OVA Phoenix Problems

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After a few days of R'n'R, Kyo was in his room playing with Fenrir. In about a month's time, Kyo and some of the other members of the ORC would be heading to Kyoto for a school trip and would be gone for two days. 

Kyo was rubbing Fenrir's belly, as the wolf was laying there with his tongue hanging out. "Atta boy, Fenrir. Who's gonna miss me while I'm gone? Who's gonna miss me? Who's gonna miss meeeeeeee?" 

Kyo was rubbing Fenrir's stomach playfully until a magic circle appeared on the floor. Kyo shut his eyes from the brightness until it died down and was shocked to see who was standing there. 

"Ravel?" Kyo questions. 

Ravel bows. "Lord Kyo, I need your-" Ravel then notices the position Kyo was in as his hands were still on Fenrir's belly. "Uh, did I come at a bad time?" 

Kyo huffs. "Seriously, what is even the point in making doors when people just show up out of nowhere by magic circle? It's ridiculous!" 


Kyo informed Rias of Ravel's arrival and they and the rest of the ORC met up in the club room. Ravel sat in the middle of one the couches while Rias and Kyo sat on the other opposite from Ravel. 

"Lady Rias, I apologize for visiting on such short notice." Ravel says. "But, I need your help regarding my older brother." 

Kyo and Rias widen their eyes in shock. Rias then looks down. "Riser..." 

"I don't get it." Kyo says confused. "What problem does Flame Boy have?" 

"I assume you already know the rumors about his behavior since the Rating Game." Ravel continues. "How he hasn't done anything since he confined himself to his room." 

Xenovia cocks a brow. "Riser. I've heard the rumors as well..." 

Irina turns to her. "Who's Riser?" 

"Riser is a member of the Phoenix Family, Madam Shidou." Indo informs her. "And Lady Gremroy's ex-fiancé." 

Irina gasps. "Fiancé?! How romantic!" 

"It sounds so noble!" Rossweisse adds. 

Issei just chuckles. "Nobility had nothing to do with it. Kyo was beyond furious when he learned that Rias was engaged to that prideful bastard. So he did what was the only logical thing and challenged Riser to a Rating Game. Him versus Riser and his entire peerage. Kyo won and took Rias back, making the wedding completely called off. But seeing as how the Grilled Chicken had never lost a battle in his life...well, one can imagine." 

Rias looks up at Ravel. "So, Riser still hasn't come to terms with it?" 

Ravel grips her dress. "I know that it was probably stupid of me to come here, but...I didn't know who else to come to for help." 

"But, why us?" Kyo questions. 

"When I was asking others for ways on how to help my brother, I learned that the only way he'll be able to overcome his fear is to learn fortitude." Ravel explains. "Something that your peerage possesses. It's what you're most known for." 

"Fortitude?" Rias says. 

Xenovia smiles. "Fortitude, huh?" 

"Luckily, we all know someone who has that." Irina nods. The ORC all looked at Kyo as he and Rias smiled at each other. 

Ravel then adds, "Also, he should ashamed. He's done nothing but complain and whine for the past six months because of how he lost to Kyo. Not to mention he says that now he's afraid of dragons! Gossip magazines have been writing anything they want about him. All because of that one loss, he won't even touch or associate himself with anything having the slightest involvement with dragons. Of course, I'd understand if it was a grudge against Kyo. But he should just learn from that experience and become stronger for the better. But, Riser is still my brother...." 

Kyo glances and Rias and huffs. "Oh, I know I'm gonna regret this." Kyo then stands, gaining everyone's attention. "All right, Ravel, I'll help your brother. It IS in fact partially my fault, I admit. So I'll help." 

Ravel blushes and looks to the side. "If, you want to...then I accept your assistance in this matter. Thank you, Lord Kyo." 

"On two conditions." Kyo states, making Ravel look up at him. "One: if I find out that this is some plot for Riser to take Rias back, then I promise you that I'll destroy everyone and anything having to do with you and your family." 

Ravel looks down fearfully. "W-What's the second condition?" 

Kyo kneels in front of her and uses his finger to lift her chin up and maker her look at him, causing Ravel to blush. "You hold your promise to offering me tea and cakes. Clear?" 

Ravel blushes even more. "Uh...y-yes." 

Rias smiles and stands. "Then it's settled. Kyo will be in charge of helping Riser." 

"Though I advise he brings a bunch of bandages and ice packs, cause he's gonna need them for the training I have in store for him." Kyo says, grinning evilly. 


After taking the train to the Underworld, Ravel leads Kyo and Rias down the path that leads to the Phoenix House. Once there, Kyo's eyes become as wide as dinner plates once he saw the size of the Phoenix establishment. 

