Secrets of the scroll part 2

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Y/N: Your name

Talking: "Yare yare daze..."

Thinking: 'What?'

Actions: *holds up scroll*

A/n: ( :D )







We see ourselves looking into the city as we set our sights on a noodle restaurant.

Mr. Ping: "Some boar has destroyed the north road! So I have to go get vegetables in the south."

The duck puts some empty boxes in a cart before turning to his panda son.

Mr. Ping: "And now, while I'm gone, you're the chef."

The panda is seen putting on his apron the wrong way.

Po: "Alright, don't worry dad. I've watched you cook like a thousand times, I'll be good at chefing- uh chefery."

Mr. Ping: "Oh! I almost forgot."

What Po was expecting was a hug from his father as he held his arms out but that isn't the case as Ping walks past him and towards the kitchen as he speaks to it.

Mr. Ping: *tearfully* "Goodbye." *sniffles* "I'll miss you...."

He then exits the kitchen and walks over to his cart to grab a stack of paper menu's.

Mr. Ping: "Now don't forget, before you open, sweep the sidewalk, wipe down the tables and pass out the menus."

Po: "Sweep, wipe, pass out, like every day. Don't worry dad, I got this. Go."

Mr. Ping: "Okay, bye!"

The duck then leaves in a hurry with the cart in tow, suddenly the wind blows away on the paper menu's as he tries to reach out to them in vain.

Po: "Welp! That's done."

As the fliers flew in the wind we see two of them head in opposite directions, one to the Jade Palace and the other through the path in the middle of the village.

We then spot the canine as he peeks out of the alleyway, watching as others come and go as they please, finish their own tasks of the day or children running around as they play without a care in the world.

The canine adjusts his hood to reveal that he is a black wolf in his late teenage years, this wolf was none other than you.

Y/N: *hums* "This place is much more peaceful than it is back at the den."

After checking his surroundings he exits the alley, but not before being met with a strong breeze and a paper flying into his face.

Y/N: "Ack?! What in the?!"

He grabs whatever had temporarily blinded him as he takes it off.

Y/N: "A menu?"

Just from the thought of food alone made his stomach growl, begging for something to fill it after a long journey.

Y/N: *sighs* 'A bite to eat would be nice, haven't had anything since I finished my biscuits yesterday.'

Once he made up his mind he followed the path as he searched for the restaurant, it didn't take long to find it as he spots its signature banner.

Y/N: "Huh. Feels rather homey."

He walks over to the counter as he admires the decor before switching his focus on someone talking to himself under the counter.

Po: *mutters* "Alright! Noodles are easy to make, cutting up some veggies shouldn't be too hard but I don't have much ingredients, so I'll have to wait until dad gets back...."

Y/N: "Hey uh....excuse me?"

The panda continued to mutter to himself, not hearing the wolf call for him. So he calls to him again, a bit louder.

Y/N: "Hello."

No response.

The wolf growls before banging his fist on the countertop.

Y/N: "Hey!"

Po: "AH?!?!"

The panda yelps in surprise before banging his head under the counter as he groans in pain before crawling out from under it as he slowly stands while rubbing his head.

Po: "Dude, you could have at least knocked."

Y/N: "Yeah well it didn't seem like you would have heard me while you were in your own little world."

Po: "Hey! I was just checking....inventory...."

Once the panda sets his sights on the customer, he is met with a black cloaked wolf that stood about a couple of inches taller than him.

For the other he was met with a big and fat panda.

Y/N: "Didn't know checking inventory can leave you lost like a child losing their toy."

Po: "Yeah stink!"

The wolf raises his eyebrow at the weak comeback from the panda as the latter grumbled from his poor attempt.

Y/N: "Can I order now?"

Po: "Sure....what would you like?"

Y/N: "I'd like to try some of your famous noodles."

Po: "Oh! Alright, coming right up!"

He then gets to work as he began preparing whatever leftover ingredients he could use to make Y/N's meal while the wolf sat at one of the tables to wait, though not after wiping the bench and table first that had some crumbs and bits of leftovers on it.

Meanwhile we check on the other flier as it glided into the palace and towards the old tortoise as he calmly catches it by the corner with his claws.

The scene changes once more to the courtyard, we see a large brick of stone before a fist collides with it, smashing it into smaller pieces as he breaks more on the wooden conveyor belt.

Shifu: "That boar will be here by morning, but I've dealt with his kind before."

He demolishes another stone as the camera briefly to the young Tigress as she mimics his stance and strikes.

Shifu: "I hold my ground, steady, strong."

He continues his training regiment as Tigress follows along with amazement towards her master.

Oogway: "He's been at this all day, hasn't he?"

Tigress: "Yes! He's amazing."

She then frowns as she lowers her fist.

Tigress: "I'll never be like him...."

Her tail sways before gently stepping on it to stop it.

Oogway: "No, you won't."

The tortoise approaches the red panda as he obliterates another stone.

Oogway: "Shifu, there's a matter of utmost importance."

Shifu: "What could be more important than preparing for battle?"

Oogway: "Food!" *holds up menu* "Let's order in."

The scene quickly changes back to the restaurant as Po cuts up some veggies as he briefly hurts himself a bit.

Po: "Chop chop chop- Ow?! I know I put it around here somewhere."

The duck and wolf raise their eyebrows at the panda, the latter eating his recently cooked noodles.

