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I felt drugged. Oh God, I shouldn't be feeling this.

My stomach swirled and my head spun at the unexplainable delicious sensation that I was experiencing. The feel of Sebastian's warm body against mine, the touch of his hand caressing my back, his greedy lips eating my mouth, and the delicious taste of his tongue transported me to another universe.

The back of my brain told me to pull away.

Careful Sweet, you're getting yourself burned!

But I did not want to listen. There was this strong magnetic force that stopped me from leaving his arms. All my senses were absorbed by him, especially the smell, the touch and the taste... I wanted to completely dissolve into him.

"We're clear," Sebastian whispered against my mouth, and immediately let me go.

Like splashed with cold water, all my senses came back to earth. I was there, standing paralyzed on my feet. My brain was slowly processing what just happened and how to react properly.

"Yeah," my chin lifted so high, together with my walls, "I guess we managed to convince her that we're engaged."

"We did," he said with a wry smile, "I'm also impressed. You're a good kisser."

"Huh?" My brows lifted, then hot flush crept on my face, "oh, I tried harder for our audience."

"You mean, you were acting on that kiss?" his face twisted.

"Of course. We need to act like a real engaged couple."

He let out a sarcastic smile, "then I give you credit for being a good actress. You made me believe that wasn't for show."

"What do you mean," my eyebrows snapped together. Feeling suddenly defensive, I crossed my arms together against my chest.

"I don't know... it felt so real."

My eyes grew big. He shouldn't guess that I was attracted on him and crazily fighting my feelings.

I scoffed, "you think I'm catching feelings for you?"

"I didn't say anything," he shrugged, "you're the one who can answer that."

What the hell is wrong with him, acting so full of himself after we kissed. Did he guess my feelings for him?

My hands balled into fist, hating myself for letting my guard down. I should be the one who stopped the kiss, not him! It looked like I wanted it to go on forever... which, in fact, was true.

"Excuse me," one of my eyebrows rose, "I don't catch feelings easily, I'm numbed. And I'm sure you are too, because it's not your...thing."

"You mean falling in love."

"Exactly!" must he say it loud? This guy is driving me nuts, "getting involved with each other would only complicate things. Besides, we made it clear from the beginning, once this deal is over, we're done."

He sighed, shaking his head, "do you have to bring that dating deal up again? We just kissed, Sweet. Nothing else happened."

Sure. It was just a simple kiss to him. He did it often with different women, it was nothing. While for me, it was a big thing. It marked me as a person. I didn't just kiss anyone, I did it for love.

"Of course it was just a kiss. It doesn't even affect me," I lied, acting defensive.

Sebastian was silent, frowning. Studying me, as I was studying him. It seemed like he was not happy with where our conversation was going.

"So you're numbed. You're not affected by me, even a single bit?"

"Yeah, you heard me. Nothing you do affects me," I answered, and that made his forehead creased.

He stood tall on his six two height, and leaned closer to me.

I stepped back and sat on the stool. My back leaning against the small table.

He loomed over me, trapping me between his arms as his hands clasped the table behind me. I trembled, as his face came so near, and stopped just a mere inch away from mine.

"Even if I do this?" his eyes held mine, then traveled down to my lips.

I swallowed the imaginary lump on my throat. My heart beating fast at his nearness. His wonderful smell lingered on my nostrils and I could still taste him in my mouth.

"Nope. I feel nothing," sweat started to form on my neck, my chest was heaving so fast, but I refused to be intimidated.

"Really? Then why are you blushing?" his eyebrows rose questioningly.

"I'm NOT. It's the light," I pushed his chest, and stood up abruptly, putting a much needed distance between us, "besides, I got over with the cold. The heater is warming me up now."

"So if that's the case...there won't be any problem with us sharing the bed," the corner of his lips rose in a mocking smile.

And get us into trouble? No way.

"No thanks. The stool is enough for me."

"I can't believe you're so determined to sleep there. At least be sensible. We have no choice in situations like this," he pushed the bed against the wooden wall, then added, "I promise, I'll stay away from you and stick myself against the wall."

I shook my head, and sat down on the stool.

