Ch. 17 - Shout

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Bruce's assertive voice vibrated through their furry bodies. Raya-wolf and Lana-wolf paused their munching instantly, as though a magical wizard had cast a freeze spell. Anything hanging from their lips fell and splashed in the pool of blood on the concrete.

Dreading to peer up, Raya swallowed hard and slowly lifted her head. Wearing a "please don't spank me" expression, her gaze shifted upward and into the furious blue eyes of their alpha-daddy. She'd screwed up. The metallic taste in her mouth turned into guilt.

Lana floated out of her ravenous mentality to that of rebellious child being scolded. She hated it. She wanted to devour, but try as she might, she just couldn't have even a tiny nibble - it was infuriating.

Thick, sticky blood and an array of clots covered the girls's mouths and chins. The half-devoured dancing queen's body convulsed on the ground, jerking and twitching very unattractively. His body, minus the majority of his upper torso, appeared to be keeping beat with the music coming from inside the club.

Ugh! Gross, Lana, how can you think of something like that right now? she thought to herself, all the while, still being able to find it at least a bit humorous.

"Lanaaaaa!" Bruce shouted viciously, spit spewing from his mouth. "Look at me, damn it! Now!" His hostile voice rang through the still night and seized her.

Lana wanted nothing more than to end Bruce right then and there where he stood. To think, he'd taken it upon himself to fuck up her whole life at his given convenience without regret, then he had the nerve to show up here and crash her party. "It's your fault!" she wanted to scream. She didn't want to look at him, she didn't want to lay eyes on his jerk face. Pile-driving him and calling him a piece of shit sounded like a better idea to her. Alas, he did control her, giving her no possible option to act otherwise. She more than bitterly despised his dominance over her being. It was hard to explain or even to figure out, a huge mind fuck, that she couldn't disobey a direct order. If she didn't play along with the twisted bastard, he would simply force her. To think she'd once thought the Joker was the craziest villain. Hah! This was some sick shit.

Lana felt her head began to turn toward him, and halfway through, committed to do it on her own terms. She steeled her gazed, glaring at him the way she would after giving a cashier a hundred dollar bill, then realizing they shorted her ten or fifteen bucks after counting her change.

"Good girl. I have your attention now." Bruce snarled with a sinister grin.

Lana's blood boiled, however Raya's blood heated for him in a different way.

She seem to grovel in his presence, giving her will over completely. There was no use in trying to deny him. He was their leader.

"Shift," he demanded.

The girls let the wolf form melt from their features, producing a much more gruesome scene. The half-eaten body, the gore dripping from their human chins - it looked like they'd resorted to cannibalism. At least as werewolves they looked like they were just doing what was in their nature.

Bruce's lip curled in disgust. He pointed to the ground. "And put on whats left of your clothes! What the fuck is going on here? Why are you in the open, wolfed, eating somebody in a fucking open alley way? Are you fucking stupid? Jesus Christ!" he spat, throwing his hands in the air.

"Don't call us stupid!" Lana squealed, pulling her shirt over her head.

"Stop, Lana," Raya muttered under her breath, much like she'd done when they'd gotten in trouble as kids. Raya always felt guilty and knew what she deserved for breaking rules. It was Lana whom always made excuses and arguments, in turn, causing their punishment to be more severe.

"Shut up," Bruce responded in a nasty tone.

Lana could see the veins in his neck pumping hard, the fire behind his eyes. He was fit to be tied, and clearly she needed to back the fuck back, for real.

"Fabricius," Ira said, breaking up the less-than-happy family reunion.

Bruce swung to face the speaker of his ancient name, knowing him immediately. "Ira. The name is Bruce now."

The girls' ears perked. Raya stopped pulling up her panties and watched the exchange curiously. Do they know each other? Why did he call Bruce 'Fabricius'?

"You allowed this?" Bruce questioned, advancing in Ira's direction.

"Allowed? It was his idea!" Lana yelled.

"Yeah, he said it would get us drunk. He manipulated us!" Raya agreed. She knew something about Ira was messed up. Whatever he knew about her kind, he'd used it to cause them to do something very careless and cruel.

Bruce's gaze warned the girls. He didn't need their help; he already had Ira's number. Raya busied herself by looking for her high-heels. Lana, on the other hand, was fully dressed, giving Ira the evil eye.

Ira's hands shot out in a passive gesture. Taking a step back, he said, "Hey, now. I didn't know these lovely pups were yours. Besides, who am I to bust up a good time? They did as they pleased; I merely came along for the ride."

