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The Board members were anxiously waiting for Nikki to arrive before the Board meeting commenced. Various Board members were annoyed that she was late.

"Where in the world is the Heiress? " a Board member said as he sat on his chair impatiently.

The Board members began to murmur to themselves, "where is she?", "She doesn't respect the Directors", "How can such a person lead this company?" the Board room was filled with noise as each Director murmured to his partner.

"𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚!!! " Rufus said as he banged the table. " Everyone should calm down" he said.

"What do you want us to do? , Sit here all day just to wait for the Heiress?" a Member of the Board said.

"We cannot tolerate such an attitude from Miss Nikki, she should have arrived early. Time is going and we haven't even begun" another Director said as he looked at the annoyed faces of the Directors.

"Everyone calm down" Rufus said delighted by the anger of the Directors. "Am sure there's a reasonable explanation for why she's coming late, I plead that you be patien..." suddenly he was cut short as the door of the Board room opened and Nikki walked in.

"Hi everyone, sorry for being late, I was stuck in a traffic jam but anyway let's get down to today's business" Nikki said as she walked towards the Chairman's seat and sat on it. The Board members gave her a death glare as she sat on the chair meant for the Chairman but they couldn't do anything.

Mr Alex stood up and said "Today we're going to nominate a Board member to take charge of the company as the Chairman of our great Business organization. So we shall begin the nominatio..." Nikki's hand shot up in the air "Excuse Mr Alex, I've got an important announcement to make,may I be permitted to speak?" she inquired.

Mr Alex stared at Nikki and knew that she loved getting him annoyed. "Of course you may" he said with slight annoyance as he sat down on his seat.

Nikki looked at the Board members as all their attention were fixed on her. She wasn't going to let them off the hook that easily.

"I want to seize this opportunity that you've given to me to inform you of my intentions to run for the office of the Chair..."


Lily was busy sorting out some files. There had been an announcement that stated that all employees were expected to remain in their department because the Heiress was arriving.

Lily looked at their department it was full of life due to one thing and that was gossip. The workers in her department loved to talk as though they didn't have jobs to do. Only one worker in their department reasoned like Lily it was none other than Genevieve.

Lily and Genevieve became close associates after the incident that happened earlier on. Lily was about to pick up a file when her phone beeped notifying her that she had a message.

The message was from Genevieve. Lily puts away the files and replied to the message..

𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚: Hi 👋, are you busy?. Lets go and get our lunch together once the Boss Queen leaves.

𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙮: Lol Boss Queen. Yes lets get our lunch later.

𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚: Whats funny? She's usually called Boss Queen by the Workers. Anyways see you later during lunch break, bye.

𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙮: Bye, see you later too.

Lily couldn't believe that Genevieve also called the Heiress Boss Queen. It was quite funny. She continued with her work as she looked forward to spending time with Genevieve during lunch break.


The Board members looked at Nikki surprised but they weren't too surprised because they knew that she'd try to take over the Company soon. But there was someone who wasn't happy. It was Nikki's Uncle Rufus.

Uncle Rufus stood up and said "Your wish to run the affairs of the company is duely respected, isn't it Directors?" he said while trying to conceal a smirk.

Suddenly someone stood up and banged on the Board table. "No", the person who said no was Manager Baek Sheila. "Huh??" the Board members said confused.

Manager Baek looked at the Directors and said " Miss Nikki cannot run the affairs of the company." The Directors looked at her, Uncle Rufus was pleased with what she said as he tried to contain his Joy.

Manager Baek looked at the faces of the Directors who were waiting for what she had to say next. She stood straight and faced them not even looking at Nikki who was about to tear up by the minute.

Manager Baek said once again " Miss Nikki cannot run the company through the office of the Chairman because She doesn't have much understanding on the management of the company 𝘽𝙪𝙩.....

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