The Leaders Summit

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Kyo grabbed both the girls by their throats and pinned them to the wall. 

"What in the HELL are you two doing here?!" Kyo asks, rage seething through his voice. 

"We aren't here to fight brother, at least not yet." The black haired girl says. "Ah, and those must be the new girls that have replaced us." 

Kyo growls like a dragon and smoke begins to emerge from his mouth. 

Azazel stands. "Before we do anything rash, let's try and do what we came to accomplish here, before any fire-breathing gets out of hand." 

Kyo's eyes change red and he glares at Azazel. "Is EVERYTHING a joke to you?!" 

"Funny things are." Azazel smirks. "Please, Kyo let them go." Kyo glares at the girls before dropping them. He returns to Rias's side, clenching his fists. 

The silver-haired girl helps her sister up before saying, "Allows us to introduce ourselves, I am Iraka Ikasajan the Khaos Dragon Empress and this is my sister, Mayana the Anarky Dragon Empress. We were Kyo's previous siblings before he decided to run away." 

Kyo was about to step forward but Indo and Issei hold him back. 

Chief Michael then starts. "God and the Devil King are gone. Both of our war generals have been annihilated." 

Azazel leans forward. "We have a...complication. Once again it's not even our three powers. But these forces are equally if not more destructive then the five dragons within this room. So I'd like to hear their thoughts." 

Valia simply says, "What I want, is to fight someone who's as strong as me." 

"Same goes for us." Mayana nods for her and Iraka. "Though, we also want something else." Mayana eyes Kyo and licks her lips. 

Kyo shudders slightly, but relaxes when Rias grabs his hand. 

"Yes, but you can still fight powerful opponents without having a war." Azazel points out. "And you, Red and Black Dragon Emperors?" 

Issei stiffens. "All I want is to protect everyone, just like my brother, Kyo." 

Azazel then looks to Kyo. "Kyo?" 

Kyo steps forward to the table. "I want to protect the people I love, but also end this three-way war. Look at it this way, all three have duties as leaders to protect your factions, correct? But neither one has had much of a victory over the other without significant losses. But then, when Ddraig and Albion had their battle across the world, you banded together to stop their reckless destruction. So I beg you, here and now, end this war, and no one else will have to die. Devils and angels have been sworn enemies for a while, but then of course there the fallen angels that have worked in the dark, plotting against the two. But, here and now all the death, bloodshed and violence can stop." 

Kyo takes his place back with Rias, having nothing more to say. Sirzechs, Serafall, Michael, and Azazel smiled at the facts Kyo had made. His point was well proven and truthful. 

"Black Dragon Emperor, do you have a question you still wanted to ask me?" Michael asks. 

Kyo nods. "On behalf of me and my brother, I want to know why you haven't been fair to Asia or Xenovia." 

Issei then adds, "Yeah, why did you guys kick Asia out of the church? She loves God more than anyone!" 

"Both of you, stop." Rias orders. 

Michael then answers, "After God was destroyed, only the system remained. The only thing we had to administer our faith was to give divine protection, mercy, and miracles. Even with me as the center, the church is barely functioning right now. Consequently, there was a need to avoid anything that could negatively affect our system." 

"So in other words, you had no choice." Kyo concedes. 

Michael nods. "Indeed. The faith of believers is the reason those of us in Heaven exist. A threat to the system, is a threat to our survival. Therefore, anything that could negatively affect it had to be removed." 

"Of course." Xenovia says. "That's why I suffered Asia's fate too, along with others who found out the truth." 

"Exactly." Michael confirms. "It was unfair. You were hardly heretics, we should've discovered another way. I ask your forgiveness." 

Irina widens her eyes. ~Then she didn't betray us?~ 

"Apology accepted Chief Michael." Xenovia smiles. "It's interesting, I group in the church, so I must admit I do have a few regrets. But to be honest, I am more than satisfied with my life as a devil. I am sad though, for the other believers." 

Asia stands next to Xenovia. "As am I. I'm so much happier as a devil too. I've met people I cherish who also care about me." 

"Both of you have forgiving spirits." Michael states. "And I am grateful for that." 

"Oh yeah, that's right." Azazel remembers. "Wasn't one of my underlings responsible for killing you?" 

Kyo pushes Asia behind him. "Raynare has been dealt with. Trust me, I saw to THAT!" 

"Yeah! And you should be apologizing!" Issei says angrily. "You wanna know why that fallen angel killed her? Because she wanted to be like you, you stupid asshole!" 

Azazel looks at Issei and says, "Naturally, I take full responsibility. So to atone, I will satisfy you in a way that only I can." 

Kyo activates his gauntlets. "And just why should we believe you?" 

Rias touches Kyo's arm. "Calm down, Kyo." Suddenly the whole room gets enveloped in purple aura and Sona, Tsubaki, Akeno, and Asia are all frozen. 

