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I get ready for work on Friday and think about what an eventful night yesterday was. It was still hard to believe that Merrick kissed me. Since the time I stepped into that hall, I'd been looking for chances to get to him. And it almost felt too painful to stay away from him when he looked so good in that black tuxedo. I did try hard to mingle with the crowd with the passing time, but I couldn't stop myself the moment I saw that girl trying to do her tricks on Merrick with that fake innocence on her face.

I know girls who try acting stupid just because they think men find it cute. R.I.P their IQ levels.

Though I felt a little weird when Merrick seemed calm about how I dragged him away from that girl. It actually looked like he wanted to be rescued and I was willing to do that favor on him. For a minute, I couldn't believe the honesty in his tone when he complimented me, and when I looked into his eyes, I knew I was far too gone. Merrick's eyes are beyond beautiful, and they are the bluest ones that I've ever seen in my life. To be honest, they revive in me the surge of love that I have for oceans, and sometimes it even scares me. It makes me forget who am I.

So, I literally had my heart caught up in my throat when Merrick kissed me because it was the last thing I expected from him. It felt too surreal, and when I actually begin to realize it wasn't a dream, he was already pulling back, and the kiss was over. At least, I am glad that I took advantage of everything he was offering me at the moment. And nothing could be better than feeling Merrick's lips against mine in a room full of people. I feel a little hot thinking about it. It almost felt like he marked his claim over me in front of everyone, and the thought alone sends tingles down my body.

As much as I want to think Merrick kissed me because he really wanted to, I know it wasn't true. I got to know the reason behind it when I turned around and saw the look of disbelief on the face of his ex-fiancée. I can feel the lump still raw in my throat, thinking that he did that just to make her jealous. Though I want to shrug it off, thinking it isn't a big deal, it still fucking hurts like a bitch.

I walk out of the door and get in my car, realizing that I am going to get late. When I drive off, I know I should be going to my office, but I can't help myself from taking the road to the Addington tower. I need to talk to Merrick. Of course, I want to know why he kissed me, but that's not my concern at this moment. We have a much bigger problem, and that's called Ashton. I am sure he saw us kissing, and that's why he corned me later when I was trying to find the washroom.

The look in his eyes was enough to let me know how angry he was to witness our little show. It was so relieving when I saw Merrick walk into the room. I wasn't going to let Ashton touch me for sure, but being alone with him in a room was still frightening. It brought back all the ugly memories from the past, and I fucking hate him for making me so vulnerable.

I think about how hard Merrick worked on his demo, and then I think about Theodore's presentation last night. I was there in the meeting when Cameron explained about their new product, and it wouldn't take long for anyone to realize that Theodore simply copied their model. But how is it possible? Do they not maintain secrecy for the models that are yet to be launched?

And then the only man that I can think about is Ashton. He is the only person who is capable of getting whatever he wants whenever he pleases to. He is a disgusting bastard. So it wouldn't surprise me if I'd found that Ashton was behind this. But why would he do that to Merrick?

Zelina, are you really dumb? He is doing this to Merrick because you are involved with him. Can't you see?

Guilt washes over me immediately, realizing that it's true that I am the reason why Merrick's launch was ruined last night, and that's why I want to speak with him. I want him to know about Ashton's dirty play. And I want to go there with an apologetic gift because I feel terrible for involving him in my share of problems. Though I know if I truly felt remorse, I should've had cut my ties with his company long before. But I know I can't do it now. I couldn't back off without making his company suffer a huge loss, and I'd hate to do that.

I stop at a nearby store when I remember what he told me just before that kiss. Maybe buying a wine bottle will be a great idea, considering how I didn't let him finish his drink. I smile as I shut off the ignition and walk inside.

I don't waste any time and head straight to the liquor aisle. There aren't many people around, so I ease up thinking that I can use plenty of time. I've never been picky about what I drink, but as I search now, I find it very difficult to get an appropriate bottle for Merrick. I don't wanna disappoint him.

I am too consumed in looking at the labels that I gasp in surprise when a hand grabs my arm and pulls me to the corner.

"What the...." Before I can say anything, the woman places her finger on my lips and shuts me off.

"Stay quiet." She whispers, and I look at her in disbelief.

"Patricia?" I say, recognizing the woman in front of me.

