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I pull the drawer to place a file back in it when my eyes catch something else. It's my father's favorite diary resting in it. I smile and reach for it. Taking it into my hands, I open it. And I feel surprised when I am greeted by a dried red maple leaf inside. The leaf looks withered, with its color been faded over years, but it somehow still seems to hold the same beauty as that I saw it the first time. I run my eyes over it for a minute, reminiscing about the good olden times. Then I lift my gaze to look at the photo frame of my parents on the wooden desk.

I wonder for a moment, trying to imagine how it would have been if they were still here with me. I never had the chance to meet my mother, but I am sure my dad would be proud of me for bringing his company this far. I still remember the number of times he used to correct me for calling it his company alone. He would say it's not just his, but it's our company-that we own together. The brand called Lotus Wings. I glance at the logo on the catalog and cringe a bit. It's plain and platinum-colored. I don't know why, but I find it a little too silly. There is a lotus at the bottom over which a swan is spreading its wings with our company name on it.

My grandfather designed it long ago when he started this company, but my dad, just like me, never seemed to be thrilled with the idea of having it. He thought it was extremely cliche for a cosmetic brand. He always had it in his mind to get it changed someday, but after my grandfather's death, he just let it remain in his memory. And now when my dad is gone too, I dropped the thought of changing it, either. Because I get a feeling of being attached to it now. It feels like they have left a part of them in it.

Our brand is one of the leading in cosmetics domain in the states. But the catch here is that it's only one of them, not the leading one. So what's being the hindrance here? It's the company that sits in the top position. That is of our business rival- the pearls owned by Ashton Grey. My father's dream was to see our company be on top and dominate the commercial market, but unfortunately, he died before even having his opportunity to witness it.

However, I took it as a challenge for me to fulfill his dream and present it as the number one brand. And I have promised myself that I am going to be ready to go to any extent to make it happen this year.

There is a sudden knock on my cabin's door which forces me to get out of my thoughts. I look up and see my secretary, Sarah, poking her head in through the gap as she adjusts the glasses on her nose.

"Come in," I say before she asks for permission.

"Sorry for being a trouble Mr. Addington, but I needed to remind you this," she says, going through the tablet in her hand.

"What's next in the schedule, Sarah?" I ask her. I had two meetings earlier today and I know Sarah is here to inform me about the next one.

"Umm...You are going to be on one of the stories of this business magazine. And the photoshoot for it is up next in the schedule for today." She looks up at me and says. "That's also the closure for the day, sir."

I nod and ask her. "Where is it?"

"I got the studio's location."

"Keep my car ready. I'll be there in a moment."

"Right, sir." She speaks and turns to get to the door. She is just about to leave when Dean enters my office. I groan, knowing about my friend's stupid tricks. He looks at Sarah as if reading my mind and winks at her playfully. She giggles, looking back at him as they stare at each other, ignoring the fact that they are standing right in their boss's office. I clear my throat instantly, trying to remind them that we are at work. Sarah looks at me in response, her face turning red as she rushes out of the room.

"You know that can cost you your dear job," I say, narrowing my eyes at my best friend after she leaves.

"What? I am hurt that you are threatening to fire me?" He says in a dramatic tone, making me almost want to roll my eyes.

"That isn't threatening. I am just stating the repercussions of your actions." I say, packing up everything on the desk.

"That's not the way we behave with our employees here. When you are going to realize the seriousness of the position you hold?" I say when I look back at Dean.

"So you are stating that I am an unworthy president for this company?" Dean raises an eyebrow, tapping his slender finger over his chin.

"Remind me later to question myself why I appointed an idiot like you to work for me," I say when he stands in front of my desk.

Dean rolls his eyes as he keeps his hands on the chair in front of my desk before pulling it away and plopping onto it. He is an inch taller than me, with a nice leaner build good enough to attract the female population in the office. But I doubt if there is any woman here who isn't aware of his flirty antics. " are so boring and uptight. You need to learn to chill for a minute and live your life."

"I wouldn't be running a billion-dollar company if I'd be chilling and living my life as you suggest." I push my chair and stand up.

"Whatever," Dean replies in a bored tone and I walk past him, making my way to the door.

"I am heading out for something. Hope you'd manage stuff here." I stop to give him a last glance.

"Always at your service, boss." He smiles, revolving around on the chair. "And Merrick, you don't have to hide that you are going for a sexy photo shoot." He says amusedly.

"I wasn't hiding. Just thought it wasn't relevant to let you know." I say. "And to remind you, it's just for a business magazine. Nothing glamourous for your taste."

"Come on. Just admit it, you don't want me there because you are scared I might steal your spotlight." He wriggles his eyebrows at me. God, this man really knows how to wear off my patience.

"Yeah, I am." I scoff, reaching for the knob. "Now get your ass out of my office before I fire you for real," I say, walking out of my cabin.

Dean chuckles, but he catches up with me soon. I turn to look at him and say. "And yeah, don't forget to mail the reports to Anthony."

"Of course, boss."

I get into my car, and the chauffeur drives to the address Sarah tells him.