"Geezoloo! And I thought Rias's house was big!" Kyo whistles. "I mean is it like necessity for high-ranking devil families to have huge houses? You could probably fit an entire city in this house!" 

Ravel then takes Kyo and Rias to Riser's bedroom, as they walk past Riser's peerage all of them bowing to Kyo. 

"So, like, what exactly has Riser done since the Rating Game?" Kyo inquires. 

"He just sits in his room running Rating Game simulations." Ravel answers. "Sometimes he summons someone to play chess with him, but that's about it." 

Ravel then knocks on Riser's door. "Riser? You have guests." 

"Ravel?" Riser replies groggily from inside his bedroom. "Riser isn't in the mood to see anyone today. I had a nightmare recently and I don't feel like talking to anyone." 

Ravel sighs. "It's Rias Gremory." Suddenly they hear a loud bang come from the bedroom. 

"Rias is here?!" Riser cries. 

Rias stands next to Ravel. "Hello, Riser? It's me." 

"Why have you decided to see Riser after so long, Rias?" Riser demands. "Are you here to make fun of me and brag about how great your life is with that black-haired brat?" 

Kyo pinches his nose. ~Just when I was starting to consider going easy on him.~ 

"I'm just here to talk, Riser." Rias says simply. "Please come out." 

They hear loud stomping noises and see Riser open the door, clad in his pajamas. "What would you possibly want to talk with Riser about?" 

Riser then immediately freezes as soon as his eyes laid upon Kyo. "B-B-B-Black Dragon Emperor?" 

"Nice to see you too, Flame Boy." Kyo says flatly. 

"NO!" Kyo, Rias, and Ravel watched as Riser then dashed back into his room and hid beneath his bed sheets. "Leave, now! I don't want to remember what happened back then! Riser refuses to ever endure something like that ever again!" 

"Is this what happens to someone who's never lost a Rating Game in their life?" Rias asks. 

Ravel shakes her head. "For crying out loud." Ravel approaches the bed and pulls the sheet off of Riser. "Riser, Rias has taken the time to come and talk with you. Stop hiding under the bed sheets." 

"No! Riser refuses! Leave me be!" Riser begs. 

Kyo palms his head. "This is just pathetic." Kyo approaches the bed. "Look Riser, I don't like you and you don't like me. And know that the only reason I came here is because your sister asked me for help. So I am going to ask as nicely as I can for you to please put on some clothes, and let's get going." 

Riser grabs his pillow and puts it over his head. "NO!" 

Kyo sighs. "Why is it everybody wants to do it the hard way?" Kyo then grabs Riser by his ankle and yanks him off the bed. "I tried to be nice about it, but you chose to be stubborn." 

"No! Unhand Riser you buffoon!" Riser ordered, clawing at the ground futilely as Kyo dragged him out of the room. 


After finally 'persuading' Riser, they were outside the estate as Kyo was packing his bag. Riser was sitting on the edge of their fountain with a disgusted look. 

"So, what do you plan to do exactly?" Rias asks. She is then answered by a large shadow flying over her. 

"Been a long time, kid." Tannin says, landing in front of them. 

Kyo rolls his eyes. "Finally! What took you so long? Did you stop and ask for directions or something?" 

Riser stiffened and screamed in fear. "T-T-T-Tannin! The ultimate class devil and legendary dragon?! 

Tannin then lands in front of Riser, making the Phoenix shudder and shake. "So, you're Riser Phoenix? I've watched your previous fights in the past and saw the proud devil you are. Now all I see is a man with serious issues."

Kyo hefts his bag over his shoulder. "We were hoping that maybe you could help teach him some fortitude." 

Tannin cocks a brow. "Fortitude, huh? I see. Not a bad idea. So then, shall we be off to the mountains?"

Riser sprouts his wings. "NO!" He tries to fly away until Tannin grabs him in his hand. 

"Quit trying to run away." Tannin snaps. "If you truly are a Phoenix then prepare yourself and stop acting like a child."

Kyo sprouts his own wings and flies up alongside Tannin, looking down at Rias and Ravel. "Well, see you girls in a few days!" 

"Please don't hesitate to call me if you need help." Rias pleads.

Kyo chuckles. "Come on, Rias! It's me, remember?" 

"Wait!" Ravel halts them. "Take me with as well! I want to help my brother!" 

Tannin leans his head close to Kyo and whispers, "Seems like the girl has eyes for you. Maybe we should take her along, she might be able to help."

"First off: you seriously need a mint." Kyo states waving his hand. "Second off: don't be giving me dating tips." 

