Chapter(17) Date

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Her outfit for date above

Rose's P.O.V

I got up it's 7 AM and get ready I went downstairs and eat my breakfast with everyone.

It's 8 Am now I am with Bella in her room get her ready for the admission.

"Bells are you ready for the test"

"I am nervous Rose what if I fail"

I kneeled down to her level and hold her hand in mine and said

"Bells never be afraid of failure it's the first step towards success"

She smiled and I kissed her forehead and we made our way downstairs to the driveway and I sat in limousine with her today Alex is driving and I after the admission proposes I will go straight to My college as Dark asked me.

We reached St. Martin and I wore my glasses and mask and took Bella's hand in mine I went straight to the principal's office.

We were standing outside the office and I kneeled down in front of her again and said

"Bells whatever they will ask you answer confidently and if you don't know just admit it okay"

She nodded and I knocked at the door and someone asked to come in I opened the door and held Bella's hand in mine and entered.

"Ms. Arterbery I was waiting for you"

I removed my mask and shades and said

"How are you father Principal"

"I am fine my child have a seat"

I nodded and sat down and Bella sat in the seat beside me

"So this is your sister"

"Yes father"
I said

"So introduce yourself kiddo"
He asked Bella and I held her hands reassuringly.

"Good morning father My name is Bella Rose Arterbery, I am 7 years old"

"Very nice so Bella tell me about your hobbies"

"I like painting, dancing, reading, and watching stars"
She replied

"Okay so Bella please come with me and you too Ms. Arterbery"

I nodded and we stood up and followed father he is a kind man I know him from quite sometime.


He gestured towards a table and chair in a room and a lady teacher was there she nodded at us.

"Bella sit here and answer these questions on this paper and this teacher will ask you some questions you have to answer"

She nodded and sat down and started writing answers to all the questions and we walked out.

"Father will she get admission"
I asked her as we saw her answering all the questions the teacher is asking

"I am sure Rose she will after all she is your sister she is a damn copy of yours"

I smiled after an hour the lady teacher came out and said

"Father and Ms. Arterbery this child is a gem and is really genius she had answered all the questions and scored full marks"

I asked to confirm

"Yes Ms. Arterbery she have a great potential"

"Okay Rose we give her admission she can start from next week"

"Thank you father I will do all the formalities later can I take her now"

"Of course"

I nodded and entered the room and hugged her

"You did it Bells Let's go"

"Thank you Rose"

I smiled and we went back and the limousine and I made her sit in.

"Bells I have to go to my college so you go with Joseph okay"

She nodded and closed the door and the car drove away and I sat in my Range Rover and we drove towards my college

There was a massage from Rayn in the group

Rayn: Rose you didn't tell us such a big news

Rose: what news???

Nick: you confessed to Dark you didn't tell. You are going on a date today you didn't tell we are hurt Rose

Rose: guys I am sorry and yeah I am going on a date with him and I confessed to him happy now.

Sofia: you come to college we will see you there

Rose: now I am afraid

With that I closed my phone I guess Dark told them let's see what happens today, I am excited for the date.

We reached I got out and went to my locker first there is a note it's I pulled it it's from Dark

Rose meet me in library as your first lecture is free I have some doubts....
From Dark

Well something is suspicious about the note that he have doubts and is insisting on going to library for a free lecture it's not like him he always tries to make me bunk lectures to hangout.

Anyways let us see what is going on in his head.

I put the note in my purse and took the notebook in which I had taken notes for the assignment and went to the library it's in the west wing quite far from our side of school because it is attached to the joiner wing of St. Mary's at first it was just school for well knowns later the college section is also added and professors from Harvard and different university came here to teach us.

I entered in library it's very quiet because everyone is busy and those who are free won't come to library I nodded at the librarian and went ahead to the history section it is at the end of the library as I entered I was pulled by my wrist by someone and was pinned to the bookshelf I was about to scream when I heard

"Shh it's me"

He pulled his hand away from my mouth and I looked up at him.

