Friends Help No Matter What!

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Irina jumps up and slashes at Kyo, making him jump back and summon his dragon wings. Kyo jumps in the air and drives his fist into the ground, sending a blastwave of dark energy at Irina, making her get blown away. 

"Kick her ass, Kyo!" Issei cheers. 

Xenovia and Kiba stare at one another. "The Black and Red Dragon Emperors, that with Asia's healing, and your Sword Birth, you devils certainly have the pagan amount of sacred treasures." 

Kiba then grabs one of his swords. "I have another power, one that comes from grudges of my fallen comrades. With this power I will destroy all the Excaliburs!" Kiba then clashes swords with Xenovia. "And long with them, I will annihilate their wielders!" 

Kyo then backflips away and summons his dragon sword to clash with Irina. 

"You're just holding back now, aren't you?" Irina says pushing against her hilt. 

Kyo chuckles. "It's only friendly competition. Besides I may have achieved Balance Breaker, but I still got more armors to try and acquire and unlock! If anything, you're just making me stronger by the second!" 

Kyo then leg sweeps Irina before sending a wind attack at her, making her lose her sword. Kyo merely grabs it and puts it on his back. 

Kiba then lets out a yell of anger as he grabs to more swords and starts attacking Xenovia with fire and ice. Xenovia merely cuts the swords apart before stabbing her own into the ground and making a humongous crater that makes everyone stumble. 

"The Holy Sword of Destruction." Xenovia declares. "Believe me this sword is not just for show!" 

Kyo then jumps in. "Well I love a challenge! Bring it sister!" 

Xenovia then runs at Kyo before he merely side steps and kicks her in the back. Xenovia's sword gets flung into the air only to be caught by Kyo as he puts the other sword on his back. Kyo then raises his hand and yells, "DEATH DRAGON WING ATTACK!" 

Xenovia and Irina scream as they sent flying into the air and crash into the ground with great force, leaving them covered in dirt. 

"Seems like you two still need more practice." Kyo grins. Xenovia growls in embarrassment as Irina looks away flustered. 

Kyo takes their swords off his back and hands them back to their wielders. 

"How were you even able to hold the swords?" Xenovia demands. "Even the handles should've burned you from the inside out!" 

"I'm the Death Dragon Emperor. And I've gotten a LOT stronger then when I was first attacked with holy spears. My dark magic can make me immune to anything holy. Including your swords." Kyo states. 

Xenovia and Irina then grab their cloaks. 

"Are you satisfied?" Xenovia asks Rias. 

Rias nods. "Yes. I'm glad neither were dealt final blows." 

"Of course, and remember what we talked about earlier." Xenovia reminds them. 

Xenovia and Irina start to leave but Rias stops them. "Just out of curiosity, did you find out which  fallen angel was guilty? Of stealing the swords I mean?" 

"We know who it was, yes. It was the Fallen Angel General Kokabiel." 

Kyo helps Kiba up but grips his head upon hearing that name. Kyo stumbles back a bit and gets memories of this Kokabiel. He sees him fighting in many battles, laughing at the people that he's slaughtered. 

"The two of you are after a Leader Class?" Rias says shocked. "Are you planning to die?" 

Xenovia answers, "We will do what we must to keep the fallen angels from the holy swords. I am willing to trade my life to annihilate them." 

"We understand the danger." Irina adds. "There has already been one casualty. A priest who came to this town to check things out ahead of time was killed."  

Kyo and Kiba widen their eyes and look at each other. 

"We know who killed him." Kiba states. "Freed Selzen." 

"What do you mean Freed?!" Issei cries. 

"The stray priest killed him?" Rias says. 

Kyo nods. "It's true. He's got a holy sword too and he definitely knew how to use it." 

"Interesting that a stray priest would kill him." Xenovia says. "At least we know what we're up against. I appreciate the information you've shared, but don't involve yourselves further in our affairs. We'll take our leave." 

Xenovia and Irina then walk into the forest. 


Later at the club room, Kiba walks towards the door. 

"Where are you going, Kiba?" Rias demands. "You do realize I will never permit you to leave me. Remember, you are a knight of the house of Gremory." 

"I know, President. And I'm sorry." Kiba then leaves the room. 

Kyo stands from the couch. "If you don't mind, I'm gonna go for drive." 

Rias nods as Kyo then heads out. Kyo sees his motorcycle parked nearby and climbs on. 

