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The ORC watched in awe as Sairaorg kicked Zephrador's ass in a matter seconds before Kyo then said, "Well...I'm impressed." 

"Flawless victory." Kiba states. "They say he's the strongest devil in the Rating Games." 

"Zephrador's power is ranked almost as highly." Rias says. "He's done quite well stepping in as a substitute." 

Issei cocks a brow. "Substitute?" 

"The first heir to his house died in an accident." Rias explains. Suddenly a green circle then appeared on the floor in front of them. 

"A magic circle?" Gasper says. 

"Astaroth. Of course." Rias sneers. 

Kyo and Issei then look at Rias in shock before Diodora himself then appeared. 

"Salutations, everyone." Diodora smiles. "How lovely to see you all again." 


Later, Akeno made tea for Rias and Diodora. The rest of the ORC stood behind Rias as she was sitting down on the couch in front of them. 

Issei grabbed Asia's hand, letting her know he was there for her. 

Diodora then spoke up. "Shall we proceed to business? I'd like to offer a bishop trade, Lady Gremory." 

"No!" Gasper whines. "Please, I don't want him to take me!" 

Kyo drapes his arm around Gasper. "He ain't taking you on my watch, pal. Don't worry." 

"You want to trade for Asia, you mean." Rias clarifies, making Asia gasp. 

Diodora chuckles. "Am I really that transparent? I can assure you, it's a fair exchange." Diodora then makes two holograms of the women he wants to trade. 

"Both are hard working and will serve you well-" 

Rias raises her hand, silencing him. "Stop it there. Your offer is rejected. Asia is not only a valuable member of my peerage, I also think of her as the little sister I never had." 

"Thank you, Rias." Asia says quietly. 

"Using a roster trade to try and get the woman who turned down your marriage proposal shows me that you're not only uncouth, but have no idea what she wants." Rias then continued. 

Kyo holds back a laugh. ~Man. She is roasting this guy like marshmallow over a camp fire!~ 

"How very disappointing." Diodora shrugs. "You didn't find my offer acceptable today, but I won't let that dissuade me." 

Diodora then walks up to Asia and kneels, grabbing her hand. "Our meeting and reunion were both destined. Even if all the forces in the Underworld stood in our way, I'd do anything necessary to overcome them all. I'll never give up. I love you, Asia." 

Issei had had enough. "Get your damn hands off her!" Issei puts his hand on Diodora's shoulder, making the devil smack it off. 

Diodora stands and glares at Issei. "Base-born should know their place. I can't stand being touched by a filthy dragon such as yourself. Revolting." 

Asia then slapped Diodora in the face. "I refuse to sit here and let you talk to Issei that way." 

Diodora just smiles. "Yes, I understand. My apologies." He then points at Issei. "This isn't over, Red Dragon Emperor. We'll pick up where we left off in the next Rating Game. And once I've defeated him, I hope you accept my love, darling." 

Diodora then gets kicked across the room, shocking everyone as they see Kyo become surrounded in black aura. 

"You will leave this room, Astaroth." Erakhan speaks. "And I advise you put your affairs in order, because when we fight...you will know receive no mercy from me or Ddraig." 

Diodora grits his teeth before summoning a magic circle and disappearing. 


Night time came and the girls and Issei were having dinner. 

Asia looks around the table. "Kyo and Koneko haven't come back yet. Are they still out fulfilling contracts?" 

Akeno nods. "We had some last minute requests." 

"Being a devil seems like a lot of work." Rossweisse says. 

"Hey, where's Rias?" Irina asks. 

"She's up in her room plotting out a strategy for our approach in the next Rating Game." Akeno answers. 

Asia becomes nervous, making Xenovia speak up. "Asia, there's no reason to get worried. Just remember that Issei will be there to protect you." 

Issei puts his hand on her shoulder. "Damn straight. Nothing bad is gonna happen while we're around." 

"Right." Akeno agrees. "And Kyo will always there to look out for all of us." 

Asia nods and leans against Issei. "Yes, of course. You always do." 

"What gives?" Irina says confused. "I never thought that a bunch of girls would trust Kyo so much." 

"We're here now because of Kyo." Xenovia explains. "He and Issei even allowed us to share their home with them." 

Akeno nods. "That's true. I feel bad for not thanking the both of you." 

Issei waves his hand dismissively. "It's not a problem, you guys. Asia being here with me is all the thanks I need. And you girls being there for Kyo is all the thanks he needs." 

Irina then stands. "Well, if you girls want to thank Kyo, what are you waiting for?" 

