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It was a beautiful sunny Sunday morning; I woke up early and the first thing I did was read Sweet's blog last night.

Hello everyone! It's already quarter to twelve, but I can't sleep. My body is weak but my brain is still so alert after the activities I did today.

I just came home from my date with Sebastian. In case you wonder, it was our third.

I had a few dates before, but nothing could compare to dating a rich guy. Usually, my date would take me to a candlelight dinner, a picnic at the park, go for a bike ride together, fruit picking, walking by the seaside, and watching a movie–

Movies? Is that the reason she wanted us to watch a movie, because she loves movie dates? Well, it's the only thing that we did not do.

Candlelight dinner. Checked. Picnic at the park, hmm, we ate burgers at the children's park in the village, so that s checked. We rode an ATV, so the bike ride together is checked, as well as walking by the seaside. We visited the farm in the village and did some fruit picking. So, that's also a big check.

What she wanted now suddenly mattered.

I continued reading and grinned at the mention of my name again.

With Sebastian, I felt like one of the princesses in Disney's fairy tale stories. But in a modern way. If Cinderella rode a pumpkin coach to meet his prince, a helicopter fetched me to meet mine–it was a date that any girl would wish for.

We started with an eat-all-you can buffet! I love food, all kinds, especially calamari, and eating breakfast at Stavrakos Island hotel and Beach Resort with over fifty cuisines was heaven.

Our stomachs were too heavy to swim or do any water sports activities after the sumptuous meal, so we went to the village. It felt wonderful driving an ATV, with the smell of fresh morning breeze and feel of sunlight on my skin.

We met some of the villagers; they were so warm and friendly. We visited a farm and tried some sweet and juicy peaches, plums and nectarines. We met Cotton, who just gave birth to six puppies. And we got to taste the best leche flan too! We roamed around the village and sat at the seawall, where a bug would not leave Sebastian. I guess it just wanted to join our date. He was so pissed but I couldn't help myself laughing :D.

I roared in laughter, remembering the incident. I stretched my body and leaned my back against the headboard.

We went to the market, and I bought some souvenirs, then we ate burgers at the children's park before driving back to the hotel. The rest of the afternoon was awesome. For the first time, I got to try water sports like parasailing, jet skiing and wake boarding. I never thought it would be that fun.

Now I understand why Sebastian seeks different thrilling adventure. From gun shooting, rock climbing, driving fast cars, flying planes and helicopters, doing extreme sports and others. It's not just for fun, but learning from the experience. These kinds of activities help improve a person's self-competency and personal empowerment. It would test endurance and agility, develop trust, personal identity and emotional resiliency.

Reading her statement about me, I felt so light, warm and happy that she understood me. Being with her, I feel I do not have to explain why I am the way I am.

This kind of adventure is not for everyone. There are less strenuous activities like hiking on hills, seeing fresh places by traveling, swimming in the lake, learning tennis and other things. Life is too short to be trapped in a monotonous daily routine. We have to experience something different to live life to the fullest.

She talked more about the activities we did together, and how I taught her how to swim. The dinner date we had and talking more about the food that we ate. She omitted the things that we talked about and happened. They were too personal for the public to know.

But despite all these activities that we did together, what matters most are the meaningful conversations that build friendship, testing our compatibility, and finding out if our futures are aligned.

My forehead furrowed at the mention of the future. Why does thinking about it suddenly bring a heavy heart?

After the expiration of our contract, Sweet and I would not be seeing each other. There would be no future for us. That's what we wanted, right? We both could not even wait for this dating deal to end.

Now, she's working on writing nice articles about me to clean my image, and she's doing a great job. Everything progressed beautifully, just as we wanted it to be.


I exhaled heavily. I feel this strange feeling of being with her always. Like an unwelcome strong attachment that shouldn't be there. Liking her became too much, it should stop.

I continued to read until I reached the last part.

We're in the process of getting to know each other. So, let's see what will happen on the next date. Stay tuned!

I put down my phone and went to the bathroom. I had been thinking of Sweet, especially last night. I almost kissed her when we bade goodbye in the helicopter. If her father did not call her, our first kiss would have happened.

Ever since I met her, I've been dying to kiss her lovely plump lips.

I sighed and wondered. If I kissed her last night, would she kiss me back? Or give me a slap on my cheek.

On Wednesday Night, Luna shared some news that dismayed my parents.

"I'm not going to Harvard," she announced casually, like deciding not to eat her vegetables.

Everyone was shocked.

