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I stepped back, away from him. Realizing what the hell am I doing in his penthouse anyway.

Rage bottled up inside me, my lower lip trembled as I spat at him.

"No way. If you brought me here to have sex with you, sorry, you've got the wrong girl. You can't lure me with food, or with...with your charm and hospitality..."

"Hey, hey. Calm down. I never said I'm going to have sex with you," he held his hands up in front of him, "I was only teasing you, okay? I told you before, I don't force myself on women."

My scalp prickled with shame. It just showed that I didn't trust him and still believed the worst of him.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have said that," I covered my face briefly with my hands, the quilt consumed me, and when I opened, his ocean blue eyes were looking at mine.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have teased you. You have every reason not to trust me after what I did to you."

"No, no, please don't say that. I believe you got rid of your...not so good habits. I just need some time to process that, totally."

"Of course," he gave a half-smile. "You still want the tour? We can start in the living room and skip all the bedrooms."

"Sure," I beamed at him.

He gave me a tour of his house starting in the living room. I stared at a huge landscape painting that hung on the wall.

"My grandpa Kristov painted this." He said, then stood beside me. I rubbed my palms together, too conscious of his nearness.

"He's really good, huh?"

"Yeah. He won the best art painting award at a very young age."

"Very impressive. Did you inherit his talent?"

He chuckled, "nope. I don't have any talent."

"Of course you have. You're good in dealing business, and now, in cooking."

He laughed aloud, "you really think so?"

"Absolutely." I gave him a two thumbs up.

"Maybe I should enhance my cooking skills, then."

He showed me the elegant theater room, with a huge screen and more comfy chairs than those in the movie theaters. Then the gym, where he spent most of his evenings working out. That explains his well-toned body. There was also his study room, with bookshelves filled with books about business, success stories, motivation, robots, planes and spaceships.

"Have you read all the books here?"

"Yeah. I have read over 2,000 books since I was young. These ones are my favorites. The rest are in the mansion."

"Two thousand books? That's a lot! You're a bookworm."

"That's something people don't know." He shrugged.

I was so impressed. No one knows that Sebastian read many books. No wonder he was so sharp-minded and could divert to any topics. This is something very exciting to write about. I'm sure my publisher will be delighted to know.

"Those miniature toys," he pointed at the glass shelves hanging above the bookshelves, full of miniature toys; planes, robots, spaceships, cars, motorbikes, and other motor operated machines, "are just a few of my massive collection. I'm an avid collector of any machine moving."

"Wow, amazing. I'm sure you keep them in your room, in the mansion."

"Nope. There are too many, it won't fit. I built a mini museum inside our estate, just for it."

I was surprised that he built a house for his toys only, that I mimicked. "Just for it."

"Yes," he nodded and smiled.

"This penthouse is huge. Do you live here alone?"

He nodded, "yes. In the evenings I'm alone here, but during the day, I have my butler, Evan, my Chef, Pierre and his assistant, household help, Max and his team of bodyguards."

"Oh," my brows raised, "that's a lot for a single man. Aren't you bothered that there are many people following you around?"

"Well," he pursed his lips, "I'm used to it. It's been like this since I was young. It's for my safety as well."

"Ah, I see." I nodded, noting what he said. "How often do you visit your family's home?"

"As often as I could. Usually every Sunday, I spent the whole day with them. We also have Wednesday night dinner."

"Interesting." I nodded. Happy to gather more information about him.

"I hope you won't include that in your blog. People could use that against us, you know. My family and I are very careful to keep our whereabouts private. Kidnapping is rampant nowadays."

"Oh." I realized the danger of divulging their routine. "Nope, I won't tell anyone." I assured him.

"Shall we?" He extended his hand to continue the tour.

Outside, there was a rectangular infinity pool with tempting crystal clear water. He swam in the morning, to make him feel more alert and focused for the day ahead. And last, the balcony with the beautiful scenery of the city and thousands of lights from buildings, bridges, billboards, moving vehicles and others.

"You have such a spectacular view here," My hand held the cold stainless balcony railing.

"Yes, it surely is."