"Kiba...where are you?" Kyo revs his engine and zooms away. 

~There's gotta be a way to help Kiba. But how? And whose even gonna be willing to help me?~ Kyo looks up at the sky as stops at the edge of a cliff. ~Wait, that's it!~ 


Kyo was sitting at a cafe with Charn and Indo in his human form. 

"Hey, Shadow." Kyo turns and sees Saji. "Got your call." 

"Spike." They both fist-bumped and sat down. "Glad you could make it." 

"So what's up?" Saji asks. Kyo then explained everything to him, making him stand in shock. "Hell no! Are you out of your mind?!" 

"No, I'm not." Kyo replies calmly. 

"You're insane!" Saji then notices there are other people around and sat down again. "You do realize that both our Presidents will punish us if we get involved with those holy swords, right? And you STILL wanna go out and destroy them? We'll be killed for sure!" 

Kyo sighs. "Look, Saji. I know that both Rias and Sona are gonna hand our asses to us on a silver platter, but Kiba's my friend. He's become a brother to me just as much as you and Issei. And if anything were to happen to him, Rias and I would never forgive ourselves. I may be just a pawn, but that doesn't stop me from doing the right thing." 

Saji shakes his head. "Even as a kid, you still wanted to help despite what would happen to you. Look, Shadow I want to help, but I just can't." 

"If you don't, I'll tell everyone about that 'incident' in Santa Prisca on our school trip." Kyo threatens with a smirk. 

Saji drops his jaw. "You're seriously gonna use THAT against me?!" 

"I'd advise that you listen to Master Kyo, Sir Saji." Indo advises. 

Saji stands. "Sorry man. But I'm more afraid of being tortured by Sona than embarrassed by the whole school." 

Saji then walks around the bush only to be held back by something. 

"Big surprise. I kinda had a feeling you would try and run away." Koneko says eating a sundae. "So you wanna cooperate with the church?" 

Kyo sits down with Indo and Charn at Koneko's table. "Yeah. For Kiba's sake more than anything else. I don't know how to feel about that Xenovia, but I do know that Irina might be willing to lend a hand. Look at it this way, the church wants the swords back but Kiba wants them destroyed. Granted they both have different reasons but either way they get kept from the fallen angels regardless." 

"While that is true Kyo, it won't be easy to make them work together." Koneko points out. 

"Never said that it would be. But even so, I won't stand by and watch as Kiba gets himself killed over Excalibur. That's the whole reason I'm doing this. Besides, we could even save lives, Koneko. If this Kokabiel gets his hands on those swords then God only knows how powerful he'll be and what he'll do along with Freed." 

Koneko nods. "First we'll have to find those girls. I don't like keeping secrets from Rias and Akeno, but you are right Kyo. We have to help Kiba." 

Later they're walking down the streets of town. Charn then sniffs the air and runs off. 

"Charn! Get back here!" Kyo shouts as he runs off with the group in tow. Charn stops in front of Xenovia and Irina as they were begging for money for food. 

Charn barks at them, getting they're attention. 

"Wait, isn't that the Black Dragon's dog?" Xenovia questions. 

Charn growls at that statement as Kyo shows up. "He's a wolf, not a dog. Get it right. We've been trying to find you girls." 


The devils and familiars watch as Irina and Xenovia scarf down everything on the table. 

"Well...did not expect to see this." Kyo says aloud. Suddenly both girls then stop and beg forgiveness from God. 

"Lord, please have mercy on these kind souls even if they are devils." Irina prays, making Koneko and Saji hold their heads in pain. 

"Irina hold off on the praying until after our talk please." Kyo suggests. 

"Oh right, sorry." 

"So, why did you want to speak with us?" Xenovia asks. 

Indo replies, "Master Kyo wishes to assist you in the destruction of the Excalibur swords." 

"What?" Xenovia says awestruck. "Hmm, I understand the situation. I don't mind letting you take care of one sword." 

"Wait a minute, Xenovia!" Irina cries. 

"Damn it! I was hoping she'd say no!" Saji whimpers. 

"You know who the other side has." Xenovia reminds her. "Kokabiel is dangerous, honestly it'll be impossible for us to recover all three swords on our own." 

"I get that, but they're devils." Irina states. 

Kyo pounds his fist on the table, scaring the girls. "Look! I've had it with this 'they're devils' crap! It doesn't matter what faction we come from! The only thing that DOES matter is destroying these swords before multiple innocents die at the hands of they're current wielders. It doesn't matter if I'm a devil or a dragon! So, are you gonna be crybaby over who does and doesn't help you, or are you gonna man up and accept the help that's right in front of you?!" 