We reach the studio soon. And as Sarah speaks with the producer and the rest of the crew, I get my hair and makeup done. I have changed into a black suit and fixed some other accessories required for the shoot. When everything is ready, I am instructed to stand in front of the camera with a white backdrop behind and bright lights surrounding me. I try my best to pose in the way the Photographer asks me to do. This isn't the first time I am doing a photoshoot. I have done it before except that time it was different. Then I was just an aspiring son posing next to his billionaire father for his story. Now I am the billionaire who has taken up that father's path, having his own story in the same magazine.

As I look at the camera, I am reminded of Monica. I am not a big fan of being in the spotlight, but I know this is totally her thing. I have seen her being effortless on photoshoots and ramps. I love how confidently she carries her and that's what caught my attention the very first time when I saw her at Mason's party. I knew then and there that she was going to be the woman for me.

But all of a sudden I become sad, thinking about how I couldn't get to spend any proper time with her lately. I met her at Mason's party a year ago and we instantly became friends. We dated for quite some time before I proposed to her three months ago. Our engagement was a lavish affair, for sure. After which she moved in with me.

Since then everyone thinks that we display the ultimate power couple goals, but I know Monica isn't delighted with my preferences. It's for one main reason that I didn't allow us to take our relationship to the advanced level of kissing and cuddling. You know what I mean. It's not like I have something against sex or being intimate. I just don't tend to sexualize women before getting to know them well. Apart from that, I find building emotional connection first, way sexier than the physical one. Also, I wanted our first time to be special. But now, as I realize certain things, I feel like I have dragged it too long, which really serves as a reason for Monica to get pissed at me. I know I have to change this. I need to make some progress in order to make Monica happy and our relationship stronger, and I am willing to start with it today.

After the shoot is over, I head straight to Addington mansion. I pass through the high security metal gates and see Monica's car parked in the driveway. Rushing out of the car, I make my way through the main door. I catch a glimpse of some movement on the other side of the house and I walk in that direction. The chandelier glows in bright colors, embellished beautifully above my head as I cross the imperial staircase to make my way to the dining hall. As usual, I expect Claire to be there, but I frown when I see Monica having dinner at the table. Claire, my housekeeper, appears from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. She smiles when her eyes fall over me.

"You are just at the right time, Merrick. Have a seat, I'll serve you dinner." Claire speaks. I nod and pull a chair to sit on across from Monica.

I glance at Monica, but she seems more interested in her food than me. I don't know why, but there seems something off about her behavior. I stare at her while she eats silently. Is she ignoring my presence?

When she finally looks up, I don't miss a chance to make a conversation. "When did you get back?" I ask.

"Just a while ago." She says blandly before going back to digging in her food. The lines over my forehead grow more prominent as I stare at her in confusion.

Claire comes and sets a plate in front of me, looking worried, as if she has sensed it too, that something is not right about Monica's behavior.

She places her hand over my shoulder, and I let out a sigh. "Did Anna have dinner?" I look up at Claire and ask about her daughter. Claire has been working here since before my birth. She is the only motherly figure I have in my life, and I respect her a lot. I have seen her daughter Anna grow up in our house and I've never treated her any less than like my own little sister.

"Yeah...she is in her room." She replies with a smile.

Before I can say anything more, I hear Monica's voice. "I guess I am heading to our room." She walks out of the room and I stand up to follow her.

"Merrick, what about dinner?" Claire stops me and I turn to look at her.

"I am not hungry, Claire. Put it in the refrigerator. I think I'll have it later." I suggest before walking behind Monica.

She is already walking into our room when I get to the hallway upstairs. I hurry up and get to the room. I push the door close. And before Monica can walk away, I snake my arms around her waist from behind and pull her into my chest. Her silky brown hair hangs loosely around her shoulder as I lean in to nuzzle my nose into the crook of her neck.

"Are you mad at me?" I whisper, kissing the spot behind her ear.

I frown when I find her body tense up at my question. She doesn't say anything, and it starts to make me anxious. After a moment, she turns to look at me and purses her lips. "Why do you think so?"

"I don't know, you just look like. Besides, you are keeping unusually quiet." I tell her honestly, looking into her eyes.

She looks at me and bites her lips nervously. "No, I am just tired. Maybe I need a good shower." She says and then walks towards the bathroom without paying me another glance. What the hell just happened?

I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. Monica has never been so quiet and I have no fucking idea why she is acting so strangely today. This is not exactly how I wanted our time to be together. I shake my head and look up at the wall. Shit! What did I do wrong? Or is it too late for me to realize something? Suddenly there is a flash on Monica's phone that is resting on the nightstand and I look in its direction. I try to reach for it, but I instantly stop myself. What the fuck I am doing? It's not a good habit to go through other people's stuff without their consent, especially if it's your soon-to-be wife's phone. I don't intend to be suspicious, but I become curious when there is another flash. Without thinking any further, I grab her phone and look at the text that just popped up and my eyes grow wide in shock.


Hello guys! I am back again with another story. Yipeee!! This was the first chapter of TBB. Please do let me know what you think about it.

Also, do vote and comment. It would mean a lot.

Thank you for reading!


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