Ch. 2

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The ambiance in the room became tense as Luna stood there staring at me with hostile eyes.

"You?" Her eyes grew enormous. "I'll never ask you for the consulting role, so there's no need for us to even talk."

"Luna, let's get down to business. Don't take it so personally." I leaned back, studying her. "Don't you want to save your company?"

"Yeah, but definitely not with you." She shrugged. "Anyway, what's the point? Your company is fully booked."

"I thought you came here to beg."

"Beg!? Excuse me." Her brows drew together. "Actually, I don't feel like talking to you anymore."

"Wow, the same old Luna, but in a different appearance. Why go blond? You're prettier with your natural brunette hair."

We made eye contact, and a wave of resentment filled the room.

"I'm not asking for your opinion," she snapped at me.

She looked so different now, with her blond hair and elegant peach dress, but I could still see the real Luna in her, through her eyes, gestures, and the way she talked.

"I knew one day we'd come face to face with each other again. But I never saw this coming. How long has it been? Six years? Seven?"

"Eight." She looked uninterested, looking away.

"Oh, you're making notes." I couldn't help but chuckle, watching her face turn deadly.

"Not in a million years. I'm just a pro at counting years. It's a piece of cake, even a little kid can do it. Don't read too much into it."

"Chill." I squeezed my lips tight to prevent myself from laughing out loud, then I said, "I thought you couldn't stop thinking of me."

"You're so full of yourself. You haven't changed since we first met."

I frowned, thinking about when we first met in college.

"Ah, at the elevator. I still remember that punch you gave me."

"You totally deserved it."

"I don't want to argue with that anymore. That was in the past." I leaned forward, studying her, still standing in front of me. "By the way, I never got to thank you for giving up the dorm room."

"Ugh! As if I had a choice," she said, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Just like now. You don't have a choice but to ask for my help. Your company is crashing down. It would be a waste if you'll just allow it."

"I won't beg for you." Her eyes narrowed in anger.

"You don't have to. I'm offering," I said in my calmest way. "Besides, I don't want Sebastian and Sweet to think that I'm not willing to lend a hand to family."

"We're not family or anything. Only our siblings. We're sworn enemies," she said with gritted teeth.

"Nope, not on my end. I don't have any hard feelings for you." I shook my head. "You're clearly holding onto a ton of anger. That was ages ago, Luna. We're grown-ups. So much has changed in eight years. You can't keep on running away."

A moment of uncomfortable silence followed. Then she held her head high.

"I wasn't running away. I was escaping you."

"So, you finally admit you've been avoiding me." My eyebrows rose. Oh my, I'm enjoying this.

"Aren't you doing the same? Skipping the family gatherings of Sebastian and Sweet's."

That stopped me. Yeah, she got it right, but I wouldn't admit it.

"Should've been there if I knew you were missing me."

Luna's face went all twisted. She was set to murder me.

"Ugh! I'm so done with you. You're still the same bastard that I knew." Her hands clenched together as she stomped her feet and turned away. When she got to the door, she spun around, eyes locking on mine.

"Make no mistake about it, Colton Treble. I'll never work with you."


"I'll have a Jack on the Rocks," I said to the bartender later that evening as I found a spot at the bar.

After meeting Luna this afternoon, damn, I couldn't stop thinking of her. I kept on shaking my head since she left, telling myself a thousand times that it was not a good sign. I had to divert my attention away from her.

So I hit up Nadia, an old fling of mine, and she suggested this spot to hang out.

I just arrived in New York from a business trip in Dubai. Despite my busy schedule, I came because my sister, Sweet, wouldn't take no for an answer about their wedding anniversary. She'd married Sebastian Stavrakos, the famous billionaire based in New York, and she wanted me there for their big seventh anniversary party.

I was based in L.A, and I rarely saw Sweet anymore. I owned a business consultancy firm. I was always on the move, meeting clients around the globe to fix their failing businesses. It was tough but worth it, since I got to help people reach their goals.

I'd always loved New York. But I had to be away from my loved ones to make a name for myself.

I explored other businesses as well. Besides my business consultancy firm, I also owned a stocks brokerage company, a car dealership, and invested in real estate and sports.

"Another shot, sir?" The bartender asked me when I was done with my whiskey.

I nodded, and he filled up my glass again.