"What the hell happened?" Kyo asks. "Did time stop?" 

Azazel nods. "It appears so. Fortunately, those of us with superior powers weren't affected." 

"Thank our dragons." Valia smiles. "They protected us." 

"The heavenly bunch over there were shielded by their holy swords." Iraka nods at Kiba, Irina, and Xenovia. 

Irina stares at her sword. "What? I don't understand." 

"I'm okay thanks to you, Kyo. You did it again." Rias smiles. Suddenly an explosion is heard outside and everyone looks out the window to see various men and women in cloaks coming out of large golden circle. 

"Who are those dudes?" Issei asks. 

"Magicians." Serafall states. "They're so rude. I'm a real life magi-girl and they're flat out ignoring me!" 

"But what is this power?" Michael asks. 

"It's the half-vampire boy." Azazel states. "He must've been coerced into making Balance Breaker conditions for them." 

"Gasper!" Kyo cries in worry. 

"He has the power to stop time." Sirzechs says. "So I think it's safe to say yes, Gasper has fallen into enemy hands." 

"Oh no." Kiba breathes. 

"Terrorist magicians dare to kidnap a member of my household?" Rias growls. "They will pay for this disrespect." 

"Our guards are disappearing." Michael says, watching through the window. "Teleportation magic. That can only mean someone is connected to the gate within this barrier." 

"And unfortunately, our magical troops are completely sealed off from us." Grayfia adds. 

"So we've been cornered." Azazel sighs. 

"Yes." Michael nods. "The timing with the use of Lady Gremory's bishop could not have been more perfect." 

"We've been betrayed." Irina says. 

"I recommend we take action soon." Sirzechs suggests. "If they've somehow managed a way to make Gasper even stronger, none of us will survive." 

"Gasper is really THAT powerful?" Kyo asks amazed. 

"Because he's a Mutation Piece." Kiba states. 

Issei cocks a brow. "What's a Mutation Piece?" 

"It's something that causes many strange phenomena." Rias explains. "The bishop I used to turn Gasper into a Devil should have required several of my chess pieces. However, only one ended up being used. It was a Mutation Piece." 

Kyo punches the wall. "Those bastards are going to pay for what they've done to my little brother." 

Mayana laughs. "Your little brother, eh? Oh, you are just too cute, Kyo." 

Kyo shoots a glare. "You wanna take this outside? Cause trust me, I'M MORE THAN WILLING!" 

Azazel watches more of their guards fall. "If we don't do something about this vampire kid now, it'll be far too late to strike back." 

Rias turns to her brother. "Sirzechs, I have an unused rook in storage where my household usually holds meetings." 

"A rook?" Sirzechs questions. "That could work." 

"Gasper is a member of my household." Rias states. "He's my responsibility and I will get him back." 

"I would suggest using some of Sirzechs's power." Grayfia says. "Then another person will be able to escape with you." 

Kyo steps forward. "Then I'm it. I made a promise to protect her and everyone here." 

"The chivalrous knight as always." Iraka chuckles. 

"You can go with her." Sirzechs nods. 

"Shouldn't we go ahead and talk out the half-vampire with the terrorists?" Valia asks. "If you'd like, I could just do it for you." 

Kyo grits his teeth and summons his left blade. "Not gonna happen, not on my watch Valia!" 

"Valia, try to be a little bit more considerate, okay?" Azazel says. "After all, we're trying to make peace here." 

"Sorry, it's hard for me to do nothing like this." 

Azazel chuckles. "Fair enough. Then why don't you and the Apocalypse Sisters go and handle those magicians. Upset their ranks some, seeing the three of you should help." 

Iraka bows. "Of course." 

Mayana waves at Kyo. "We'll see you soon, baby brother." Kyo flips her off as they fly and summon their Balance Breakers. 

Kyo looks at Rias. "Let's go get Gasper." 

"Uh, first things first." Azazel then hands two arm bands to Kyo and one to Issei. "Take these with you. You should be able to use that bracelet as compensation instead of your arm." 

Issei widens his eyes. "Are you serious? Thanks! That means I can become a Balance Breaker." 

"Only as a last resort." Azazel states. "It can't regulate how fast your strength is used." 

Kyo looks at his. "So why do I need them?" 

"Put one on the half-vampire. It can bring him back under control. Plus the last one is for you, it might help you unlock another one of your Scale Mail forms. But again, as a last resort." 

Kyo nods and puts the bracelet on. He looks at Rias. "Let's go." 


Kyo and Rias then teleport to the club house. Kyo looks around the hall. "Damn it! They're not here!" 

Suddenly an explosion is heard and they look to see a giant flame erupt from the school. 

"The school!" Kyo cries. 

Rias covers her mouth. "My brother..." The smoke dissipates and they then see Azazel fighting a woman in the sky. 