Mom dropped her fork. Grandma Pia almost choked on her food, Grandma Celine knocked her glass of wine and spilled on her plate. Dad's eyes grew so big. Grandpa Kristov's forehead furrowed, and Grandpa Gareth heard nothing.

Our parents wished for their kids to finish college at Harvard University. The alma mater of Grandpa Kristov, Dad and me. It used to be Luna's wish too, but God knows what changed her mind now.

Mom wiped her mouth with a table napkin, then said calmly.

"It's too late to back out, the university already admitted you and we also paid the four months' deposit of your dormitory. School opening is coming up and everything is settled. You're leaving next Saturday for Harvard... blah... blah... blah."

I admired Mom's grace as she explained to Luna, but I knew that deep inside, she was fighting to control herself not to burst out her frustrations.

I realized, she's not as tough as she always projected. Now, she's getting older and looking tired – despite her Botox and fillers. With her hypertension, it's not healthy for her to get too upset often.

I'm responsible for too many of her frustrations. She was done with me giving countless problems in the past. I felt bad about it, that's why I'm rectifying the situation now.

"Everything is settled, Mother," Luna answered and toying with her fork, "the dorm's headmistress deposited the money in my bank account this morning, and I already emailed the dean in Harvard that I opted to enroll in another university. He replied he respected my decision and wished me good luck."

"What?!" Mom exclaimed.

"Is this a prank or something?" Grandma Celine's mouth twisted, "I swear this is not funny."

"It's not Grandma. I don't have a hidden video camera to record your reactions," Luna said with a deadpan expression, "I decided and I'm happy. Therefore, I expect you all to support me."

Mom looked so shocked, and turned to Dad, "I think I'm going to pass out."

"It's okay, hon. I'll handle this," Dad comforted Mom then turned to Luna.

"Princess, you should have told us first before making a major decision. We're your parents," Dad said calmly between gritted teeth.

"I'm old enough to decide for my future. If I fail, then I have no one to blame but myself. I don't want to hate all of you for controlling my life."

My eyebrows rose. She had a point though, but she was rushing with her decisions. She might regret later.

"Isn't it too late to make that sudden change?" I butted in, hoping to give her some light, "school starts in barely two weeks. It's impossible to apply to another university in just a short time."

"I already did, Seb," her chin lifted proudly, "I won't be far away from all of you since I'll be studying at Grandma Pia's alma mater."

Everyone knew Luna idolized Grandma Pia. The latter seemed the only one who understood Luna's weirdness fully.

"Really, dear. Aww..." everyone looked at Grandma Pia, whose face suddenly lit up, "tell me if you'll have a problem getting in. I can help you talk to the university's President."

"I will, but right now, everything is good, Grandma. In fact, my grades qualified for a scholarship program. That could save us a lot of money. I'll be paying the miscellaneous tuition fees only and the dormitory."

The tuition fee is the least of the concerns of our family, especially when it comes to education. But it was good to know that Luna valued saving money.

"Oh dear, I'm so proud of you," Grandma Pia said, and Grandma Celine added, "that's the best decision ever. We support you. Who needs Harvard by the way?"

Mom still contradicted Luna's decision, "I'm still not happy that you made a major decision by yourself, Luna. You should have discussed it to us first."

"Exactly," Dad showed his angry expression at Luna, but everyone knew he was faking it. He could never get angry at her, "don't you ever do that again to us, young lady. You're still our responsibility!"

"Okay, okay, it's done already, we can't do anything about it. She's not going to Harvard anymore, but in New York University," Grandpa Kristov interrupted the drama, "we should be happy that she can still join us in our Wednesday night family dinners, right?"

"That's right. We just have to accept that she's now a grown-up lady," I agreed.

Mom rolled her eyes and gave up arguing.

"Before I'll forget," Dad announced to everyone, "we're ALL invited next week to attend the Businessmen and Professional Event. I believe it's Friday night. Everyone's going to be there, so make sure you're ALL free."

"Am I included?" Luna asked, and everyone looked at her, "well, I can't go. That would be my first day of menstruation. I have a scheduled dysmenorrhea."

Mom's eyes grew big, she was ready to explode.

Luna pressed her lips together, and immediately retracted what she said, "well, I can take my meds."

"It seems like you're seriously dating Sweet Treble," Mom suddenly asked. Now, all eyes were on me.

"You had a whole day's date with her again?" Grandma Celine's eyes twinkled at the mention of Sweet.

"I heard it continued till evening. A candlelight dinner at the beachfront," Dad added.