"Whatever, Ira, you lying ass! This was your idea!" Lana pouted profusely.

"Lana, darling, I simply brought the idea to the surface. It was yours and Raya's actions that turned the idea into a reality."

Growling, Lana shouted, "You condescending bastard!" She felt used. Tricked. She stomped in Ira's direction, ready to serve him a dish of whoop-ass. Unfortunately, her motive was quickly road-blocked by Bruce's arm, wrapping gingerly around her dainty waist.

"Let me go!" Lana insisted, clawing at the air and kicking her feet about like a child throwing a fit over a toy.

Raya jetted in Ira's direction and pounced on him, knocking him to the ground. The back of his sandy-blonde noggin smacked the concrete.

"I knew you were a piece of shit! You're an instigator, just a-" Raya startled.

Ira was so cold, she could feel it through his clothes. Furthermore, the pavement now bore a crack where his head had landed.

"What the frick?" Raya yelped, shooting to her feet. "What is wrong with you? What the hell are you?"

"Everybody shut the fuck up!" Bruce boomed.

Raya jerked toward him, whimpering. Something wasn't right about this guy. He smelled weird, he was too cold to be alive, and he was hard as a rock! He's dangerous, she wanted to say.

Bruce noticed her struggle. He pointed his finger sternly at Raya, who crumbled under his demand. She bowed her head and hoped he knew what he was doing.

Lana had yet to stop flopping like a fish out of water in Bruce's grasp, but he held her easily.

Ira stood, dusting himself off, and flashed his trademark shit eating grin.

Something was odd about the way he moved.

"Wipe that smirk off your face before I chew your chummy lips off!" Lana shrieked.

"Lana, please, calm down." Bruce tossed Lana up in the air like one might do a small orange. She landed in his embrace, and he held her so that she was totally restrained; arms across her chest, her knees almost touching her chin. She was still furious, but at his order, she was calming.

"That is quite enough," Bruce warned.

A cackle erupted from Ira. It creeped Raya straight the heck out, and she eased closer to Bruce.

"Come on, Fabricius, let her go. It might be fun," Ira said, wiggling his brows suggestively.

"Go away, Ira," Bruce huffed, shaking his head.

"Now, now, old friend. You can't order me around."

"We were never friends. I fucking hate you," Bruce said.

At that moment he chose to let Lana go. She didn't try to attack Ira. Instead, another idea was forming.

So Brucey hates him, huh? she thought. Well, that changes the game. Lanasmirked mischievously.

"You know, on second thought, I think we could be pals," she said to Ira.

Raya, who'd taken cover from the unusual Ira, peered around Bruce's shoulder, her mouth wide open.

"That's more like it." Ira grinned wide at Lana.

"Got a problem with that, daddy?" she shot at Bruce.

It looked as though he very much did. He gritted his teeth and started to explode, but then his anger seemed to turn to amusement. He wasn't going to let her get to him.

"As long as you don't expose us, I don't care how you get your jollies off," he grumbled.

"Well good, because I think I might really like him," she said just a little too perkily.

"Good," Bruce said.

"Fine," she said.

"Fine," Bruce replied.

Stomping away from Bruce's side, Lana rested next to Ira, jerking his arm and wrapping her own around his elbow.

"Lana, no..." Raya muttered.

"Shut it, Raya, you're no help," Lana pouted. "Come on." She tugged at Ira.

"Ahh, you're forgetting something," Bruce called to their backs.

Lana twisted around, ready to tell Bruce to shove whatever she forgot up his- "The body," he said. -eww.

"Right you are, old comrade," Ira observed. "Hey, Raya?"

Raya eyed him suspiciously.

"Wanna see a magic trick?" he teased.

Like a magician, he waved his hand through the air as he focused on the body. It burst into flames, causing Raya to jump and yelp.

The fire reflected in Lana's eyes as she stared, awestruck. "Bad ass," she declared. "Don't wait up," she called as she walked off arm in arm with Ira the Terrible.

"What are you waiting for? Stop her!" Raya told Bruce.

"If I stop her now, she wins. If she spends a few hours with Ira, well, she's only punishing herself," he said.

The fire danced furiously, licking the remaining soft tissue on the bones and finally engulfing them as well until nothing was left. With a final poof, the fire disappeared, leaving behind only ashes where the dead dancing raver had been. Raya gawked at the remains.

"What is he?" she inquired.

"A cold, stinking vampire," Bruce answered. "Come on, we better follow near, at least. Make sure she doesn't get in any trouble."

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