole story and only what he chose to tell them.

"Then maybe it's time you tell her the truth about what happened. It's clear to me that you still want her even after all these years. You've not maintained a serious relationship since the two of you broke up," Antonio said.

"Whoa there. Maybe it's because of the fact that I've been in the military and then the mercenary business that's why there's no time for me to chase a relationship?" Alex snorted.

"Keep telling yourself that, buddy. It's clear that you're still smitten with her just like you were in college," Nikos teased and Antonio nodded his agreement. He rolled his eyes at his friends. Since they were older than him, they made it a point to be his advisors in his relationships—even when he was still in college.

"Why don't you just tell her the truth? Maybe she'd give you another chance?" Nikos asked.

"It isn't that easy. Besides, she hates my guts. But I promise you...I'll get her back. I've just seen an offer for a job as her head of security. I think I'll take it." Alex grinned.

Actually, there was no position as head of security. It was a lie. But he intended to turn it into truth soon enough.

"I do not think I like that smile," Nikos groaned.

"Of course. It's clear that he's plotting something," Antonio agreed.

Alex just continued grinning. It was as if a light bulb was switched on in his head and he had the most brilliant idea ever.

"Please don't do anything stupid," Nikos pleaded.

Alex downed the rest of his champagne and wiped his lips with a napkin. He slid off the stool winked at his friends before he disappeared amongst the crowd.

Isobel wasn't with Cassia anymore and he saw that she was dancing with the Senator yet again. He knew about the two of them and it was rumoured that they were soon to be engaged.

He snorted. Engaged, my ass.

That will come true only over his dead body.

Alex saw Cassia making her way back to Nikos. He intercepted her and invited her to dance. She agreed easily and even gave him one of her stunning smiles. If only he wasn't already smitten and she wasn't married to his best friend, he'd consider dating her.

"I know about you and Isobel," Cassia whispered after she twirled. Alex raised an eyebrow. "We've been friends for a long time and I always wondered about the man who broke her heart. Now I know it's you."

"Did she tell you the whole story?" he asked as they moved in time with slow waltz.

Cassia shook her head. "I don't think it's the whole story. I just know that you left her before and broke her heart." Alex missed the beat and almost stepped on Cassia's toes. Good thing she turned around before he did.

"I did," he acknowledged.

"Why?" she asked. "It wasn't my intention. But right now, what I intend to do is to make everything right," he vowed. Cassia's eyes flashed and she smiled once more.

"Good. But if you break her heart, I break your balls with your own gun," she threatened. Alex winced and resisted the urge to cup his balls protectively. His expression caused Cassia to laugh.

"Music is almost ending. Let's move closer to them and we'll swap partners when the music changes."

Before Alex could reply, Cassia was already leading him to where Isobel and the Senator was dancing. Right on cue, the music ended. She let go of his hand and moved towards the Senator. She already engaged him in conversation before Alex overcame his surprise. He never froze in battle. His wits were always with him.

But seeing Isobel this close? His calm composure along with his wits fled in terror.

"Alex!" Cassia hissed. She widened her eyes and inclined her head to where Isobel stood. She was already in the Senator's arms and was moving away even before the music started. Her meaningful glance shook him out of his stupor and he immediately went to Isobel.

"May I have this dance?" he asked. But he already took her hand and placed it on his shoulder before she could react.

"What are you doing, Alex?" she whispered.

"Dancing with you? Isn't it obvious?"


"Because I like to. You look beautiful tonight, by the way."

Isobel rolled her eyes and purposefully stepped on his toe.

"Oops, sorry. I'm bad at dancing," she said.

"Baby, you're a cheerleader and you've taken ballet lessons since you were young. You were never bad at dancing," he pointed out.

Isobel responded by giving him her iciest glare and smile. It was exactly how she looked before she slapped him twice. He found himself chuckling.

"Maybe I'm bad at dancing because I don't want my partner. Maybe I'd love stepping on his toes so he'll give up and move away. Far, far away."

Alex moved closer. He wrapped his arm around her lower back until she was plastered to his chest.

"Alex!" she hissed. But he didn't budge his grip. "Now dance, Isobel," he whispered.

His lips were close to his ear and he saw goose bumps rise on her skin. "I seem to remember how much you loved to dance for me, be it naked in my room or wearing those skimpy cheerleader skirts. You loved it. And I loved you..." he whispered. Her face was still in that mask she always wore but he heard her breath hitch.

It gave him hope. She wasn't unaffected at all.

