Pool Day and The Devil King

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Kyo immediately activates his right gauntlet and sword. "What the hell do you want? I've had my fair share of Fallen Angels so your Excuse better be good." 

"Easy, now." Azazel says. "I'm not here to fight. After what happened with Kokabiel I'd just thought I should check in. Haven't seen you in a while, Erakhan." 

"I've had other things to do then listen to your political antics...Governor." Erakhan snaps. 

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you knew who he was the whole time? And you didn't say anything?!" Kyo says to his father through his gauntlet. 

"I haven't seen him for centuries, Kyo. Plus, even though I've lived longer than him, Azazel is in fact over ten thousand years old." 

"Back to matters at hand, there is one other thing I feel the need to add, I happened to have a special interest in you and Issei Hyoudou's Sacred Gears." Azazel states. "It looks as though Albion, Minireena, and Raevora did some good work, didn't they?" 

"You were the one that sent them!" Kyo realizes. 

"Unfortunately, I wasn't as present as I'd liked, so I had them take care of it for me in my stead. I must say I was impressed with how they followed directions this time." 

Kyo cautiously deactivated his gauntlet, not seeing Azazel as much of a threat...for now at least. 

"Though I have to admit, you did quite a bit of damage to Kokabiel before the Vanishing Dragon and the Apocalypse Sisters arrived." Azazel compliments. "At this rate, you might even become more powerful than me. Also, because of the recents events, the fallen angels, angels, and devils have decided to hold a summit." 

Kyo then points at Azazel. "Know this, 'Governor', if you try to make a move against any of the people I care about, in fact if I even pick up your scent anywhere, I promise you that you won't live to make it 11,000 years old." 

Azazel laughs. "You really are something else, Kyo Najasaki." 


"I'm absolutely livid." Rias states angrily. Kyo had returned to the ORC and informed Rias of Azazel and the summit. "The Governor General of the Fallen Angels has infiltrated my territory and interfered with my business. And on top of that, he's decided to make advances towards my prize servant and lover! He deserves to die a thousand deaths!" 

Kyo raises his hands to calm her. "Okay, take it easy. Look, I'm not happy about his being here as well, but look at it this way, if he REALLY wanted to have done some damage, he would've just left us to Kokabiel." 

"So uh, are there really going to be a bunch of leaders meeting here?" Koneko asks. 

"There are." Rias nods. "It's absolutely true, I received confirmation earlier. We're going to need to make a plan and discuss what will happen in the future. Any thoughts on the matter?" 

Xenovia crosses her arms. "I still can't believe this happened. All relationships have been changed. Nothing's the same between anyone, devils, angels, or fallen angels." 

"That's why a meeting of this sort and happening so suddenly could quite frankly make things more complicated." Rias says. "I honestly can't help but wonder what's really going on." 

Kyo taps his chin. "There is still one thing I'm worried about." 

"What's that?" Issei asks. 

"Look at it this way, Azazel had all the opportunities to try and take away my Sacred Gear, but he didn't." Kyo explains. "But he didn't lie about saying that he wasn't interested in it either. Then of course, there are the other three dragons here in play: Albion, Minireena, and Raevora. And if I'm being honest, there was something uncomfortably familiar about the Apocalypse Sisters' hosts. Either way, I have the feeling that something bad's coming." 

"No matter what, it's going to be okay." Rias says bringing Kyo's head to her chest. "I will do everything in my power to protect you." 

"Pretty sure that line is supposed to be vice versa, but what do I know?" Kyo sighs in bliss, holding his girlfriend. 


The next morning, the ORC gathers outside the school in front of a pool covered in green algae. 

"Gross, what is that crap?" Issei asks disgusted. 

Akeno giggles. "It hasn't been used since last year." 

"And we actually have to clean this?" Kyo says covering his nose from the smell. 

"How does it make sense for our club to have to clean the swimming pool?" Xenovia asks. 

"It's actually the Student Council's job." Rias clarifies. "But we've taken it over. We thought taking on this responsibility would be a great way to thank them for helping us with Kokabiel. On the bright side, once we finish cleaning it, the pool will be ours to use as often as we like for at least a little while." 

Kyo pumps his fist. "Finally some freaking R'n'R!"

Rias then turns to her peerage. "Whaddaya say we blow their minds with how clean the Occult Research Club can make the school pool?" 


