Chapter(24) Gala(1)

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*picture above Rose's dress
*other accessories down

Rose's P.O.V

One week had passed Yeah I and Dark are doing great but today I am stressed a little bit because today is the day I am gonna tell him who I am in-fact the whole world but I will tell him more than anyone ever know


My notification went of snapping me out of my trance I checked the time 12:00AM there you go I became 21 now

I opened my phone and saw it's Dark

Happy birthday baby

I smiled and replied with a heart and then send

Dark I will come in the gala but you will have to promise me something

He replied instantly

Anything for you baby

I smiled before typing

I am going to tell you something very important about myself in evening and you have to wait, also I will come on my own don't wait for me also I will be a bit late

I send the message and he answered with a Okay and I smiled and went to sleep.


"Rose dresses arrived come check"

I looked up from my laptop Aria was standing in my study's doorway her arms were folded on her chest an eyebrow raised

"So what the fuck you are doing on your fucking laptop it's like your fucking coronation today so you fucking get up and fucking check the fucking dresses NOW"

I chuckled and shook my head head at her and stood up

We walked down in our dressing room

Yeah we have dressing room and it have dress that once my great grandmom once wore.

We walked past many beautiful beautiful dresses and tuxedos and more

We stopped at the center My mom and all my friends were standing there

"So were are the dresses"

I asked my mom called someone two girls pulled the curtains and there were 4 dress 3 Royal blue and one peacock blue and a green tuxedo and 3 blue tuxedos

I turned around to ask mom about the dresses but before I ask she began

"The peacock blue green dress is for Rose and the green tuxedo is for Dark rest of the things are for all of you"

(Dark's outfit)

"Mom but we decided to wear Royal blue then why"

"I am a designer so it's for me to know and you to follow don't question my choices"

She can be commanding when she want

We all nodded and I sent the message to Dark

And massage

Dark I selected a tuxedo for you please wear it

He replied instantly

Whatever you choose I will wear

I smiled and said to all of them

"Guys makeup artist team had arrived you all go to the assigned room they are there I will go and dress Bella first then get ready don't be late it's already 6 and the gala starts at 8:30 but you all have to leave by 8 PM"

They nodded and went away

I made my way to Bella's room with a maid trailing behind with the pink dress I specially made for her I mean I designed it I stopped at her door and knocked her nanny opened and walked in Bella was standing on her bed in a bathrobe and jumped in my arms when she saw me

"Rose happy birthday again"

I smiled and kissed her forehead and then said

"See what I brought for you"
I gustered towards the dress and she squealed

"You can leave now"
I dismissed the maid and she bowed to me before leaving

"So princess get ready to be the Arterbery"

She jumped up and down and  I helped her to get dressed

(Bella's dress)

After getting her ready I went to my room and took a shower then the makeup artist did my makeup and hairs after the left I went and put on my dress it is a gorgeous dress and hugged my curves at all the right places made out of pure silk and is sparkling I was about to put my jewellery on when there was a knock on my door

"Come in"

The door opened revealing my mom

"Mom what are you doing here"

"Rose I want to give you something"

I nodded and she pulled out a blue velvet box from behind I guess it have a necklace

"Oh you should have sent servants to give the necklace I noticed it was missing what did you come all the way up here"

She smiled and said

"This thing can't be handed to servants this is our legacy"

She opened the box revealing a beautiful necklace with small white diamonds and one green emerald in the center

My great grandfather gave it to my great grandmother as the token of love

(The necklace)

"Your grandmother gave me this when I got married to your dad and when she passed the time you was in London she said that this should be passed to you her last words was
'My Jade will be the queen she will get all my heritage all my things special the token of 'A' love'
I still remember"

I smiled and hugged my mom

"Thank you so much mom this means a lot to me"

She smiled and took it out and put it on I ran my fingers on it it's so damn beautiful

Then she opened a smaller box it have a Platinum chain and blue pendant (picture above with her accessories) and slipped it on my neck too

"Never take this of this pendant is the pendent of Arterbery's clan"

I smiled and nodded this is really precious to us

She nodded and went out

I did some last checks before taking my clutch and my phone and getting out of my room and heading downstairs everyone had already left I went outside the black limousine was standing with sleek black SUVs in front and back the door was opened for me and I went and sat in then car closed and I opened my laptop that was already in the car and connected with the security room and saw all the CCTV cameras I saw Dark first he was having Champagne in his hand and was standing beside his dad his mom was also there and he was looking just as handsome as a Greek god

The car came to stop and I saw we are already there I asked one of my men to take the laptop we made our way from behind and went to the lounge room in which I am staying till my entry I continued checking all the cameras and one thing more I checked al the people I want to see there faces when they will get to know I am Arterbery like Samantha and Alicia

You see I am evil

Third Person's P.O.V

Everyone in the hall was waiting for Arterbery princess and she was looking at them through the cameras  just then on the stage all the Elites were standing, Rose's friends were also there and Mr. Arterbery's secretary made his way to the podium and said

"Ladies and Gentlemen I would like to have your kind attention please"

Everyone in the hall stopped what so ever they were doing and turned to look at the man and started again

"I am glad you all came here to Celebrate with us in our happiness taking time out of your busy lifes I would like to ask you please take your assigned seats Mr. Robert Arterbery would like to say a few words before we welcome our Arterbery princess"

Everyone took there seats and when everyone was seated Mr.Arterbery came on the podium and started his speech

"Ladies and gentlemen I am glad you made time from your busy lifes to come here

As you all know my daughter never came in public because of some issues but today she is coming after years of wait

On her becoming a public figure I would like to say a few words about her

My daughter is absolutely perfect and is going to be the CEO of my Company and you may have seen her before because she is been living in your circle for last five years she maybe have had a false identity but she is a perfect woman in every field she spent her 4 years of life in London at the age of 10 when she returned in less then a year at the innocent age of 15 she started taking part in my company behind the curtains also she directed the Human resource development department and is the Vice president of our company on the top of her achievements

I became the first trillionaire because of her intelligent mind

I would like you all to give a big round of applause to Arterbery princess Rose Jade Arterbery"

He finished and the lights dimmed and a spotlight was at the entrance and the doors opened

And click of heels.......


Hey guys I made this chapter small but please please wait for the next one you are gonna love it

Thank you all for your support and please vote and share

With love


Published on:- 01, November, 2020

Word count:- 1550

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