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"Cancel it," I ordered.

"Are you sure, sir?" James looked confused, his eyebrows raised questioningly, "you can't get the place on Saturday night anymore if you change your mind again. The manager will open the restaurant to the customers."

"I won't change my mind. Cancel it, including the Museum reservation and the flowers," I leaned back on my chair with my legs on my desk. My fingers rubbing my forehead.

I got a headache from always thinking about this damn date in the past three days; I did not know what to do anymore. Either to impress Sweet Treble or would not give a damn at all.

"Sure, sir. Whatever you say," James agreed, but looked puzzled, "but may I ask what changed your mind?"

"Yeah, I want to know too," Max sat on a seat in front of my desk, across from James, "because it was a good plan already."

"It's too early," I sighed heavily, "we just signed our contract a few days ago. It made me sound so eager to date her."

Max gave me an 'aren't you?-look' but said, "I see. So you want to do it not this coming Saturday, but next. Well, that would take ten days out of the three months- term."

I pressed my lips together. "That's rather long."

Both men agreed.

"What am I going to do?" I groaned, drumming my fingers on my desk, "I think I got carried away closing a restaurant on Saturday night just for the two of us. Having an art museum open only for us in the evening, and ordering a bouquet of 100 red roses for her."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate your romantic gestures," James said.

"Come on, James... I'm not a romantic guy," I stood up, pacing in front of the two men, "I had dinner dates, but it would be the first time to close a restaurant only for a woman — or go to an art museum. I don't even send flowers. That's not who I am."

"So? Everyone experiences a first time," Max pointed out.

"You don't get it," I stopped pacing and faced the two men, my arms clasped together, "she hates me. She's not even attracted to me."

"How can you be so sure? Women usually find you attractive," Max leaned back, his eyebrows raising.

"Thanks, Max," I shook my head, "but believe me, she doesn't. I know when a woman does, and she never showed a sign. Not even a single bit."

"I noticed that too," James confirmed, grinning. He stopped when I glared at him.

"Yeah, I agree. She's different from the women you've dated," Max rubbed his chin, "but why does it bother you? It's not a real date. She has a job to do - that is cleaning your reputation through progressive interviews. You don't need to impress her."

"I agree," James nodded his head, "just invite her to join you in things you usually do. That would serve the purpose of the deal. She'd get to know you more that way and write good stuff."

"Besides, a dinner date is awkward. You hate each other," Max suggested, "imagine, facing each other for an hour. You're obligated to express your personal thoughts and opinion... and of course, to find a safe topic for the both of you to not end up stabbing each other."

"Correct. Don't break your routine," James continued, "you usually do sports on Saturdays. Let her join you and see your world. It doesn't have to be a date-date. Let her hang out with you... probably with the group. She could be at the side watching and writing good stuff about you - that focuses on your physical activities, hobbies, adventures and relationship with others, and not just your personal thoughts."

I hated to admit it, but they were both right.

"Good point," I went back to my seat, leaning back, "now I have a better idea on what to do with Sweet Treble."


Later that evening.

"Where are you, bro? I'm here in the club." My friend, Tucker Mills called.

"I'm still at work, Tuck. I have a presentation tomorrow, I'm working overtime."

"James can do that for you," he coaxed. "Come on, man. I just got back from Iceland. I was starved there, I need a good time and a hot chick to fuck. I need you here, you're a magnet for women."

Yeah, he was right. James could do all this stuff for me.

I checked the time on my wristwatch. Just perfect time to hit the club.

Then I remembered that I had to lay back and avoid the club, rave parties and other crowded gatherings for the scandal to die down.

"I want to, man, but going there would only create another media storm."

"Are you serious? When do you care about the media?"

Did I? I never turned down his request for clubbing. Why was I turning him down? I should go there and have fun. We were young. Life was too short not to enjoy life, as I kept on saying.


"Well, what? Come on, man. There are plenty of bombshells here. They're flooding on the dance floor. Remember that girl you've been eyeing the last time? She's here looking for you."

I groaned, then slammed my pen on my desk.

Fuck. Did I want to go to the club, or play the good guy everyone wanted me to be?



Thursday night, I received an email from James.

Dear Miss Treble,

Good evening.

Mr. Stavrakos would like to request your presence this Saturday.


10:00 am - Gun Firing Practice - Shooting Range at Stavrakos Sports Resort Hotel

12:00 noon - Lunch at the Pool bar and lounge

2:00 pm - Indoor wall climbing

4:00 pm - Gym and Spa

7:00 pm - Dinner at Craft Futuristic Diner

Please advise if you are available, so I could arrange your accommodation and the chopper to fetch you at your residence.

