Chapter 7- Reality (3)

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 NOTE: Since this book is getting published, what is posted on Wattpad is my rough draft and unedited version. Several things are still going to change in the published version of this book.




Nikos woke up as sunlight streamed through their window. His stomach rumbled and he decided to get some breakfast. His wife was still asleep but he let her for he knew he tired her out the night before. They made love three more times before dawn.

Now, Nikos felt the aches and pains of that total of four times. On top of that was his headache from yesterday's hangover.

He needed to eat and drink so he headed down to the hotel restaurant. He sat at a table by the balcony, ordered some coffee and grabbed the morning newspaper. As expected, the headline on the society page was his wedding with Cassia while the headline on the business page is the merger of Andrade International and Demakis Shipping Incorporated along with the announcement of him being CEO of the new mega corporation.

"Good morning, son."

Nikos looked up from his paper and saw that Costas Andrade sat on the chair opposite his.

He sighed and replied, "Good morning, Costas."

Costas smiled. "How went the wedding night?"

Nikos felt a spark of irritation at being questioned about something so private.

"As it usually is," he replied with a shrug.

"Looking at you, I am glad that my granddaughter pleased you." Nikos almost rolled his eyes but again, he just shrugged.

"I wanted to talk to you about the changes in the corporation. The merger is still fresh and I would need you in the Greece office to finalize more details. I'll also train and introduce you to the board so that you can take over easily."

Nikos nodded his agreement. "Anything else?" he asked.

"That's it. Enjoy your honeymoon but I think it will need to be cut short."

"No. I guess we'll be skipping the honeymoon first in order to get everything settled and just have it later this year. I need to be there during the company's transition. That cannot wait but my honeymoon can."

"I like that attitude. Business first," Costas said with a smirk. "Next order of business, I want to know where you'll be living with my granddaughter."

"My penthouse in Athens. It's closer to both companies."

"Well...she very much expressed her interest that she wanted to live still under my roof. Can't you give her that? She's still acclimating herself to Greece after living in America most of her life. It will break my heart also if she was parted with me. She very much agreed that both of you will live with me."

Nikos clenched his teeth. How dare she agree without telling him about it?

"I'll speak with her," he grated in a rough tone.

"She also expressed her disinterest with bearing your heir at this point. I do hope that you will respect that wish. She is young after all and she still has her life ahead of her. Maybe after three to five years?"

"If she wants all of that, why can't she tell me herself?" Nikos spat as he found himself growing angrier with each word.

"She's still a bit shy and she doesn't know how you'll handle it. I'm really sorry about this, my boy...but there's one more thing: about your mistresses and your lifestyle. She respects your way and I already explained it to her. I spoke to her before I went down this morning and she wasn't really big on how your wedding night went. She told me she'd respect it if you still wanted to go with your mistresses. Just that you do it discreetly and keep her in the lifestyle she is used to."

Nikos finally understood. He stood up abruptly and his coffee spilled on the table. He clenched his fist. How could he believe they could have had a chance when she was one huge liar and schemer just like her grandfather!

"Now I think I know what you are getting at, Costas. Cassia wants to be married to me but she can't give up her extravagant lifestyle. She's not ready to work with the company yet that's why she still wants to stay with you rather than be a wife to me. She does not want to have my son and so she wants me to run along to my mistresses? Also, I have to keep giving her the lifestyle she craves which I think would cost me millions of dollars a year. Do I have it right?" Nikos snarled.

"Well, I really wanted to phrase it delicately...but you are correct. I am really sorry about this but this is how my granddaughter was brought up. I tried changing her but her ways are instilled in her. And I love her too much that I am afraid I also spoiled her."

Nikos threw his napkin on the table.

"Well if that's what she wants then that's what she'll get," he whispered in a deadly tone.

Without another word, he turned his back and left.

"Come in," Cassia said and the door opened.

A chambermaid came in bearing new linens.

"Housekeeping," she answered and looked at Cassia with something like pity.

Cassia dismissed it and grabbed some water from the fridge.

"Have you seen my husband?" she asked.

The woman's lips pursed and she turned to Cassia again with both pity and concern in her eyes.

"Mrs. Demakis, he is in suite three. But please don't say that this came from me," the woman said.

Before Cassia could ask more, the woman dashed out of the room.

Why did Nikos go to another suite? Was that one of his friends' suites? Cassia sighed and resisted the urge to pull at her hair. She didn't have time for these things now. She could not let the events from last night deter her from what she was supposed to do today.

She had to talk with Nikos and tell him about the divorce.

On the way to Suite 3, she encountered her grandfather.

"Good morning, Cassia," he said with one of his malicious smiles Cassia hated so much.

"Good morning," she replied tersely.

"Where are you off to little one?" he asked in a mocking tone.

"To find Nikos."

"I'm so sorry, Cassia...I didn't want you to find out this way...but Nikos is in suite three."

"And what about it?"

"It's not my place to tell you this...but you're my granddaughter. So you must know the way of things. Men are never going to be satisfied with just one woman. They will always stray. Remember that when you face him."

Cassia gritted her teeth and ignored her grandfather. She continued on her way towards Suite 3 and refused to think about her grandfather's words. He knew this was another one of his ploys to kick her harder when she was down. She knocked on the door but no one answered. She found the door unlocked so she quickly entered.

Cassia saw a woman sleeping on the bed and she was naked. Then, the door to the bathroom opened and out came Nikos with his hair still wet from his shower. He only wore a towel around his lean hips.

"Nikos—" Cassia gasped.

The woman on the bed stirred and Cassia came face to face with one of the most beautiful and famous French supermodels. Her name was Marietta and she was rumored to be Nikos' latest mistress before he had to marry her.

Cassia gasped in shock and took a step backwards.

"Oh it's you..." the woman purred.

Cassia's mouth fell open when she realized the implication of Nikos being here. How could he do this? How could he take her to bed on their wedding night and then go straight to his mistress' bed after?

Indeed, this was the last straw!

Her heart twisted inside her chest and she felt as if a knife has been plunged through. For a moment, she stopped breathing as sheer agony tore through her whole body. She knew this marriage was not real and she wished for only one night with Nikos before they went their separate ways.

Yet why did she feel like this?


WINNER FOR THE WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE LEADING MAN QUESTION?: @thelxiepia- I loved how she analyzed all the leading men by giving her favorite qualities and comparing all of them. Haha. I loved reading how my leading men were viewed from one of my reader's eyes.

Please follow! She also writes and has a great mystery novel titled Deduce. :)

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