Akeno, Xenovia, and Rossweisse look at Irina curiously as to what she meant." 


Kyo revved his motorcycle as he and Koneko then drive back towards the house. Kyo then says, "Geezoloo, that had to be the most weirdest contract yet!" 

"It doesn't seem normal for a guy that age to have that many puppets." Koneko points out. 

"Yeahhh..." Kyo agrees awkwardly. "At least that was the last one. Now we can go home, and trust me, I am T-I-R-E-D! I am literally just gonna face-plant in bed as soon as we get home."

Koneko then grows a serious face. "Kyo, something's wrong." Kyo stops his motorcycle, allowing Koneko to jump off her seat and land on her feet in a fighting stance. 

Koneko looks around cautiously. "Can you sense it?" 

"Long time no see." Koneko looks up and glares at owner of the voice, who was sitting on top of the wall. 

"Hello, Kuroka." Koneko snaps. 

Kuroka then hops down, making Kyo motion Koneko behind him. "Listen lady, I am REALLY not in the mood to fight. So do us all a favor, and go back to your Brigade." 

Kuroka just giggles, leaning close to his face with a sultry look. "Hey, your face looks even more handsome then the last time I saw it. Is that because you've unlocked all your forms? Or did you finally grow a pair and get lucky?" 

Kyo grabbed her shoulders before she could try anything. "Again, not in the mood for whatever crazed ideas you got going on in that feline head of yours." 

Kuroka just giggles. "I like a man who plays hard to get." 

Kyo just growls and gently shoves her away. "If you're so eager to get knocked up, why don't you just go ask Pencildragon or Monkey Boy to get in your underwear?" 

"Cause Arthur has never been one to have an interest in relationships." Kyo and Koneko then see Iraka and Valia come out of a magic circle. 

"And Bikou is gay." Valia added. 

Kyo growled as he then summoned the arms of his Demonic Slayer Armor, making him ready his four fists. 

"Ooh, someone wants a fight." Iraka giggled. 

"No, ACTUALLY I'd really like to go to bed and get some much needed rest." Kyo snaps. "But if the three of you are here to try and take Koneko, I won't hesitate to beat the ever-living crap out of you like the last time." 

Valia just smirked. "We recently heard you'll be participating in a Rating Game." 

"What's that have to do with anything?" Kyo demands. 

"And your opponent is the heir to the Astaroth family." Iraka says. 

Kyo sends a blast that makes the three womens' hairs whip in their faces. "Make your goddamn point before I lose what little patience I have left." 

"I wouldn't let my guard down around him." Valia advises. "But I wonder if your mistress will heed our warning." 

Kyo deactivates his arms but continues his deathly gaze and deepens his voice. "How about the three of you heed this? I don't care if you came to warn us or give us advice. We've done fine without it in the past and I sure as hell don't need you three hanging around my town. So crawl back to whatever rock you and the rest of your group is hiding under. And tell Orphis that if she or any of you come back here again, then I'd be sure you write out whatever you want your tombstones to say." 

"Just thought I'd caution my brother." Iraka shrugs before she, Valia, and Kuroka walk into a portal and leave. 


Kyo tiredly opens the door with Koneko on his tail and suddenly his eyes burst with what he saw next. 

"He's back!" Akeno calls out. Kyo felt his face heat up upon seeing that Akeno's clothing was a little too...see-through. 

"I-what-why..." Kyo stammers. 

"Welcome home, Kyo." Xenovia says walking with Rossweisse, as they were both wearing the same outfit as Akeno. Though Rossweisse was blushing red, profusely. 

"It was kind of all my idea." Irina says. "We wanted to show you thanks for everything that you'd done for us and how much we appreciate you. Of course, as an angel, I didn't expect things to get this extreme." 

Kyo palms his forehead. "I just wanted to get some sleep." 

Rias then appears at the top of the stairs. "What's going on down there, you guys?" 

"Oh, hi there, Rias." Akeno waves. "We're making Kyo happy, to show how thankful we are for him." 

"Rias! I can explain-" Kyo doesn't get to finish as Rias just turns away and goes back to her room. Kyo silently cries. "I just wanted to get some sleep." 

"Do you think she got upset about being left out?" Irina asks. 

Kyo runs his hands through his hair, frustratingly. "I'll go talk to her. Though, I have a feeling she's probably gonna whip my ass first." Kyo walks up the stairs and stops seeing Rias float in front of him. 

~Oh, come on!~ Kyo whimpers in his mind. 

Rias then floats next to him in a sitting position. "So, how about it, Kyo? Don't you think this looks amazing on me?" 

