Original Edition - Chapter 41: Tequila Wisdom

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I ran quickly home before Ethan could catch me. Derek and Elliot tried to calm me down, but I still felt like my heart was twisting. Damn pull. It wasn't fair. It was hurting my wolf, hurting me, and for that, I started to resent the damn thing.

I took a long shower then proceeded to have another movie marathon with my vampires. Elliot wanted to watch all the 'Indiana Jones' movies so he could gawk at Harrison Ford.

They made snacks and helped cheer my spirits up. Derek kept reassuring me that Ethan would figure it out, but something in my belly was still at unease about the whole thing. Derek said it was the pull. He reassured me that it's normal; when he and Elliot argue he said it can sometimes feel like he's getting stabbed depending on how heated it gets.

Soon a knock on the door disrupted my almost nap as the evening sun poured through the living room window. Andrea walked in with a knowing smile and immediately walked to me and rubbed her cheek against mine before pulling me into a firm hug. "He's a dick, but he's your dick. He'll come around."

I smiled and nodded as she pulled away. "Margaritas?" I smiled some more and nodded again. We started to walk out when she turned to look over her shoulder at the vampires that were having some kind of silent conversation, probably linking. "You two want to join?"

"Nope," Elliot said chipperly as he broke his gaze from Derek's to ours. "It's date night."

I laughed  with Andrea as Derek's cheeks started to heat up. "Alright, just make sure you take the lovefest out of here."

"Just because you're not getting any, does not mean you can rain on our parade!" Elliot yelled out as we walked away from the house.

I groaned while Andrea practically died in laughter. We continued to walk as the evening sun was quickly fading. We turned and started walking towards her cabin, which surprised me a. "We're at your place?"

"Mhmm, Evangeline said, and I quote, 'I don't want that belly up bastard of a brother of mine to ruin our night.'"

I felt my chest shake hard with laughter as we approached her cabin. "Well, she's not far off."

"Yes, well, we were going to let you give us the details, but after a drink, or four." She smiled wickedly as we walked up the steps into her cabin.

It was much like ours, just a little bigger and with a second floor. It looked like there was only one bedroom on the first floor and a bathroom, but the living room was big as was the kitchen. They had a big rectangle farmhouse table next to the kitchen where Evangeline was dying of laughter as Evan mixed up the cocktails in a pitcher on the island centered in the kitchen.

"Little sister!" Evan walked to me with a warm smile and hugged me tightly. He pulled back and I noticed the shiner on his chin and grimaced. "It's fine Char, you should see Ethan."

"I did," I chuckled out.

"Charrrrr! Oh my goshhh, hi!" Evangeline slurred a bit as he walked over to me and rubbed her cheek against mine.

I looked at Evan who shrugged innocently and Andrea who just bit back a laugh before turning back to my friend. "Started without me?"

Evangeline walked over to the table them patted a seat next to mine while Evan continued to mix up the margaritas. "Well, Evangeline here doesn't handle her tequila well. That and, well she got in a fight with our brother, which afterward she marched into my room and demanded tequila."

"Damn right! Bastard is what he is," she grumbled while Andrea put some chips and hot sauce on the table.

I slid next to Evangeline who took a long sip out of her drink while Evan poured three new glasses for us. "Oh God Evangeline..." I groaned.

"What was it even about?" Andrea asked as Evan handed her a drink.

"Well, he came home, pissed as hell, which was damn annoying if you ask me," she said as she straightened her high and mighty back. "Anyways, he asked me if I thought that he was too friendly with Amber, which I said duh! I mean come on the girl has been trying to get in his pants foreeeeverrrr–"

"Which has never happened Char," Evan added firmly as he handed me a drink.

"Anyways," Evangeline said as she waved her hand dramatically. "He just got pissy with me and I asked him what it was about, and he said it something Char said. I asked what it was or what happened and he told me that you two got in a fight, to which I asked about as well, cause like, I'm his sisterrrrrr I have to know these things–"

"Evangeline," Evan groaned while Andrea and I bit back our laughter.

