Sir Taggsalot the Second's Coronation

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I've done this before. This exact tag. I guess people really wanna know what my battery percentage is?

Do I like someone?
Platonically? Yes. Romantically... Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah-No.

Do they like me back?
Take a guess.

Middle name?
Henry. English AF

Single or Taken?
Pft, single.
I've never understood why people say 'Single Pringle'. Pringles come in very large numbers per pack.

Last person I texted?
AFI: I wanted to tell him an exciting new development to do with my hair.

Last song I listened to?
World on Fire - Slash
Cynics and Critics - Icon for Hire
Freiza Song - Maximum Hormone

Battery percentage? (The one we've all been waiting for!)
I've done this last, just so it can be as accurate as possible. The magic number for today issssss......

Girl best friend?
I don't hangout with any girls at school, since it's mono-gender education until much later.

Guy best friend?

Or, I'd you'd prefer an OTP that can actually be recognised...
Lancaster, Lancaster, one thousand times, Lancaster.

Those two... Just... Yes.

Why did I make a WattPad account?
Not re-writing my answer. I wrote it in the first chapter that was simply named 'Tags'
"Why don't you just copy + paste it?" I hear you ask. And the simple answer is..... Meh.

My Lockscreen?

Izaya Orihara in his natural habitat.

My birthday
May 15th

Tag someone!
There is a special word I have for situations like this. It's pronounced...


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