"You are being followed." She purses her lips and looks around cautiously. She lets out a breath when she realizes that we are alone and looks at me.

"What?" I frown.

"I caught a car following yours just before you entered." She says and then she turns and leans to look through the glass. "They are still out there." She says in a low voice. I slowly follow her gaze and see that she is right. There's a black SUV standing outside and I see two weird-looking men getting out of it now. They are looking up for something and they definitely seem shady.

"Ashton?" I ask in a dreadful tone as I pull back to look at her.

Patricia nods. "He knows you are not going to your office. Are you going somewhere that Ashton doesn't need to know?" She asks, and I bite my lip, thinking whether I should tell her about Merrick or not.

I simply shake my head in agreement and ask her. "What do I do now?"

She gives me a comforting smile as she says. "Don't worry, you can take my car. I'll be here looking at yours. There's a backdoor. You can go out easily without getting recognized." She hands me her key fob. "Platinum Audi. Go...You'll find me right here when you'll get back."

I take the key and then look at her. "Why are you doing this?"

At first, she looks a little troubled by my question, but then she shakes her head and smiles. "I just want to help you. And if I am getting a chance to do it, then why not?"

I nod, still looking at her in disbelief. "Thank you. I'll be back soon."

When I walk out of the store, I realize Patricia was right about the backdoor and it also makes me a little suspicious about why she is helping me, but I shake that thought away. I take her car and drive to Merrick's office, feeling grateful that I met her but also a little disappointed that I couldn't get what I went there for.

I still don't understand why she is married to such a devil named Ashton.

I reach my destination quickly and then get out to walk into the building. I ignore a few weird glances that I get, knowing that people here would have probably heard about what happened last night. Taking the elevator, I head to Merrick's floor and when I walk out; I frown a little when I find the receptionist's desk empty.

I make my way towards his cabin, but I stop at the sight of a fish tank on my way to the side. I frown, wondering how I never noticed it before. It's so beautiful. I always get excited when I discover an aquarium so I move closer to get a better look at it and as I am looking at the goldfishes, Merrick opens the door of his office. He is on his phone, but he stops when he sees me. The creases over his forehead indicate that he is pretty tensed and I can assume it's because of what happened at the launch. I straighten up and purse my lips. He is still talking on the phone, but he pushes open the door for me and leans against it, making way for me.

I walk into his office without saying a word. I can sense him following me in and I smile when he pulls a chair out for me. He gets behind his desk and looks at me after he ends the call. Merrick has a serious look on his face, which is a little intimidating but also very sexy.

"Is there a specific reason why you are here, Miss Miller?" He asks and for a minute I feel my mind going blank. Right now, he looks so handsome that I find myself being at a loss for words.

After a minute, I gulp slowly and then speak. "Merrick, I know I shouldn't be here, but I need to talk."

His eyes widen as if he realized something hearing what I said, and then I see a wave of regret flash over his face. "Listen, Zelina..."

"It's not what you are thinking about...." I cut him off in a hurry. I know he was going to regret that kiss and give reasons for his action, but I don't know how I'll listen to them without getting hurt.

I look at him and then say. "What Theodore did yesterday....there is a high chance that Ashton could be behind it."

He straightens up in his seat and looks at me curiously. "What makes you say that?"

I sigh. "Because I know him...I mean, I've worked with him." I feel a little nervous under Merrick's focused gaze, but I speak anyway. "Ashton's way of working is different. He doesn't let anyone know how bad he can be until that person is his target. I was with him for four years and it took me really long to understand the kind of man he is." I say, and it almost feels like I am talking to myself.

I clear my throat when I see Merrick still looking at me. "I...I want to thank you for getting me out of that room and away from him."

He doesn't say anything for a moment and I panic, thinking that I said something that I shouldn't have. But then he looks into my eyes and asks in a low voice. "What did he want from you?"

I process his question and just stare at him without saying anything. I know he is aware of the whore I've been to keep up my business with the stories he must have read, but it still terrifies me to talk about Ashton and my relationship with anyone - especially with Merrick. Not just because I don't want to, but also because it was complicated and toxic and god knows what else.

As if God has taken indication of my discomfort, Merrick's phone rings again, making me sigh in relief and thank him silently for getting me out of this situation.

"I think I should leave now," I say when I see Merrick hanging up his call.