"Evan this is my story, wait your turn," she playfully scolded. I chuckled softly as she sipped her margarita then looked back at us. "Anyways, he told me it was none of my business, then I told him well it doesn't matter because Char's probably right, and hell, that pissed him off! He and I went back and forth until I think I called him a ball-less pirate whore."

"Ball-less pirate whore?" Andrea asked on breathy laughter.

"Yup!" Evangeline said before drinking some more of her cocktail. "So spill Char, I have to know now how much shit he's really in."

I took a drink of my margarita which was the perfect mix of sweet, tangy, and tequila that I needed after dealing with this damn pull. I sighed then proceeded to go, in great detail on Evangeline's demands, over the fight and incident at dinner. Both Evan and Andrea were more than amused while Evangeline listed off a list of profanities in reference to Ethan as I spoke.

Halfway through, Evan made me another drink and I was more than grateful. Just talking about it made the pull twist, it made me ache for him. My wolf whined in the back of my mine from it, but there was nothing we could do. He had to make this right.

"I knew it! That bitch!" Evangeline exclaimed.

"Evangeline, drink this," Evan said as he handed her a bottle of water.

I laughed with Andrea as Evangeline groaned but then quickly complied. Evan sat down and took a drink before reaching for some chips. "She's always been that way, Char."

"Been what way?"

"A whore! God, who hasn't she slept with?" Evangeline said after taking a long drink of water.

My wolf perked up. "Really?"

Evan nodded as he ate his chip with a good helping of hot sauce. "She sleeps with the men she wants who can get her what she wants, and she just intimidates the females. She's always been after Ethan but he's always said no." Evan laughed a bit as he wiped some hot sauce off his lip. "Even when he was drunk; this one time he got real hammered with me and some of the guys and she was there, and of course she asked if he wanted to go somewhere more private. He looked her up and down and said, and I quote, 'You literally smell like dick, so no.'"

I burst into laughter at the thought of Amber's face during that moment while the rest of the table joined me. "Oh, that's rich." I took a chip for myself and scooped out some chunky salsa with it. "But tell me, I mean why does no one do anything? Is Arron as bad? I mean, Thomas and Miranda don't seem that bad, I don't understand?"

"Miranda seems nice but that woman is a huge bitch with a large stick up her ass," Evangeline said while eating some chips.

Andrea shook her head amusingly while Evan huffed. "She's not that bad–"

"Yes, she is Evan!" Evangeline interjected. "Just the other day she told me 'God Evangeline you're just so careless, you're just like your mother; careless with her head in the damn clouds.'"

The table stilled as quite settled in over the sound of Evangeline chewing her chips. I felt sadness tug at my heart as I looked at Evan who seemed to be fighting something. I let out a sigh and shook my head. "That was wrong of her, she shouldn't speak about your mother that way and she shouldn't talk to you that way."

Evangeline shrugged. "She always has, I guess I'm just used to it."

I took a long sip of my drink and locked eyes with Evan who seemed to be a little torn. "Thomas is a good wolf, but the rest of them are not the greatest. I mean, they could be worse, and we have heard of worse. They helped rebuild the pack, and a lot of people are really grateful to them for that."

I nodded. "I understand that, but why doesn't anyone do anything about Amber and Arron. I mean, it seems like they would have a good reason that even Miranda couldn't argue."

Evan shrugged as he took a sip of his drink. "Like I said, Amber has a lot of men in her pocket, and she scares the females–"


"Well, they think she's a good fighter–"

"Which is bullshit," Andrea interjected. She took a drink as she frustratedly shook her head. "All she does is makes a really horrific show of whoever she's fighting, usually it's a new warrior or someone whose not as skilled as her. It's an easy fight, but she beats them so bad that it intimidates the females. Her and Larissa, God, I can't wait until my dad lets me have a go at her ass."