Inside the boys locker room, Kyo, Issei, and Kiba were changing with Charn laying at the door. 

Kiba turns to tell Kyo something but notices he's keeping his shirt on. 

"Kyo, why aren't you going shirtless like us?" Kiba asks. 

~Can't let them know. None of them will ever know.~ Kyo thinks. "I just get sunburned real easily, you know?" 

Putting it aside, Kiba then says, "Kyo. I just wanna say if anyone tries to harm you or Issei, I will destroy them." 

Issei widens his eyes. "Uh, okay that's random." 

"I know it seems that way, but I was waiting to find a time when we were alone to tell you guys." Kiba states. 

"You saved my life. If I can't return the service, then I can't call myself a Knight of the House of Gremory." Kiba explains. 

Kyo chuckles. "Dude, you are way too over dramatic for your own good. It's fine, everyone's forgiven you and we're all just glad you're alive. That's more than enough for me." 

Kiba smiles. "Thank you, Kyo." 

"It's what I'm here for." Kyo then turns to head outside but suddenly groans and falls to the floor. 

"KYO!" Issei, Kiba, and Charn rush to him and see his arms have become scaly and black. Kyo sits up with Issei and Kiba's help. 

"Easy man. You okay?" Issei asks. 

Kyo grips his head. "Fine. Crap, I was hoping that all this stuff got sucked out." 

"Remember to be mindful around others with higher power, such as the Governor of the Fallen Angels. Power can disrupt power." Erakhan points out. 

"Right." Kyo nods. Kiba leaves and grabs Rias and Akeno, to which they come and see Kyo's condition. 

"Not much we can do about it, I'm afraid." Rias sighs. "Akeno will have to suck the energy from your arms again." 

"Great." Kyo mutters. "Sorry about this." 

"I'm making an exception for such an adorable under class man." Akeno giggles. Rias and the others leave to go scrub the pool while Akeno stays behind and sucks the energy from Kyo's fingers. 

Kyo looks away from Akeno, feeling to embarrassed to look at her. ~This is so freaking wrong!~ 

"You look so hot when your flustered. I'm just dying to know what you look like writhing in pain." Akeno says. 

"Here we go." Kyo mumbles. "Look Akeno-" 

"Don't you wanna do something fun with me?" Akeno asks. "We could probably learn a lot from each other." 

Akeno then straddles Kyo and pushes him down on the bench. 

~Dragon...instincts...taking over. Must. Not. Give. In.~ Kyo says trying to hold back. Akeno then inches closer and closer to his lips and Kyo does the same until...

"Which one of you would like to explain?" Rias asks. 

"Hey, she straddled me! I'M the victim here!" Kyo protests. 

Akeno giggles. "I wanted to make sure the Dragon energy was evenly distributed." 

"Yet somehow, I don't believe you. Kyo tell me the truth!" Rias demands. 

"What do you mean?! I just did-UGH!" Kyo then gets his cheek pinched hard. 

"I MEAN did you get the chance to know your big sister in the way you always wanted to?" Rias clarifies pinching his cheek harder. 

"OW! Again, she straddled me! I'm the victim here!" Kyo says in pain. 

"Hmph, well it's none of my business." Rias releases her hold on Kyo and exits the locker room. 

"Rias, wait! I didn't-" Rias slams the door, not letting him finish. "Well that's just freaking perfect." 

"Was that not the sweetest thing?" Akeno laughs. "She got jealous. You okay, Kyo? I'm so glad our relationship is starting to go in a better direction." 

"If by 'better', you mean now giving my girlfriend something to hold over my head the rest of my life, then yeah. This relationship is going smoothly!" Kyo says sarcastically. 


Akeno stands at the edge of the pool after it having been cleaned and summons a magic circle that fills the pool with water. 

"All right, feel free to swim to your hearts content." Rias declares. "Ready, Kyo?" 

Kyo swallows noticing Rias in a white two-piece bikini. "Yep." 

"What do you think of my new swimsuit?" Rias asks, twirling. 

"You look absolutely beautiful. Then again, what don't you wear that doesn't?" Kyo says. 

Akeno walks up in her magenta and purple swimsuit. "Oh my, this is really getting to you isn't it, Rias? It's adorable how badly you wanna impress Kyo with that outfit." 

"And I suppose you're only wearing yours to show off for yourself?" Rias snaps. 

"Sure." Akeno shrugs. 

