Part 2

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Standing infront of a huge mirror, Avni looked at her reflection, how helpless was she infront of her fate. Despite of her immense faith on God and her positive attitude she could see things absolutely against her.

The events that occurred prior to this were way too much for a single day. Her only problem right now was "money". Literally, a small five letter word but the reason behind her hardships in life. Her mom, her only family is struggling between life and death, her battle against the deadly disease cancer. And she had to get her mom treated by hook or by crook. Her mom was the one who taught her what happiness and what life is and right now the only thing that mattered to her was getting her mom treated and save to her. However treatment of cancer requires huge outflow of money, a simple town girl like Avni couldn't afford.

Her mom had always taught her that, "Life shall give you many ups and down. But remember amidst every situation keep hope and God alive in your heart. If God has given you problems, he shall surely bless you with a solution as well. It is just a test by him to see check belief and your way of handling things.

Enjoy every moment of your life until it lasts cause you never know what tomorrow beholds for you. Whether it's in your favour or against you."

Right now God surely was testing her and she had firm determination in her heart that she with the help of her faith in God shall get things right, shall get her mom to fight and win the battle against cancer.

Staring at herself keenly for a while, her gaze fell on the pinch of red sindoor in her hairline. It was put in a way, no one would notice. Closing her eyes, she pressed her sindoor as tears brimmed her eyes.

It began three months back, when Neil Khanna had visited her town for some official work, a huge merger as she'd known. It was then when their worlds had collided together.

She remembers how, when she had gone to the mela with her friends and had been trying the various colourful bangles that Vidyut Pandit's gaze fell on her. Vidyut Pandit is the ultimate goon of her town, he has everyone under his subordination, and with on the very first sight he found himself lusting over a girl almost half of his age. Her wavy hair cascading through her back, her pink rosy lips, her flawless and delicate skin, her crystalline pure orbs, everything about her screamed "beautiful ".

Vidyut got whatever he wanted in life. If not he caused destruction.  This time what he wanted was ' Avni '. Her innocence, her beauty was attracting him, so he made a heinous plan and kidnapped her mother, blackmailing her to marry him.

She felt a shiver gushing down her spine, as the memories of what happened with her came flashing infront of her eyes. She wrapped her arms around herself protectively as she could feel the weight of Vidyuts lust still clearly visible in front of eyes.

Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead and tears sprinted from her eyes as she recalled what happened with her three months back.

She could feel disgust engulfing her into itself as his fingers wiggled down her body, making her want to puke her guts out. His every touch , filled her mind with abhorrence.

She opened her mouth and tried to speak to herself looking in the mirror, however her voice seemed to be lost, her eyes were the only means that expressed the immense pain of her heart .

Him touching her wasnt good, but Neil witnessing the scene and misunderstanding things was worser. Indeed true that sometimes your own eyes manage to deceive you.

With utter hatred and disgust for Avni hovering in his eyes, Neil walked away from there and what followed was Avni somehow managing to thrust Vidyut on the floor and running away with all her might and energy in order to save her dignity.

She had managed to get her mom saved, her bestfriend Riya had been a great help and for all her life she shall remain bestowed to her.

Despite everything Vidyut with his men caught her again.

They pushed her sick mom on the other side of the road and moved forward towards her. It was then when a black SUV arrived, a man in polished suit and boots got down and ran forward to help her mom.

He helped her mom up. "Please save my girl. " her mom pleaded falling on his legs.

He kneeled down, and held her shoulders, "Mother's are suppose to order and not beg." He said, while Her mom kept her hand on his head giving him her blessings as a smile crept on her face.

He moved forward towards the goons. They looked at him surprisingly, "Youuu?! This is between me and this girl, so you better not intervene . " Vidyut roared his voice bold and clear.

What followed was something completely unexpected.  Neil picked up the knife lying on the road and cut his hand, with his blood he filled her hairline. He picked up the bricks lying on the other side of the road and lighted them with his lighter. Then he pulled Avni and took seven rounds with her around the fire. When it was over he stopped and looked towards Vidyut with a fine expression on his face.

"Now this girl is my wife! This matter is very much mine. This girl is my respect and if you even think of touching her remember I swear to God you'll beg for your own death." He challenged, his tone cold yet bold.

All this while Avni looked at his savior, gratitude flowing from her eyes.

Something like a typical cliche huh?

Well many of you were confused regarding why if they are married from before is Neil asking for a contract marriage! The reason is here in this chapter Ladies and gentlemen 😂😂😂🙈🙌.

This was just clearing out their past, from next chapter we'll go further with the story.

Target- 85 votes.

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