"When can I buy tickets?" Evangeline asked deviously.

Andrea chuckled at her and shook her head while Evan rolled his eyes. He looked back at me with a half-smile that looked more defeated than anything else. It pained me for them, they shouldn't let people run all over them. "She's right. They either think of that or the men that Amber has in her pocket. Larissa is pretty good, not too bad, but she's so cocky. Any one of you could have her in the dirt in like ten minutes, I would be willing to put money on it."

I smiled into my glass. "You're tempting me to do something that I already am itching to do."

Evan chuckled and shrugged. "Not pack yet little sister."

"But she could be," Evangeline added.

Evan flickered his to her then back to me curiously. "True, but you shouldn't do it because you want to tear into Amber's ass." I sighed and nodded, it was true, but still, I couldn't help myself. I wanted to tear into that female's ass so bad that joining the pack didn't sound so bad. I looked into my glass, that was getting a little empty, much like how my heart was feeling–empty. "Ethan's just a very 'keep the peace' type person. He has a strong sense of doing right by everyone and following the rules–"

"Doing right by everyone but his mate," I grumbled into my glass.

Evan nodded in agreement. "It's wrong, there's no doubt about that."

There was a knock on the door that broke the conversation. Andrea quickly got up and let a winded Ryder and Jake in. They both gave me side hugs while Evan got up to make more drinks for everyone.

"Well, Char and Ethan make up yet?" Ryder playfully asked.

I rolled my eyes as Jake sat in a chair next to me. "Don't worry Char, but know, that we are all totally in support of you laying a beating on Amber."

I gave Jake a devious grin while Evan scowled at him. Evangeline finished her water them slammed it down and said, "I agree!"

"And Evangeline is drunk," Ryder chuckled out as he took a seat next to Evan.

"Piss off Ryder!" Evangeline dramatically said.

Evan brought us all new drinks with Andrea's help before he sat down with wary eyes that kept flickering towards his sister. He looked back at me a little tiredly as he let his fingers trail the rim of his glass. "So tell me about the rogues."

I felt my beast stir. "Did anyone find anything?" I asked Ryder.

He shook his head disappointedly before taking a drink. "Nothing."

I let out along huff before looking at Evangeline who had her lips in a knowing grim line. "Nothing at all?"

"No, and we checked everywhere Char. Billy's still meeting with Thomas and Ethan about it," Jake added.

I took a drink then recounted how Evangeline and I found the rogues. Everyone was quiet as I did, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Both Evangeline, Evan, and Ryder looked almost scared as I talked about it; like a known fear had come back to wrap its fingers around them.

No one could understand it, and neither could I. My wolf was perturbed by the whole thing, it didn't make sense to her. It went against what she new to be natural and right.

My belly churned. There had to be more. "Has anything like this happened before?"

Everyone shook their heads  solemnly. I sighed and took a drink that didn't help to ease my beasts' anxiety.

"Didn't something like this happen to you, though? Last fall?" Jake asked.

I nodded. "Ya we came home from the bear hunt and there were eight rogues and my now late husband there. We killed them all, but their scent died like thirty feet or so away from the house. Levi had our trackers on it like crazy, but we never found anything."

"You know we didn't smell then when they took that boy," Andrea mused.

I nodded. "That's true. I only smelled them after I woke up, that's what woke me up, but I feel like I should have been able to before they took that kid."

"Me too," she added. "We should have been able to get wind of them before they even got close to the group."

I sighed as Evangeline took a sip of her cocktail. "Evan?" she asked a with a voice that did little to hide her dread.

Evan tugged at his hair and shook his head. "I don't know. I mean, literally no idea. I know Thomas has people on it, and Ryder here has been out all day–"

"Going again tomorrow," Ryder added.

"He's been out all day looking and if there was something he would of at least found it," Evan finished before taking another drink. "We just need to keep an eye out."

