🖤 three 🖤

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Bunnies. Rabbits. Fucking rodents. You take one look at them and think that they're the most innocent and harmless things ever. Bullshit. There was no way in hell this bunny was harmless. They were with Henry, after all, and Henry is a fucking dick.

The small orange rodent told me his name was Nugget. I had to practically force it out of her. They wouldn't talk, they would just stand there and shake in fear.

Fear. That was always the response when anyone saw me. I was used to it. My dad called me a monster, after all, so I'm no stranger to fear.

A demon and a bunny. A monster and a small thing. These didn't go well together. One ends up killing the other. But I guess that's just the circle of life. Demons like me don't get friends, especially little rodent ones. I'd given up the second I stated talking to them.

Nugget currently sat on my couch, fiddling with her paws. He'd be cute if he wasn't so damn scared of me. And believe me, I am not into that, never have been, never will.

She glanced over at me. I was sipping on some bacon soup. This shit was good as hell. "So, how are you real?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like how are you here?"

"Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much-" I smiled wide, hoping my "original" sense of humor would make her laugh. And I was right, which surprised me. Not even Wally laughed at my jokes.

"So is you mom a pen and your dad a demon?"

"Other way around, Nugsie." I don't know why I started calling him Nugsie instead of Nugget, but he didn't seem to care what I called him. He was going along with my joke though, and I don't think he knew how much that meant.

"Oh yeah, that makes more sense." She giggled, and I swear it was one of the cutest things I've ever heard. I couldn't help but smile more. "Also this is random, but is there any sketchbooks lying around here somewhere?"

"Probably, why?"

"I want to draw you."  I wasn't sure if this was good or bad. On one hand, the drawing could be very nice. On the other hand, it could look like shit. But it'd keep the rodent quiet, so I began looking for one.

I eventually found one in the animation department. I had to my lair to get it, so I was worried that Nugget would've ran off, and then gotten caught by Alice, which wouldn't have been good. He's safer with me.

But no, despite my doubts, she was there. In the kitchen, to be exact. She was attempting { key word: attempting } to make bread. "Fuck!" He shouted after burning his finger. She shook it off and leaned on the counter. She looked exhausted, like she had done this over and over and kept failing. "Fucking dumbass," they muttered, slapping themselves. I stood there for a moment. We're they okay?

Nugget finally noticed I had come back, and she jumped right back into her smiley attitude. "Oh hi Bendy!"

"What are you doing? Besides fucking up my kitchen." I made sure to say it jokingly, I didn't want to hurt their feelings.

"Trying to make you some break as a thank you for getting me a sketchbook but I keep screwing up the recipe, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and if I can't get it right I'm gonna be pissed because I have to repay someone for stuff like that and I just-" They sighed, paused, and then continued. "I'm sorry, I'll clean this up."

One second, his emotions seemed to be unraveling, and the next, he was able to bottle them all up. That got me thinking, what other things did they have bottled up from the world?

I set the sketchbook on the counter. "No no, I'll make a batch, you come and draw."

She nodded and we switched spots. They sat down at a stool on the other end of the counter and opened up the sketchbook. As I started tidying up the kitchen, I watched them draw out of the corner of my eye. It was neat, watching them move the pencil to make a drawing.

By the time the bread was almost ready to come out of the oven, the kitchen was clean and Nugget's drawing was finished. I leaned on the side of the counter across from him. "You like it?"

There were many doodles of me, some just my head, some my full body, but a bunch of different poses. "It looks fucking amazing."

They smiled a bit. "Thanks."

The oven dinged. We let the bread cook for a few minutes, and the I cut Nugget and myself a slice and handed one to her. We spent the rest of the night doodling and eating bread.

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