Y/N: 'This guy has no idea what he's doing. I'm surprised these noodles are even edible.'

Po: "Oh the spices! Right!"

He pours the just made noodles into a large pot as it overflows with noodles and uncut ingredients before placing it on the countertop.

Po: "So um...what do you guys all day up there at the uh-" *sneezes* "-Jade Palace."

Duck: "Kung fu."

Po: *sniffles* "Thank you, bless you too."

Duck: "No no, kung-fu."

Po: "Oooh yeah, kung-fu."

He clears his nose as he carries the pot of noodles out of the kitchen as he hands it to the duck.

Po: "That's really.....neat, how you do the fu thing, with the.....kung."

Duck: "You have no idea what that is do you?"

Po: "No, no I don't."

Duck: "Well I should get this back."

Po: "Right! Yeah of course, they're gonna love it. Love iiiit!"

The duck leaves with the food, Y/N watching him leave.

Y/N: 'I pity the one who eats that disaster, better yet survive it.'

The scene changes to the Jade Palace as we see Shifu sitting in a chair with a sickly green appearance.

Shifu: *coughs* "What that food?"

Oogway: *to the duck while eating* "Please, fetch a doctor."

Tigress: *worryingly, whispers* "He's in no condition to fight that boar."

Shifu: "I can hear you! Ugh...."

Oogway: "Tigress is right, you need reinforcements."

Tigress approaches Shifu before kneeling and putting her hands together in a salute.

Tigress: "Master, it would be an honor to fight for you-"

Shifu: "No, you are not ready."

His fur then puffs out with a boom as his eyes became bloodshot, the tortoise chuckling at the sight.

Shifu: *groans* "Get me a scroll."

The duck quickly retrieves a blank scroll and holds it open for him as he writes on it.

Shifu: "This is a list...of four warriors, find the wangfu village, and hurry."

Before he could hand it to the duck he is stopped by Oogway.

Oogway: "No." *slurps noodles* "Send Tigress."

The female tiger kneels once more to her master.

Tigress: "Master, I won't disappoint you."

Shifu looks at Oogway for a moment before looking back at his student as he holds out the scroll to her.

Shifu: "Be back before dawn, do not fail me."

Tigress takes the scroll with a smile but quickly loses it.

Tigress: "I will make you proud."

The red panda hums as she jogs away, Shifu's condition suddenly got worse as he lets out a groan.

The scene changes once again back to the restaurant, Mr. Ping kicks the door open.

Mr. Ping: "Po! Did you hear? Some idiot cooked poisoned Shifu!"

Po: "What?!" *falls down the stairs* "Is he dead?!"

Mr. Ping: "Not yet, but he will be when they catch him."

Po: "No I meant Shifu!"

Mr. Ping: "Oh no he's alive, barely."

The panda loudly gulps in nervousness.

Mr. Ping: "So, how did you do?"

Po: "Oh I've made a mess."

Mr. Ping: "Oh....that you did." *sighs* "My son the chef, I'm so proud."

Po: "Yeah....about the whole chef thing. Uh...maybe there's something else I'd be good at."

Mr. Ping: *hands him a broom* "Well, let's see how good you are by cleaning up this mess!"

Po smiles before grabbing a scroll and a pencil.

Po: "Good thinking dad, I could clean things, I'd be a great cleaner!"

Mr. Ping: *laughs* "You a cleaner! I can't even get you to take a bath! You're funny, you should be a comedian."

Po: "A comedian! Uh-huh uh-huh!"

Mr. Ping: *sarcastically* "Or a dancer."

Po: *writes it down* "Got it, dancer. I can do graceful."

Mr. Ping: "You graceful?" *chuckles* "I feel sick."

Po: "Then you need a doctor! I can be a doctor."

He writes down all the previous occupations.

Po: "Cleaner, comedian, dancer, doctor. Great, what else?"

Mr. Ping: *deadpans* "An emperor?"

Po: *gasps* "Can I?!"

Mr. Ping: "No!!!" *takes scroll* "I was just kidding!" *sighs* "Po, your destiny is to become a chef, like me."

Po: "I can't be a chef, I'm the who poi-ooointed out, that...I can't be a chef."

He lowers his arms, downtrodden.

Po: "Dad, I'm never gonna be like you."

Mr. Ping: *gulps*

Po: "I just....I don't know what I wanna do."

Mr. Ping: *hums* "I know what you can do."

He pushes the scroll against Po's stomach.

Mr. Ping: "Take out the trash."

While the two spoke, the wolf listened in on their conversation, though he looked down at his empty bowl before letting out a sigh and placing down a few coins to pay for the food as he gets up and leaves.

Y/N: *shouts* "Thanks for the food!"

Po: "No problem! Glad you liked it!"

As you get further away from the restaurant you head to an empty open area with a few stone benches here and there as you too a seat upon one.

Y/N: *sighs* "What am I supposed to do? How can I pull off a heist like this all by myself?" *groans* "I'm never gonna see them again...."

As he sat in silence he hears a rolling sound as he turns his head to see a jade scroll.








There we go, this chapter is done so I'll be moving back over to my other project. What I'll be doing is a back and forth between books as I finish a chapter in one book I'll switch back to the other and do the same thing and so on.

That way I'm not just focusing on one book and leaving the other to collect dust, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next one.

Stay tuned.

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Words: 2033

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