"With that, I'm out, I got to get up early and get a head start tomorrow," Ryder said as he stood into a long stretch.

"Me too, Thomas wants me to go with him," Jake added as he stood up to.

"Want us to take her home?" Ryder asked as he nodded to Evangeline.

Evan shook his head. "No, I got her."

The boys hugged everyone goodbye before leaving the cabin. I continued to sip my drink in a silence that felt heavier than it should. It felt heavy like my heart. Damn this pull.

"Come with me," Evan whispered to me. "Tell Andrea you want to go home."

I nodded to him as my wolf perked up curiously and smiled at Andrea. "I'm tired too, I think I'm out."

"Let me walk you home," Evan added. "Someone's gotta protect you from Ethan," he chuckled out.

Andrea laughed then rubbed her cheek against mine. I hugged Evangeline goodbye as Evan led us out of the cabin. "I'll come back for her!" He called over his shoulder.

"She's fine!" Andrea called back.

"What's going on," I whispered to him.

"Just follow me," he replied back. I eyed him curiously as we walked to my cabin.

Something was off. He walked in my cabin that was thankfully empty and closed all the blinds while I turned the kitchen lights on. I eyed him with a suspicious brow as I turned to pull out a water from the refrigerator.

"Want one?"

"Sure," he sighed out.

I handed him a water then sat across from him on a barstool. He opened it then took a long drink before he looked at me a little knowingly. "What's going on Evan?"

He sighed and took another sip before wiping his mouth. "Ethan cares a lot for you, like a lot a lot."

I felt my chest tightened. "I mean, I do care for him."

"It's not that," Evan said softly while shaking his head. "Ethan was never the same after the attack. I'm sorry for being so 'Jason Bourne' earlier, but talking about it really upsets Evangeline when anyone talks about that day. Considering she's already drunk–"

"I get it 'Jason Bourne,' " I added with mock air quotations which made him smile a little.

He sighed then leaned back in his chair. "Listen, I never told you any of this, ok? But I don't know if Ethan would ever tell you, and you need to know."

"Ok," I softly said before taking a small sip of water.

"Like I said, he was not the same after the attack. He was so attached to Eli, they were practically like twins. He and Eli were always together, I mean he would have been Eli's beta, there was no doubt about that.

"The day the attack happened our grandparents had taken us shopping. Lucas and Lydia were visiting and our dad needed Eli to help him with a few things before Levi came the next day. When we got back it was like we woke up in a nightmare. The whole pack was terrified, you could feel it. My grandparents took us to an emergency shelter and bolted us in, and Ethan fought my grandad the whole way. He was sixteen, old enough to fight but still too young. My dad ordered my grandad who to this day I think still has regrets that he complied, to stay down there and keep us safe. Ethan kept screaming over the family link for Eli, but Eli just told him to stay there. He told Ethan to take care of us and just stay close together. That was the last thing we ever heard from him."

"Evan..." I softly said as he took a deep breath then another drink of water.

"Ethan found them, Char. He was the first one out of the shelter when it felt safe again, we didn't even know if it really was, but he didn't care. I followed him." He gulped a little then looked up at me with eyes filled with an old pain that didn't look like it was going anywhere anytime soon. "I didn't even recognize our mother. Ethan just lost it when he saw, he held onto Eli until Thomas was able to pull him off. He eventually got loose from Thomas though. Levi showed up with Billy and lost it, it was everything Thomas and Lander had to keep Levi from loosing his mind right there."

"Levi?" I felt my heart twist at the thought of it.

"I will never forget how his face looked when he saw Aunt Eve. It was the last time I saw him until I came and got you."

My heart was twisting. I felt like I was going to loose my breath from the tendrils of sadness that were pouring off of him. "Where? Where did Ethan go?"

