Chapter(36) Family

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Rose's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and saw bright light I closed my eyes again and rubbed them and opened it and sat up, my head hurts pretty bad.

"Here drink this"

I took the glass from the person and drank it, it was lemonade with too much if lemon in it.

"DARK BLAKE MATHEW, how dare you made me drink this"

I yelled and looked up to see Jake looking horrified, with dad, James, mom and Bella behind him.

Was all I can say.

"Wasn't I with Dark? How did I end up here?"

"Dosen't matter we have more important things to discuss"

I looked at them confused and asked.

"Like what?"

"Rose Jade Arterbery can you tell us how old are you?"

Dad said

"Dad is that even a question 21 of course"

"So can you stop behaving like a freaking kid and act like a grown up, because I can't bear to lose you at any cost and on the top of everything; you are the most precious one in all the our lives"

He said pacing in front of me.

"Dad I really don't get it, what are you trying to say?"

I really don't know what he is taking about.

"Jenny, Bella and I are going outside the room leaving you guys here to make up for what you have been avoiding for so many days now, and until you guys don't the door won't open"

He said standing beside the door and mom and Bella behind him with the door handle in his hand, as soon as he finished he closed the door.

"What was that dad? Open the door now!"

I said standing up and moving towards the door, but it was already locked I slowly slid down beside door, folded my hands on my knees and hugged myself and stayed there which felt like hours but mere minutes, when I felt someone's hand on my knees I looked up and saw Jake and James both giving me a small smile.

"Rose baby girl please talk to us, it hurts that you are running away from us, we missed you for ten years now finally we are with you, but why you don't want us?"

I slowly stood up and walked to the bed and sat in the center, and thought for a while.

"I don't know how to put this, but I just don't have the courage to face you, don't you guys hate me?"

They looked confused

"Why do you think we hate you?"

"It's me, I am the reason you was away from the life you were supposed to live, and I was here living all the things that was yours, when you both were rotting in those dungeons, I feel guilty"

I wasn't even able to look in there eyes.

"Firstly even if you were living the most luxurious life you wasn't happy for once until you got in love anyways that thing we put it for next time, but you wasn't happy we know you very well and we know that, mom, dad told us everything, and depression, Rose Aunt Maggie told us you had depression"

"So they told them everything, fucking traitors"

I mumbled but from their look it looks like they heard.

"And moreover we weren't in dungeons we were in South America, even though we were prisoned by him we were living a pretty normal life, he wasn't to cruel to us, he was just sick"

That caught my attention I looked up at them they really don't look tortured but they could hide the scars I gave them a suspicious look.

"How can I believe that, and anyways I am leaving very very soon?"

I mumbled the last part.

"But why do you think that running away from us is a solution?"

"I am not running away-

"Yes you are"

"I don't  know how to face you, don't know what to say, it's feel like I don't know how to explain, my heart constricts when I see you trying to chat with me we had grown apart, I am not even a good sister anymore"

"You are a good sister, bella told us, the way you take care of her"

"Yeah and I guess they must have told you that they fucking hide her from me for god damn fucking 7 years"
I said in anger

"Rose mind your language"
Both of them said at the same time.

"Do I look like a kid I am 21 for god sake"

"But to us you was our baby sis, you are our baby sis, and you will be our baby sis even when you will be 80 years old"

And that's all it took me to break in tears.

Third Person's P.O.V

A strong dominance she had possessed for years, a strong image she put up for years came crashing down with mere words, always being pretentious that's what everyone knew, but she was always that little scared girl who witnessed that horrifying scene in front of her, screaming crying at inside for years all burst out once.

Both Jake and James know their sister very well, they hugged her and she cried and cried for God know how long.


Robert peeked through the door and saw them sleeping peaceful on her bed and smiled closing the door.

"I would have always regretted that Rose didn't made up with her brothers, thank God they had made up"

He said to himself and went away.


Rose, Robert, Jenny, Bella, Jake, James all of the them were sitting in the dining table and chatting about different things finally after years the family is complete.

Robert tapped his wine glass with a spoon holding it in air, to grab everyone's attention, everyone looked at him.

"So finally we all are together so I wanna say that I am really very happy that both my sons and daughters had made up and at the end my family is happy"

Everyone tossed except for Rose she smiled holding up her glass and spoke

"I always wanted my family to sit and normally talk like this, finally after all the deep storms in our life we reached to an land, and I am very thankful for that, also I want to apologize to y'all for all the tantrums I had thrown after getting up from coma, and I am grateful that finall I have Jake, James and Bella all at the same time"

After the toss Nd all everyone went back to talking normally when Rose's phone rang.

Rose's P.O.V

My phone rang and I picked it up everyone went silent.


"Hey, rose our place in 15 minutes"

"But, why Nick?"

"Oh just a small meeting"

"Okay I will be there in 15 minutes"

I hung up and looked at everyone.

"I am really sorry guys, but have to go and check on my friends, it's a private meeting"

They hesitantly let her go.

Hey bunnies this chapter is quite small as compared to previous chapters.

Our Rose had made up with her family the book is gonna end, the next chapter will be published either today or on 3 March, please wait and vote, drop your ideas and comments, also the book will be edited once it's completed.



Published on:- 28/02/2021

Word count:-1232

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