Dragon vs Machine

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-Narrator: Toothless

I was having a really nice day so far; the weather was clear, the sun was shining, a sweet breeze of air was hitting my black-shiny scales...

That was, of couse, until I saw a grey dot below me.

A few other dragons and I were having a nice flight well high over the ocean just for our own fun. And after playing a little, we started gliding slowly back home, but that... human, appeared once again in my sight. The last time I saw him, he was falling down to Berk, and I hoped that those vikings weren't that stupid to set him free again. But they did, after all the damage he had done to both dragons and humans.

For four weeks, he used our raids to sneak and destroy all he wanted just for fun, taking down dragons, killing vikings, blowing up houses... he was a real threat. And one night, I decided to take him down, I started chasing him when he wasn't looking, and after two minutes of dogfighting, somebody in the village finally shot him down. For good. Or at least that was what I thought. But now, he was in a disadvantaged position, and no raid was happening at the moment, so my friends and I could finish him completely.

''Do you see him?'' The Nadder atmy left asked to all of us.

''Yes, he is that human, isn't it?'' The Zippleback questioned.

''He is... Let's get him.'' I growled.

The three of us dove to confront the flying machine and his pilot. We took him by surprise and I landed a pretty good fireball on his tail. The Zippleback and the Nadder got on his back and surrounded him. ''You are going down...'' I said, knowing he couldn't hear me.

I went into and straight climb in order to attack him again from above.

-Narrator: Mark.

''This creatures have the worst timing, don't they?'' I cursed. I was carrying the crate with supplies to my base when, suddenly three dragons descended from the sky and started attacking me. In the worst moment possible. On the first run, they got my tail with a blast, but luckily it took no real damage. ''Will you guys leave my fucking plane alone one single day? This is not your busines anymore!''I shouted, with no answer of course. 

The package I was carrying was too heavy for the plane to fight, so I dove trying to scape the beasts. The island was close, so there was a hope of dropping the package and then turn to fight the dragons. Immediately after starting the dive, the two dragons that were at my sides started chasing me, but none of them could match my speed.

But I forgot about the third one, big mistake.

In the middle of the descent, I spotted a black dot in the clear blue sky, right above me. I looked at the obscure beast carefully: His green eyes were looking at me from above, analyzing my movements, waiting for me to become a better prey. Moments after I recognized him. ''I am really tired of you.'' Then, he turned his body 180 degrees and started diving on me. When he got closer, he fired, and at the same moment, I turned left hard, dodging the fireball, but the fire flamed up the rope that was holding the supply crate. It could break in any moment. With a speed of 500km/h I finally entered the island and looked for the runway.

I saw it seconds later, and then I spotted what I was really looking for, the lake. In order to get water, I used to boil some from the lake and then drink it, but after two flus, I decided that it wasn't a good idea... That day it was going to save my life, and the luck was with me at the moment: The rope broke just in time and the big box landed right in the middle on the lake, to then sunk. It didn't worry me though, as it was secured hermetically. After that, I went vertical again, gaining some altitude while I looked for the beast with my eyes.

I lost all my airspeed when the altitude marker hit 2000m. I leveled the plane while I was still looking for the dragon. Suddenly, I saw him, he was cruising under me, trying not to get noticed. ''Sneaking up on me, uh? Think again!'' I shouted as I dove, revolver in-hand. I shot twice, and missed both as the beast turned. But now I was behind him, and he wasn't going to scape from me that time. The dragon could barely understand that the nazis designed this fighter especially for turn-fighting. The beast continued doing horizontal loops, but with my low speed, I got my cannon pointed at his back in matter of seconds. I tapped the trigger carefully. 


But a fireball landed in the right wing. I looked back, and saw the other two dragons behind me. The Night Fury took the distraction to turn his body at me and fire a blast that destroyed the glass of the cockpit while he was still flying. Sharp pieces of cristal flying uncomfortably close to my face as I shot a short burst of cannon rounds to the black dragon. Almost all of them missed, but one landed in his back, exploding immediately and causing the beast to wobble in mid-air. The dragon flied away, he looked injuried. In the distance, I heard the Night Fury call his friends. The other dragons were following him seconds later. 

''How strange... they retreated?'' I asked to myself. But the cracking sound of the fuselage woke me up from my thoughts. ''Shit. Hold on a little more ok?'' I whispered to the aircraft. The fireball from the Night Fury burned the water that was cooling down the engine, I had just a couple of minutes before it stops.

Yet, another emergency landing... it was starting to be habitual.

-Narrator: Toothless.

It was worse than I thought.

One of the machine's fireballs somehow got me in the back. It was really painfull if you ask me. ''Did you also hear it?'' the Zippleback asked, positioning himself near me. ''Yeah... It's another one.'' The two heads of the dragon looked at each other. ''I was hoping that was our imagination.'' 

Moments later, the Nadder was next to us. ''Is that sound what I think it is?'' He asked. ''It is, but it's still far away. We need to get out of here and fly to the nest, and fa- Ugh!*'' I gritted my teeth, that blast was really powerfull, not much can provoque such pain in the back of a dragon.

''I hope that other one doesen't see us, because if it does... two machines are going to be a much bigger problem.'' I thought.

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