"You know no matter how many times you ask me that, my answer's still gonna be the same." Kyo states. 

Rias then levels her pitchfork underneath his chin, making him stare at her eyes. "I'm well aware of your needs of stress relief. Just say the word and it's my command." 

Akeno quietly huffs to herself before spinning and changing into a thin bathing suit. "Presto-change-o bikini technique. Be honest Kyo, we both know that MY methods of stress relief are far more relaxing." 

Kyo felt smoke coming out of his ears. ~I swear if these two keep this up....~ 

"I'm never going to give him up!" Rias declares angrily at Akeno. 

"Same goes for me!" Akeno shoots back. 

It wasn't long before the King and Queen then started throwing blasts of magic at each other. 

"Deal with it already!" Akeno laughs. "Kyo is way more into the way of how I massage all the tension out of him!" 

"Wrong! Kyo prefers sleeping with me and when he wakes up, he doesn't remember what he was stressed about prior to from the the day before." 

"Well, that certainly went down hill..." Rossweisse gulps. 

"Yeah." Xenovia agrees. "At least we're to smart to get between them." 

Kyo's fist shake as he then yells, "EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Rias and Akeno halt their battle and look at Kyo, along with Xenovia, Irina, Koneko, and Rossweisse. 


With nothing more to say, Kyo descends from the air and marches into his room, slamming the door, leaving the six girls utterly speechless and afraid.


Kyo roars in anger as he smashes the table in his room with his bare hands. Kyo seethes in pure rage as he then smacks everything off his dresser. 

~Why do I have to put up with so much bullshit?!~ Kyo then repeatedly punches the wall in front of him until knuckles started to bleed, making him look at his hands in shock. 

"It feels good, doesn't it?" Esdeath's voice speaks in his mind. "Letting out all your anger and rage. It's what makes your enemies fear you. Like Diodora. Use that rage against him. Embrace the monster you are!" 

"SHUT UP!" Kyo punches the wall one last time, leaving a massive hole in it. Kyo just falls to his knees and begins cry. He then face-plants on the floor and continues to sob. 

Fenrir crawl out from underneath the bed, seeing the mess Kyo made of the room. He then walked over to his master and laid down next to him, nudging his head comfortingly. 

"What am I supposed to do, Fenrir?" Kyo breathes shakily. "She stills haunts me. I hear her cocky voice in my head, my dreams, everywhere I go. Why can't she just leave me alone? Why is she continuing to torture me?!" 

Fenrir just presses his head against Kyo, making the teen hug the wolf. 

Kyo then hears a knock on the door. "Come in." 

Kyo stands up and wipes his tears, sniffling as Rias peeked through. "Kyo, are you (sees the mess) all right?" 

Kyo just looks away in shame, making Rias walk up to him and hold his face. "Kyo...talk to me." 

The teen then hugs Rias with his all his might, making her hug him back. "I'm sorry I've been so...different lately. She's still there, Rias. Esdeath is still in my freaking head. Remember the day we had dinner at your parents and I screamed at my glass? It was because I saw her face! And then just last night I had nightmare where everything had been destroyed. There were skeletons everywhere and the world was practically on fire! And the worst part was when you said that I was a monster and that reviving was the biggest mistake of your life! And I'm starting to think maybe it was...." 

Rias shed a tear of her own, seeing the man she loved mentally and soulfully shattered. She hen cups his face. "Kyo...I may not know how awful it must've been to endure all horrendous pains and scars you were given as a child. But I do know that you are the best man I could have ever fallen for. You saved me from Riser, you stopped Kokabiel from destroying the town, you overcame your fears and defeated your sisters and Valia, and you defeated a god ALL by yourself from destroying the Underworld. Esdeath may still be out there, but if there's one thing you've shown me, is that nothing stands in your way of wanting to just be loved by your family. And if she ever comes back, we'll just kill her."  

Kyo just chuckles as more tears stream down his face. "I don't know what I'd do without you." 

Rias kisses him and brings his head to her chest, letting him cry his heart out as much as he needed to. 


After Kyo finished his crying, he told Rias to get some sleep while he went to take a bath. Once he had done so, he was exiting the bathroom and drying his hair with a towel. 

Kyo then heard grunting in the next room and looked to see Xenovia jumping and spinning while using Durandal. 

Xenovia was then panting as she noticed Kyo leaning against the door frame. "You're still up?" 

"Just got out of the bath and heard you." Kyo states. 

Xenovia composes herself. "A little last minute training..." 

"If memory serves, you were training up in here this morning also." Kyo recollects. 

