Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Heath King's POV

I woke up feeling like someone is hammering my head. It's aching so much. A groan escaped my mouth as I sat up and rubbed my temples. Hangover! Stupid fucking hangover! God! Then I remembered something. I was at the club last night like regular, drinking to the point that I get lost to let out the pain. How did I come home? Maybe George brought me home. That must be it.

Then I remember why I am drinking. I never used to drink out of control, but last night I just lost it. I still remember how I went to her house before two weeks and made a scene there. What must she be thinking of me right now? I am so fucking messed up! Shit! Although I didn't stop sending her the roses, I just feel so guilty for doing it that day. Slowly I am loosing hope about winning her back.

Shaking my head, I put my feet down on the floor and found an advil a glass of water on the night stand. Maria, never forgets to keep them both there. These past few days it has become so frequent.

The time when she said the words our chapter ended, I felt like someone tore a part me and cut my heart into pieces. This must be how she felt. I deserve all this. I deserve all this pain and every other pain that if she want to implement on me. I wanted to loudly shout back that day OUR CHAPTER DIDN'T END. IT WILL NEVER! But what right do I have to say that?

I stood up and went to have a bath. I stare my reflection in the mirror. My beard grew more. But who cares. I didn't have the mood to shave. I brush my teeth and bathed before coming out feeling fresh. Coming out of my room, I went down and then to the dining room. I sat down on the chair in the dining table.

Maria came out with a grin on her face while pushing the trolley with food. I gave her a confused look. She looks so happy today.

"You look so happy today", I said as she served the breakfast on my plate.

"Of course, I am Mr. King. I think you are very happy too". Now I am more confused.

"Why would I be?". Her grin faded once I asked her that and she frowned at me.

"You don't remember what happened last night?", she asked.

"What happened last night?", I asked even though I don't bother. Just as she was about to answer, my phone rang. I picked it up and she closed her mouth seeing that I attended the call. It is a call from my assistant. "Yes Wilson". He called to remind me of the meetings that I have today. I have an important meeting today and I need to be there soon. I cut the call and quickly ate the breakfast before getting up.

"Mr. King", Maria called as I was walking out of the dining room.

"Not now Maria, I have an important meeting today", I said taking quick paces from dining to living room.

"But Mr. King. Just wait for a minute", she said running after me. This is annoying. I was almost at the front door. I turn back to look at her and found Maria.

"What is it that is so important?!", I almost shouted at her and she looked dumbstruck for a minute before moving a side from the view she was blocking me. My eyes widened at what I saw.


There lying on my living room sofa is Celestine. My Celestine! There is a blanket on her and she moved a little on the sofa to sleep comfortably. Celestine? Here? What is she doing here? How did she get here? Did do something stupid again? Oh shit! Oh fucking shit! I look back at Maria and found her smiling.

"She brought you here last night. You were so drunk. We both carried you upstairs. I don't know how you both met last night. She thought to leave, but it was raining heavily, so I told her to stay here and go in the morning", she explained. But how did we both meet last night? I tried to remember hard, then everything clicked. I called her last night when I was drunk and knew she came. But after that I don't.

"Couldn't you tell her to sleep in a room?", I said angrily. She looks so uncomfortable sleeping there and I didn't like it one bit. She came to my house after these many months and she is sleeping on the sofa. I didn't like it at all. I walked towards her.

"I told her to wait as I went to make the guest room ready for her. But I think she is tired so she fell asleep", she said walking behind me. I shook my head at her. My Celestine came to our house and here she is lying. What a husband I am?! She stirred slowly and opened her eyes. Good, now we woke her up. She quickly sat up once she saw me and then looked back at Maria.

"Good morning Baby. Sorry for talking loudly and waking you up", I apologized immediately. She looked at me and nodded giving me a tight-lipped smile.

"Good morning. Sorry, I.... uh.... It was raining last night, so.... Fell asleep here", she said and stood up. I stood up along with her. "I will leave", she took a step forward before I could tell her to stop. She put her hand on her head and closed her eyes. What happened to her?

"Baby are you okay?". I tried to cup her face and her cheeks are burning. She is having fever!

"Yes, I am", she said and almost fainted before I caught her in my arms.

"No, you are definitely not. You are having fever".

"Fever?", she asked confused with her eyes closing. She must be feeling so ill. She is barely able to open her eyes.

"Yes,  Baby. Maria, call the doctor and tell him to come here as soon as possible. Her skin is burning. God, go fast!", I yelled at last. She nodded and quickly ran inside to call the doctor. Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! This is all because of me! She got wet in the rain because of me! Fucking shit! "Baby, open your eyes, look at me". I tried to shake her gently.

