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On Sunday morning, I wrote a blog.

Hello my lovely readers!

Yesterday, we had a blast here in Dansville. We celebrated this year's potato festival. There were a lot of activities before the contest started. There were booth games, like the Crossbow Shoot, Milk Bottle and the Balloon and Dart and fun dance activities, like a newspaper dance contest, which I won with my partner, Jace Hamilton. Yes, we got the prize - a free dinner at Al's Diner.

Many were excited about the contest proper and some really prepared for it. As well as the trophy, big prizes awaited for the winners. There was potato eating (that my best friend, Marie, won), sack race, mechanical bull riding and the major contest which was one highlight of the festival - the potato carrying race.

A big congratulation to Sebastian Stavrakos for winning the 400-meters potato carrying race. I'm so happy for you. Sincerely, thank you for participating in the event with us. I truly appreciate you coming to join us.

Sadly, an incident happened. My brother, Colton and I rushed a family friend to the Emergency Room. After all the lab tests and X-rays, thank God, there were no major casualties. He had some muscle sprains and mild dehydration.

As one organizer of the event, I would like to thank everyone who helped make the activities happen. Here's the list of all the sponsors...

Marie arrived after I posted my blog. She was in my bedroom playing with our dog, Snow.

"I texted James and asked him why Sebastian left the event immediately." I said, flipping through the pages of my journal.

"What did he say?" Marie asked.

"Hmm, someone called and summoned Sebastian to an urgent meeting. He had to fly back to the city right away."

"Without saying goodbye? I doubt if that's the real reason. He's upset and jealous seeing you rush to Jace's side."

"That's what I thought too." I shifted my position on my seat, behind my working desk, "I couldn't just leave Jace suffering in pain. I knew what he'd been through with his back injury. Besides, nobody helped him. Everyone was cheering at Sebastian."

"Well, I hope Sebastian will understand that when you explain to him."

"I really hope so," I sighed and joined her in playing with Snow, rubbing her belly.

"Anyway, were you able to ask him about the princess drama?"

"That's another problem, you know. I wasn't able to talk to him much. He left early."

"Oh girl. You had enough time during lunch," she reminded me.

She was right. I even brought him to our home to have privacy because the music at the event was too loud. But there was no interview happening in the house. I got so distracted by his presence. All my interview questions burst in the air when we started kissing and making out.

"I got no chance to ask about the two princesses. But I learned he was into bull riding with friends during college."

"Hmm, not very exciting information," she shrugged her shoulders. "What else did you learn about him?"

"He did car racing, played poker, and fought during college."

"Everyone knows that. It's all over the internet. We need something new."

"I'm not done, okay? He had a dog. A Beagle named Monty. Sadly, he lost it ten years ago in the forest, while he was camping."

"Oh really? That's new." Her face lit up with excitement. "What else? Tell me more?"

"They tried to look for the dog, but failed. They couldn't find it anywhere."

"That's it?" She frowned.

"Yeah, that's it."

"Hmm...I don't think your publisher will love that story much. They want some juicy stuff about him, considering his reputation."

"I agree."

"Maybe if he found the dog, your publisher would love the story. It would be a very touching moment, right? Reunited with his dog." She sighed. Being a dog lover like me, she couldn't bear the thought of losing her Bichon Frise dogs.

"Now that Sebastian's upset with me, I doubt if I could make him talk about the princess drama on our next date."

"Well, you have no choice but to be very courageous to ask him about it. Remember, you have two more dates with him before you submit your revised draft to your publisher."

"Right. I have to make him talk. I don't want to lose the opportunity of publishing my first book with the Dreamers Publishing House."

"Absolutely." She agreed.


Tuesday afternoon, I visited Jace at his place. After his injury, Colton and I rushed him to the emergency room. He did some labs and X-rays, and thank God, nothing's broken. He just pulled a muscle. The doctor advised him to rest for three days.

"We will have a high school reunion this Friday night, in my honor," Jace said. His high school buddies came last night and suggested they organize the reunion.

"That's great! But can they organize it in three days?"

"It's only a semi-reunion. Only our classmates living here in Dansville will be coming."

"Can't wait to see them," I felt excited already, "everyone's got so busy, we haven't had a get together here since we graduated high school."

"It's time to have it more often."

"How's your back? Can you stand long hours?"

"Yeah, of course. As long as I have my pain reliever."

We had some snacks together and talked about high school, my blog and his app developing company.

"See? We're meant for each other. We both work online, so we can be together all the time. Imagine, staying in Paris for a month, then another in Bali, next in Dubai...we can travel the world and still work."

"That sounds nice."

Actually, like an adventure. It's what I was looking for, right? But why was I not very ecstatic about traveling the world with him?

"We can invite our parents to join us. It will be so much fun."

