Chapter (5) Open up at school

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"Everything is destined"


Rose's P.O.V

Yesterday I won the match well I never lose but I know the taste of losing...

Well the match was quite interesting especially the last 5 minutes and after I won and the look on his face was priceless.

Well today is Saturday and I am going to my home, when I say home I smile made it's way to my lips.

After Almost 3 weeks I am going there and I actually love our mansion.

It is at the end of the city where many rich, wealthy people live I am on of them.

Right now I was sitting in my limousine and I was scrolling through my phone and opened  Instagram after a long time.

RoseParker05 my ID just wait for some more days I will be Rose Arterbery.

Well something caught my attention it's a follow request from Dark Mathews, what the bloody hell,

Why he is requesting to follow me?

He is stalking you sis. My conscious said.

Well that's possible.
I was thinking about it but my chain of thoughts came to a stop when my car stopped at the front of a huge mansion.

The car door opened for me and I wore my black glasses and black mask to cover my face.

I Matt nodes at me signaling me that every thing is fine and I can come out I put my phone in my coats pocket and stepped out and looked around and then went inside.

You must be wondering why I was wearing black glasses and mask before entering my house?

Well the answer is simple I can't simply enter my house because this is a high class area and paparazzi are all around so they can caught me entering the house it would create problems, you understand right.

I rang the bell and heard footsteps approaching the door knob twisted and the door opened there was our housekeeper Mrs. White was standing I removed my mask and she bowed lightly than smiled at me before hugging me and said

"My, my Rose after such a long time"

Well I don't open up to many but Mrs. White is my favorite
I smiled at her and said

"Really a long time Mrs. White, I missed your food,
Anyways how are you?"

"I am good, and I also cooked for you, your favorite"

I smiled  and thanked her and went inside and I saw my mom coming inside the living room she saw me and her face lit up I smiled at her and walked towards her and hugged her and she hugged me back and patted my head and said.

"I missed you Cherry"

"Mom I missed you too and stop crying I don't like tears"

She always get emotional upon seeing me.

She smiled at me and I took my long black coat away and handed it to one maid before making my way to living room I sat across my mom and we talked a lot mostly her she kept rumbling about all things.
I just smiled at her.

Then the door opened I checked time it must be dad.


I said as he came in view.

"My princess how are you"

I got up and hugged him before saying

"I am great dad"

"Well happy to see you again at home"

"Same dad"

"It's time for dinner Let's have dinner together"

"Yeah dad you go and freshen up and let's have dinner in half hour"

He nodded and went to his room and I went to kitchen to see what's special mom and Mrs. White made every thing was my favorite and I smiled at them

And I went to dining room and smiled at our family portrait I was 9 years old at that time I still remember that dad so happy we all were. All five of us on my dad and mom's anniversary. Those memories...

"Stop looking at the portrait you will ruin your happy mood to grief"

My dad's voice came from my back and I turned around and saw him smiling sadly at me I nodded in agreement and took my seat at the round table with five seats it reminds me of us nobody dared to sit at those two seats after that incident 10 years ago, I shook my head to clear my thoughts as the dinner severed I loved it the same old taste I missed mom's cooking.

Now I was sitting in my dad's study with dad, my mom already went to sleep and I was reading some files of Chinese contact of our company, I always read all the investments and files of our company since I was 15 well I am learning how to do business.

"You will become a great businesswoman princess even sometimes your ideas are better than mine"

My dad said and grabbed my attention
I smiled at him and said

"Thanks dad you are my role model"

"The pleasure is all mine to be your role model"
I smiled at him

"Princess last time you said you will discuss the matter when you come home so tell me"

I know what he is talking about so I sat straight and said

"About that dad I think of taking it slowly because you know our reputation on business and social world so if we have a conference and I introduce myself as Arterbery  and revealed my identity I would create a great fuzz and will make media go crazy."

"You are right but did you thought how you are going  to do it?"

"Um. Yes dad I am thinking my friends could help me"


"Dad as you know that in school they are the 6 members of Elites of Platinum's so I will start communicate with them in public not like before avoiding to speak with them and they will announce me as 7th member which I already am so we will do this for 1 month and next month on my birthday you call a party  and announce me as Arterbery and as the next C.E.O of Arterbery's and Platinum's Kings and Queens but before that we will have a meeting with the board of directors I know they will support us"

"My daughter is a damn copy of me when it comes to business"
He gave me a heartily laugh
And said
"Your idea is definitely great and at the end of the month before your birthday I will change all the documents with originals at your school"

"Thanks dad"

"My child still you will have a great attention of whole media"

"I know dad I can manage"

"Good night princess"

"Night dad"

With that I went to my room and drifted to sleep with all these thoughts at my mind.

The next dad went well and now I was heading to my penthouse because Tomorrow I have school and well I also have to be in public with my friends.


At School

Well today is going to be a long day.

I entered my first lecture and texted in our group that anyone of them have to meet me at the end of the class because I have to tell them something.

As the class end I waited for all to leave and went outside and saw Adam standing there with a questioning look on his I just smiled at him and handed him the note book in my hands and said

"Adam the notes you have asked for and start reading from page number 55"

He gave me a confused look and I gave him a eye massage then he nodded and thanked me before leaving.

Well I had written a letter at page number 55 telling them that they have to help me as soon as I reached my locker my phone started buzzing with massages I opened and saw that everyone is really going crazy about my massage well I expected that so I reapplied with a simple yes and turned it of.

Well as I was about to leave I saw Dark coming towards me and when he reached me he said


I just smiled because I don't like being rude, and went to cafeteria and there Rayn called me and I sat with them and soon the whole cafeteria was gossiping about me being with 6 Elites, as expected  we continued talking normally,
From the corner of my eyes I spotted Dark looking at me this guy is definitely something.

Is he stalking me??

Quite possible.

Well whatever I head to next class after that me and my group went for basketball practice today the weather is quite humid so we decided on practicing in indoor basketball court to my surprise Dark came and asked if he can join us well even if I have a problem my friends welcomed him they are in full mood of matchmaking.


We practiced for an hour and or coach came from nowhere and said

"Hello everyone"

"Hello coach"
We said in unison

"In two months we are having a inter school basketball match and I want all of you to participate special Dark and Rose, because I have noticed that you two are best players and I don't need any selection match for that also we will all 6 of you too will be participating , Understood"

Well there is no room for argument so we nodded in agreement.

Anyways who cares.

But he than said

"Rose and Dark you have to do extra practice on Saturdays also, I want this trophy at any price."

I have to nod but I see Dark seems to be happy with extra practice.

Well now I have to practice with him also on Saturday. 

Oh God what I did in last life!!

Two months in hell I hope it to be better than my expectations.


Published: 17 August,2020
Word count: 1669 words


I hope everyone have liked the chapter.

With Love♡



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