Chapter 4- Engagement (1)

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"Tomorrow you get to meet the big boss, Sebastian. I've been bragging to him about you! So don't disappoint me, all right?"

"I will never do that, sir."

"Excellent, son."

Sebastian's features hardened but he looked away so that the man in front of him would not see the sudden change. He was no man's son. He was nothing but a bastard. He and his mother were discarded by his father as if they were nothing but trash. And this caused the death of his mother.

His boss smiled obliviously as he counted the money before him.

"Sir...about that job. There's been a change of plans. I now want another one. I just realized that I hate working there and I now want something new."

"Pssh. I still do not know what your obsession is with these petty job requests when you already earn so much! But if it makes you happy, it is yours. I will pull strings for you and you may consider it done."

"Thank you, sir," he replied with excitement. He just started to lay down the puzzle pieces of his revenge. And one day, they would all come together.

One day soon...


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