Rias steps forward. "I think you should take her with, Kyo." 

Kyo sighs in defeat. "Fine. But I don't wanna hear any complaining out of you seeing as how I'm gonna be getting enough of that with your cowardly brother!" 

Ravel smiles and flies up, changing into a safari outfit. 


"This is for you own good, Riser!" Ravel says. "Just accept it!" 



Kyo laughs in amazement as he sees all the dragons in the mountain. 

"D-D-Dragons?!" Riser cries. 

"This is the place where me and my brethren live." Tannin informs. "It is where we will begin your training, Riser."

Suddenly a large dragon even bigger than Tannin flew next to them 


"You called for us, Lord Tannin?" All three heads of the dragon spoke at once. 

Tannin nods. "This is Ghidorah. They will assist you in Riser's training. Riser Phoenix, here in these mountains you will learn the fortitude that is lacking in you!" 

"Have mercy..." Riser whimpered. 

"Kyo. I advise you participate in the training as well, it might even improve yourself as well." Tannin suggests. 

Kyo shrugs. "Why not? I look at every opportunity as a chance to get stronger." 


Kyo was sprinting through the snow in his snow gear. 

"Come on, Riser!" Kyo calls. "Move your ass!" 

Riser was far behind him, panting. "This is ridiculous! Riser shouldn't have to be running like this!" 

Kyo looked back and widened his eyes at what Ghidorah was about to do. 

"Oh boy..." Kyo muttered.

The lightning blast sent Riser flailing forward, as he regained his footing and started running even faster. 

"Come on, Riser!" Ghidorah taunts him. "You're supposed to be sprinting! Say 'dragon' while you run! Say it! Say it!" 

Ravel was riding on Ghidorah's middle head and yelled, "Come on, brother! You can't give up now!" 

Kyo lifts his goggles up. "If he hates this, just wait till we get to mountain climbing." 


In the hot springs, Rossweisse let out a long, blissful sigh. "I love these springs. I can just feel all my stress melting away!" 

"Why have you been stressed, Rossweisse?" Rias asks. 

"Well, ever since I had devoted myself to Lord Odin and he forgot me time and time again, I just felt like I had no purpose." Rossweisse explains. "But now, I can't wait to shove it in his wrinkly, old beard now that I'm a rook in the Gremory Household." 

"Oh, look at the scary Valkyrie go." Akeno giggles. 

"I wonder how Kyo is doing with Riser?" Asia inquires. 

Rias shrugs. "Well, knowing Kyo, he's probably enjoying every second of making Riser endure whatever training he has planned for him." 

"I wouldn't worry about it too much." Xenovia says. "After all, Kyo could always just beat him into submission. But hopefully they're getting along well." 

Irina looks at the sky. "Isn't it wonderful to think that the Black Dragon Emperor and the Immortal Phoenix are training together?" 

"I'd say 'wonderful' is a bit of a stretch..." Koneko states. 


Riser gripped onto the mountain for dear life, as he was also panting from exhaustion. 

"Riser (pant) is (pant) dying." Riser groans. 

Kyo rolls his eyes. "Come on! We've only been climbing for ten minutes! Seriously, how is it you're still fit and yet you pant and whine like a fat, old man?" 

Riser grits his teeth. "Riser is a pure high-ranking devil! It's a Phoenix's duty to put value over blood and shrewdness! Riser refuses to do this training!" 

Riser was about to fly up but Ghidorah sent a small lightning blast that made Riser shock in pain. He would've fallen had it not been for the rope attached to both him and Kyo. 

"Nice try, Riser." Ghidorah chuckles. 

"Are you TRYING to kill me?!" Riser screams. 

~You have no idea.~ Kyo laughs internally. 


After several days, Ravel had laid out breakfast for her and Kyo. 

"It's been three days since we got here." Ravel says. "How's my brother?" 

Kyo looks back as he hears Riser screaming as he was running from Ghidorah. "Well, he's...improving, to say the least. I mean I remember when Tannin trained me and Issei, though we kicked his ass on the first go when we met him." 

Kyo then takes a bite into his pancakes. "But I'm sure Riser will get there soon enough." 

"Good." Ravel sighs in relief. "I'm glad he's progressing, none the less." Ravel then sneezes. 

"Listen, I know your family is all about formality, but aren't you the slightest bit cold wearing a dress out here in a blizzard?" Kyo inquires. 

"I'm not cold." Ravel replies. "It's only proper for a woman to wear a dress for morning tea. (Sneeze)."

Kyo chuckles. "All right, but I'm pretty sure in this weather it can be an exception to wear snow clothes while having breakfast. Which by the way, I have to tell you these pancakes are amazing!" 

