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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"What do you mean by you have a private investigator on me?", I asked him clamly. He stood in front of me with his hands in his pant pockets. Annie and Peter went to their rooms. Right now, me and Heath are standing in my room.

"It's noth-".

"Don't say it's nothing! How long have you hired an investigator on me?!", I asked getting angry.

"Celestine, forg-".

"Heath. Tell me", I demanded calmly with a clenched jaw. He let out a sigh.

"Since a year now", he said not meeting my eyes.

"A year! A whole freaking year?! Are you serious?!", I almost shouted getting angry every minute.

"I know. I don't have any right. But I can't stop myself. I can't just.... keep myself from knowing what you are doing. Also I wanted to knwo that you are safe every minute", he explained.

"I am safe Heath. I don't want someone to keep me safe! You have no right to invade my privacy", I said in a low angry voice.

"I know", he said nodding lightly while looking down.

"We parted our ways to have our own lives. I gave you what you want. I gave you your life back! Then why are coming back into mine?!".

"Celest, Baby-".

"Don't! Don't call me that. You have no right to call me that. Why Heath? Why are you doing all this? A private investigator? Like seriously?". I shook my head at him.

"I am sorry. I.... didn't knwo what to do. You were so far away from me. It's the time I realized that I am in love with you. I didn't know what to say to you even if I meet you. I wanted to know what you did every minute, everyday-", I cut him off.

"So you decided to hire a person to see what I do everyday? Do you know how creepy it sounds?".

He just stood there looking at the floor. I took a deep breathe and let the air out after a minute, trying to cool myself.

"Heath", I breathed out his name.

He looked at me and our eyes met. We both stared at each other for a minute.

"Don't start something that we both know won't end good. We are not good for each other. Actually, we both are not right for each other", I said looking at him.

He took a step towards me. I raised my hand up to stop him.

"No. Stop. Just.... go. I don't want to talk with you right now. It's been a lot of drama today that I need", I said pleadingly while looking down, not wanting to meet his eyes. He took another step towards me. He raised his hand to put it on my cheek. His thumb caressed my cheek as his fingers went into my hair at the back. I closed my eyes, stopping the tears from falling.

"I am sorry. Good night", he whispered and left the room soon. I didn't open my eyes till he left. I heard the door close with a shut and opened my eyes looking down. A sob escaped my mouth, but soon I put my hand on my mouth stopping any anothers from coming.

I sat ont he bed for a minute and let a few tears fall. I controlled myself and went into the bathroom. I cleaned my face and bathed. I changed into my satin knee length maroon nightie and combed my hair. I climbed on the top of the bed and pulled the blanket to my chest. All the events that happened today spinned in my mind. I soon fell asleep.

I heard a knock on the door and got up from the bed, pushing the blanket from my body. I opened the door and found Annie, smiling at me. I smiled back at her.

"Good morning Celest", she greeted coming into my room.

"Good morning Annie". I followed her into the room.

"Get ready soon and come down. We will eat brekfast soon and go shopping like we used to do before", she said excitedly. We used to do a lot of shopping. I used to have a lot of free time when Heath leaves to office.

"This early?", I asked confused.

"It's already nine thirty in the morning my dear", she said smiling sweetly at me like she always does.

"What? I slept that much?".

"Yes. But no problem. Now go and bath fast and come down soon. I will send a pair of clothes upstairs by my maid. Okay?", she asked caressing my cheek. I smiled back at her.


She nodded and left. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I soon bathed myself cleanly and came out. I found a pair of blue jeans and a white top on the bed with innerwears. I quickly dressed myself and tied my hair up in a ponytail. Taking a last look in the mirror, I came out and went down the stairs.

Going into the dining room, I saw Annie and Peter sitting side-by-side. Heath sat in front of Annie. I went and sat beside Annie, since it is a big table for almost ten people.

"Good morning", Heath greeted me with a small tight smile. I gave him a small smile back with a nod.

"Good morning", I responded.

"We were waiting for you dear. I heard that you and Annie are going to shopping today", Peter said.

"Yes", I confirmed smiling back. Annie is grinning at me.

"At least I have my daughter back", she said linking her arm with mine.

I smiled at her heartfully. She will always remain as my mother.

"Okay. You both enjoy your day together. Heath will be coming with me to office today", Peter said getting up. He kissed Annie lightly on the lips before leaving. The whole time I felt Heath looking at me.

Seeing them both brought my memories back. How I used to send him to office in the morning and how I used to wait for him to come home. I shook my head at myself for being so stupid. But what can I do? I used to love him so much.

