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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Come and visit me again when you have time", Annie said while hugging me and I smiled.

"I will", I said while pulling away, but still holding hands. I looked beside her and smiled at Peter. He smiled back kindly. "Bye Peter", I said while going to the car, where Heath stood, holding the door open for me. I looked back at them again while smiling and sat inside the car. Heath closed the door gently and came around the car to sit beside me. Peter's driver started the car and drove off.

Heath woke me up today morning, saying that we are leaving today. Since I woke up, all my mind can think about is what I heard last night. His words kept ringing in my head. Now we are leaving to the airport to go home. His home. It's already twelve O' clock and it may take some time to go there. I felt my phone vibrate in my hands and looked at it to see that the call is from Paul.

"Hey", I greeted once I lift call and from the corner of my eye, I saw Heath looking at me.

"Hey Baby! How are you? Is everything okay? You didn't call today morning and I got worried", he said in a worried tone from other side.

"I am sorry Paul. I forgot. How are you? How is your mother?". I felt Heath stiffen beside me once he heard Paul's name.

"It's okay. I am good. I just called her and she asked about you. We should meet her once you come back", he said and I smiled.

"Definitely. It's almost been a month since I visited her last time".

"Yes. So when are you coming back?".

"I will be coming home in two days. Since.... You know, the contract for seven days will end then", I almost whispered the last part while giving a side glance to Heath, who is looking at me seriously. He turned his head away slowly as I looked at him.

"Okay. Be careful and call me if you need anything. Love you Baby", he said. I pressed my lips together.

"Like you so much", I replied uncomfortably and felt Heath shift in his seat.


"Bye", I said and cut the call.

This is what hurts. He loves me so much and I.... I don't. Yes, I do have feelings for him. But what I feel for Paul is not as deep as what once I felt for Heath. I can't love anyone like I loved him. I know that for sure, but I want to. I want to feel that way and be in love with someone.... Someone like Paul who will love me back. Yes, he is loving me back. But me.... I just don't. I can't bring myself to love him.

Heath just sat silently the whole time till we reach the airport. The silence was uncomfortable. Soon we reached the airport and got out of the car. His private plane is ready, waiting for us. We went inside and I setteled down next to a window seat. Heath sat beside me, but I didn't turn my head in his direction.

Suddenly I felt hands on my lap and startled while looking down to find him keeping my seat belt. He looked up at me and our eyes met for a minute, before I turned my head back to the window. Never once did he behave like this before. I would have jumped in happiness then. I shook my head at my thoughts, since there is no use of recalling the past.

"Thank you", I murmured while looking down at my fingers, not forgetting my manners.

"You are welcome, Baby", he said with a small smile which I saw from the corner of my eye. Soon the plane started and we are in the air. Different thoughts ran in my mind as I sat ideal, while Heath is doing some work. I should tell him sorry for last night. I shouldn't have shouted at him like that. I looked beside me and found him seriously looking at his laptop screen while working.

"Um.... Heath", I called out in almost a whisper. He immediately turned his attention to me, looking shocked that I called him.

"Yes Baby. You need something?", he asked while looking at me. I turned slightly in my seat to face him and looked down at my fingers.

"I.... I am sorry for last night. I shouldn't have shouted at you. I mean, I just lost it, I don't know why", I apologized while pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I peaked up and found him looking at me.

"You have every right to shout at me. I.... I know this is all kind of stressful on you. I am sorry too", he said while placing his hand on mine. I looked at it for a minute, before pulling my hand away from under his.

"Thank you for understanding", I said and again turned my attention to the clouds that are out of the window.

"I do care for you. I really do", I heard him say beside me making me remember what I shouted that night. Stop acting like you care about me! I looked at him and found him standing up before he left to go to washroom. I huffed and just sat there. Thinking about the things and slowly sleep took over me.

I felt a hand on my arm as they turn me and felt them cup my face. After a while I felt lips on my forehead and I moved my head away as they are distracting me from my sleep.

"Celest, baby wake up. We are almost there", I heard a husky voice say as I felt a hand on my arm, shaking me gently.

I just shrugged of the hand and turned around to avoid the distraction.

"Baby. The plane is about to land. You can sleep once we go home", the voice said and I rubbed my eyes before opening them and looking at the person who woke me up. It's Heath. He is sitting beside me. I sat up and found that I am on the bed in his private plane. I quickly sat up wondering how I came here, since I remember falling asleep on the seat that I sat.

