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I spend the entire Saturday locked in my room, reading all the scandalous articles about me and Monica that came out this morning. It was obvious that the word was out to the world that she broke off the engagement - the engagement that was an enormous affair and caught so many eyes. And as I go through them, I realize once again, our names are making headlines like they had been a few months ago, except it's not for the same celebrating reason.

It forces me to think again about the other night when it all happened. I still can't digest the fact that Monica did this to me. It's amusing to know how all these tabloids state different reasons for Monica leaving me. They even talk about how despite being a successful entrepreneur and the most desirable man I wasn't able to keep my woman by my side and how I couldn't satisfy her basic needs. I know I shouldn't be surprised with the creativity of the press, but it still amazes me knowing how they literally don't think twice before throwing dirt on people's reputations. How the hell do they get to write all this stuff? One of them even had the audacity to question that I wasn't sure about my sexuality. I mean that's totally crazy because my personal life is none of their fucking business.

I know I can't go around explaining to everyone what actually happened between us. They are going to blame it eventually on me because I wasn't the one who ended the relationship, so it has to be me who comes up with some major defects. Anyway, Monica leaving from my life was something which I accepted to have happened for good but at the same time, the unexpected arrival of another woman in my life has done nothing but contributed to increasing my anxiety level that I was already trying to deal with.

Yes, I am talking about the deadly hurricane that has hit my life - Zelina Miller. The meeting that we had yesterday seemed to have ended in almost a total disaster because of how that woman acted. She was absolutely crazy. When I met her at the bar, I thought she was just another drunk woman looking for a casual hookup, but yesterday when I met her in the daylight, I knew she was hungover on a completely different level.

After I got home last night, I did a little research about her and found out that she really did have a bad reputation, as Anthony suggested on the first day. I read the articles that had her name and learned that she was popularly known as the bitchy billionaire in the field. Clicking on one particular link that had the title Zelina Miller - The bitchy billionaire, I got to know the reason behind that tag given to her. She was given that name mainly because of the simple tactics she used to do business. She seduced businessmen easily and convinced them to get her deals.

I then realized that she was trying to do the same thing with me, except it ended up being just a tiny flirting session with Sarah's interruption at the right time. The articles clearly stated she always got things her way. Then how the hell she agreed to work with me before even reading the contract. Not that I've had something of my greed in it, but still it's so unprofessional to not go through documents before finalizing a contract.

Anyway, I am no one to be concerned about her reputation or to call her names. It's her life and she can live it on her own terms. I don't know why people are so hypocritical. When a man can have such a carefree lifestyle, why can't a woman? Why she has to be judged for doing it. And it isn't less known that these reporters are always willing to jump at any chance they get to write spiced-up rubbish and exaggerated news.

It's none of my business to worry about what people think about her, but I know if I have to work with her, then I need to set boundaries with her and strictly make it clear that I am not playing this her way. We are going to be strictly professionals, nothing more than that. From the very beginning, I always believed in love and commitments. I was never one to have only a sexual one-night encounter. But after what Monica did, I feel like I need to distance myself from having any kind of relationship with women other than business. So Zelina doesn't stand a chance here to succeed in her intentions.

Yesterday I left for the office early and today I wasn't in a mood to be at the dining table for breakfast, so I got a chance again to dodge Claire. Monica's driver didn't show up on Friday and it gave me the relief to assume that maybe Monica was reconsidering our relationship. But later on, this evening when he finally came to collect her things, I knew it was over. Then I realized avoiding everyone and hiding in my room isn't going to lessen my pain or change the fucking truth. I know I have to deal with it and also remind myself that it's something that I can't keep from Claire forever. So on Sunday I heavy-heartedly get out of my bed and freshen up to head to the dining hall.

When I reach the dining room, I find Anna already occupying one of the chairs at the table. I walk over and sit next to her. She doesn't acknowledge my presence as she seems to be busy on a phone, more likely playing some game.

"I am happy you finally decided to come out of your room," Claire says as she lays a plate in front of me.

"Thanks, Claire." I return a weak smile to her, not exactly knowing what to say. Since I've never been fortunate to have my mother's love, I always appreciated Claire's little attempts to show that she cares about me.

After Claire disappears into the kitchen again, the room grows almost silent except for the noise vibrating from Anna's phone. I clench my jaw, feeling annoyed by the disturbance.

