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I stood up and went to the mechanical bull. All eyes were on me, especially the Trebles and the ex. I bet the latter was expecting for me to fall down easily, so he would have a good laugh.

I rode the machine, relaxing my body and swaying along with the bull's motion. Everyone was watching me, waiting for me to fall. I raised my hand in the air for balance and kept on holding the rope as long as I could.

The audience cheered, getting louder every minute, encouraging me to keep going. I pressed my thighs against the machine, and increased my hold on the ropes, until the machine got faster and faster that I couldn't control. I lost my grasp and dismounted from the bull.

Everyone cheered and congratulated me for having the longest time so far, including the Trebles. But the ex learned to zip his mouth and left.

"Congrats for winning. Wow, that was so cool. You surprised me." Sweet gave me a quick hug when I returned to her side.


I took the bottled water she offered and sat beside her on the bench.

"You did a great job. I'm sure you had some experience in bull riding."

"Yeah, during university days, on weekend frat parties."

"Oh, really?" her eyes lit up. "Interesting."

"I did some crazy stuff in college, especially on weekends. I hang out with my frat buddies in a pub, get drunk, and do mechanical bull riding. Among us, it was always a competition, who would last longer in the bull machine."

"That sounds fun. What else did you guys do for fun?" Her eyes dilated, curious.

"Hmm...car racing, playing poker, fighting and a lot of stuff," I opened the bottled water and drank the water, then said, "after that ride, I'm hungry."

"Yeah, me too." She stood up. "Come, let's grab something to eat. Do you like corn dogs?"

"Ah, anything, as long as there are no peanuts. I'm starving."

We grabbed some corn dogs, salad, and fries at one booth. Then we went to Sweet's home, so I could try Erin's potato salad, which was originally her mother's recipe.

We rode Sweet's pickup and arrived at her family's home shortly.

The Trebles have a charming country house made of wood and bricks. A short stair leading to the porch, then at the main door. They painted the house in beige and white and have a slightly low-slope roof covering it entirely.

"Come in," Sweet invited me inside, "sorry about the clutter," she said while picking in haste a romance book, hairbrush, handy mirror and other stuff lying on the couch.

"It's okay. You can leave them there, don't mind me." I noticed a small stuffed toy on the floor. I picked it up and put it on the center table.

"Wait for a sec, I'll just put these in Erin's room," she said and ran upstairs.

Alone, my eyes roamed at every corner of the living room. There was a gray sofa with colorful knitted throw pillows in the corner, a mahogany center table in the front, and an enormous TV screen on a rack. Inside the rack was an old DVD player, vintage 1980s record player, little figurines, wedding souvenirs, academic books and others. Photos in picture frames were hanging on walls and standing on top of a cabinet.

What caught my attention was the wall of fame across the stairs. There were Sweet and the twins, Erin and Colton. I stood there scanning all the awards, merits and achievements, then focused at Sweet's from primary to college. As I expected, she got too many - awesome attitudes, five-star academic awards, homework hero, aspiring author, leadership award, best in English, champion in declamation, perfect attendance, Writing Wizard, Dean's list, Salutatorian, etc.

"Ah, you found the Treble's wall of fame," Sweet said, walking down the stairs.

I smiled. "they're quite impressive. Especially yours. You did so well. A salutatorian in high school and magna cum Laude in college, huh? Wow, I'm mind blown."

"Thanks. My parents are so involved in our academic achievements. They made sure we wouldn't be late, did our homework, studied our lessons well, and so on. They instilled in our minds the importance of education, because it's the only inheritance they could give us."

"They did a great job raising smart kids. This wall shows how proud they are of their children," I agreed, and pointed at Sweet's drawing in crayons - a house with trees, a farm and her family. "Cute. You have the makings of a Picasso."

"Oh, stop," she looked a million times more beautiful when she laughed, her eyes twinkle, her face flushed and her skin glowed. "What about your family? I'm sure your parents keep a wall of fame, too."

My brows raised, then said, "yeah, they do. I have a tiny spot. Luna covered most of the wall," I chuckled.

"Hmm..." her eyebrows furrowed. "That's not true. I'm sure you have plenty of awards."

"Trust me, I only have my primary, secondary and college diplomas. Nothing else."

"Seriously? What about your achievements in sports? You were a captain in soccer, crowned as a prom king, and the best sportsmanship award..."

I shook my head, "none of that counts in our wall. Only genuine achievements in academics, like...IQ competitions, inventions, knowledge and research," I shrugged, "not in extracurricular activities, silly competitions and popularity contests."

"Really? How odd," her lips twisted, "human beings have unique skills, because we're all unique. Some excel in academics, others...in non-academics, like you do in sports. There's also acting and singing, making films, photography, drawing and painting, leadership roles, governing a nation and others."

"You're right, but unfortunately, the Stavrakos Wall of Fame demands superior standards," I chuckled and something tugged at my pants, interrupting me.

