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The bright sun shone on Nikki's face, she woke up and yawned . She was up during the night and she slept when she realized that it was 5:00am.

Today her friends Renee and Teresa were coming over and she needed sleep. Just one hour she thought "i need to sleep for an hour" she said  aloud, she slept off again .

"Ding dong,ding dong,ding dong!!". Nikki opened her eyes at the sound of the bell, she looked at the clock on her bedside table. It showed 9:15am, she looked at it surprised and suddenly jumped  to her feet  "oh my gosh! don't tell me I overslept. "Ding dong" the bell rang again, she hurried  to open the gate.

The giant black electric gate in Nikki father's Mansion opened and a Mercedes Benz C300 drove  in. Nikki opened the door and her friends walked in.

"oh Nikki it's so good to see you" Teresa said , "sorry about.... you know what happened, so how're you doing? I was devastated at the news of your father's death" Renee said . "I'm doing fine., so would you like some Coffee? do you want a Cappuccino, Latte, Frappe and even an Americano."

"i'll take a Latte" Teresa said , "while i'll take a Cappuccino, thanks.". "would you also like a bite? a sandwich, a burger, an hamburger anything?!!. Renee looked at Nikki and took her to a red armchair, "take a seat". "For what?? Nikki asked , "just take a seat " Renee said in a strict voice, like a mother ordering her child. Nikki sat down meekly and looked  at her friends.

"Good" Renee said, "you're acting weird I can tell you nervous and besides where is Mrs Hana?." Nikki sighed and looked at her friends, should she tell them or not. She fidgeted and remembered  what her father said "do not trust anyone" she knew she shouldn't lie to them so she said "am totally fine". "Hey girl! you can't fool us you know" Teresa said, "we can tell when something is up and we're friends there are no secret between friends". "Yeah" Renee said, they both stared at Nikki.

Nikki looked at them, should she tell them? can she trust them?. She knew Renee, Renee is a very good friend fun, loving and she loves to look at for others. Teresa is a kind sweet girl and she is a very helpful friend.

When they were in highschool Renee and Teresa were her best friends. She still remembered the day they all met, at that time they were in 8th grade.

Teenage Nikki just arrived at Phoenix Junior Highschool. She walked through the halls of the school to her locker. Various students were rushing to their Classes and to their lockers.

She went to her locker and puts in her books and went to her class. The first lesson she had in Phoenix Junior High was History, she still remembered . After History lesson she was heading out of the class when a mean looking girl called Poppy pushed her to the wall. "Oh! so this is the new student" Poppy said. A girl in Poppy's entourage said "i heard her father works as a Junior Clerk in Florescent limited. Another girl who had brown colour hair and eyes like that of a cat said "jeez!!" I heard she's on scholarship, she doesn't even deserve the scholarship". Nikki looked at the girls and said "can you guys just back off and how dare you speak of my father in that way".

"Ahhahahaha!!" the girls laughed "who's this nobody to talk to us in this manner, she certainly has no idea who we are" Poppy pushed Nikki and she fell. "Hahahaha!! now the weasel falls like an Old hag" they said and were laughing at her. Nikki looked at the trio with anger in her eyes, she was teareyed and she had injured her kneel.

Suddenly a girl walked by and Poppy drags a soda drink and poured it on Nikki, Nikki was soaked thoroughly the trio girls laughed at Nikki.

In a flash Poppy was pushed aside by a girl and she went and helped Nikki to her feet and she said "Poppy you're a disgrace to this class and a disgrace to our prestigious school, how can you bully a new student? have you no shame at all?. The words stung Poppy like a centipede, "HOW DARE YOU!!!. You old hag, you're such a bitch and how dare you lay your filthy hands on me, don't you know who I am?, don't you know my powers? you dumb moron". She wanted to slap the girl when another girl spoke "Poppy, what the hell do you think you're doing?, how can you bully a new student? you have no shame this must be reported on the school blog.

Poppy looked at her with anger, the students started murmuring among themselves, suddenly Poppy moved to attack the girl who helped Nikki. The girl dodged and she fell and immediately a teacher entered the class.

Poppy looked at the teacher and smirked and said "awwwww, my leg!! it hurts Mr Wilson these girls pushed me" she pointed at Nikki and the two girls who stood up for Nikki. The student gasped and murmured among themselves.

Mr Wilson said "three of you to the Principals office NOW!!".

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