"Why didn't Monica come down?" Anna asks all of a sudden, and I turn to look at her. She doesn't look at me as she keeps tapping on her phone, trying to kill the zombies or some shit. "Is everything good with her?"

"I haven't seen her in the last two days. What happened to her, Merrick?" She asks again when I don't speak.

The mention of Monica's name triggers something in me and I can't help but again replay all the events that had happened in the last few days. The thoughts that I was trying hard to shut down come back crashing on me terribly. My  fiancée cheated on me and then fucking left because I wasn't man enough to keep her by my side. All the tabloid headlines ring in my head, making my blood boils and I don't even realize I am gripping the fork too tightly by then. The turbulence seems too loud in my head and I can't differentiate if I am imagining them or they are actually coming from Anna's phone. When I finally lose my patience, I turn towards her and yell.

"Can you just shut that thing off and talk?" She jumps out of her chair, hearing my voice, and looks at me in horror.

"Merrick?" Claire reaches to me and at the same time, Anna pushes her phone back into her pocket timidly and lowers her gaze.

"Are you alright?" Claire asks, placing her hand over my shoulder.

I sigh, looking at Anna's terrified face and instantly regret shouting at her. What's wrong with you, Merrick? She is a kid, and she probably doesn't even know what shit happened between you and Monica. Then how do you find it fair to behave with her like this? I shouldn't have been harsh on her.

"I am sorry, Anna. I wasn't intending to scream at you." I look at her and a wave of shame wash over my body. "It's my fault. I am just not feeling well."

She doesn't say anything, and I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration. "I am sorry, I think I am heading back to my room." I look at Anna and Claire and say before standing up and walking out of the room.

"Merrick, stop!" Claire catches my arm before I can leave the room, and I turn to look at her.

She furrows her eyebrows and speaks. "You can't keep running, you have to talk about it, eventually."

I sigh and shake my head. "Not now, Claire. I just can't...Excuse me."

With that, I hurry outside. I am angry and frustrated with myself. So instead of going to my room, I walk in the direction of my study. Inside, I see the lines of shelves filled with books arranged evenly. On any other day, the woody scent here and the sight of these books would have brought peace to my mind, but not today. I reach to the far end where there is a large arched window and stare out, crossing my arms over my chest. I hear the unlocking of the door moments later. And a hand comes to rest over my shoulder. It's the softest touch that I can always recognize.

I let out a ragged breath and close my eyes.

"I know you don't wanna talk about it. But you don't have to suffer alone, kid. I am here for you." I hear Claire say softly.

"You think I don't know when you are in pain. Boy, I've known you since the time you wore your underwear inside out." She says and I shake my head, feeling a bit amused and embarrassed.

"You don't need to bring that up every time you want to make me talk to you," I say, giving her a side glance.

"At least I know the ways I can use to have an upper hand." She shrugs, standing next to me. None of us speak anything as we watch the bright sun shining outside.

"From the first day, I knew that girl wasn't right for you. She was not someone that she projected to be." Claire then looks at me and says. "It might be hard to believe, but she never loved you. I knew. Anna knew. Everyone who looked at the two of you knew." She shakes her head. "You were just too blind, Merrick."

She reaches for my hand and makes me turn to look at her. "You were always an intelligent man. How didn't you grasp the signs, child?"

I clench my jaw, feeling the anger rise in me. "I loved her, Claire. She never gave me a reason to doubt."

She sighs and shakes her head. "You may not have noticed, but I saw the way she was around you. She was using you for solving her own purposes."

Claire reaches and pats my cheek softly. "You deserve better, Merrick."

Her words pierce through my heart and I look into her eyes, feeling the emotions I was trying to suppress all at once. "Where did I go wrong, Claire? I never wanted to stop her from flourishing in her career." I shake my head, recollecting the reasons Monica gave me.

"For god's sake! She was my life, my love. I cared for her. But what did she do to me? She cheated on me with another man. She broke me and then left." I look away for a moment and then turn back. "I wanted to make her my wife. To keep her forever in my life. I wanted to be there by her side. Was that not enough for her?"

Claire gazes at me, carrying a look of pity in her eyes. "I know, child. Your love was pure. But she was a selfish woman. It wasn't your fault."