"What are you doing Dark you asked me to come to library and clear your doubts"

He smirk and and said

"Oh I am clearly clearing my doubts"


I am confused he leaned down and was about to kiss when a voice came

"Silence please"

And he pulled me to the side of the shelf and when the librarian passed away he again pulled me back and I was again pinned against the bookshelf and he playfully said

"So Ms. Perfect Parker I have some doubts I hope you won't mind to clarify them will you"

"Of course not, so what's the doubt"

He leaned to my ear and whispered touching my ear with his lips send sparks all over

"Well you see I have doubt that how to kiss will you please tell me how"

He slowly bite on my earlobe and nibble it and then he pulled away and looked in my eyes mischievously he said

"Would you mind to clarify"

"But I don't know how to I guess you can teach me"

I said smiling innocently in an instant his lips were on mine and his one hand pulling me to him by waist I put my hands on his shoulders there were I felt like butterflies are dancing in my stomach

"If you guys are done sucking each other's face can we go to the cafeteria to discuss the Friday's plan"

I instantly pulled away and looked at the person Rayn I am gonna kill him

"Rose if you are planning on killing me then you have to look at this"

He showed me a picture or more specifically Dark and I kissing

"Now I am definitely killing you"

"Oh you won't should we leave or you guys still want to suck each other's faces"

I blushed at that

"Oh my God what you had done to our frosty ice slab Rose"

"Will you stop it"

I walked out and they both followed me

"Rose I will send this in the group"

"Oh you won't dare if you don't want me to leak your very very secret pics with your-"

"Rose I will not just don't do that"

I smrik at him and Dark pulled me to him, his arm on the small of my back I looked up at him and smiled we entered the cafeteria and sat down

"Will you guys stop acting all lovey dovey for god sake"
Sofia said

"Okay Okay so what is the plan for friday"
Dark asked

"Guys what is this about Friday"

I asked confused

"On Friday night we were thinking to go to club"
Nick said

"Yeah that's great"
I said

"Okay then it is done that on Friday 8 PM we will go to club"

We talked for quite some time and then we were off to our classes and after it was over I went to see Dark he was waiting for me in his  personal parking leaning against his car I walked up to him and he kissed me on forehead and opened the door for me and I sat in and he went to the other side and sat in and started to drive towards the restaurant after some time he parked the car and like a gentleman opened the door for me i put my hand in his and came out we made our way inside, he had already booked a table the waiter showed us our table it's is a beautiful homely restaurant I came here before he pulled the chair for me and I sat down and he also sat down and asked.

"So Rose what would you like to have"

"Well I am not like those girls who eat bloody salads"
I said

"Oh I know in last 3 weeks I never had seen you eating salads"
He chuckled

"So I would have Turkey sandwiche"


He called the waiter and I didn't missed he is checking me out bastard, Dark had his hand formed in a fist I put my hand oh his and mouthed it's Okay.

After the waiter was gone he said

"I would ripped his eyes bastard"

"It's okay Dark if he did anything we can always tell his manager"


After sometime he came back and served our food Dark kept glaring at him and he left.

We talked and ate our meal just as we were fighting about the bill my phone started ringing.

I pulled it out and checked it's Matt what now I picked up and speak

"Yes Matt anything important you know right I am with Dark right now"

Dark looked at me and asked who I mouthed him my bodyguard he just nodded

"Rose today is Wednesday"

"Oh thank you for reminding me the day Matt"
I said sarcastically

"Rose you have to go for practice"
He said and just the I remember

"Oh shit I am coming but Umm. Can I bring Dark with me"
I asked

"Rose you have some problems with your memory you can bring anyone because you own the place"

"Yeah Whatever"

I hung up

"Dark if you don't mind can I take you somewhere because I think it's important for me to go and I don't want to ruin our first date"

"Of course but I will pay"
He said

"But Dark-"
I was cut off by him

"Either you agree or I am not coming with you"

"Okay fine you win"
I said

He smiled and pecked my cheek and payed the bill we were out and I asked him for the car keys he gave me and we sat in and I started driving.

