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  W. E. L International Group of Companies (Evening)

  Lily walked out of the doors of W.E.L Int hallway, it was raining heavily outside and she wasn't with an umbrella. Shoot, what was she going to do?, she thought. She looked at the dark rainy sky and thought of how the day went.

  She had arrived late at work today, luckily for her Manager Austin wasn't around unless she would have had an earful and a query.

  Manager Austin was their departmental Manager (head of their department), she was lucky he wasn't around to boss her around. 

  Today she thought it would be the worst day ever, her colleagues were planning on making her life miserable. They had like always brought their jobs to her to do for them, her colleagues were a lazy set of people, who expected everyone to accept their demands without saying NO!.

  She was scared as her colleagues surrounded and ganged up against her to make sure she accepted their demands or they'll make her an outcast in their department and also in their company.

  One of her colleagues was about to hit her when she was dragged back by someone, the files on her desk (her colleagues jobs) was thrown on the floor by the same person who dragged one of her colleagues, surprisingly it was none other than Genevieve.

  Genevieve, a colleague to Lily, who had always shunned Lily helped her. Lily herself couldn't believe it, someone who didn't associate with Lily nor did she ever speak to Lily helped her against the annoying workers, Lily was deep in thought when someone spoke behind her.

  "Hi" Genevieve said awkwardly,Lily turned around and saw Genevieve behind her. "Ehmmm..hello" Lily said shyly, she didn't know why she felt shy, she just couldn't believe that Genevieve helped her.

  Genevieve walked towards the rain, she brought out her umbrella and put her hands towards the rain. She turned and smiled at Lily "Are you with an Umbrella" she said, "not really" Lily said. "Then let's share mine", Lily couldn't believe her ears, Genevieve was being kind to her.

  Genevieve stepped out into the rain "aren't you coming" she asked. "Wait!!" Lily shouted,"huh" Genevieve spuned and stared at Lily "what??" she inquired.

  "Why did you help me?."

  "Help who" Genevieve inquired.  

  "Back there, at the office. You helped me against Sandra and Anne, WHY!!". 

  "Because it felt like the right thing to do, you've always acted dumb that was why I didn't give you any attention but what you did today really made me to help, you know you did the right thing by standing up for yourself. Don't ever let anyone walk on you and always stand up for yourself, now come the night isn't getting young,we've got to go" Genevieve beckoned to Lily to come.

  Lily stepped out into the rain and they both headed home together.


  It was morning, Nikki stood up from bed and headed to the bathroom, few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom towards her bed and sat on it.

  The new neighbour arrived yesterday and just as she was about to see his face Teresa called, as she answered the call she didn't see the new neighbour, he just disappeared. This was what surprised Nikki he looked familiar to someone she had met before but who could that person be?, she wondered.

  Just then a message popped up on her phone screen.

   Billionaire owner of the Adams Group of Companies (A.G.C) has embarked on buying Sunshine Corp. The Company who is currently the most popular construction company is to be acquired by A.G.C for $20,000,000,000. Critics condemn the move by A.G.C, as Sunrise Corp Chairman refuses to sell. A.G.C has given Sunrise Corp an ultimatum, either they sell or they shut down.  So far Sunrise Corp hasn't replied yet, so now the question is will they sell or will they shut down?. More updates coming soon.                                                          25th May 2019: Business Weekly.

  Nikki looked at the news, she switched off her phone. People like A.G.C were those who made the world a horrible place and what's A.G.Cs Chairman problem, he's probably greedy. "Huh" she sighed.

  She turned on her phone and went to Google, she typed "Who is A.G.C owner" then she clicked on search.

  A.G.C, a company in America. Whose annual revenue is a whopping sum of $400,000,000,000. A.G.C is a famous company that has spread throughout the entire world, from Europe,Asia, America, Australia and even Africa is the world's leading company in the Top Business charts. Identity of the owner of A.G.C is unknown. It's said that he inherited the company from his father McRonald Adam III. Reports say that the Chairman is of a young gentleman.  The Chairman identity is a mystery to the world. Not much is known of the Chairman.     

  "Hmm... this guy is mysterious, not even the media know his identity, how strange" she said. She picked up her phone and decided to call her father's friend to inform him that she was going to pay him a visit.


  Renee sat on a chair outside WcBenalds Cafe, she was staring at the busy street. Vehicles and people were moving fast, the entire street was busy. She was sipping an Americano while also chewing a double Cheese burger,Wc muffins and some chicken Wc nuggets. She was eating happily while people watching when suddenly a message popped up on her phone's screen,her parents requesting that she visit them at their family estate for a Gala to celebrate her father's birthday. Lots of relatives, close associates, friends will be there.

  It was going to be another boring night for Renee, Renee despised the Birthday Gala hosted by her father. She just wished he'd just have a small close knit birthday party not a huge bashful Gala, of course that cannot happen not when you have a father like her's. She dropped her phone and continued to watch the busy activities of the street.

  She was people watching when she saw a strange man who was wearing a watch which glinted in the sun revealing an insignia on the watch which was "W.E.L" a watch which Renee knew belonged to only one person, it belonged to Nikki's father!!!. 

  She stood up and scanned the area looking for the man, she hadn't seen his face. She had to catch up to him before he disappeared, she weaved through the busy street dodging cars and people.

  She was almost hit by a vehicle, she ran through out the busy street looking for him but he was nowhere to be found, she stopped while panting. She stood up straight she was walking back while wondering who the mysterious man was, she looked at her watch and it was quite late she had to travel to her family's estate, she vowed to herself that whoever that person was she was going to FIND HIM!!!!.

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