~Should I stop them?~ Kyo asks his father mentally. 

"Son, don't get involved when it comes to a cat fight. Unless you want more scars added to your bodily collection." Erakhan warns. 

~(Gulp) Good point.~ 

Kyo feels a tug on his shirt and sees Koneko. "How do I look?" 

Kyo chuckles. "You look great." 

"Kyo?" Rias says. "Could you and Issei do me a favor?" 


Kyo then finds himself teaching Koneko how to swim. ~Out of all the people who wouldn't know how to swim, did not expect it to be Koneko.~ 

"Sorry for you having to teach me how to swim, Kyo." Koneko apologizes. 

"It's fine, I enjoy helping people do things the can't." Kyo smiles. Suddenly they bump into the back of the pool and Koneko press up against Kyo. 

~Oh great, she's gonna punch the hell out of me!~ Kyo says scared. 

"You're unexpectedly kind, Kyo." Koneko admits. "Especially for someone so mysterious." 

"Look, I know I may keep to myself on certain things, but all in all I'm a good guy. Really." Kyo states. 

Kyo and Koneko hear splashing and see Rias and Akeno racing. 

"How much you wanna bet on what they're racing about?" Kyo asks. 

"Lunch?" Koneko says. 


After helping Koneko swim, Kyo sit at the edge of the pool, thinking about who the Apocalypse Sisters' hosts could be. 

"Kyo?" Rias calls. "Would you help rub lotion on my back?" 

"You got it." Kyo says. Kyo pours some sunscreen in his hand and rubs it on Rias's back. ~Well, this is one way to distract me. Then again, my life is filled with distractions.~ 

"That feels great." Rias moans. "Think you can do the rest of me too?" 

Kyo stiffens. "Would you mind the phrasing? The author is a Christian and tries to keep things on the level." 


"Sorry. Ignore the fourth wall people!" Kyo then looks back at Rias. "Anyways, are you sure? You really trust me that much?" 

"Very much so. You're my boyfriend after all, and it's things like this a boyfriend does for his girlfriend, right?" Rias reminds him. Kyo was about to respond until he gets hugged from behind. 

"Whatcha doing?" Akeno asks. "Is she the only one who gets a back rub?" 

Rias stands up. "Akeno, that was highly inappropriate! He hasn't finished with me yet!" 

"I have a good idea, why don't you hand Kyo over to me for a while?" Akeno suggests, making Kyo blush beyond the red of a tomato. 

"Ridiculous!" Rias scoffs. "I will never give him away and I'm asking you one more time to back off!" 

"Tell me something Kyo, do you get to kiss and hug Rias a lot?" Akeno asks. 

Kyo was still speechless beyond response, so he merely nodded. 

"Tell you what, when Rias isn't around, you can hug and kiss me wherever and whenever you want." Akeno says before biting his ear. 

Rias then destroys one of the diving points and stands. "Akeno, I don't what's gotten into you, but you are out of control." 

Akeno releases Kyo and stands as well. "I am not. But if you're refusing to back down, then I'm fighting to win." 

Kyo immediately avoids the blasts Rias and Akeno toss at each other and makes it to the locker rooms.  

"(Pant) You weren't kidding about that cat fight, father." Kyo pants, breatheless. 

"I've been around for hundreds of thousands of years. And when I was in my human form, I saw numerous women fight over who knows what. Men, jewelry, clothing, in any scenario, women are like dinosaurs. They don't relent until the other has been vanquished." 

Kyo runs a hand through his hair until he hears someone walk up. 

"What're you doing back here?" Xenovia asks. 

"Oh, Xenovia. There you are, we'd though we lost ya." Kyo states. 

"It's the first swimsuit I've ever tried on, so it took some time to put it on." Xenovia explains. "Does it look okay?" 

"Yeah, it looks great. But still, I doubt that kind of suit takes that long to put on." 

Xenovia sighs. "You're right, I did figure it out a while ago. Truth is, I was doing some thinking." 

"Oh...you wanna talk?" Kyo asks. 

"Actually I would." Xenovia sits next to Kyo on his left. "Kyo, there's been something I've been meaning to ask you. What was life like for you as a child?" 

Kyo widens his eyes and looks away. "It...um..." 

Xenovia shifts nervously. "I'm sorry if I overstepped any personal boundaries. I'm just curious as to why you're so kind to anyone you meet. I mean, being the Death Dragon Emperor, most people fear that and would want to stay away. Yet you continue to be someone willing to lend a hand at every turn." 