"Bye ba-Celestine", Heath said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Bye", I said back, not wanting to be rude. He looked at me for a minute and I averted my gaze down to the plate in front of me, playing with the fork. All the while I felt two pairs of eyes on me. Heath and Annie's.

"Have a good day son", I heard Annie say, but still lift my head. I heard a sigh.

"Bye mom", Heath said and left.

I heard footsteps leave and heaved a sigh. Annie placed her hand on mine. She gave me a comforting smile with a pat on my hand. I gave her a smile back.

"Um... So, when do we start?", I asked trying to change the mood.

"Right after you complete eating. We can have lots of fun, like we used to", she said excitedly.

"Yes and we will", I said trying to sound cheerful. Soon I completed eating my breakfast and got my purse and cell.

Annie and I got in the car and the driver drove the car to our destination. We kept talking a lot. We made jokes. We reached the mall soon and got out of the car. We went almost to all the shops.

After a while, I tried a party type dress. It's a cobalt color dress, which is plain, but beautiful. I came out of the trail room.

"Wow! It looks so beautiful on you dear. I told you! We are getting this!", she said and I laughed at her. She tried some dresses too. We bought watches, cosmetics, what not. We even bought some lingerines.

Finally after a lot of fun and shopping, we are sitting in the food court. We ordered a pizza and in the mean while took some selfies. After talking a while, Annie asked.

"So Celest, tell me about this Paul guy", she said and I sat straight up.

"Um.... He is a good person. He is a caring, charming and a loving person. He loves his mother very much. He loves me so much and always tells me that. Never once I felt uncomfortable with him. He always keeps my confidence levels high. He helped me so much when I was in depression when.... you know, when I was divorced. He is very supportive", I explained.

"Oh good. But, do you love him? You said so much about him. But not once you said you love him", she said while looking at me. I squirmed in my seat. I gazed down at my hands.

"No. I don't. He knows it too. I just.... I don't know. But I feel very comfortable with him", I tried to reason out.

"Celestine, dear, then why are you marrying him when you don't love him?", she asked and I looked away.

"I think I will learn to love him in the future".

"But will you?".

"I don't know", I answered looking down.

"I think all you want is a strong support at that time. Of course, anyone will. I think you are misjudging your feelings for him. You do understnad that you are doing a mistake by marrying him without loving him right? Just the way Heath did to you", she said and I raised my head to look at her.

Tears blurred my vision.

"I won't force you to get back with Heath. I don't even have the right to ask. But I just want you to be happy with whatever decision you make and don't regret it in the future", she said sounding really concerened. I nodded my ehad at her understandingly.

"I know", I whispered.

"I know you are smart. Figure out your feelings for him before it's too late dear", she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I will". I nodded my head.

"I am sure you will". There was a minute of silence between us.

"Annie? Can I ask you something?", I asked her looking at her.

"Anything Celestine".

"Wh.... What did Heath do when I left? He said that you didn't talk with him once you came to know what he did".

"I.... I really didn't talk with him. I was shocked really. I didn't expect him to do such stupid things. I thought I raised him better. I know he didn't love you then, but cheating on you was not something anyone of us was expecting from him. Peter even slapped him once when he came to know what Heath did.

It was a disaster. I.... I was so angry. I just shut him out. Heath didn't talk or even visit us. Although Peter has an eye on him always. After eight months you left, I got a call in the mid night from Heath", she said and stopped suddenly. She took a deep breathe before she continued.

"He sounded so drunk. He called me telling that you were in relationship with some named Paul. I asked him where he is and he said that he is at some bar. He kept talking whatever came from his mouth. I and Peter were in the town that day and soon reached the place. All he talked about was you. Once we got home, Peter laid him on bed.

But he kept saying something that we didn't hear clearly. After a while he said it loudly", she stopped and looked at me.

I nodded my head for her to continue.

"He said he loves you. He said 'I love you Celestine. Come back to me' and so much more. But I won't tell you. He should be the one telling you all that. After that I realized that he is in love with you and the he came to his senses about the way he feels for you. He realized that he loves you. I think you should hear it from him. But it's too late.

He kept drinking and what not. I thought he lost it", she said and looked down.

I just sat there with tears in my eyes. I don't know why I am crying.

"However. Now you are getting settled, but I want you to have a stable life this time. A happy one. That's why I asked you about Paul".

"I understand".

"Good. Now let's forget about all of it and enjoy our pizza!", she said smiling as our pizza in brought by the waiter. I smiled back at her, wiping my tears.

We started eating our pizza, but my mind kept going back to what she said about Heath a few minutes ago.


Hey my cute dumplings!

I hope you guys like the chapter. So, what do you guys think about Heath. Also don't miss the next chapter. You will understand about Heath more in it.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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