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Hi guys! Before you read the chapter, I want to clear some things first. This is not a story where the female protagonist goes back to the male easily. Heath had to do a lot of work to have her back and he is going to do it. I request you all to not jump into conclusions about the story. The story is not going to end soon. There is still time for both of them.

Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Breakfast is ready". I hear Heath say and I stop packing my clothes to turn and look at him. He is leaning against the door sill with his hands in his pocket as he is watching me with sad look in his eyes. He is wearing a dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. His biceps can be seen. Once I saw him, he stood straight and looked at the clothes that I am packing and then at my suit case.

"I will come down soon". He just gave a nod to my reply and silently turned around before walking away.

Today is the last day. After lunch, he is supposed to drop me home. The whole week is over. Just like that. I huffed and returned back to packing my bags, but many thoughts kept running in my mind. About what we talked last night. About what he said. Many questions, in which some have answers, but some don't.

I quickly took a shower and came out. I wore a white skirt that reached below my knee and light pink blouse. After drying my hair, I put on a pair of white diamond studs and took a last look of myself in the mirror. Although I have no interest, I looked at myself and soon my thoughts began to wander. I shook my head and went down. I descended the stairs and went into the kitchen, but he is not there.

Coming back to living room, I checked the dining room and turned around to find him, but he is not there.


No answer. Where is he? Maybe at the back. I went to the backside of the house and found him in the lawn, arranging the plates and spoons on the table. I walked down the steps and went to him. Once he saw me approaching, he stared at me for minute and then gave me a big smile. I frowned for a minute. Why is he smiling suddenly? I gave him a smile back once I reached him. He pulled the chair for me.

"Thank you". I adjusted myself in the chair.

"Welcome Bab-uh....", he stopped and I looked away not knowing what to say. " Celestine", he said and gave a nod with a tight smile before going and sitting in his chair. The air got a little awkward between us.

"Um.... So, what is there for breakfast?", I asked with a happy voice, trying to lighten the mood.

"I made pan cakes, French toast....", he said and the list went on till another ten items. My eyes widened and I looked at him in shock.

"Did you cook all this?", I ask with shock. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the food before looking at me.

"Yeah", he replied with a smile and I smiled back genuinely. "Let me serve you", he said and put some items on my plate and then in his.

I took a bite of the pan cake he made and smiled at him. "This taste really good", I said honestly. He grinned at that.

"Really, then you should taste the others too", he said smiling.

I smiled back and put small bites of each item one after another. I should say that each one of them really tasted good. Where did he learn to cook this well? I kept eating small pieces of each one, while my thoughts wandered again. I don't think I will ever be having breakfast with him again. Maybe this is our last time.

I look up and found him staring at me. Not smiling just staring with a look of longing. When I look at him, he didn't even avert his gaze away. I smiled and look away, but still felt him staring him. Why is he staring like that? Is there something on my face?

"Heath, why are you staring?", I ask him finally.

Heath King's POV

How can I answer that question? How can I tell her that I am going to miss her so much? That I am trying to etch her beautiful face in my mind forever.

When I am woke up today morning, my heart felt heavy. Today is the last day. I am sure as hell that she is going to leave me. Will I ever see her again? Even though we see each other, I am sure we will not have time to talk with each other, not alone definitely. Maybe after leaving, she will get married to that Paul one day. Will I be ever to bear that? Will I ever be able to forget her? I don't want to though.

Just thinking that she will leave once we have breakfast is making my heart bleed. That is in the next thirty minutes. I want to stare at her all I want. Maybe I will never get to sit this close to her again, alone. I just want to elope with her. There is no need of that though, since my parents love her. In my dreams will it happen.

I want to touch her cheek, caress it and kiss her forehead and tell her how much I love her. I just wish this one dream to come true. I don't see it happening in the next hour though. Just the thought of her leaving me makes me all giddy.

"Heath". Her voice brought me back. I didn't realize that all this time I am still staring at her. I must look like a fool, but who cares.

"Let me stare at you all I want. Maybe after this morning, I will never get to stare at you like this".

She looked a little bit shocked. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it and looked away while pushing a trendily of the hair behind her ear before continuing to eat her food. During the past week, I observed everything about her. Her habbits, her tastes. I always did even when we were married, but never gave much importance to them.

Now, it's not like that. I want to know everything about her. Every single thing. Her wants, her needs and everything about her. Maybe if I gave importance then, this might all have not happened. Maybe we would have been together now. Maybe she would be still loving me, like she used to do then. No one is at fault here, but me.

I don't want these thirty minutes to ever end. I just wish for the time to freeze, although it might never happen. I keep on staring at her as she shyly ate another bite of the French toast that I made for her. I woke up at five in the morning to do all this and I must say it is worth it. I let her eat in silence.

"I am ready", I heard her voice as came out from my deep thoughts to look at her as she stood in front of me. This is it. Finally the week is over. It just passed by and I was not able to convince her to be with me. She is really going to leave me again. The truth itself made me want to chock.