When I don't say anything, she steps closer and brushes a tear that involuntarily rolled down my cheek. "I don't wanna sound insensitive, but I think she left for good. Do you know why? Because she wasn't the one sent by the god for you." She rests her hands over my shoulder and I look into her eyes, relaxing a bit under her soothing touch.

"I know it will take time, but don't let those feelings hold you down. Let it go. You'll feel better." She says, looking up at me.

"I'll try," I say, looking down at her small figure and then hesitate. "Thanks, Claire."

"Anytime dear. Just don't bottle up things, okay?" She says worriedly, and I nod. "I should probably go and finish the dishes now. I left them halfway." She grins and I nod again, this time laughing along with her.

When she begins to walk to the door, I stop her. She looks at me and I say. "Claire, take care of Anna. I hope I didn't scare her."

She shakes her head with a smile and assures me. "Don't worry. I'll talk to her."

My phone rings after Claire leaves and I pick it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, Merrick!" I hear and instantly recognize it's Rowan.

"Rowan. How are you doing, man?" I ask.

"Stressed as always, brother." He laughs, making me smile. "Hope I am not bothering you in the morning."

"Not at all. What is it?"

He doesn't respond for a minute and I frown, wondering what is taking him so long. "Uhh...I just wanted to confirm if you'd be attending the program in the afternoon. Archer has been really excited to show you his new dance moves." He says hesitantly.

"Shit! Sorry, I completely forgot about the event. With all the things going around in the office, it really got out of my mind." I say immediately when I realize what he is talking about. God, my mind is a real mess. I've never once missed these programs. Then how did I forget about it?

"Hey, that's fine. Trust me, it gets really hectic for me to manage a single hospital. I can't even imagine how exhausting it would be to run a chain of billion-dollar companies." He says. "No issues. If you are busy, I can manage things here."

"No need for that. I'll make sure to be there on time," I say.

"Okay, three o'clock then. See you."


I wake up on Sunday morning when my housekeeper, Stella, brings my breakfast to my room. She has been working here for a long time. She is a polite lady and isn't very talkative. I like her because she never questions me about my lifestyle and it's exactly how I appreciate having people around me.

After Stella leaves the tray on the table, I freshen up and begin to munch on my toast and omelet. I usually have my breakfast in my room because I can't stand being in the same room as my mother, let alone have breakfast with her.

As I take a bite of my omelet, I go through all the information that Ruby gathered about Merrick. Out of all the information, the first thing that caught my attention was the links to the articles that came out yesterday. It's about that cheater fiancée of his who broke off the engagement and left him for some other guy. I realized that this woman was the reason why he was sulking the other night - Monica Wright. No offense, but that's one hell of a bitchy name. Probably bitchier than mine.

I read the articles and I don't like the way they are putting it all on him and questioning him about not being a man enough to satisfy his woman. It suddenly takes me back to the time when I was in his office. I have trailed my fingers over his body and I am damn sure no way those strong muscles and rock-hard chest wouldn't be impressive in the bed. I think the fault is in that snake, Monica. Nobody probably knows that she cheated on him. But I knew it. I saw the hurt in his eyes when he was there, sitting at the bar. The way he gripped his glass when I called her a bitch. It just shows how much he loved her and my blood boils, thinking how she could do that to him.

Zelina, why are you overreacting about it? He is just another man that you are going to lure into your bed. That's it. Yeah, right? I am glad she is out of his life now and also out of my way. Or else I wouldn't have known what ways I would have used to kick her out of my path.

I also found out that Merrick's grandparents migrated from England to States years ago and started this company that he owns now. There isn't much information about his mother, so I assume she doesn't belong to the corporate world. His father was a great human being and a successful businessman, just like him.

I remember seeing some of his pictures with his father in a magazine. Unfortunately, 6 years ago, he lost his battle with cancer. After his father's death, Merrick took things into his hand, and with his hard work, he raised his company to the next level of success. And later, in memory of his father, he constructed a cancer cure and research institute. Where the management every month organizes an event for the patients battling against this deadly disease to participate and have fun. Merrick is usually called as the chief guest to these programs and it is seen that he never really misses them and enjoys spending time at the hospital. When I read the next text from Ruby informing me that one such event is going to happen today in the afternoon, I grin, knowing that I don't have to wait until the meeting to see him.

"Merrick, you are not going to get even a Sunday off from me," I say, smiling at my phone.


Let me know your thoughts guys.

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