Part 17

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The update isn't proofread.

Sun rays seeped in through the pink nude curtain, illuminating the the lives of two lovebirds who were cherishing their newly found love.  It blessed its mercy and glow on them. Avni stirred in her sleep and forced her eyes open. Her lips twitched into an enchanting beam as she realised one of his arm's were wrapped around her waist.

He held her finger in his hand tightly with the other as he slept soundlessly.  Avni caressed his stubble, as she felt the little pointed hair scattered here and there against her skin giving her a tickling sensation.

Neil squirmed uncomfortably, and snuggled more into Avni. She stopped troubling at once, then she planted a warm kiss on his forehead.

Is this how a real love story is? You wake up entangled and enveloped in the arms of the love of your life. You wake up and get the chance to caress your palms against his stubble! You get a chance of planting a kiss on his forehead! You get a chance of doing everything that a married couple is supposed to do. This marriage was set on the wrong track but the final destination in all senses was love.

For Avni it was like a dream, who says fairytale's dont exist? They do! They do! When you fall in love, you find everything around you bright, everything is illuminated. It seems as if you woke up from a long peaceful slumber and now when you're awake you're in a magical era, where everything is magical. Your life has now become a story, a magical story!

While Avni was busy absorbed in her thoughts about love, Neil sat up. He looked at Avni with a grumpy face.

"You and me so close?" He questioned raising his brow.

Avni felt her world shattering into bits and tits. Was this man for real? He proposed her last night and now he is acting like rajnigandha, oh sorry sorry rajnikaant 😂😂😂😂😭🙌.

It was suddenly when he realised his shirt was missing, his cheeks flustered. "What the hell? Where is my shirt? Did you take advantage of me last night?" He said covering his dignity with his hands dramatically.

"Mr. Khanna are you serious?" Avni exclaimed astonished, she literally has no words.

"Nothing happened between us last night. You tore open your shirt and after that you slept." She shifted her gaze and replied in disappointment.

Neil removed the duvet that had been covering him, he walked towards the cupboard and pulled out a paper. He now walked back towards the bed, the paper in his hand.

"Contract" he waved in the air. Then he tore the contract into multiple pieces, a seriousness still painted on his face and threw the contract on her face.

Avni whose face was now covered with papers, her head was hung down in embarrassment.

She was mad wasnt she? She should have known all this could never be real. The billionaire and the poor girl is just a story material not something to happen in real life.

Tears glistened her eyes. Suddenly she heard Neil burst into fits of laughter. Tears brimmed down his eyes as well but due to laughing.  Avni had never seen him that happy,  she had never seen him laughing that much. "look at you face oh goddddddd." he tried to mimick her expressions but he looked damn cute and funny.

Avni felt relief wash through her,  he was kidding.  A smile adorned on her face as she admired her man laughing.  She picked up a cushion and hit it on his face.  "you idiot man. You wanted to give me a heart attack or what? I'm not going to talk to you!  Katti. " she said and shifted her face to another direction making a Grumpy face,  Her arms crossed. 

"Miss. Avni aap gussa hai?
("Miss. Avni are you angry? ")
He asked innocently and sat down beside her on the bed . Avni who was still facing the other side bit her lips and smiled indefinitely at his antics. 

"say something Miss.  Avni." He looked at Avnis face to find her laughing.

"not fair Miss khadoosni. " he said.

"it's Mrs Khadoosni,  Mr khadoos. " she corrected.

"Everything's fair. I wanted to see how you would make me talk to you again!  What will you do to make me happy.  That's my right don't you think? "

"woah woah woah!  It has been just one night and rights and all that not bad Mrs Avni Neil Khanna. " he said clapping his hands.

"okay then you're angry with me!  I am going to put in my efforts and make you talk to me is it?  So done you just wait and watch Neil khanna ka jalwa. " He said showing his biceps.

Avni giggled as she remembered the "Hit" gift he had given.  She opened the side drawer and took out the bottle of hit . "this is the best and the most memorable gift anyone has given me so far. " she said still giggling.

"why not?  Continue taunting I'm going to take a shower  . " he said and marched into the washroom.

Precap- Neil's efforts

The update is small I know and after so many days it should have been a long one.  But I didn't have much time.  The next update shall However be long ❤❤

Thank you guys for you votes and comments, I have become emotional 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭❤❤❤

Thank you

Heer ❤

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