"Aren't you worried about being stuck with me?"

"Why would I?" His hand covered mine, then looked at me closely in my eyes, "I love you so much, Sweet, and all I wanted is to be with you. I'll marry you on every continent of the world, just to prove to you that my love is real."


Dinner was light. Grilled Chicken breasts, roll buns, Green salad, apples and peaches. After eating too much meat and potatoes during the festival, our family ate a healthier diet.

"How's Jace?" Dad asked me, while munching some peaches.

"Back in shape." I took a sip of water, then continued. "He can walk without crutches now."

"That's good!" Mom's eyes lit up. "he gave me a fright when he was lying on the ground, groaning in pain. I thought he wouldn't be able to walk anymore."

"Me too. Thank God he only pulled a muscle," Erin answered. She was so worried about Jace, she wouldn't stop asking. I wondered where that concern came from? I had a feeling that she had a crush on him.

"Jace is a good guy. I really like him for you, Sweet." Dad said, and I didn't miss Erin's lips twisted. "Why don't you give him a chance?"

"I don't know, Dad. While I'm still dating Sebastian, I can't answer that."

"Ah, that fucking bastard." Dad growled. "He left after winning the race without even saying goodbye. That's rude."

"Sweet said he had an urgent meeting."

"On Saturday afternoon? My ass." Dad snapped. "He's just an arrogant fucking piece of shit."

"Chris! Stop cursing, we're having dinner." Mom scolded Dad. "She's hanging out with Jace right now. Let's not preempt whatever she has with him, okay?"

"I did no such thing. I'm just telling Sweet that Jace is the better guy for her, compared to Stavrakos." Dad pointed out. "Jace earned his success through hard work and struggles, unlike Stavrakos who had his wealth handed to him on a silver platter, as he is the child of the owner."

Mom looked heavenwards, then raised her hands in the air. "Just because Sebastian is born privileged, doesn't mean he lives an easy life. For sure, he has his own struggles. Everyone does."

"Stop defending the guy, Evelyn. You're giving Sweet ideas." Dad shook his head.

"Come on, guys. Stop talking like I'm not here. I'm old enough to make my decision. Okay?" I said, picking grilled chicken and putting it in my mouth.

I was glad everyone stopped talking, and we got to enjoy our meal.

After dinner, I helped Mom in cleaning the kitchen.

"What do you think of Sebastian?" I asked. I noticed she was fair in stating her opinion between Sebastian and Jace.

She smiled, "honestly? He's gorgeous. You might have already fallen for him, so it wouldn't surprise me. Are you?"

"I don't know, Mom." I wiped the newly washed plates with cloth.

"But you like him better than Jace."

I shrugged my shoulders, and she grinned, looking at me closely.

"You don't have to answer. I know you do."

"But I don't know what we have anymore, if it's real or still fake." I said, frustratingly.

"Then you have to clarify things before you two get burned."

"You're right, but I'm afraid if I do, I'd end up like a fool. Our contract still stands, and we're halfway through it. Once it's over, we're done."

"That's the problem. Your contract with him is getting your way."

"Not only that. He's super rich and his life revolves differently from ours."

"Yeah, but I saw him trying to fit in yesterday. He succeeded by joining the race and nailed it."

"Yeah, but unlike Jace, who bonded with us easily."

"Because he's a family friend. We have this strong connection with him already and it's hard to break that bond anymore."

"I know. That makes it really harder for me. I feel more comfortable with Jace and he fits easily with our family. I don't have to be careful about what to say or act with him. I'm more of myself. But I couldn't be with him again, because of what I feel for Sebastian. It's too different, like an adventure. The thrill and excitement were there all the time, like I was in a dream."

"Oh my. That's tough," she stopped wiping the countertop, then turned to me, "yeah, Sebastian makes your heart flutter for now, but the question is, what's next? Once your contract is over, you're out in his life."

"That's more like it."

She sighed, then touched my arm. "that thrill and excitement you feel now will soon fade and eventually stop. What you need is someone who can give you the permanent thing."

Mom's words gave me enlightenment. Who can give me the permanent thing? The answer is only Jace.


Friday morning, I got an email from James. Subject: 7th Date.

Dear Miss Treble,

Mr. Stavrakos would like to invite you for a 15-minute coffee date this coming Saturday. A helicopter will fetch you at your residence at 4:00 p.m. sharp.

A 15-minute coffee date?

What kind of date is that? From whole day dates, now down to fifteen minutes? He shouldn't have arranged it if he's too busy to see me.

I wanted to question James, but decided not to. If Sebastian wanted a 15 minute date, then I'd give it to him.

Obviously, he's upset about what happened at the festival and he doesn't want to spend more time with me.

I sighed, feeling disappointed. It just made me determined to entertain Jace.

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