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On our way home, I managed to convince Dad that there was nothing going on between Sebastian and I. Definitely, we were not engaged, and there would be no wedding. We just made up the engagement thingy on Tess behalf, so she would allow us to stay in her cottage.

"I don't want you to fall for that guy, he's not good for you. He's a manipulator, blackmailing you into this dating deal in return of the potato partnership deal. A good guy never does that." His lecture continued until we arrived home.

At home, I related the same story to Mom and Erin in the kitchen, while Mom was preparing breakfast. They believed everything I said, they always did, without any doubt or whatsoever. Contrary to Dad, they were more excited to know about the awarding ceremony. From the glamorous venue decorations, the famous people who attended and their attire, the entertainers who performed, and the menu.

"Is this real gold?" Erin asked, examining my award plaque.

"Most probably," Mom took the plaque from Erin and studied the engraved words. Social Media Rising Star, Sweet Treble. "We're so proud of you, Sweet. Your hard work really paid off."

"Thanks Mom. I couldn't have done it without all of your support."

Her eyes welled with tears, and before we'd get into more drama, we shifted our topic to Colton.

"Colton called me last night. He said he ate a lot of lobsters," Erin looked happy for her twin brother.

"Not just lobsters, but plenty of desserts. I can't believe where he put all that stuff he ate," I said, and we all laughed.

"By the way, he mentioned that Sebastian was there," Mom's eyebrows rose, looking very curious."

"Yeah, he was. He introduced me to his family."

"Oh, really?" Erin's eyes grew big. "You must be very nervous."

"Very. I had cold feet and my hands were trembling."

"Were they nice to you? You know, after you exposed Sebastian on Live TV, they could be upset or something."

I remembered Elena Stavrakos' reaction when meeting me. I tried to brush it off and not think much of it for my state of mind. She had the right to get mad at me though, because what I did was wrong.

"It turned out well, Mom." I shrugged my shoulders. "It was a quick introduction, there were many people who wanted to talk to them too."

"Of course. They're billionaires, everyone would take a chance to talk to them. I heard it would take ages to get an appointment with them," Mom agreed.

"Jace was there too. He also got an award." I mentioned, though they certainly heard it already from Colton.

"I know he'd be successful. He was always a strong-willed boy and very determined to achieve his goals," Mom showered with compliments.

"Yeah, I know he'd make it. He always talked about his dream to have his own company during high school, and now he got it. He also bought a ten-story building in the city."

"Really? That's wonderful. I'm sure Paul and Ana are now very proud parents of Jace. He earned all the success and wealth he got through hard work."

"Yeah, very impressive." I agreed.

Mom served the pancakes on the table, then sprinkled some powdered sugar on top, and maple syrup. The way we all loved.

"When is he coming here to Dansville?" Erin asked.

"I don't know, he mentioned that he's really busy right now. You know, renovating the building and setting up his company here in the US."

Mom sat across from me, then got a pancake for herself, "I can't wait to see him. Especially you two together."

"Oh, Mom. Stop it."

"I can't help it. You two were so good together. In some way, you become who you are now because of his motivation and wisdom. He helped you become a better you." She paused, then raised an eyebrow at me, "I know you still have feelings for him. You never had any boyfriend since he left. You were waiting for him."

"That's right. Remember, you call him the one who got away." Erin's grin became wider.

"Come on, you two, stop." I rolled my eyes, then took a piece of pancake, and put it on my plate. "FYI, Mom. I was very busy with my studies during college, I didn't have time to party and mingle with boys." I turned to Erin, "and yeah, I told you he's the one who got away, but now...I'm not so sure anymore. Now that we're older, things have become different."

"Is that because of Sebastian?" She teased.

"No..." I elbowed her.

"Why don't you invite him to the upcoming potato festival?"

"Who?" Erin and I asked her simultaneously, then looked at each other and laughed.

"Who else? But Jace. He always loves my potato salad. He said it's the best that he's ever tasted," Mom said proudly, "tell him I'll make him one during the festival."

"Of course, Mom. I will."


Later, I was in my room, sitting at my desk. I charged my dead phone. I waited for a substantial percentage before I opened it.

I got text messages and missed calls from Dad, Mom, Colton and Jace. I decided to open them later and checked my emails first.