Avoiding his gaze, I stand up and turn around to leave. "Zelina..." He calls my name and I freeze. I slowly turn, expecting the worst from him, but I frown when I see him looking at me with a look of shame on his face. He stands up and runs a hand through his hair before saying. "What I did yesterday...I shouldn't have.."

"I know you did it for Monica," I say, beating him to it.

"You knew?" He looks at me in disbelief.

"I saw her after you left with Dean." I shrug with a small smile. "I must say it worked because she looked pretty hurt."

He nods slowly as he looks at me apologetically. "I am sorry..."

"Don't be." I frown. "Why are you apologizing? I didn't regret it and I think neither did you."

"Zelina, it's not the time." He shakes his head and I can tell he wasn't expecting me to say that, but that's what the truth is. I know he doesn't regret it or else why would have he kissed me in the first place?

"You know I've never been up for your little games. I am not that person and I never can be. I can't do this with you." He says in a frustrated tone and I can see that he isn't lying.

"I am genuinely sorry for what I did and for once, can we have a real conversation?" He says, letting out a tired sigh, but he doesn't let me speak.

Merrick walks away from his desk and looks at me as he continues. "I know about you and I am fine with your history. I never judged you for that and honestly, it has never gotten in our way before, but please don't make me regret agreeing to work with you. You are an amazing businesswoman, Zelina. Not just a businesswoman, but also a wonderful human being. I've seen you with Archer. I know you are not the bitch that you try to pretend to be. Then why do you always try to prove otherwise? Why can't you be the real you?" He says everything in one go and when he finishes, I look at him in disbelief. In fact, he looks a bit surprised by himself and he instantly curses under his breath, realizing the words that came out of his mouth.

When I don't say anything, he looks at me hesitantly and says, shaking his head. "I am sorry...I just want to have a healthy business relationship with you, and I know you can do that. I mean, we can do that, Zelina."

I keep staring at him in shock. Listening to his words made me want to run into his arms just like I did last night, but I try to hold my ground and not lose my mind. I've never heard anyone say those things for me, and hearing that from Merrick tightens my chest with so many emotions. It almost makes me want to explode.

But then I stabilize and remind myself that I can't change. I need to be the Zelina I've been for so long. The Zelina that knows how to tame rich men. I can't let my guards down like this. So I don't let any emotions come in my way as I ask him. "Tell me one thing. Did you not want to kiss me from the beginning?"

"What?" He frowns.

I smirk as I walk towards him. "Hasn't the thought of kissing me crossed your mind since the day you met me?"

He watches me carefully and then answers. "Of course not..."

"Don't lie, Merrick." I say as I stand right in front of him.

I look into his eyes and I know he is pissed. Exactly how I wanted him to be. Merrick looks at me and clenches his jaw angrily. "I am not. I kissed you just to make Monica suffer. I wanted to get my revenge on her. I didn't kiss you for any other reason. Does that make it clear to you?" He says in a baffled tone, and then he looks away from me. I guess he doesn't trust himself being around me.

I smile and slowly place my hand on his cheek and make him look at me. I can feel his light stubble tickle my palm as I look into his eyes. "Fine. You kissed me because Monica was watching and you wanted to make her feel what you felt once."


I still have my hand on his cheek, and Merrick doesn't seem to be bothered by it. "And you wouldn't have kissed me if she wasn't there," I say.

"Yes." He says a little breathlessly.

When I place my other hand on his cheek too, he frowns, looking alarmed. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to give you a reality check." I smile before pulling him down to me.

I look into his eyes and then lean forward and press my lips against his. My hands are still cupping his cheeks as I pull myself closer to him. I close my eyes and I can feel Merrick struggling with trying to touch me, but he finally gives in and wraps his strong arms around my waist. The moment he embraces me, I am completely consumed by his intoxicating scent, and it drives me crazy. It drives me crazy to taste him and I eagerly use my tongue. Merrick doesn't seem to hold back as he kisses me, falling into my rhythm. I can't help the smile that spreads on my lips when I pull back and find us both breathless.

"What the hell, Zelina?" He asks as I reach up to rub my lipstick off the corner of his lips.

I place my hand over his chest and look up into his wide blue eyes. "This time Monica wasn't there in the room to watch us and you had no one to make jealous, yet you kissed me back. I got the answer that I wanted." I smile and then walk out of his cabin.

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