Irina and Xenovia were shocked by Kyo's speech. They look at each other before back at Kyo and nod. 


"I get it." Kiba says. "But I'm quite disappointed that someone who can wield an Excalibur would  approve of their destruction." 

"Speaking of disappointing, didn't you recently abandon your place in the house of Gremory?" Xenovia snaps. 

"Alright, knock it off." Kyo says. "I kicked your asses once already, wanna see me do it again?" 

Xenovia silences herself. 

"Good. Now look, Kiba we want to help you destroy the Exacliburs. But you need to accept the fact that you can't do this on your own. And you know it." Kyo states. 

Xenovia then adds, "We know about the incident with the Holy Sword Project. That has currently left those within the church with great repugnance. We know, and that is why the person responsible was punished, excommunicated." 

"His name was Galilee Valper." Irina states. "Also known as the Archbishop of Annihilation."  

"I know Valper." Kiba says. "It was all him. He was responsible. I agree to cooperating with you." 

Xenovia nods. "Good. And thank you for the food Black Dragon Emperor. We should hope to return the favor some day." 

Irina winks at them all as they both leave. 

Kyo grins. "Seems like everything's gone good, huh Spike?" 


Kyo then slaps him. "Will you get a grip?!" 

"Kyo. I want you to stay out of this." Kiba demands. "What's going on here is my revenge, not yours. I cannot allow this. I won't let you get involved." 

Kyo walks up to Kiba and grips his collar. "Now look, you need to get it through your thick, blonde skull that you can't do this on your own! You're my family! Does that mean anything to you?" 

"Of course it does, but-" 

"'But' nothing!" Kyo shouts. "Have you even thought about, Rias?" 

Kiba widens his eyes. "Of course. President Rias. We first met because of the project. I'd be dead if not for her. We were just kids, being experimented on, day after day. Our freedom was taken and we weren't even treated as humans, yet we all believed we were chosen by God. We held to those beliefs, hoping that we were special. However, not one of us were able to wield a holy sword. The experiment failed. We were disposed of pretty quickly in order to cover up that it'd failed. Even as we were vomiting blood on the floor, we'd hoped God would save us. My friends gave their lives to save me. And every day I thank Rias for taking me in as part of her house. But I wouldn't even be here had it not been for the sacrifices my comrades made for me. I have to destroy Excalibur. That sword contains my friends pain. As the only survivor I have no choice." 

Saji then unexpectedly cries and sobs uncontrollably. "Kiba, I had no idea that you had such a horrid and tragic past that I don't care about Sonia's punishment anymore." Saji extends his hand to Kyo. "Shadow, I'm in! I'll fight with everything I've got!" 

Kyo smiles. "My man." They both then shake hands firmly. 

Koneko turns to Kiba. "I will also help you." 

"Koneko..." Kiba breathes. 

"Don't be so stupid I'd be sad if you weren't with us Kiba." Koneko states. 

"Same." Kyo says putting his hand on Kiba's shoulder. "You're my brother, Kiba. One way or another. And nothing will change that." 

Kiba smiles. "Thank you Kyo." Suddenly Kyo then punches him in the face. "OW! What the hell was that for?" 

"For punching me the last time for helping you." Kyo states smugly. 

"Fair enough." Kyo punches Kiba again. "OW! Now what was that one for?!" 

"That was just for fun! Now let's go kick some ass!" 


The man from Kyo's contract was fishing at the dock and got a call from Kyo. "(Sigh) Makes sense. Only a devil would cancel on me last minute." The man turns and sees three females behind him. "Hey, have you come to keep sad, little, old me company?" 

"That's funny, I didn't realize you ever got lonely." The silver-haired girl with a chain on her hip says. 

"So, what is your impression of the Black Dragon?" The black-haired girl asks. 

"He's very strong, that I can sense. But I can also sense some dark pain that he has stored away. Whatever it is, it's what drives him." The man says. 

The white-haired girl then says, "I can imagine. After all, pain can be used as strength. Me and my sister would know how to deal it better than anyone. However, that is not why we wish to meet him." 

"Is that so?" The man questions. 

"You know why we need to see Najasaki." The black-haired girl points out. "We must. We didn't become the Khaos and Anarky Dragons for nothing." 

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