Chaos Control

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You left me all those years ago in a batch of unstable Chaos. I drowned and begged for help, calling for anyone to come in and pull me out. Thankfully, your brother, Eliphas, came in and rescued me. He came in and threw in a rope, shouting at me to grab on. I did and he pulled me out.

Out of the Chaos I immediately felt it's insane power coursing through me. It choked me, sapping all the sanity I had left. Before I knew it, I was in a black room, lost and afraid with nothing and no one... Not even you.

Then out of the blues a golden light appeared in front of me in the form of a golden lady eyes just like mine.

She whispered something in my ear, "Chaos Control."

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Hi! :D That is actually something from an upcoming book of mine "Before It All Began" It's a fanfic about Don Thousand! :3

I hope you guys enjoyed it! XD


And yes, I did get Chaos Control from Sonic XD Don't judge!

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