28. "The couch."

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Elena's POV

I went to the glass window, and looked at the heavy rainfall. My eyes diverted to a white Lamborghini below that drove out of the building – Adonis car. I stared at the car until it was out of sight.

Crazy. Our anger forced us to behave in uncivil fashion. We made love here in my office. Wild and torrid.

My goodness, I could not look at the couch the way it used to be. I would always imagine Adonis and I having sex in there.

I jolted at the sudden roar of thunder and stroke of lightning. The sky turned black and heavy rain started pouring in outside the glass windows.

I hate rain. It reminded me of some bad instances that happened in my life.

Many times, I walked home from school, all wet from the heavy rain. Cars passed-by and splashed mud water at me. My backpack got all soaked, including my books and notebooks inside. I had to let them dry on a fan before I could do my homework. My school shoes were already worn out, so many times, I had to walk barefoot on the street, to save the soles.

The last experience I had was at Grandpa's mansion, where I waited long hours under the heavy rain, for him to come out. That was not a happy memory either.

The door opened, it was my best friend and partner, Camella.

"Whoa! What was that all about?" Her eyes looked so curious as she strode inside my office and sat on the couch.

Oh my goodness. Not in the couch.

"He thought I was dating Christian Firth," my lips twisted, "I bumped at him earlier at Sweet Dreamer Cafe. Adonis' security saw us and reported to him."

"Oh my, you are stalked by two gorgeous, devastatingly handsome men. I don't know if I should envy you or feel pity for losing your privacy."

"Christian was there first in the café, and Adonis... he needs to protect me being his wife."

"So, he came to tell you to behave?

"Sort of," I sat down behind my desk.

"Girl, isn't he so busy running a multi-billion dollar group of companies,? Every second is precious to him, right? He's so jealous of Christian Firth."

"I told him that Christian is a nice guy. He's just a friend."

"But Adonis thought that Christian is your ex."

I sighed, "That's right. I wish I can tell him the truth."

"By the way, how's Christian Firth? Is he really gorgeous in person? You know I'm a great fan, I would love to meet him soon."

I smiled at her, "yeah, he's handsome. Definitely your type. He even offered to model for us."

"Oh, really? That's exciting."

"But I said no. It's not a good idea," I shrugged, "there are plenty of young models in the agency that we can get."

"Of course. I already went over with their portfolios," Camella, being the Marketing Manager was in charge of that.

"Are there many that you like?"

"Yeah," she said, not too sure, "but don't let it bother you, I'll handle it."


Three days later, I was on my way to the office. I dropped by at a coffee shop to grab a coffee. Mrs. Jones' coffee was so bitter, I could not drink it. She made it to Adonis' liking.

I entered the coffee shop and noticed Jade, the barista slash cashier of the coffee shop, looking so upset.

"Hi Jade, are you okay?"

She inhaled deeply before answering me, "there was this rude... arrogant customer, who thinks he's a God's gift to women. He came here, bumped at me and called me malnourished! And then, he offered me a job... he said, he'd pay me triple my salary here."

"Is he serious?"

"Obviously not," she twisted her lips, then fixed her black rimmed eyeglasses. Jade was actually very pretty, and she seemed not to know that, "who would ever offer a job with a huge salary just to make him coffee every day."

"Maybe he fell in love with your coffee. You make the best, Jade," I assured her.

"Thanks Elena. So, what do you want? The usual cafe latte?"

"Yes please, and Mrs. Chang's blueberry muffins, for take away," I was waiting for my order when suddenly, I saw Christian Firth enter the cafe. He was wearing a black jacket over his white shirt, dark big shades that covered half of his face, and a white cap.

Before he would notice me, I ran behind the cafe's counter to hide.

"What's going on?" Jade asked, looking down at me, kneeling on the floor.

"Shh..." I peeped at where Christian was and pointed at him to Jade.

"Ah, the actor," she nodded and left me to take Christian's order. She came back and informed me, "he just wants water for now. He's meeting someone, and he'll order later when she arrives."

She? I wonder, who is he meeting? Or did he predict that I'd be here?

I was too paranoid and too assuming that he was in the cafe' hoping to see me. I could not help but wonder. Besides, I would not take the risk of Adonis' security team seeing me talking to Christian again.

"I'll take away my coffee also," I said to Jade, and she nodded, preparing my order.

"Thanks," I waited for my order and went out through the backdoor as Jade suggested, crawling on the floor.

"Hey Elena, what's going on? Hiding from someone?"

I stopped and looked up at Mrs. Chang, my previous middle-aged employer, looking suspiciously at me.

I shushed her, "I'm hiding from Christian Firth. He's in the cafe."

"The actor? Oh my, I missed having a picture with him the last time he came here. I'll make sure to get one now," she giggled and left me.


I arrived in the office, looking for Camella, but she was not in the office.

"She said she won't be reporting this morning. She has a business meeting," Macy informed me.

It really sucks that I could not have enough time with my best friend anymore. When she arrived in the afternoon, I was already out to meet the suppliers of threads and went home early.

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