"I had to." Xenovia shrugs. "I'm not as strong as Kiba. It hurts to admit, but Kiba's got a lot more talent at sword fighting than I do." 

Kyo smiles grabs her chin, making her look at him. "You're both talented swordsmen. Don't tell yourself anything different." 

Xenovia then smiles. "Thank you, Kyo. That means a lot."

Kyo just grins. He then summons his left gauntlet and detaches one of his swords. "Here. Take it."

Xenovia stares at it shocked. "But, it's yours!"

"I've got another one." Kyo shrugged. "It may not be as easy to use as Durandal, but give it time. It'll warm up to you."

Xenovia takes the sword and watches as the gem on the hilt changes from red to blue and green, like her hair. 

Xenovia then looks up at Kyo. "Hey, you'll be leaving the Occult Research Club someday to try and reach the top, right?" 

Kyo shakes his head. "Nah. I know some people might think that, but the truth is I'm not much of a solo kind of guy. You guys mean too much to me for me leave. Plus, even if I did, it'd be to stop the bad guys from harming the Underworld." 

"Gasper said that he'd be alongside you as your sidekick." Xenovia says. "That the two of you would be heroes." 

Kyo laughs, remembering his promise. "Yeah, well I'm not gonna force him if he decides to change his mind. And if he doesn't, then at least I'll have more company than just Fenrir and my father." 

"In that case, when you go, take me as well." Xenovia demands calmly. 

Kyo cocks a brow. "Really?" 

"My life has been a lot more interesting with you in it." Xenovia admits. "With you gone, it would probably get pretty boring around here. After all, I do love you just like Akeno and Rias." 

Kyo chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. "Ah, stop. You're making me blush." 

Xenovia then sniffs herself. "I should probably take a bath myself." 

Kyo then picks her up bridal style. "Then allow me to join you, milady." 

"I thought you just took one?" Xenovia smirks. 

"Yeahhh...but I forgot to shampoo my hair." Kyo then takes his blue and green-haired girlfriend to the bathroom. 


The time had now come. The ORC teleported to the grounds where they were to fight Diodora and his peerage. 

Kyo looks up and sees some kind of castle on a large floating crater. 

"That's a hell of place to live." Kyo mutters. 

Kiba looks at the landscape. "Is this where they expect us to fight?" 

"How strange." Rias ponders. "There referee should've announced our arrival by now." 

"But, what if there's been some kind of problem?" Gasper says. 

Asia looks behind her and gasps. 

"A magic circle?" 

"That's not the crest of Astaroth." Rias states. "Be on your guard! If memory serves, I've seen that crest somewhere before." 

The ORC then readies themselves as beings with masks and axes then come out of the circles. 

"Those devils are loyal to the old Satan faction of the Khaos Brigade!" Rias recollects. 

"Indo! Fenrir!" The two then appear on either side of Kyo. "Monster Forms! GO!" Indo and Fenrir then transform into their larger forms, protecting the ORC. 

One of the devils aims his axe at Rias. "To the despicable users of the false royal house of Gremory, we're here to take back what's ours!" 

"Where the hell did these guys come from?" Issei says. Suddenly he hear  sa scream and turns to see Asia upside down and floating towards Diodora. 

"ASIA!" Issei yells. 

"Diodora!" Rias growls. 

Diodora grabs Asia by her ankle. "Greetings. Asia Argento will be coming with me." 

"Let her go, Diodora!" Kyo orders. 

"I demand an explanation!" Rias says. 

Diodora gestures to to the devils around him. "These devils of the Khaos Brigade have come to murder every last one of you. Is that sufficient enough?" 

"So you've allied yourself to lowly criminals." Akeno concedes. 

Rias points at him. "You traitorous dog! First you defile the sanctity of the Rating Game, which alone deserves death, and second you laid your filthy hands on Asia!" 

"Well, if you wanna do something about it, you'll have to fight through all my friends." Diodora shrugs. "While you're busy with that, I'll be taking my time getting to know this little creature. Biblically. How's that sound, dragon?" 

Issei grits his teeth as Diodora then snaps his fingers, making the devils then fire at the ORC. Kyo goes full on Balance Breaker, making a shield that surrounds the ORC, Indo, and Fenrir. 

Kyo grunts as the numerous bolts hit the shield. "You guys better do something, cause I can't hold this barrier with the way they're hitting it!" 

"Kyo, toss me one of your swords!" Xenovia shouts. Kyo nods as then uses his left hand to hold the barrier and extends his right to throw his sword to Xenovia. 

