Chapter (3) I hate him!

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I hate the bad boy"


Above dress Rose's outfit for school

Rose's P.O.V

"So Guys where you want to see the movie. We can watch in home theater,in my bedroom,or here in living room."

After have one drink we chatted about our lifes and normal stuff now it's time for movie.

"I think home theater is the best option"
Lily said.

"But we have to sit in different seats like last time I don't want that,I want all of us to sit in coach!"
Adam complained

I give a short laugh and said

"Oh. that's not the problem. last time I remember that we were not able to enjoy to our fullest so I removed the last row and placed couches and coffee tables there"

"That's great amendment Rose" Nick said.

"So home theater done?"
Rayn Asked.

"Done" we all said in unison.

And head straight towards the home theater. Well this is the benefit of being rich you can do Anything and Everything in your home.
We entered and sat in last row and I switched of all the lights of theater.
And asked

"Which movie?"

(The next part is in dialogues form.)

Lily: something romantic?

Nick: fifty shades of grey?

Rayn: yeah that's great.

Aria: No.last time we saw the same. How many times are you gonna watch Fifty Shades of Grey dude?

Adam: what's wrong with Fifty Shades of Grey?

Sofia: you know it.

Rose: something horror,action or drama?

Nick: that would be fine.

Rose: any suggestions?

Rayn: Sinister?

Adam: yeah that one.

(From now it would be same not In form of dialogues)

I turned my Netflix on and we watched Sinister.
Well that's cool.

By the end of the movie all us were scared as shit.

So I suggest that's it's time to sleep.

With that I went to my room and others went to the guest rooms it's normal for us.

I decided to take a warm bath and it was truly relaxing so I went straight to bed.


~•~In the morning~•~

We had our breakfast together and went downstairs they all left the after five minutes I also head towards school with my bodyguards.

Let's see what happens today.

As I entered everything seems to be normal I checked my phone as I went towards the locker room there is a massage in group

Adam: to our dearest best basketball player Rose,
Today at 5PM in open air basketball ground we have match I hope you remember.

Oh god! How can I forget this is so important for our group. But it's okay because I am a champion In basketball.

Rose: ok I will see you all at 4:30we will plan the strategy.

Nick: done.
Rayn:we have to win it and with Rose in our time I am damn sure we will win it.

Rose:hope so.
Bye guys see you all later at ground.

With that I took my books and head towards the first lecture.
The day went in blur as now was the last lecture remaining.

I was on a call with my secretary Aden when I bumped into someone more specifically the so called bad boy.

What the bloody hell!

Again I bumped into him but I didn't pay any attention to him and started walking but stopped when someone grabbed my hand and pinned my against the lockers.

There stand Mathew with a face that says he is not gonna leave me easily.
And he spoke.

"Where do you think you are going like that Rose"

He spoke my name like we new each other from a long time but nah. I will never ever in world would like to know him. I fucking hate him!

"Mr. Mathew first of all it's non of your business where I am going and secondly Miss.Parker you can't call me Rose."

With that said I pushed him away he stumbled and his back bumped into the other row of lockers and with that I walked away to the other class.


The basketball court.


It's the time we planned to meet at court for discussing the strategy for the match.

I walked out of the changing room with Lily, Sofia and Aria.

Boys were already waiting for us and after greeting each other with a hug we decided our strategy and walked together towards the basketball court.

I muttered under my breath when I saw the opposite team This bloody Matthew again;
I will have to beat him.

He saw me and smirked and said.
"I think the Platinum's chose the wrong player"

This was enough to boil my blood and I was about to speak but Rayn beat me to it and said

"Let's see that at the end of the competition."

With that we started playing and I showed all my skills and Mathew was dumbstruck to see me playing so well

And we won with 75-70

Now this was my turn to smirk.
And I said.

"I think someone said that we had chosen a bad player."

He still had a dumbstruck look and all of us were laughing at that.

And then he said something that caught my attention.

"Let's have a match only me and Rose"

"Ah. How many times I have to tell you it's Miss. Parker only my friends call me Rose."

"Ok okay so what say Miss.Parker"

"Sure but not today tomorrow evening 5 PM here"

"Okay get ready to loss"

"We will see and same to you"

With that he stormed away and I turned to my friends they are looking amused.

Then Rayn said

"What do you mean by how many times I have to tell you to call me Miss. Parker?

Oops?what to say?

Well I told you them the truth that I bumped into him and the locker room thing and the were all like aww the love is growing.

"Looks like we are going to have a new love story"
Nick said.


"Love always begins with hate Aww so cute you two will look together"
Sofia said

"Fuck it"

"Believe it or not the love story is began"

Said Adam wiggling  his eyebrows and I cringed at his cockiness and said.

"Fuck your dreams"
And stormed to the changing room.

And there word keep repeating in my mind

"The love story is began"
"Love is growing"

All of this is just there thinking never gonna happen.

"I fucking hate him"

"I hate the bad boy"

"I hate him"

"I hate him"

"I hate him"

With that I went to home and keep saying that I hate him over and over again.

"I hate him"


Published: 15 August, 2020
Word count: 1125 words





With Love

~•~Snow ~•~


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