"How romantic!" Grandma Pia giggled and turned to me, "I told you, you have a romantic bone in your body, just like your Grandpa Kristov and your Dad."

"Wow! This calls for a celebration. Let's open a vintage champagne," Grandpa Kristov suggested.

"Whoa! Don't be too excited," I drawled, "Sweet and I are dating, not getting married."

"Ah-" Grandpa Gareth waved a hand, "that will eventually lead to the altar."

"Hmph," Mom's eyebrows rose, "let's not forget that once upon a time, Miss Treble exposed Seb onLive TV, saying unpleasant things about him."

"Sweet and I settled that matter already. We admitted our mistakes and buried the past."

"Really?" Mom looked suspicious, "why do I find that so peculiar?"

"There's nothing strange about two people liking each other. Right Grandma?" I turned to Grandma Pia, and she agreed without questions.

"So, you're going to take Sweet Treble as your date to the event this Friday," Mom asked.

"Nope. She has another engagement to attend. Besides, I'm not going. Anyway, it's just the usual stuff, endless speeches and awarding. You and dad will represent our family, you won't need me."

"Great!" Luna butted in, "I'm allowed to back out too, right?"

All eyes went to Luna, and Mom's eyes widened.

"NO," Mom said firmly to her, then turned to me, "both of you should go together."

"But—," Luna argued.

"No buts. Seb, you'll escort Luna, since you don't have a date."

"Okay, no worries," I agreed immediately. Having Luna with me would make it easier to make an excuse and leave the event.

But Luna disagreed.

"No way, Mom. I don't want to," she shook her head vigorously. I still have four years to go in college before getting my hands in the business."

"The earlier the better for you to be introduced to the corporate world. You'll be known and can create connections."

Luna ran out of reason to argue, so she just kept quiet and ate her vegetables.



Friday morning, I was at Marie's house.

"I'm sorry, Sweet, I can't go with you today. I have to take Mom to the doctor for a check-up. Her knee pain is getting worse."

Marie already prepared her matching dress, shoes and bag, but sadly, she could not wear them. But she was right to address her family's concern first, because family is always our priority.

"It's okay, I understand. I'll find someone who'll come with me," I replied.


There was no other option but to ask my brother. He'd been dying to join an important event. He was really after the food, nothing else.

"Yes!" He jumped with joy, "are you going to get me a new tux?"

"We don't have time for that. You can wear the one you used at your prom."


At four in the afternoon, Colton and I arrived in New York City. I picked up the gown I rented online, then went to the beauty salon for my hair and makeup.

At seven sharp, we were ready. I wore a beige strapless gown, with a mermaid cut. My hair was swept at one side, emphasizing the shape of my face and length of my neck.

Colton and I entered the event. It was held on the rooftop of a hotel. There were plenty of guests, all looking glamorous in their formal clothes. Tuxedo for men, and long gowns for women.

"Oh shit. I forgot my wallet in the pickup," Colton suddenly looked agitated.

"Are you sure it's in the pickup?"

"Um, I'm not sure. I have to go down again. Can I?"

I sighed and glared at him, "okay, fine. Hurry, okay? You can't just leave me here alone standing in the hallway."

"Thanks. I'll be back right away, promise," he said, then ran towards the elevator.

Ten minutes later, he was back looking so annoyed.

"Did you find your wallet?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I have it with me now."

"So, what's the problem? Why the sour look?"

He gritted his teeth, then said, "there was a crazy girl in the elevator. She thought I was going to kiss her and hit my arm with her fist!"

"Really? Who's that girl?"

"I don't know... some lunatic," he said, looking so disgusted.

We went inside the venue and we were ushered to our table. We were immediately served with wine and appetizers.

Dinner was served, and we heard many speeches. The event would wrap out after giving some merits and awards. The president of the Worldwide Entrepreneur Council, Mr. Eros Petrakis, together with the chairman of Global Business Alliance, Iñigo Monteiro, stood at the center to present the prestigious awards.

"The best innovation company of the year, goes to..." Mr. Petrakis announced, "the Stavrakos Holdings Company!"

My heart leaped at the mention of the Stavrakos company. I wondered if Sebastian attended the event. He never mentioned it during our last date.

Then Colton says, "that's her!"

I turned and saw a lovely girl in an all-black conservative gown walking up to the stage to claim the award. With her was Sebastian, looking so sharp and strikingly handsome in black tuxedo.

A warm feeling of joy overwhelmed me as I admired his Greek god profile. When suddenly, he turned to my direction and our eyes locked.

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