"Mm", she said and her eyes closed completely. I took her in my arms bridal style and carried her to our room before laying her on the bed carefully without disturbing her sleep. Pulling the blanket over her, I sat beside her when my phone rang. I took out immediately as I see her stirring due to the sound. I answered it hissing into the phone, at my assistant who called.

"Sir, the meeting-". I cut him off.

"Cancel the meeting".

"But sir, it's really important-".

"I said cancel it. Nothing is more important than Celestine". I kept the phone in vibration and put it on the night stand before standing up and taking off my coat and throwing it on the chair. Maria came in. "Change her clothes. They are still a little wet. How can you be so careless?", I almost shouted feeling angry that she is not taken good care of, which is the reason why she is suffering now.

I shook my head and went inside and changed myself into my track pant. By the time I came out, Maria is not there in the room, but she already changed her clothes and Celestine is sleeping peacefully with a blanket on her. I smiled at her. A happy feeling settled inside me and my heart felt light.

Just then the door was opened by Maria as she let the doctor come in first before she came in.

"Good morning Mr. King", the doctor greeted.

"Yeah, formalities later. First, check my wife. She is having high fever and I am really worried". I sat beside her on the bed. I gently shook her arm. "Baby. Wake up. Doctor came. He needs to do check up". She moaned and slowly opened her eyes, but closed them again. I don't want to wake her up again, but the check up should be done.

"Let me check her Mr. King. Maria, help me". She came near and took the thermometer that he gave. "Put it under her armpit and see the reading after two minutes", he said and she nodded before doing as he told. I sat beside her and took hold of her hand as Maria took the other hand and put the thermometer under her armpit.

"Is she coughing?", he asked.

"No. She didn't. But I do think she is feeling cold. She is shaking without the blanket". He listened to me carefully and nodded. Maria saw the reading and her eyes widened a bit. "How much is it?", I asked feeling scared inside that it might be high.

"Hundred and five", she said sadly. My God! Hundred and five?! That's really high! That's why she fainted!

"Well, there is no need to worry Mr. King. Since she isn't having any other symptoms, it's safe. She is just having fever and I am sure if she followed the medication she will be good in two days", he said while writing the prescription. I nodded and took the paper from him.

"I will get George to bring the medicines", Maria said and I gave the prescription to her.

"Tell him to bring them as soon as he can", I told her. She nodded.

"Okay, Mr. King. Then I will take leave. If there is any problem, call me", he said with a smile and I just nodded at him.

"Thank you, doctor". He nodded and walked out of the room following Maria. Once they all left, I heaved a heavy sigh and looked at the beauty sleeping beside me. It's so peaceful to have her here with me. My hand moved and my palm cupped her cheek. She instantly snuggled into my bare chest and put her arms on my chest. Her skin felt hot against my cold ones.

I looked at her beautiful face. I can't help but stare at her. Her golden hair falling on her face and her soft cheeks a little red.

My arms instantly wrapped around her body, pulling her closer, letting her snuggle into me more. I stretch out my legs and her legs tangled with mine. God, this is the most amazing feeling ever! I have always only dreamt about this, but cuddling with her really makes my heart explode with happiness. I know she is sick and I should not take advantage of her, but one snuggle is not a harm, right.

Her body feels so soft against mine. I can never forget how she felt against me. I can never forget how delicate she is, just like a flower. I wish to wake up to this every morning. Her in my arms and her arms wrapped around me. This is heaven! I looked down at her and kissed her forehead.

My Angel!

I don't know how much time we were laying like that, but the door opened and Maria came in with a plastic cover in her hand, along with the prescription. As soon as she saw us, surprise filled her eyes and she smiled. Celestine moved a bit and I stopped Maria from talking, not wanting to disturb her sleep.

"Mr. King, these are the medicines. She should a tablet now and another one after four hours. But she should eat first before she takes the tablets. I will bring the food upstairs", she said in a low voice putting the plastic bag down on the night stand.

"Make some veg soup for her and oh, anything light so that she can digest it easily". She looked at me with a smile on her face and nodded before going out.

I wait for Maria to bring food. I feel so restless inside as her fever is so high. I wish she gets better soon and be healthy. I stroke her cheek with my fore finger gently and let it run along the tip of her nose and her eyes and then along her lips. Her breathes are soft and gentle against my chest and her smooth hair lying loosely half on my chest and half on the pillow.

By the time my eyes were feeling droopy, Maria came in with food. She put the trolley beside me. I slowly tried to separate her from me, but she held me tight. A smile made it's way on my lips.

Can this day get any better?


Hey my cute dumplings!

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Don't forget to read next chapter. It is also in Heath's POV.

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