My heart sank. I envisioned the date as a simple 7pm to 9pm dinner date, and not a whole day sports event with dinner. Much as I would like to complain, but I knew it would be useless since there were no specific details about the date that we agreed on.


The following day, I replied to James and agreed on the date. My parents were anxious, especially dad who wouldn't trust Sebastian.

"What kind of date is this?" He complained after I showed him the itinerary that James gave me, "gun shooting, wall climbing, gym and spa. These are men's stuff."

I shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me. I'll be fine, Dad."

"Why does it have to be a whole day? And why is he providing you accommodation?" He looked agitated, his hands raking his thin gray hair.

"Don't worry. I won't stay overnight, if that worries you. I'll be back after dinner."

"I don't trust the guy. He has a bad reputation with women. I don't want you to fall for him, Sweet. I just hope you won't forget what he did to us."

"I won't fall for a guy like him, Dad. Trust me, okay? And how can I forget what he did to us? Within the three months that I'll date him, I'll remember that I'm doing it to get Andrews back."

Dad nodded, his expression looked more relaxed, "I know you're a strong-willed woman and I have confidence that you won't fall easily with that kind of man."

Suddenly, I remembered the electricity I felt touching Sebastian's hand as we shook hands. I sighed, hoping Dad was right.


On Saturday morning, a helicopter fetched me, landing on the empty lawn at the front of our house. Everyone was in awe — my family, our workers, including our neighbors who saw it.

I bade goodbye to my family. Each one of them looked so anxious, as if I would leave for a military deployment.

"Remember the self-defense I taught you last night, Sweet," Colton reminded me, "bring him down if you need to."

"I put the pepper spray in your handbag. Use it. Promise?" Erin hugged me goodbye.

"I will, I will..." I assured them.

"I put an extra shirt inside, in case you'll need it," Mom said and gave me my overnight bag, "and don't forget to update us where you are. You know I worry easily."

"Of course, Mom. I don't want you calling the cops," I joked.

"Be back before midnight, okay?" Dad shouted when I was walking towards the chopper.

"Sure, Dad."

Sebastian's bodyguard, Max, accompanied me in the chopper. He greeted me and told me we would land at the Stavrakos Sports Resort Hotel in twenty minutes. That gave me enough time to freshen up for my meeting with Sebastian.


The moment we arrived at the hotel, a blond curvaceous receptionist in a blue uniform greeted me. She was pretty. Her face was flawless with perfect makeup and hair bun. I suddenly became conscious of my slightly messy hair and bare face.

"Hi, Miss Treble. Welcome. I'm Bridget Jordan. I'll assist you in everything you need."

"Thank you. That's so kind of you."

"It's my job to make sure that the clients are comfortable with their stay," she smiled widely, showing perfect white teeth, "so, how was your trip?"

"Very good. I had a wonderful experience riding a helicopter."

"Ah, it was your first time, am I right?" Her eyebrows are raising.

"It was."

"Well, enjoy the experience while it lasts," she gave out a devilish grin. What she said was not nice, but I let it slide. I did not want to make a big deal on petty things.

She showed me my hotel room. It was a very elegant suite room with a queen-size bed, mini living room, jacuzzi, and a small kitchen.

"I'll leave you now to freshen up," her eyes scanning my face, then her lips twisted nastily in the corner, "Sebastian will see you at the pool area at 10:00 a.m. Don't be late."

The moment she left, my eyebrows rose.

She was on a first name basis with Sebastian. Hmm... I could smell something here. No wonder she was nasty to me. They probably had something, and she was jealous.

Whatever. I don't give a damn if they have an affair or what. Bridget Jordan can have him for herself. I won't be a threat.

I was wearing a Light blue skinny jeans, a white polo shirt, and white Nike Air Force 1. I gathered my hair in a ponytail, and with light makeup, I was set to go.

At exactly 10:00 a.m., I was in the pool area, waiting for Sebastian.

"Where is he?" I checked the time in my wristwatch. It was 10:15 a.m. already.

I decided to continue waiting. Maybe he was caught in traffic. I sighed, diverting my attention to studying the beautiful architectural design of the pool area, until I got bored of waiting.

I checked the time again.

10:30 a.m.

Not again.

I was starting to lose hope with Sebastian. Nothing ever changed with him, with or without the contract. He was still the same, standing me up for one of his stupid emergencies again.

I wondered what girl he had in his bed this time?

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