I received emails from my brand partnerships, collaborators, fans and friends, congratulating me for winning the Social Media Rising Star Award at the Business and Professionals Media Awards.

Another from my publisher, which I considered the most important. They congratulated me for winning a prestigious award. They also follow-up the draft that I promised to give after a month of dating Sebastian—it was due soon.

I had the draft, it just needed a little edit. Maybe, I'd add some things that happened on our date yesterday. Maybe, some juicy parts. Like sharing a bed and our first kiss?

I sighed, thinking that it was too private to share such stuff. Should I tell everyone?

I opened Jace's text messages. He was worried that I didn't answer his calls. Yeah, I got around ten missed calls from him. Just like before when we were together, he was always very caring.

Me: Just got home. Thanks for your concern.

Jace: I was worried. What happened?

Me: My car broke down. I took shelter from an old lady's cottage.

Jace: Good thing you're safe. Next time, tell me if you're alone. I'll come with you.

Me: Thanks, but there's nothing to worry about. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.

Jace: I know, but I'd like to take care of you.

I felt butterflies in my tummy. For about five years, I waited for him to come back, and was dying to hear him say those words. But now that he said it, it was not as satisfying as I imagined.

I was about to text my reply, when my To Do List reminder alarmed me. The alarm name SEBASTIAN appeared on the screen.

Darn it. Seeing Sebastian's name was enough to make me feel the entire zoo in my stomach.


Marie arrived and we talked about everything that happened in my life in the past 24 hours or so. I did not have any filter when talking with her, my life was an open book to her.

"You're in deep trouble, girl. Now that you've kissed him, you want more," she was lying on my bed, talking to me, and scrolling some movies on Netflix using her iPad.

"It's crazy I keep thinking about that kiss. I have this thrill... and exciting feeling for him."

"Of course, he's an Olympian champion when it comes to kissing and sex. But girl, all these sexual tension you feel for him, is just lust. It's temporary, meaningless, and not long lasting." She sat down, focusing her attention on me. "What you feel of Jace is love. He's a husband material, who believes in love, romance, commitment and marriage. Just like you do. That's why, you're both suited for each other."

She's right. What I feel for Sebastian is purely physical, but with Jace, he gives me emotional comfort.

"But what if Sebastian will change?" I asked her.

"Maybe he can change himself if he really loves you. But the question is...he doesn't believe in love. So, how can that be possible?"

"He's different now. He's being nice, kind and caring."

"Really?" One of her eyebrows rose. "Are you sure he's being genuine? Maybe he's just acting, doing nice things to you so you'd write good articles about him, to clean his reputation."

I sighed, feeling bewildered. "I hope not."


After dinner I wrote a blog. My followers couldn't wait to read more about my date with Sebastian.

Hello everyone.

Before anything else, I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for congratulating me for winning the Social Media Rising Star award at the recent Businessmen and Professionals Media Awards Night. I couldn't have done it without your constant love and support.

Sebastian and I arrived separately, since I attended with my brother, Colton, while he escorted his sister, Luna. But we met at the event and he was kind enough to introduce me to different people, especially to his beautiful family.

I know you've been waiting to hear about this. Yesterday, I had my fourth date with Sebastian. It was my turn to plan our date. We had a simple date, the ones that I was used to. We grabbed some burgers and fries at Central Park, took a stroll, then watched the movie, M3GAN. Yeah, I enjoyed the movie, but I'm sure he enjoyed it more. Being an A.I. Engineer himself and a roboticist, he could relate to all programs and technicalities.

My date with Sebastian was awesome. A relaxing afternoon, to spend time together and get to know each other better. My opinion of him somewhat changed. He's not the guy that I thought he was anymore. The man I called an obnoxious arrogant playboy billionaire before, was gone, and turned into a nice, charming, funny, and brilliant guy.

You probably think, it's too early to tell, cause we're only on our fourth date. A wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature. Well, maybe you're right, but I'm just saying what I feel at the moment.

That's all for tonight. Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams!

In bed, I stared at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep, I kept on thinking of Sebastian and our kiss. I still could taste him, smell him and felt his mouth and tongue against mine.

Oh God, this longing I have for him is getting crazy.

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