Right now, right here. I want to bend down on my knees in front of her, put my arms around her waist and cry out loud, telling her not to leave me. Not again. I don't want to go back to that pathetic self that I was when she left me. I want to scream loud.

Don't go Baby. Don't leave me again! I will treat you the right way. I will treat you like a princess, like my queen. Your place is in my heart. I know I am selfish, but I am selfish about you and I am not ashamed of that! Just stay with me and be mine. I need you! I love you!

I didn't say this all loud, but I imagined myself doing it right now. I would do it without a second thought. I know I am pathetic, but I also know that, doing that will not make her stay back. I just stood there imagining myself doing all this that I didn't realize her calling me.

"Heath!", I heard her voice. I came out of my stance and looked at her. Her kind face looking at me with confusion in her eyes. "What happened? I have been calling your name for half a minute now. Everything okay?", she asked with concern. Everything's not okay!

"Yeah", I said once I gave her a brief nod with a forced smile. I look away from her and walk to my car and opened the passenger door for her.

I didn't even look up at her. I just can't. I am scared that I may burst out and cry any second. She came and stood in front of me and stared at me for a minute, but I can't get myself to look at her. Once she sat inside, I went to sit in the driver's seat.

I started the car and slowly started driving. I intentionally drove the car slowly. I don't want to drop her at her house. I want to take her back to our house. We sat in silence.

"Heath", I hear her call with her smooth voice. I can't do this. I switch on the music to cut the silence. I hear her sigh. My eyes shed with tears as I felt my heart tugging painfully. I blinked rapidly to stop the tears from falling down and turned my head in the opposite direction so she can't see my eyes.

Even though I drove slow, we came to stop at her house. I stopped the car and got out to open the door for her. She came out and looked at me. I closed the door and leaned against it. I gathered my strength and looked up at her. She is looking at me with sad look in her eyes. I took her hand and brought it to my lips and kissed her fingers.

"It was a nice date. Thank you for the breakfast and everything that you did for me this past week", she said. I smiled at her.

"Can I ask you something?", I asked.

She nodded her head with a smile.

"In this past week, did you not even once feel something for me? At least for a minute or a second", I asked her. Her eyes widened at the question that I asked and she avert her gaze away for a minute before huffing and looking back at me.

"No", she whispered looking down. I feel like someone just run me over with a truck. I am sure she can see the tears in my eyes, if she will lift her head and look at me. My vision blurred and I blinked twice again.

"I love you Celestine. I love you so much and I regret realizing it lately". Her eyes filled with tears.


There was a minute of silence between us.

"I want you to move on. I want you to move on from me and find another women. Don't hang on to me. I have moved on Heath", she said and those words awoke a hurricane in me. I feel like my heart is pulled out and stomped again and again.

Move on? Like I have not tried that. But every time I ended up coming back to her. I don't want to move on. If I am stuck at not having her for myself and I am punished to keep on loving her, I will do it happily. Instead of saying that, I just smiled at her.

"I should go".

Don't go! Stay with me. I felt her hand slipping from mine and I gripped on tight to her.


"Please don't go. I love you", I begged her pathetically and I felt a tear drop run down my cheek. I don't care! She is my main priority.

"No", she whispered with tears in her eyes too. I can't bear this. I pulled her to me and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go. I didn't feel her hugging me back. After a minute I pulled her away to look at her face. We heard a sound of car stopping and turned our heads to look see Paul coming out of his car. He instantly smiled once he saw her, but that smile disappeared once he saw me.

"Celestine", he called coming to her. She instantly left my arms and he opened his arms to hug her. She hugged him back and gave a smile forcefully. Seeing her in the arms of another man crushed me. I don't have words to explain how I felt. I feel like someone is pinning me with needles. I can't even imagine how she felt when she saw me with other women. I am an idiot! I don't deserve a second chance!

"How are you?", she asked him and he kissed her forehead before answering. I just want to get out of here, right now. I can't bear to see this.

"I am good and I missed you so much", he replied. She smiled back at him geniuniely.

"Bye Celestine", I said in a low voice.

"Bye Heath", she said with a sad smile on her face. Paul's hand is around her shoulder. I just want to break it right now. But I saw the look he gave her with was filled with love.

I took a last look at her and sat back in the car. They both walked together into her house and that was all it took for me to break the dam. I hit the steering wheel harshly.

"AH! DAMN!", I shouted loudly to let all the pain in my heart go away. But it doesn't go easily.

She finally chose him over me. That's it. We are over me. I just can't let that thought go out of my head. It's rewinding in my mind again and again. Every time it's like a punch in my gut. I am a fool. I am fool for loosing her. With that thought I drove off into the city as tears kept running down my cheeks, without any destination with one thought in my mind.

I lost my love.


Hey my cute dumplings!

I am so sorry for the late update. I know it's over a month now. But I hope you like the update. This is not the end and the story is not going to end soon. Tell me what you guys think. It really helps a lot. What do you think of Heath now? Feel any pity for him?

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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