"Who the hell is that?" Kyo asks. 

"What's she doing here?" Rias says shocked. 


"Katerea Leviathan." Rias states. "You know when the four Devil Kings were killed in the war, they were replaced by devils that earned instead of replaced their titles? Through the long years of fighting, the devils were almost completely decimated. If the new Devil Kings hadn't ended the war when they did, we probably wouldn't be here right now. But the direct descendants of the former Devil Kings still retaliated, they declared themselves to be the rightful successors. So they were chased to farthest ends of Hell." 

"Banishment for trying to steal thrones, huh?" Kyo says. 

"Katerea was part of the resistance. She is a descendant of the Leviathan Family. Come with me." 

Kyo looks up at the blasts clashing in the sky. "Be safe guys." Kyo then rams through a wall and see several magicians holding Gasper and Koneko. Kyo was shocked to see Charn had been turned to stone. "HEY! NOBODY DOES THAT TO MY DOG!" 

Gasper was crying in pain as light emanated around him. 

"Don't worry, we're here." Rias assures him. 

Gasper opens his eyes. "Rias, Kyo, I'm so sorry! This whole thing is all my fault!" 

Kyo grabs one of the magicians and stabs her through the head. "No it's not, buddy! You're being forced to do this!" 

"Please forgive me, Rias." Koneko apologizes. 

"It's all right." Rias assures her. "I'm just glad we found you. You're okay?" 

"I don't know what tricks you used to get here, but don't take one more step." One of the magicians threatens. 

"Please Rias, just kill me now and get it over with." Gasper pleads. 

"DEATH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER! EXPLOSION ARMOR!" Kyo activates his Scale Mail and brings out his swords. "Don't be like that, little bro! What about our goal, huh?! To be heroes!" 

"It'd be better for everyone if I was dead." Gasper cries. "I'm a useless coward, and not only that, but look what happened! My stupid power caused it, so I don't deserve to live anymore!" 

"Don't be so dramatic." Rias says. "Remember what I told you, when I made you one of us? I said, 'Live for me, little one. At the same time, find a way of being that will make you happy. You are my servant and a part of my household.' I made a solemn vow, I will not abandon you." 

"And neither will I, little bro!" Kyo states firmly. "I said I made a promise to protect you, and I keep the promises I make, remember?" 

Gasper widens his eyes. "Thank you. Thank you so much." 

Two magicians level their swords at Gasper and Koneko. "How stupid. You should've taken the time to brainwash such a dangerous creature so that you could then use him as your own personal weapon." 

Rias smirks. "I know this is most likely beyond your understanding, but my servants are actually cared for." 

"Disrespectful bitch!" A magician growls. "I'll turn that face into one deserving the name devil!" She fires a blast at Rias which Kyo blocks with his sword. 

"Your the ones who don't deserve any respect. Kid napping children and then using them as weapons. The only amount of respect you'll get from me is as much as an ant has to a boot, after I crush you!" 

Rias smiles and looks at  Gasper. "Listen to me. Now would be a good time to cause major problems. If you'd do, I'll scold you over and over for being so naughty Gasper. Then I will hold you and never let go." 

Gasper sniffles. "You will? Okay, I can try!" Kyo then deactivates his left hand and levels his sword at his palm. 

"Kyo, stop." Rias says. 

Kyo cuts his hand and blood drips from the tip of his sword. "Gasper, whatever happens, don't move!" Kyo thrusts his sword forward and blood falls on Gasper's cheek. "Come on, Gasper! You said you wanted to be a hero like me? THEN BE ONE!" 

Gasper licks the blood from his cheek and then his eyes change red. Koneko then appears next to Rias and Charn has turned back to normal. Bats then fly all around the magician women and purple hands start to wrap around them. 

"This is only a small dose of Gasper's power." Rias states. 

"I'm starting to feel like he's more powerful than me." Kyo admits. A magician stands up behind them and fires a blast. 

"Hey guys, look out!" Koneko says. Kyo turns to absorb the blast but it gets frozenn in place. 

"Wait, what happened? The magic's been stopped!" The magician cries. 

"It's no use." Gasper's voice echoes from the bats. "I can see every move all of you are making." The magicians all then freeze. "Kyo, now!" 

"WITH PLEASURE! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER!" Kyo then sends several chains that wrap around the magicians. "DEATH DRAGON EXPLOSION!" 

The women all scream as veins crawl up their skin and they then explode into dust. Gasper then changes back to his normal form. Kyo kneels and puts the bracelet on Gasper's arm. "This will keep you in control. And nice job, Gaspy. I knew you could do it." 

"Thanks big bro!" Gasper smiles. 

"Alright, let's get out of here!" Rias orders. 

"Good." Kyo says smashing his fists together. "I've got a score to settle with my 'sisters'." 


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