Nitori Aiichirou: Of Butlers and Cats

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Nitori Aiichirou: Of Butlers and Cats

by Admin Yuuki // izumi-yuuki

Today is the school festival of Samezuka academy and [Name] decided to visit the swimming club. She wanted to see her boyfriend from Samezuka - Nitori Aiichirou.

[Last Name] [First Name] is a cute and short third year student from an all-girls school, Sakurazawa Academy. She is a well known third-year in her school because of her talent and intelligence, along with being the student council president and the swimming club's captain.

She met Nitori during their times in middle school, where she and him were in the same class. They spent their middle school times together until their graduation day, when she confessed to him, and he accepted.

"Ai!" she called out to the young captain, waving towards him. Nitori is dressed in a butler suit, which made him look handsome and cute. He turned towards her voice and found her by the entrance, smiling at him.

"[Nickname]-chan!" He called, walking towards her and hugged her tightly, laughing together. She chuckled and they pulled away. Nitori then guided her to a table.

Taking out a notebook and pen, he asked. "What would you like to eat, Mistress [Name]?" [Name] chuckled. "I would like..." she trailed off, winking at the third-year, reaching her lips towards his ear as she whispered. "You."

She pulled away from him, winking at the blushing greynette. The other members' jaw dropped at the sight of it. "Just kidding~" She stiffled a laugh as the members sighed in relief.

"An omu-rice, please!" She ordered, resting her cheek on her palm. Nitori nodded, the blush still plastered on his face when he left for the food.

'Cute,' [Name] thought to herself.


It is now the seasonal school festival of Sakurazawa Academy. [Name] whined before the school festival for the third time in her whole life. "Again, why does this festival has to be held in a winter day? Especially on Ai's birthday!" She whined, holding a cat costume in her hands. She has to greet the people at the entrance before putting on her costume despite being the president of the student council.

It is the swimming club's seasonal tradition to wear a costume every season for the animal cafe. In this school winter festival, the first and second years have to wear a dog costume while the third years have to wear a cat costume. Despite being the president of the student council and captain of the swimming club, she had to manage a lot of things which tires her.

"[Last Name]-senpai... why are third years so lucky they could wear cat costumes?! Dog costume is not cute..." the first and second years whined for the nth time.

[Name] sighed. "If you don't want to wear it, then leave the club and join other's. Appreciate it, it's just one time for now, bear it," she said in a tired tone.

"[Last Name]-san, are you okay?" One of the swimming club's member said, her hands fixes on her cat ears. [Name] nodded, urging the members to get ready.

She walked towards the school entrance with the vice-president, holding out a microphone. She grabbed a pair of [Favourite Colour] scissors, preparing to cut off the ribbon which holds the people from entering.

"Welcome to Sakurazawa Academy's winter school festival! We have a lot of stalls waiting for you. I, [Last Name] [First Name], the school council's president, will now open the festival for all of you!" She greeted, cutting off the ribbon with her scissors before rushing off to the costume cafe.

After putting on her cat costume, she went to greet the customers and served them until she found the members and former members of Samezuka and Iwatobi swimming club and waving at her. "[Last Name]/[Name]/[Nickname]-chan/-senpai/-san!" They called out.

She found Nitori standing in front of the members/former members, smiling cutely at her. [Name] smiled, asking her team members to serve the customers as she serve a few customers too.

The (former) people of Iwatobi grinned at her with Nitori, Momotarou, Rin and Sousuke sitting at the opposite of them.

"What would you like to eat, Master? Nyaa~" She asked, making a cat sound at the end, which made all but Gou turn red.

"Four omurice."

"Three Fish and chips."


"Fried or grill, Master?"

"... grilled."

"Four glasses of earl grey tea."

"I want coffee!"

"Me too~!"

"Two glasses of hot chocolate."

"Right, Master!" [Name] grinned. "How about you, Master Nyaa~" She purred towards the still blushing captain.

Nitori smirked, pulling [Name] by her sleeve before whispering in her ear, "It's my birthday, and I want you tonight my little kitten~"

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