"Where are you taking me Rose"
He asked for the hundredth time

"Relax man I am not going to kill you or something"

"But please tell me"
H gave me puppy eyes and I laughed

"That's for me to know and you to find out so C'mon let me concentrate on the road so that we don't meet with a accident Dark"

He huffed and sat we were about to put he is not patient enough so he slowly kissed my cheek then my neck and I stopped the car

"Do you have a death wish"
I said and turned to him and he smashed his lips on mine and kissed me making my heart go crazy I pulled away after I was out of my breath and looked at him

"God Rose I can't keep my hands of you"

"Now stop being corny and get your ass out of the car"


"Because we reached and wip the lipstick of your lips"

I wiped the lipstick of my own lips and got out.

"Rose what is this"
He asked

"Platinum's open air firing range"


I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside and showed my card then we entered inside the range

"Rose you would be the first girlfriend in the world to bring her boyfriend to a firing range on there first date"
He said

"You see I am unique now Let's go"

He nodded and I made my way towards Matt he is my instructor he nodded at us and handed me a 9mm shotgun and my headset

"Rose you really know how to use guns and all"

I didn't replied and put headset and then I positioned my self and shot 6 times in a row then the assistant came and handed me the paper it's in the middle all at the correct target I showed it to Dark and his eyes wide open.

Dark's P.O.V

Rose confessed her feelings yesterday and I was beyond happy then that kiss was the best in my life and then today in the library also we went to the restaurant and I felt possessive for her I never felt that with any other girl than she took me to the Platinum's open air firing range and now Matt her bodyguard had given her a 9mm shotgun and headset I can't believe she can do shooting and all.

So I asked

"Rose you really know how to use guns and all"

But she didn't replied and put her headset and then positioned herself the fired 6 bullets one after another when she showed me the paper my eyes were wide open I can't believe all bullets were in the center.

"Rose are you a mafia or something"

She laughed like music and said

"Seriously you thought I am a mafia I hate illegal things and well I learned this shooting and all for self defense"

"That's great can I try because I also know how to shoot and all"

She smiled and said

"Of course just don't murder anyone"

"Of course not"

I took one headset and gun and fired 6 shots and when they came with paper it's not as perfect as Rose one was in the center circle and 3 was in the yellow one and rest were in just a bit away

"Not bad Dark with some practice you can do even better"

"Of course"

I smiled and hugged her

After that I looked at her as she practiced loading guns and all I have to say she is very perfect and the best of all

"You must me Rose's boyfriend I am Matt her bodyguard and friend"

I shook my hand with him and smiled

"Nice to meet you"

"Yeah same I want to say that don't hurt her she had already enough of hurting"

"What do you mean"

"I am in no place to tell you about her past even present but don't ask her even she will tell you soon but there is one thing"


"Rose is not what she shows she is honest with you about everything but she is even more deeper than you can imagine you really make her genuinely happy just don't hurt her because I had seen the worst in her"
He said with a straight face but I can see sadness in his eyes

"Of course I will never hurt her I truly love her even if she just like me"

"I know she also loves you but you need to be patient with her and one thing that you should keep in mind don't betray her because her hate is bigger than her love and she can be that much ruthless and heartless that all her love will vanish away"

"I will not betray her ever"

And just than Rose came

"What you guys are talking about"
She asked and Matt said

"Oh nothing I was just telling your boyfriend that don't hurt you or else I will cut his balls"

"C'mon Matt stop scaring him"

And she pecked my lips and we came out and she sat in the passenger seat and I  drove back to college it's already evening and she is sleeping I think she must be tired so I didn't disturbed her she look so beautiful and innocent but I know deep down she is somewhere broken and I will fix her for sure.

I hope she will tell me soon

And I have to ask her if she will come to prom this Sunday.

"I love you Rose"

I whispered to her and kissed her forehead.

Hey guys I hope you are enjoying the book tell me in comments and please  vote.

With love


Published on:- 5th, October, 2020

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