"The treehouse." I felt my heart almost skip a beat as his knowing eyes met mine. "That's why I was shocked he brought you so soon. He lived out there after that day a little over a month. So many people thought he was going to go rogue, he was torn up bad from all of it. I went out there and so did Ryder. Ryder's dad Nick was killed in the attack, so I thought, I don't know maybe be would get through to Ethan if I couldn't. Ethan practically killed us, I've never seen him like that. The whole house was a mess, torn up, so was he."

"How then? How did he come home?"

"Evangeline," Evan sighed. "She was so upset. She missed Ethan and went out there without anyone knowing. I wouldn't let her before because I was so afraid of what he would do, he wasn't thinking right then.

"She was always afraid to climb up the ladder by herself. Eli could always carry her or let her ride on his back. She would never go up there without Eli.

"She climbed halfway up and according to her, she just started crying because she was so scared and missed Eli. She just didn't want to loose her other brother, I was barely hanging on by a thread, and the only reason really was because of her; with Ethan gone, I had to lookout for her. We had to lookout for each other.

"Ethan apparently came out and saw her and I guess something clicked. He climbed down and met her then let her climb on his back. They stayed out there most of the day. I was terrified though, I had no idea where she was. I thought I was going to loose my damn mind. But then here come Evangeline walking down to my grandparent's cabin, holding Ethan's hand, bringing him home."

I didn't know what to say. My heart felt like it was going to skip a beat as a mix of so many emotions rushed through me. Evan looked up at me with eyes that were beginning to get glassy and it started to break away at my heart. My wolf didn't like seeing the male so sad, her new brother-in-law who she just saw as a younger brother.

"Evan, I'm so sorry."

He nodded. "It's alright." He sighed a little and seemed to compose himself some more before looking back at me with a half-smile. "Anyways, after Ethan came back he was just never the same. He was so much more, I guess, carefree before? I don't think I've seen my brother smile more in his life then the day he left your porch that night when you agreed to go on a run with him." I smiled as butterflies tingled throughout me. "He just stepped up, I guess. He helped Thomas rebuild the pack. He was always so concerned with everyone's safety and the health of the pack. He just worked and worked and worked to erase that day from his mind. I don't know, it's like a part of him died when they died. I feel like he just still feels guilty for not going to help our dad and Eli. I know he thinks he should have fought our grandad harder so he could get to them whether he wants to admit it or not."

"But," he sighed out. "But then you showed up, and I don't know Char, you stir something in him that I haven't felt since before then. Ethan's always been a peace keeper, which is understandable. Considering everything this pack has been through, he is just protective of our pack. Anything that disturbs the peace is a threat to him, it scares him. It's taken so long for us to rebuild everything, including ourselves. The attack tore our pack apart, it was really Ethan and Thomas who put it back together."

"What do you mean? I scare him?"

He shrugged. "I think you remind of him of who he was, who he is, who he probably should be. I don't think you just remind him, but you force him to be that way. Your beast is so damn strong and a challenge for him. It forces him to dig into places he hasn't dug in a while to keep up with you, which is good. He needs that, he needs to grow a pair and be the person our dad was raising him to be."

"Evan," I said gently as I met his eyes that looked like they were staring at a happy memory in the past.

He sighed and gave me another half smile. "It's like with all of us. Evangeline, I don't think I've seen her this happy in a while. She's gotten stronger, I feel like I have too.

"He's a good man Char, and he cares about you a lot, we all do. The only reason I laid into him last night was because he talked a little about what happened and I knew. I knew exactly what had happened. It wasn't right he knows it and you don't deserve that.

"I just–please be patient with him. I know it's hard, and he can be a real dick, but he needs you whether or not he wants to admit it."

"I'm not going anywhere Ev," I softly replied.

He nodded with a relieved smile. "He's just afraid. He's afraid of disrupting the balance that we have here. He takes it kind of far sometimes, but he has his heart in the right place. I understand, it's taken a long time to get us here, but Evangeline is right and so are you. Our dad wasn't afraid to do what was necessary and right, even if it rocked the boat, and neither was Eli. Ethan will come around, just give him time."