Kyo sighs. "Just because I have a title, doesn't mean I want to be judged by its efficient meaning. I wouldn't have become the person I am today if it hadn't been for Rias and the others. My family, is with all of you. But believe me when I say that my childhood was hard. Something no one should've gone through." 

Xenovia nods before feeling something stir in her. "Kyo?" 

Kyo looks at her. "Yeah?" 

Xenovia starts to lean in to Kyo and Kyo begins to reciprocate unknowingly. Their lips then connected and Xenovia went to wrap her arms around Kyo...until the door opens. 

"Kyo...what is going on here?" Rias demands. 

Kyo throws his arms up. "Can I ever get a freaking BREAK?!" 

"Uh uh, sorry Xenovia. I already claimed Kyo for kissing and hugging nonstop so he's mine." Akeno giggles. 

Koneko walks in. "Looks you're in for a bumpy night." 

"No, YA THINK?!" Kyo shouts. 


"Seriously, how many girls do you plan on having under your belt, Kyo?" Rias asks with Kyo's head on her lap. The group had headed back to the club to relax and talk. Kyo had a headache and Rias was helping him relax. 

"Again. I'm. The. Victim. How many times do I have to say it? You think I asked Akeno to hug me and straddle me? Or Xenovia to suddenly kiss me right out of the blue?" 

"You kissed back." Xenovia states. 

Kyo glares at her. "Are you helping me?" 

"This seems like a good time." A voice says behind them all and Sirzechs and Grayfia appear. 

"Is there some sort of event going on?" Sirzechs asks. Rias and Kyo gasp and stand up. 

"What are you doing here?" Rias says surprised at her older brother's arrival. 

"Whoa it's the Devil King." Issei says bowing with Kiba, Akeno, Asia, and Koneko. 

Sirzechs then eyes Kyo. "Kyo. It's good to finally meet you in person. Thank you looking after and protecting my sister." 

Sirzechs extends his hand and Kyo hesitantly shakes it. "Uh good to meet you too, Sir." 

Xenovia steps forward. "It's very good to meet you. I've heard so much. I'm Xenovia." 

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Xenovia." Sirzechs nods. "I didn't believe it when I heard the wielders of Durandal had joined my sister. What a beautiful and intelligent decision you've made." 

"I do wonder if I didn't think over my decision to become a devil long enough." Xenovia says. "I still sometimes regret what I did. I mean, what was it that made me want to change in the first place? Was I desperate? Did I even have a choice?" 

Sirzechs laughs. "It's nice there are those in my sister's family that make her laugh. Xenovia, I'd like you to support the House of Gremory by being a part of Rias's family." 

"I guess I have no choice if the Devil King commands it so." Xenovia says. "I promise to do my very best sir. It will be an honor and a pleasure." 

"Thank you." Sirzechs nods. 

"And you have yet to tell me what you're doing here exactly." Rias says. 

"You don't know? Isn't almost time for Open House?" Sirzechs points out. 

Rias widens her eyes. "What?! No way, you can't!" 

"If you mean, I can't wait to see my little sister in action at school, then your absolutely right." 

Rias looks at Grayfia. "Was it you Grayfia? Did you tell him? Be honest!" 

"Oh, I almost forgot! Father will be here too!" Sirzechs adds. 

"You can't just leave like that!" Rias states. "You're the Devil King. You have responsibilities." 

"Actually, this counts as work too." Sirzechs clarifies. "Your school seems like a lovely place. We were hoping to hold the leader's summit there." Everyone widens their eyes. 

"Of all the places, are you serious?" Rias says the most shocked. 


Later that night, Sirzechs and Grayfia decided to come over to Issei and Kyo's house and have dinner with their parents. At Kyo's offer, of course. 

"I'm glad to here my little sister hasn't inconvenienced you." Sirzechs says appreciatively. 

"Oh no! Rias is such a lovely girl. Clean, eats her veggies!" Mrs. Hyoudou says. 

"Yes, Rias is such a beautiful young girl." Anaria agrees. "I just wonder what she does with Kyo." 

Kyo covers his eyes and Charn leans against his leg. 

"Alright, come on and have another drink." Mr. Hyoudou says. 

Sirzechs chuckles. "If you insist." 