Ravel gasps. "You really like them? I got what I could from home but there were some ingredients that I couldn't find." 

"Well, trust me, these are great!" Kyo says taking another bite.

"Of course." Ravel nods. "You should be grateful that you get to taste my own made pancakes. You should be thankful." 

Kyo groans in annoyance. "Oy vey......" 

"Hey, what's with that attitude?" Ravel inquires. 

"You Phoenixes and your pride." Kyo huffs. "Look, I understand that you're proud of the family that you come from. It's only natural. But you have to stop talking so high and mighty like you're above the rest of us. I also understand that you were raised in a big fancy castle. But keep in mind that some of us didn't have that luxury growing up. I gained my strength through years of horrendous torture of being a sex slave to an entire family of women. And when Rias saved me and Issei, I vowed to protect her not only as my master but as the woman I love. I draw strength from others, you should do that too and stop thinking your title means anything." 

Ravel stands from her seat. "My title DOES mean something!" 

"Yeah and what's a title gonna do for you on the battlefield? JACK SHIT THAT'S WHAT!" Kyo snaps. "Sure my opponents feared my title as being the Death Dragon Emperor, but that was because of the strength they saw I had, not because I merely said my name and thought that they would immediately fear me. They feared me because I lived up to its name, not because I merely possessed it, which is exactly why I'm training your brother. To help him learn that his strength shouldn't come from a name, but should come from within." 

Ravel absorbed the words that Kyo said and sat back down. "I...apologize." 

Kyo lets out a sigh. "It's all right. But I hope that you'll take this to heart when you find yourself leading your own peerage, one day." 

Kyo notices Ravel blushing at the next part she was about to say. "Do you think maybe I can come visit your clubroom again some time?" 

Kyo smiles. "Of course you can! Maybe you can see me too at my house, thought next time be sure to use the door please...." 

Ravel nods. "Of course. Plus, it is also the job of high-ranking devils to learn more about how humans live. Oh, by the way, Rias and the others are coming to the mountain tonight." 

"Wait, seriously? In this cold?" Kyo scoffs. 

"Yeah, turns out that there's a really nice hot spring around here." Ravel explains. 

They both hear Riser scream again and look back to see a large fog emanate from where Ghidorah was training him. 


In a cave up in the mountains, Kyo and Riser were sleeping with a camp fire burning between them. 

Kyo had his arms behind his head as he stared up at the cave. "(Sigh) Dad...I miss you." Kyo looks at Riser's sleeping bag. "Hey, Riser? You still up?" 

Kyo sits up and kicks his sleeping bag off as he approaches Riser. He then turns the bag over and stiffens in anger at what was there.

"A DECOY?!" Kyo screams in rage. ~He must've heard me and Ravel talking about the hot spring! And now he's gone to spy on the girls?!~ 

Kyo then tears off a piece of of his shirt and wraps it around his eyes. ~Hopefully, I won't be too late. Thank God for my sense of smell-AGH! Freaking migraines!~ 

"RISEEEEEERRRRRRRR!" Kyo summoned his Demonic Slayer Armor and blasted out of the cave after the perverted Phoenix. 

As he soared through the sky, he then saw Riser flying ahead. "RISER!" 

Riser looked back in anger. "Well, looks like you found Riser." 


"And just what's wrong with that?!" Riser snaps. "As a gentlemen, it's my job to look at women in hot springs while they bathe!" 

"YOUR SISTER HAS MORE NOBILITY THAN YOU, YOU KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN!" Kyo then dashed forward and knocked Riser upward. 

Riser rubbed his lip. "It seems you've gotten quicker then that last time we fought. But either way, STOP BEING A HINDRANCE TOWARDS RISER'S PLEASURABILITY!" 

"'PLEASURABILITY' MY ASS YA DUMB BLONDE BASTARD!" Kyo and Riser then start clashing around the sky. Kyo then sends his two upper arms towards Riser as then caught both of them. 

"Riser just remembered something." Riser smirks. "Not only will Rias be there, but her queen as well, not mention the rest of the girls of the ORC. As well as that angel girl and Valkyrie that Odin constantly neglects. Meaning Riser will get to see them ALL naked!" 

"Yeah?" Kyo sneers. "Well, there's one thing you haven't remembered Riser!" 

"And what would that be, Black Dragon?" Riser says. 

"MY ARMOR HAS FOUR ARMS!" Kyo then used his two lower arms to jab Riser in the gut before using his upper arms to smash down on his head. 

Riser then moved away before kicking Kyo in the head and smashing his helmet. Riser then saw that he was blindfolded. "You've been fighting Riser this whole time without using your eyes?" 