"How-", I started, but stopped when I saw the look on his face. So, he carried me here. I didn't know how to react to that.

"You weren't feeling comfortable in the window seat", he answered my unspoken question.

I nodded my head and rubbed my temples as I felt my head hurt and got down from the bed before going to the washroom. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror for a minute as many thoughts and things ran through my mind. I shook my head to clear my mind and took a deep breathe before letting it out. I came out and went to find Heath. I didn't find him in the seat before.

"Heath", I shouted, but not too loudly and turned back to find him. He is looking at me and put one of his hands behind him, like he is hiding something and he knelt down in front of me. I looked at him in shock. What is he doing? I looked at him confused and scared as of what he is doing.

"Celestine, will you please go on a date with me? Not because you have to. It's up to you. I just want you to come on a date with me with you whole heart", he said while pulling his hand from behind which had a rose in it and he held it out for me. He is looking at me with so much hope in his eyes.

Date? With him? That too whole heartedly? What should I say? What if I said no? I don't anything to do the whole day? Why should I say yes though? Although I know he wouldn't misbehave, I can't make myself to say no.

I always wanted him to take me on a date and want him to tell everyone proudly that I am his wife, but that never happened. Even when I asked, he always made up some excuse and when he came, he would just want to complete the date and go home. It used to hurt me when he behaved like he doesn't care about me. I used to cover it up and smile happily that at least he agreed to go out with me.

Now, after thinking about all those things, I just can't say yes. My mind is screaming no, but somewhere inside, deep in my heart, I want to say yes and go out with him. I may seem like I am over thinking this, but I can't help it. For a minute, I want to say no and crush his heart like he used to do to me. But I am not heartless. I know that pain.

"Celestine". I heard him call. I came out of my thoughts and looked at him. He is still kneeling there, waiting for my answer with a lot hope in his eyes. Hope for me to say yes. Even if I say no, it's not like I can go back home.

"Why should I go on a date with you?", I asked him, looking into his eyes as he stared back into mine. He took a few seconds before answering.

"I want to take you on date and send the remaining two days with you to make memories. In the end, I don't know if you will stay or leave. I can't stop you if you leave. It's you choice and your wish. But if you leave, I will at least have these memories. They are enough for me. I may sound selfish, but this date is not only just to spend time with you but to have great memories".

I just stared at him as he talked. My heart almost melted at him words.

"Also, can we be friends on this date. I don't want to have awkward conversations and make you feel uncomfortable. I will try my best to keep my feelings to myself. I want you to enjoy today as much as you can and I will do too, if you do. I know it sounds crazy, that being friends and going on a date, but I want you to feel comfortable with me", he said and stopped before asking. "So, will you?".

"Okay", I said giving a small smile. "Yes, we can be friends. I will try". He grinned at my answer and I took the rose from his hands. He stood up and let out a breathe like all his tension is released and suddenly hugged me. I stood there in shock for a minute and he soon pulled away.

"Thank you so much. You will not regret this", he said kissing my forehead.

"Um.... Heath, this is not how friends behave", I said while taking a step back and stood straight looking panicked.

"I am sorr-", he started, but I cut him off.

"It's okay". He nodded his head still smiling happily. I can't help but smile back.

We both sat back in our seats and I buckled my belt this time. Soon the plane landed and we got out of the plane. His car was waiting for us. George, Heath's driver, smiled at me and I smiled back. Heath took the keys from him before putting on his sun glasses and we both got in. Aren't we going home?

"We are going on a date right now?", I asked while looking at my wrist watch and found that it's already four in the evening. He started the car and pushed his leg on the accelerator as he started driving and turned to me to answer me.

"Yes. Why waste even a second. Once a beautiful women said to me to live every second. I am just following that", he said smiling and reminded me the phrase that I told him once. I thought he didn't pay attention to it. He did? He even remembered it. I stared at him in a shock for a minute before turning on the music in the car. There is a rock song playing on it.

"So, where are we going anyway?", I asked looking at him.

"Many places", he said still smiling. I sat there looking out, thinking where we might be going.

This might be interesting.


Hey my cute dumplings!

Sorry for updating so lately. I am planning to complete this story soon. So, what do you guys think? Friends and going on a date? It may sound weird but, tell me what you think.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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