I looked down and saw a cute white fur ball seeking my attention. Its tail wiggled happily as its pair of black button eyes looked up at me.

"Hey little cutie," I bent over and petted the Maltese head, "what's your name?"

"Her name is Snow. But we also call her Snowy or baby. I know, we're confusing her,"

"Ah, can't blame you, she's so cute," I could not help but laugh when Snow rolled over on the carpeted floor, exposing her tummy. I knelt down and rubbed her tummy as she stretched her little body.

"See? She's too trustful. It is easy to kidnap her because of her trusting nature."

"Kidnap?" My forehead creased, then said, "she wouldn't be if you keep her safe in your home."

She nodded and knelt down on the floor beside me as we petted the puppy. "Do you have dogs in your house?"

"Yeah, in my family's home...several of them. They're big dogs–German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and Doberman pinscher. They're not for petting actually, but to guard the house."

"Understandably. You have an enormous house," she nodded, "but you love dogs. I saw you playing with the puppies at the beach resort."

"Yeah, I love dogs, cats and all kinds of animals. I even have a pet hotel and grooming salon."


"I just love the idea of pampering the pets, especially dogs and cats. They deserve to be loved. They have a mind, heart, soul, just like us humans."

She nodded. "I also feel the same towards them."

"I used to have a dog. A Beagle. His name was Monty. I got him when he was only three months old. We used to be inseparable." I uttered without thinking.

"Oh, you had? What happened to him?"

I paused, wondering why I opened it up to her. I totally forgot that it was something that I shouldn't talk about. Sweet had the power to make me open up and show my vulnerable side.

"I lost him."

"You lost him?" her eyes widened. "How?"

"In the forest, ten years ago. I know I shouldn't have brought him camping with me." I answered, saving the details of what really happened that day.

Her shoulders sagged. "Have you tried looking for him?"

"We did. It had been months, but we failed."

"That's so sad," she replied.

We sat on the floor across from each other. My eyes were holding hers. The sexual tension between us, building up.

Damn. She looked so beautiful. Her green eyes turned darker, her cheeks flushed from the heat of the sun, and her plump pink lips too inviting.

These past few days, I'd been trying to stop thinking about her and concentrate on work. But every time I laid down on the bed to sleep, she was always in my mind, even in my dreams. I had the urge to take her in my arms and kiss her again.

I leaned forward, closing the proximity to us. Our faces got closer until we kissed. The first touch of her lips, I felt fire lit up within me, and ignited into flames through my stomach.

"Open your mouth." I whispered, and she parted her lips.

I held her face as I tilted my head to the side, deepening the kiss. My tongue slid inside her mouth, exploring and tasting her.

I ravished her mouth hungrily, and she responded with equal fervor. My hand stroked her waist, going upwards to the side of her breast as my lips transferred to her cheek, then to her neck.

"Oh..." she whimpered, biting her lower lip when I licked the sensitive area behind her ear.

She was so hot and willing, making me so wild for her.

She gasped when my hand captured her breast, over her white cotton shirt, and rolled her already hard nipple with my thumb. I transferred my lips to her neck, licking the length of her neck.

"Oh God, Sebastian, what are you doing to me?" she moaned, her fingers raking my hair, then grabbed my shoulders.

I pulled her up on my lap, straddling me when suddenly, the puppy barked so loud. We tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't stop.

"Snow," Sweet hissed, and the puppy stopped barking, then rolled on the floor for a belly rub.

"Again?" I said, and both Sweet and I laughed.

She pulled away from me and stood up. "It's so hot in here," she said, fanning her face with her hand. "Do you want something to drink? We have some fresh orange juice, cold soda and beer."

It mesmerized me watching her. She looked really cute and so damn hot. I took my hat, which was lying on the floor, and stood up.

"Just a glass of cold water, please." I answered.

"Try Erin's potato salad too. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Sure. As long as there are no peanuts."

"No nuts. Promise," she assured me, "come, I'll show you the kitchen."

In the kitchen, we settled behind the dining table, across from each other, eating potato salad and talking about random stuff.

"Do you like it?" she asked, referring to my half empty plate of potato salad.

"It's alright. I'm not very fond of potatoes with mayonnaise. I prefer classic vinaigrette in my salad."

"Oh, I see," she nodded, and pressed her lips together tightly.

I saw a twinge of disappointment on her face, but I guess I just imagined it.

My phone rang. It was James.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your date, sir. But Mr. Takahashi hasn't replied yet."

"It's still past twelve. I'm sure he'll reply soon." I answered, trying to assure myself actually that everything would turn out well with the Japanese deal.

"Call me right away if you hear from him."

"I will, sir." He replied, then hung up.

I was keeping my fingers crossed that Mr. Takahashi would reply to my email to postpone our business meeting to tomorrow. If he wouldn't allow it and cancel the whole deal, I'd be so busted. I wouldn't have a face to show to the board of directors, investors and my family on Monday, and my dream of becoming the CEO of my family's business empire would all turn into ashes. 

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