I nodded as understanding set in. I felt a dull throb in my heart for them, I couldn't imagine finding your parents brutally murdered as they did.

I understood, but still, that didn't make what Ethan did better. Evan was right, he needed to grow a pair.

"I'll try, but that doesn't mean that I won't tear into Amber's ass."

Evan smiled at me and sat back. "Then join the pack, it will happen eventually."

"I thought you said I shouldn't rush into it?" I asked with a raised brow.

He shrugged a little. "I mean talk to Levi if you want, but you're good for us Char, you're good for this pack. I'm tired of watching those females pick on my sister. As much as I'd like to step in, which I do from time to time, I know that Evangeline has to learn to stand on her own two feet.

"Those females and males in her pocket, including her shit-for-brains brother, need to understand that there are consequences to their actions. If you want to deliver it to them, I'm with you as is everyone that was drinking with us tonight."

I felt my heart swell as I smiled. I got off my stool and walked around to Evan then wrapped him up in a big hug. He sighed and hugged me back, released some of the tension that was plaguing his heart.

I pulled away and kissed his cheek then sat back down in my seat. "Hey," I said with a raised brow. "How come when I touch you it doesn't burn?"

Evan cocked a sly grin as he took a drink of water. "Because I am not a threat to your bond. The pull between you two only will do that when it feels threatened. So," he said coyly. " Who burned you?"

I groaned a little and looked down at my fingers as memories of dinner flashed through my mind. "Arron, he kept touching me all night until I flashed him my teeth."

Evan chuckled and nodded. "Ya, it only does that if you're threatened. Jake's rents told us about it before. He was a threat to you and Ethan, whereas I am not little sister." I smiled at him and shook my head as he stood up. "I better go scoop up Evangeline."

I nodded and slid off my stood. "Yes, make sure to give her some Advil."

"I don't even know if that will save her," he grumbled. He hugged me again before he left, leaving me with a heavy heart full of so many thoughts swimming around in my brain.

God those poor people have been through so much. I understood. It probably was hell trying to rebuild this pack, I would be protective of the balance here too if I were in Ethan's shoes.

That doesn't make everything better, but I understood. My wolf did too, she wanted to go to our mate and comfort him, but we couldn't. There would be a time for that, we just had to be patient.

I went back to my room and picked up my phone, dialing a number I had memorized quickly, then fell back on my bearskin blanket that still smelled like Ethan. I felt the pull twist a little, I felt like a part of me was missing without him.

The phone rang twice before it picked up. "Hello?" Lander said from the other side.

"Uh, Lander?" I asked curiously.

"Oh hey Char, sorry, Levi is a little tied up. Hold on a sec," he said. The phone muffled a bit, but I could hear Lander hollering at Levi something that sounded like, 'Hey quit beating those boys and let me have a turn, Charlie's on the phone for ya!'

Someone called something back to him, but I couldn't hear it. "He'll be here in a few. He's sparring with Remi and Liam right now."

I grimaced at the thought. Their hides would be sore tomorrow. "And?"

Lander chuckled a little darkly. "What do you think girly?" I smiled and nodded to myself. "So, what's going on? How's the mate?"

"Ugh," I groaned.

"Oh shit, trouble in paradise already?"

"Yes, he's being a pain in my ass!"

"God you sound so much like Levi know," he chuckled out. "Oh hold on, here he is."

The phone shuffled some more before it cleared up again. "Charlie girl."

"How are Remi and Liam?"

"They are currently both becoming real good friends with the dirt." I laughed a little as I heard Lander say from behind him, 'Ask her about her Ethan problems!'

"Well, how's Ethan?" I groaned as a rumble carried over the phone. "I am going to have his ass, what the hell did he do?"