He raised his right hand and cupper her nape. Then, he dipped her low. She arched her back exposing her cleavage. Alex felt as though it was suddenly hard to breathe. He raised her back up. Her lips were parted and her cheeks were flushed. "Alex... We can't," she whispered. She said it in a way as though she was convincing herself and not him.

"We can and we will," he told her as he bent his head and kissed her parted lips.

Heaven-- that's how her lips felt like. He wondered why he ever let her go when her arms were his home and his only comfort.

Suddenly, there was a tap on his shoulder. He raised his head and saw the punch coming. He released Isobel and used his palm to deflect the blow. He caught the Senator's knuckles and wrapped his much larger palm over it.

"Let go of me!" the Senator hissed.

Quick as a flash, Alex twisted the Senator's arm behind his back. His knees crumpled and he wheezed like a donkey. "I am a Senator of the United States! Let go of me!" he shrieked.

Couples near them stopped dancing and moved away to view the spectacle. Alex shrugged and let go of the Senator. He stood back up and rubbed his sore arm.

"Who are you?" he hissed.

"Alex Smith. Ordinary US citizen," he replied in a mocking tone. The Senator's eyes flashed and he sneered.

"Ah, the mercenary then? The President told me so much about you. A nobody who tried to reach for the stars."

Alex kept his face calm but inside, he was boiling with rage. His fists clenched at his side at the mention of the President. The Senator took his silence as his defeat.

He smirked and wrapped his arm around Isobel. He saw her stiffen and glare but the senator didn't let go of her.

"Good. You know your place. That's my fiancée you were kissing. Never do that again or there'd be hell to pay," he threatened.

Alex's eyes flashed with anger and the fire in him rose another notch.

"Tell me then what hell is."

"I'd strip you of everything you own and exile you to a place where the sun doesn't shine."

"Been there, done that. Give me something new," he mocked. The Senator cursed and Alex smiled with satisfaction. He turned towards Isobel.

"Are you engaged?" he asked Isobel.

She pursed her lips and shook her head. The Senator turned her around and gripped her arms tight.

"We are!" he hissed.

He whispered something to her that Alex didn't hear but it made Isobel pale. The senator shook her and she stumbled backwards but he didn't let go. Isobel's arms were red with the marks of his fingers. Alex saw red too.

He grabbed the Senator by the lapel of his jacket and swung his arm back. Then he let it fly and it connected with the Senator's nose. He heard something crack and it sure wasn't his knuckles.

"How dare you!" the senator gasped as he clutched his bleeding broken nose.

"Security!" he shouted. By now, all the guests stopped dancing and eyes were glued to the spectacle unfurling before them. Several of the Senator's guards came forward but Alex held up a hand and his own security team grabbed them.

"She's mine. You hear me? And it's you who should keep your hands off of her!" he roared.

The senator, unwise as he is, launched himself forward and aimed a punch. Alex stepped out of his way and he stumbled and fell to the floor.

"Arrest him! You fucking bastard! You will pay for this!" he screeched. Alex huffed. He went to the Senator and picked him up by the lapels of his jacket once more.

"Calling names isn't really nice. You know what my foster parents did to me when I cursed? They washed my mouth with soap. But seeing as there isn't really a basin of water and soap..." Alex muttered as he dragged the kicking senator towards the buffet table. He dragged him in front of the bowl of fruit punch.

"...I think washing your mouth with fruit punch would do," he finished. With one hand, he held the Senator by his jacket. His other hand went towards the Senator's hair and he dunked his head in the bowl of fruit punch. He held the Senator down for a few seconds before he raised him again.

"I swear to God I will make you pay! I will fucking kill you—" Another dunk. The Senator sputtered and tried to kick him but his efforts were futile.

One more dunk should do the trick.

"Stop it! Goddamit stop!" his next words became gurgles as he was submerged once more. He cursed Alex and his entire family and mumbled words on how he would torture him. But the best part was when the Senator started shrieking like a little girl.

Alex laughed and dunked him one last time. No particular reason except that he liked doing it so much.

He released the Senator and he flopped down on the floor. When he turned around, the police were already there. He smirked as handcuffs were placed around his wrists and even waved at the stunned crowd.

He passed by Isobel and saw her stricken expression. He winked. He saw Nikos and Antonio who were both sadly shaking their heads.

"You still haven't changed, my friend," Nikos laughed.

"Dammit, Alex." Antonio added. His two friends followed as he was led outside to the waiting police car. They pushed him inside the car. Before they drove away, he rolled down the window and shouted.

"Totally worth it!"

Then he laughed like there was no tomorrow.


I totally loved this chapter. HAHAHA. Comment your thoughts!

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