Xenovia catches it and flies out of the barrier towards Diodora. "Asia's my friend you creeper. I won't let you get away with this!" 

Xenovia charges at Diodora about to strike, until he then uses Asia as a shield. Xenovia swerves her body so that she misses and lands back on the ground. Diodora just chuckles as he and Asia then disappear. 

"ASIAAAAA!" Issei screams. He then falls to his knees and punches the dirt. "Dammit! Asia, I failed you again. I'm so sorry, I let you down!" 

"Snap out of it!" Kiba says. "Focus on the enemies in front of us first. Then we'll go give Diodora a beatdown." 

Issei stands, smiling. "One step at a time. You're right. Let's do this." 

"Hey, I'm glad the two of you are getting along so much better, but I'd remind you that I'M STILL GETTING PUMMELED WITH MAGIC ATTACKS HERE!" Kyo shouts struggling to hold the barrier. 

"Then allow me to assist you, Black Dragon Emperor." Suddenly all the devils that were firing at them were then electrocuted by blue lightning. 

Kyo deactivates his barrier as he then falls to one knee. "Who did that?" 

"I did." Kyo looks up and sees the person who aided them. 


"Thor?!" Kyo says shocked and ecstatic in one. 

The God of Thunder extended his hand and helped him up. "An honor to meet you, Kyo Najasaki. My father has told me much about you." 

"The honor is mine." Kyo says shaking his hand. 

"Thor, why are you here?" Rias asks. 

"I might've had something to do with that." Everyone turns and sees Odin standing behind them. 

"Lord Odin?" Rias questions. 

Odin chuckles. "We discovered that Diodora Astaroth has been making deals behind everyone's backs for a while. Hear me! I am the Great Allfather of the Norse Gods! Whoever can take my head will become a warrior of legend!" 

The remaining devils then charge at Odin as he sends a shockwave that disintegrates them all. "That brat Azazel's plan was brilliant and in sheer simplicity. Lure them in and take them all down in fell swoop." 

"Brilliant, indeed." Thor agrees with his father. 

"So, what does this mean?" Akeno asks. 

"It means instead of fighting a Rating Game, we were brought here as bait." Rias answers. 

Thor holds his hand up and summons Mjolnir. "Hurry and retrieve your friend. Father and I will hold them here." 

Kyo looks at Indo and Fenrir. "Help them out, boys." The two monsters nod as they then run off and roar/howl. 

Rias turns to her peerage. "Let's double time it to the temple!" 

As the group then runs, they then hear a voice on comm. "You alive?" 

"Azazel, what the hell?" Kyo says. 

"Rant at me all you want later." Azazel snaps. "For now, shut up. They're all over the game field and swarming around the VIP room. The old Satan faction is launching a full scale attack. Fortunately, we have a contingency plan." 

"What kind of contingency are we talking about?" Rias inquires. 

"We've sprung ambushes all over the area." Azazel explains. "The fools walked right into our trap. I had to leave you all in the dark, or risk having Astaroth become aware of our plan." 

"But what if something had happened?" Gasper asks. "One of us could've gotten hurt or killed!" 

"As the strategist of this battle, I will take full responsibility." Azazel states. "If you still wanna take your anger out on me when this is over, then my life is yours in payment. 

"Then you've prepared yourself for death." Xenovia says. 

"You're still a dick." Koneko scoffs. 

"The point is, stay hidden until this battle's over. Just let the rest of deal with these terrorist scumbags." 

"So wait, you're on the battlefield too?" Kyo questions. 

"Damn right, I am." Azazel chuckles. "The zone is huge, so I'm pretty far away from you kids." 

"But we can't run and hide!" Issei says. "Don't you understand? He kidnapped her, and as long as Diodora has Asia I'm not going anywhere!" 

"Wait, what?" Azazel says confused. 

"Oh, for God's sakes, pull your head out of your ass, Genie Beard!" Kyo snaps. "Astaroth took Asia and left us to nearly get blown away if it hadn't been for Thor and Odin!" 

"We will go find and rescue Asia." Rias declares. "We won't until we have her back and have Astaroth's head on a pike as an example to any who would harm my household!" 

"Excellent!" Azazel says. "Just as I've come to expect, Gremory. I'd be glad to clear out the way for you! Now go rampage your hearts out! Listen up kids, you show that betraying bastard the power of the Red and Black Dragon Emperors! And pop him once in the mouth for me, all right?" 

"You got it!" Issei grins. 

Kyo summons his left gauntlet and sword. "None of them will get any mercy from me...none."


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