"Are you waiting for someone, sir?"

"Yeah," I smiled a little and swallowed my drink.

I couldn't help but think of Luna again. She just wouldn't leave my brain.

I was working on some accounts this afternoon in my penthouse when my personal secretary called and informed me that Luna requested a meeting regarding her problematic company.

I admit, I was really surprised.

Not Luna. I'd be the last person she'd ask for help. We never saw eye to eye after we went separate ways during college. She was right when she said that we were sworn enemies. We hated each other ever since we first met.

She clearly didn't know that I owned the Global Excellence Consultants.

I smirked thinking of it. After what happened between us, I made it my business not to know anything about her career and personal life.

But damn.

I heaved a long sigh. Seeing her again brought back this unwanted intoxicating feeling. I go super excited, happy, and slightly out of control.

Weird right. Feeling that way for an enemy.

Yeah, I hated her alright. She'd said things that really hurt me, and I couldn't forget that. But she was just so damn irresistible. She made my body race with adrenaline. I thought I got over that feeling, but after talking to her again after eight years, the flame I'd held for her since college intensified.

Oh no. This was not good.


Nadia walked into the bar and sat beside me. She had short blonde hair and was wearing a red dress that left little to the imagination.

"Sorry, I'm late. I was stuck in traffic. There was an accident on the highway..." she kept explaining, but all I was thinking about was the other blond girl in elegant peach dress I met this afternoon.

"Hey, are you with me? Seems like your brain wandered somewhere," Nadia asked.

I forced a smile, focusing completely on her. "How's it going?"

"Not great. I've been missing you." She wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my lips.

I instantly removed her arms around me, and she pouted. She was aware of where she stood. It wasn't her place to demand physical display of affection. We're only into hooking up, nothing serious.

She went on and on talking about her modeling career, but I wasn't really listening. My head was full of Luna. Dammit. I had to get her out of my mind, or this buried feeling I had for her would come back.

"Wanna go now?" I asked, and her eyes lit up.

Fifteen minutes later, we were in her apartment. I was laid out on the couch while she was on the floor giving me a blow job. To be honest, I was dead tired from traveling and the alcohol hit me like a ton of bricks. I was too tired for some action, but Nadia was all ready to go.

"I really miss this, Colton," she said while her eyes held mine.

I groaned aloud, and she swirled her tongue around the tip, making me turn harder.

"Feel how wet I am for you." She took my hand and slipped my fingers inside her panties.

"Oh fuck," I hissed when my fingers touched her slick, soaked pussy. "You're so wet."

"Yeah. I'm so hot and ready for you."

I slid two fingers inside her, and she cried out with pleasure. She gripped my wrists as she rode my hand slowly.

"Come here," I said, and put on some protection.

She stood up, slid her panties to the side, and climbed on top of me. She pushed me in deeper until I filled her up.

"You're a beast and feel damn incredible."

I grabbed her hips as I helped her bounce on top of me. She went all out, giving me a wild ride like there was no tomorrow.

"Hold on, I'm coming..." she screamed in delight, then collapsed on top of me as we both reached the peak of our pleasure.

I stood up and pulled my pants up.

"Are you going?"

"Yeah," I answered, without looking at her. She needn't have to ask. It was always that way, leaving after having sex.

"Can you stay the night? We can have sex the whole night, and I'll make you breakfast in the morning."

"I'm dead tired. I need a good night's sleep." I shook my head. The last thing I wanted was for her to play wifey. She knew what she was getting into.

"Colton, we can't keep doing this forever. This isn't enough for me."

"I can't give you more, Nadia. You've known that from the beginning."

"You're right. I allowed it cause I love you. It's the only way to keep you close." She sat down, looking up at me.

My lips pressed together tightly.

"You should've mentioned that sooner."

"I couldn't do it, cause I know you'd ghost me. And I know it's gonna happen now for sure."

"You got it right." I exhaled heavily, then said, "Bye, Nadia."

I drove back to my penthouse. I shouldn't have gone to the bar, met with Nadia and had sex with her. Now, I just felt more empty.

I took a shower then wait straight to bed. I still couldn't stop thinking of Luna, and badly wanted to see her again.

Tomorrow, at Sebastian and Sweet's wedding anniversary party, I'd likely get to see her again.

Just the thought of it made me suddenly smile.

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