I turned to him, only to find him staring at me. My breathing quickened when he moved closer to me, making me intoxicated with his wonderful male scent. His hands clasped the rail on my sides, trapping me between his arms.

Sexual tension intensified as our eyes locked. The lights were low and I could hear my heart beating so loud.

"No view can compare to the beauty of what's in front of me," he murmured, making all my insides run in riot.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes, "I wonder how many girls you've used that line."

"You're the first, actually. Complimenting isn't my habit, until I met you."

"Are you trying to tell me something, Sebastian?"

His eyes turned so dark, as he stared at me intently. I could see desire ignited in there, scorching...and perfectly matched mine.

My body throbbed. Waiting. Anticipating.

"I'm dying to kiss you, Sweet. Will you allow me?"

Will I?

How could I resist when I had been waiting for it since my eyes laid at him earlier. For the past few days, there was nothing in my mind but the kiss we shared at Tess' cottage.

I didn't have to answer, because he knew what my answer would be. I even initiated. I tiptoed and leaned towards him.

My arms went around his neck as he drew me closer to him. Heat curled down my spine at the feel of his hard body against mine.

Our breaths mingled as our faces came close. He brushed his lips against mine, not kissing, but merely teasing, building an ache inside me.

The torture was too much. Catching my breath, I leaned my head backward and he followed, claiming my mouth with his.

Burning. That's how I felt.

He kissed me fiercely, sliding his tongue inside my mouth, tasting, exploring and devouring, arousing every nerve of my body. I responded to his ravishing kisses, equating the intensity of his cravings.

He kissed me like it was our first and last kiss. No one ever kissed me the way he did to me, not even Jace.

Pooled with heat, I pressed myself closer to him, as his hand explored the length of my back. Every caress brought a delicious sensation, made me ache for his touch more. I couldn't deny it any longer, I wanted him so badly.

My walls fell down, crumbling on the ground. I was scorching with need for him, like a thirst that he could only quench.

His mouth transferred on my neck, kissing the sensitive area behind my ear.

"Sebastian..." I moaned, as his tongue licked the length of my throat.

"Yes, Sweet," his hand slid up at the side of my breast, his thumb caressing gently.

"We should stop," I said, but my fingers wouldn't let him go. I raked his silky hair.

"Do you want me to stop?" he murmured as his mouth became aggressive, and kissed hungrily. I could feel his hard cock pressing against mine, burning me.

When I felt his hand running the length of my thigh, I grabbed his wrist.

"I'm sorry, I...I can't go on." I said to him, and immediately, he stopped and put a distance between us. "This is crazy."

"I know this is bound to happen." The corner of his mouth lifted, "we can't deny that we have this strong attraction for each other."

I shook my head, "this is so wrong, Sebastian. This shouldn't have happened. I don't do one night stands. I-I don't sleep around."

"I know that." He raked his hair with his fingers. "But I can assure you that it's not going to be a one-night stand between us."

I lowered my head and rubbed my temple. I was feeling so confused.

I had doubts, apprehensions and fear when it came to Sebastian. Being with him was a thrill, like a rollercoaster ride. And seeing him in his home, knowing he did normal things like us people do, intensified the feelings I had for him.

"I'm tired. I need to go home."

He sighed, then said.

"Okay. I'll ask for the chopper."

While he was on his phone, I went to the bathroom. The moment I was alone, I leaned on the wall.

What is wrong with me? I forgot my promise to myself to have my guard up. I knew that all Sebastian could offer was just physical connection, but still I allowed myself to fall in his trap.

Now I know that it's hard to control myself when I'm around Sebastian. Yeah, I wanted him so badly, that it's hard to let him go. But a relationship based on physical alone, isn't enough and it won't last. I need someone who can give me emotional comfort too.

I have to make up my mind, if it's what I really want for myself.

I moved to the sink and I stood there staring at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like a wreck. My lips were smudged with my lipstick.

I looked for a tissue paper on the counter, when there was none, I opened a drawer and found one.

But something caught my eyes. A girl's wallet.

I sighed heavily and grimaced.

I'm the only woman you invited in your penthouse, huh? Then, what's this?

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