His mouth twisted, and stopped arguing with me, "okay, fine. You're old enough to do what you want. Goodnight then," he pulled the comforter aside and climbed into the bed.

It would be so nice to sleep on the bed, but I knew what would happen, once our bodies and skin touched. He obviously knew it too. The kiss we just shared was explosive. It was like two lightning bolts struck together.

I turned off the lights overhead and left the soft yellow light of the lampshade near the door open. I settled on the stool, pillowed my head with my arms on the table. It was a very uncomfortable position, I'm sure, I'd have a stiff neck in the morning.

I had to do what was best for us - to act logically and not on how I felt and what my body yearned. I didn't want to wake up in the morning regretting my action.

I checked my watch, it was already half past ten. I thought of my parents.

I'm sure they're worried sick by now. They expect me to arrive at around eight. If they called the police, then they could search me easily. The pick-up was just at the side of the road.

I refused to worry too much and closed my eyes. I decided to deal my problems tomorrow.


I woke up feeling so rested. Last night was one of my best sleep. I loved the feel of my pillow, that I snuggled closer onto it. Though it was hard, the feeling was warm and comforting. Just perfect with the cold weather.

I ran my fingers on the pillow, caressing it gently. But why does it feel like it was breathing? My hand moved downwards, and it was immediately clasped by a strong hand, stopping it.

Realization suddenly hit me. My green eyes opened wide as they were met with oceanic blue ones.

"Are you sure you want to go down there?" Sebastian's eyes were mocking me.

In panic, I pulled my hand immediately and sat down on the bed, pressing my back against the wall as I put a distance away from him.

"How did I end up here? What did you do?"

"I did nothing," his eyebrows furrowed, "you sleep walk your way here in the bed."

"I did not! You're making up stories."

"Believe what you want to believe. All I can say is, you voluntarily jumped on the bed with me."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment. So I spent the night in his arms without me knowing.

Here I am again, still sleepwalking. I thought I already overcame it years ago.

This is so awkward, I have to get out of here.

Before I could leave the bed, the door suddenly opened. It was Tess, smiling brightly and holding a breakfast tray.

A knock would be nice. But it seems not her habit.

"I heard you're awake, so I came here to bring you breakfast," Tess entered the room. She looked like she was enjoying pampering us.

"Good morning, Tess. Thank you, that's so lovely of you," Sebastian stood up and helped her with the tray, by putting it on the table.

My stomach gurgled at the sight of the food. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and mugs of coffee. I didn't realize I was starving.

"Wow, this looks delicious. Thanks Tess," I took the mug she offered, and sipped the coffee.

"You're welcome. I'm not sure how you like your coffee, but I put some cream and sugar in it."

"It's perfect. I love it," I smiled back at her.

"By the way," she turned to Sebastian, "there's a helicopter waiting for you outside. It's been here since midnight. The man, named Max, said not to wake you up. Oh and I already gave the men some breakfast."

"Oh," my eyes widened in surprise.

"Thanks," he answered casually, like he expected them, "I'm grateful for your help, Tess."

Tess left smiling, and I was alone with Sebastian again.

"You mean, Max knew that we're here since last night?" I interrogated him.

"Mm...hmm," he eyed me briefly, then continued sipping his coffee.

"And you expected him?" I rubbed my temple, puzzled, "how did you communicate with him? I thought your phone had no signal?"

"They can track me where I am, my watch has a location tracker," he showed the silver watch on his wrist.

Why didn't I think of that? He's an extremely rich man, for sure, his security team keep track on his whereabouts in every minute.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I burst at him, "my parents are worried sick that I didn't get home last night."

"I'm sure Max already informed them last night," he put down his coffee and faced me. His arms folded against his chest, "as long as you're with me, your parents have nothing to worry about."

"That's what you think," I answered, my hands on my waist, "my parents are worried whenever I'm with you. Now, I have to explain why we're here together."

There was a commotion outside, then I heard a familiar voice calling my name. "Sweet! Sweet! Where are you?"

"Oh my God," I opened the window abruptly, and saw an angry man approaching the cottage.

Sebastian stood beside me, and said, "well, I guess you should think fast in coming up a good explanation. Your dad is here."

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