"It was a precaution in case you'd made it there before I caught up with you." Kyo states. "Besides, I have enough respect NOT to spy on women while they're in a spring or bath or shower!" 

Riser yelled as he then clashed against Kyo again. 


In the dragon hot spring, all the girls including Ravel were enjoying and relaxing in the hot water. 

"We'll relax in here for tonight, and then we'll see how Kyo is doing with Riser in the morning." Rias says. 

""Then we should probably clean ourselves good tonight." Akeno advises. 

"I've heard that the water here is really good for washing clean skin." Ravel points out. 

Xenovia pours some water over her. "Really? Maybe my power will increase by bathing here." 

"We might become sinful by becoming more beautiful in this spring." Irina giggles. 

Rossweisse stands. "Please don't forget to do your homework once we're done here. It's my responsibility as your teacher to make sure you get it done." 


Kyo kicks Riser back as they were both then panting. 

"Riser has to say, you've definitely become stronger and more wary than the last time we fought." Riser says. "And even now, you fight me without your sight and still manage to harm me. To be honest, it intrigues Riser to know just how stronger you can become." 

Kyo smirks. "I honestly didn't think kindness could even bleed out of you." 

"Never the less, it won't stop me from enjoying myself!" Riser looks back and Kyo notices how close they were to the hot spring. 

~Son of a bitch! We're that close to the spring?!~ Kyo thinks. ~Dammit, there's gotta be a way I can distract him. Wait, THAT'S IT!~ 


Riser looks back. "NO TOWEL?!" 

"Made ya look, Flame Boy!" Kyo then charges forward and lash-kicks him downward. Kyo watches as Riser crashes into the water. 

Kyo then descends from the air and pulls Riser's unconscious body out of the water. "Come here you little-" 

"Kyo?" Kyo looks back, hearing Rias's voice. "I heard loud crash and here you are." 

"Yeah, well, good thing I'm blindfolded and I relied on my nose." Kyo chuckles. "I'm guessing the other girls are here as well?" 

Akeno giggles. "Did you come here to spy on us, Kyo?" 

"WHAT?! NO!" Kyo then holds Riser up. "I came to keep THIS GUY from, spying on you guys! Plus, haven't any of you noticed the blindfold? If he'd gotten here sooner, I would've beaten him to a pulp without seeing any of you naked!" 

Riser started to wake up until punched him in the face again. "No, you don't!" 

"Brother? K-Kyo?" Kyo turned to Ravel's voice, still not seeing anyone due to the blindfold. 

"Look, Ravel...I. Am. Blindfolded." Kyo stated pointing to the piece of cloth over his eyes. "So, don't worry, okay? I didn't come here to spy on any of you. Now if you ladies will all excuse me, I've got a chicken to tenderize and barbecue!" 

Kyo then blasts out of the water with Riser over his shoulder. 


Back in the cave, Kyo and Riser kept their backs face towards each other. 

Kyo then spoke, "Look I hate long, sullen silences so I'll just be the one to say it: you are a disgrace to your family for being such a perverted jackass." 

Riser scoffs. "Riser doesn't need your opinion, boy." 

"Whatever..." Kyo mutters. 

Riser then sits up. "But, in all honesty, you are a good fighter. Rias has found herself a good pawn." 

Kyo glances back at him. "Thanks...I guess." 

"I also must apologize." This gained Kyo's attention to turn around and look at the Phoenix. "I heard of the news about what happened between you and your father. My condolences." 

Kyo exhales. "Sometimes I wonder, what would've happened if I had just knew that that Rias wasn't real and would've stopped Esdeath from her plan. My father would be alive right now if it wasn't for me." 

Riser get angry at this. "You were mind-controlled, Najasaki. There's nothing you could've done. You make your father proud by living for him and the others in your life. If Riser has learned something about you, boy, it's that you are too unwilling to forgive yourself." 

Kyo looks at him. "You know nothing about me." 

Riser stands up. "Maybe I don't. But I don't have to know you to understand when I see a man that doesn't give himself credit." 

Kyo then stands. He approaches Riser until he was almost nose to nose with him. Kyo then just holds out his hand. 

Riser looks down and smiles, shaking his hand...until he yanks Kyo forward and punches him to the ground. 



Kyo then summons his Destruction Armor. "YOU ARE JUST A SNIVELING, LYING PIECE OF CRAP!" 

Riser sends a blast of fire at Kyo as they then continued their battle outside. Down below, Tannin and Rias were watching them. 

"Seems like Riser's back to himself again." Tannin smirks. 

"Thanks to Kyo." Rias says, putting a hand over her heart. 


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