"Well he–"

"Hold on girl," Levi said before clicking something as he, I assume walked inside. I could hear the door shut and footsteps behind him. "Sorry, Lander wanted to hear so we came inside. You're on speakerphone."

"Oh god," I groaned.

"Hey! I'm a pretty good love doctor, what's going on girl," Lander teased.

"Lander shut the hell up," Levi grumbled out which caused both Lander and I to chuckle.

I sighed then proceeded to tell them about my Ethan situation, in which Levi growled, snarled, and threatened to kill Ethan multiple times in ways that made my skin crawl. Although my wolf didn't mind, she liked that her father was looking after us. He would always look after us.

I heard a low whistle over the phone. "Well damn girl," Lander said.

"What a damn pussy. I mean shit! Who the hell the moon think she is to give you some spineless twat–"

"Levi," Lander warned. "You're not helping."

"I'll help when I have his hide," he grumbled back.

"Still not helping," Lander added.

I sighed as the pull dully twisted at me. "Well, what are your options?" Levi said.

"Well, like I said, I got into Ethan pretty good, so I mean, it's up to him–"

"Damn arrogant ass alpha male," Levi grumbled again.

I bit back a laugh. I forgot how much I missed his grumbling. "I want to give Amber a proper ass beating, but I'm not pack."

"Don't need to go starting fights girly," Lander said. "You don't want to be looked at as 'that female' that's always starting trouble."

I mused for a few moments and mildly agreed. It was a good point. "Yes but that doesn't mean I can't finish one that I am very entitled to."

"That's my girl," Levi added. "Well girl, what are you waiting for? Join their damn pack."

"What?! You're ok with that? I mean, it's kind of a big deal. Do you think it's wrong that I want to just so I can lay into her?"

Levi chuckled a bit. "Nope."

I heard someone sigh which I assumed was Lander. "Char, listen, Ethan is your mate. You two are supposed to be together, the longer you fight it, the harder it gets. Fighting a true mate pull like that takes a toll on your body, on your wolf. It's not healthy, you could literally go crazy without them unless you had a potential bond mate or something–"

"And Liam is not an option," Levi added.

"Agreed," Lander sighed out. "Anyways, this was supposed to happen, that's your pack now. You have to find your place there. Now sure joining so you can beat the alpha's daughter's ass is a little, well, probably not the best reason, it still is a means to an end that you will eventually come to."

"He's right Char. Listen, as pissed as I am at Ethan, I do care for the little shit. He's not a bad wolf, he's got a good heart like his dad. You two need to work this shit out, it's what's best for you. Just remember to watch your feet when you jab, sometimes you get a little off centered."

I smiled widely to myself as my wolf chuckled in the back of my mind. "So, you're ok with this?"

"Ya girl, it was bound to happen anyways. I personally think doing this because of the ass beating is a great idea, mostly because I know that damn girl is going to get one hell of one."

"Ya, when are you planning on doing that? I want to clear my calendar and see if I can come. Levi? You up for a trip across the line."

"Ok you two, no," I chuckled out. "I do promise to give you all the play-by-play details, though."

"Knock her fangs our Char," Lander called out.

"And give Ethan a go to, you could probably give that boy a real fun time in the dirt if you wanted to," Levi said confidently. It made my heart swell. My beast growled in approval, we would have to test that theory one day.

"Ok, well I'll go talk to Thomas tomorrow."

Something shuffled again on the phone as it clicked. "Girly?" Levi asked.


"It's just me now, Lander is taking his turn outside."

I grimaced a little. Lander was probably the only person I know of that could actually hold his own against Levi, and on a good day maybe best him; but that's what makes him a good beta.

"So you're ok with this?"

"Course girl, it's what you're supposed to do, embrace it."

I sighed a little. "Ok."

"Get some sleep Charlie girl and call me after you beat that girl's ass."

I smiled again and nodded. "Alright, Levi, goodnight." 

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