Issei hangs his head in embarrassment. "Whatever, dad. Hang out with the Devil King." 

"It's okay." Asia reassures him. "He doesn't even know he's talking to Lucifer." 

Rias turns to Kyo. "Kyo, what were you thinking? Why did you say he could stay at your house?" 

"I was only trying to be polite." Kyo protests. "Plus, he said he'd find a hotel tomorrow." 

Rias sighs. "So humiliating." 

"Psh, how do you think I feel? I'm stuck in the same boat with my mother!" 

"Kyo, I've heard you play the guitar." Sirzechs says. "Do you think you could play us something?" 

"Oh, please do, Kyo!" Asia begs. 

Kyo shrugs. "Guess I'm outnumbered." 

Charn leaves and comes back with Kyo's guitar. Kyo makes sure it's in tune before he then begins to play. 


Sirzechs, Rias, and everyone else in the room claps. 


"What? You can't be serious!" Rias says. "Are you trying to tell me I can't sleep with Kyo?" 

It was time for bed and Rias was in her nightgown until Sirzechs decided to choose and bunk with Kyo. 

"Sorry, but I'd like to talk with him as we fall asleep." Sirzechs explains. "Surely I can borrow him for just one evening." 

~Wow, her own brother doesn't care we sleep together? I can't tell if that's trust or just uninterest. Either way, just blows my mind.~ Kyo thinks. Immediately Rias hugs him. "Rias?" 

"Tell me you'll be okay." Rias pleads. "Do you think you can even fall asleep all by yourself? Can you ever survive without me by your side, cause I don't think I'll get a wink of sleep without you there." 

"Come now, my lady." Grayfia says. "It's time for bed." 

"Yes, I'm coming. Thank you Grayfia." 

"Sleep well, gentlemen." Grayfia bows. 

Kyo pulls Rias over and kisses her for a good long ten seconds. "We'll do something tomorrow to make up for tonight, okay?" Rias nods before kissing his cheek and following Grayfia to bed. 

Kyo and Sirzechs both climb in bed. Kyo stares up at the ceiling with Charn sleeping on his legs. 

"Your Highness, I'm sorry." Kyo apologizes. 

"For what?" Sirzechs asks. 

"For making you sleep in a place like this." 

Sirzechs chuckles. "Actually, I'd like to thank you. In our world, it's unthinkable to be treated as a normal guest in a home. I'm enjoying the change, thank you. You've been a wonderful host, I actually feel more comfortable here than I would at a hotel." 

"Well, I'm glad I could be of service." Kyo nods. 

"Also, I don't think I've ever seen Rias so happy. It's all thanks to you, Kyo." Sirzechs says smiling. 

Kyo sits up from bed. "Of course sir! She's my whole world!" 

Sirzechs climbs out from his mattress. "Kyo, there's something I feel the need to tell you." 

"Yes, sir?" 

Sirzechs then sits at the end of Kyo's bed. "Kyo, I know of your past." 

Kyo widens his eyes. "How?" 

"I am the Devil King. Plus information is able to be obtained through thorough digging." Sirzechs explains. "I'm very sorry for the pain you endured as a child." 

Kyo looks down. "They used me. Treated me like toy and just left me all over the place. Forgotten, starved, absolutely nothing." 

Sirzechs places his hand on his shoulder. "That will never happen with our family. You've made Rias the happiest she can be right now." 

"And I always will, Sir." Kyo pleads. "Just please don't tell anyone else in the ORC. Rias knows, but I'd prefer if no one else did." 

Sirzechs nods. "You have my word." 


The next morning, Rias tells Kyo, Issei, and Asia she'll be showing Sirzechs around the town, so she'd be late. Issei leaves with Asia to get Xenovia, leaving Kyo and Charn to walk to school. 

Kyo figures he might as well show up in style and rode his motorcycle with Charn in the back. When they park, Kyo takes off his helmet and sees a girl near the gate of the school. 

Kyo's head begins to hurt as he looks upon this girl. She stares right back at him before she approaches him and smirks. 

"Kyo Najasaki. Nice to meet out of armor." The girl says. Kyo realizes she must be one of the Dragon Empresses he met on the battlefield with Kokabiel. 

"Which one are you?" Kyo demands. 

"Ooh, demanding and straight to the point. I love it." The girl says leaning next to his ear. "I am Valia, the White Dragon. But you can call me the Vanishing Dragon." 


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