Chapter (7) Her Place

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Rose's P.O.V

It's Sunday I got up and asked Matt to do all the arrangements for today because Dark is coming today at my place so I went to my another apartment building well it's a smaller house compared to my penthouse a way too small but just fine and also seems like a middle class house.
What did you thought that I will take him to my penthouse. No not now because he will think that how can I afford such a gigantic penthouse worth 40 million.

So I went to my other apartment which is not far away from my penthouse it have 3 bedroom one I had transformed into a library 3 years ago, to say on my saddest days I come here and spend time alone would not be incorrect, it have a beautiful living room and kitchen.

Every thing is already set that make it look like I am living her because it's last time I came here was around 6 months on there birthday.

Well forget it let me check around if everything is done properly I went to my library and checked it that if all the dusting and vacuuming was done or not seems like it's perfect then the bell ring I know who is at door so I went there a book in my hand which I was reading.


Dark's P.O.V

Well yesterday was tiring day but I am excited today.

Well yesterday I asked Rose to be my partner in the assignment and I think this is going to be great and the last week was wonderful as we become friends it's a good start well to say the truth I don't know what attracts me about her that pulls me to her she is definitely one of a kind, because after her she is the first girl that attracted me like this I thought this is just a attraction but now I know it's more than that.

Well now I am heading to her place, on my way i brought a chocolate cake well I know it her favorite her friends told me.

Well it's still a mystery to me that what this girl is I think today I might meet her parents.

Her building is quite nice well
Homely I can say I head towards her floor second from top this building have 30 floors and owned by Arterbery's well quite expensive building I pressed the bell and waited for her to open I heard a soft coming and the voice of footsteps approaching and she opened the door wide for me to enter I stepped in and Oh God She looked so beautiful even in a simple yellow of shoulder casual dress and the book she is holding think she must be coming from her reading.

"Hello, I hope I didn't kept the beautiful lady waiting".

I can't help but compliment her I never compliment any girl but she deserves.

"Well thank you for the compliment anyway come in have a seat"

I smiled and passed her the cake before saying

"This is first time I came at your place so I thought about bringing something"

"Oh. C'mon don't do the formalities with me and sit I will be right back."

I smiled again and sat at couch in living rooms as she disappeared in another room I guess kitchen I took the time to look around and saw that no pictures of family well quite suprising it's all different artworks hanging on the walls and a portrait of her but as a child.

As I was looking at her I heard someone entering the room and turned my head towards the direction and saw her coming with a tray in her hands.

She put it down on the coffee  table and smiled
"Have some coffee, we will start after a while"

I took the coffee and said

"Beautiful portrait"

"Indeed it is beautiful one of the best persons in my life made it for me when I was 10."

I saw her eyes flash a sad look so I thought to drop the subject so I asked

"I thought it's Sunday so you're family must be home"

"I live here alone my dad and mom both are in business so I prefer here"

Oh! She managed to alone well she is also independent

"Well thank you for the cake it's my favorite."

"The pleasure is all mine"

"Let's  go to the library"

She said as we had finished with coffee and snacks I nodded and stood up and followed her to the room on the door there was a poster that says 'Don't Disturb Me' so cute

She entered and I stepped in

I didn't expected it to be this beautiful well on one side of it is a small living room affect and other side it have a beautiful desk and chair there is a laptop also and this is looking like a perfect study of some billionaire.
Also  I noticed one thing that is the contrast of the room one side is completely in the shades of black and other one is in white and bright colors like the darkness of one is filled with the colors of other.

"I hope you liked it I had decorated everything myself from the selection of furniture to the arrangement of books"

She told me and I said

"Oh God Rose this is the best library ever I had see not even my own is this good"

"Thank you, well have a seat or would you like to start researching the books"

"I think Let's start with the books you have already listed"

"Oh I completely forgot about the list it's in my bedroom, I will go and fetch it you wait here"

With that said she went to her room and I looked around the library and the book she was currently reading I thought she must have loved those cliches but damn it she is reading the murder mystery.

"Here is the list I have prepared, see"

She came inside and handed me a paper well her choice of books is damn great.

"Okay let's see the books than"

I stood up and looked at hundreds of books in front of me and than I checked the list and it's some 20 books
How I am going to find these 20 in these hundreds? God this is hard. I turned to see Rose as she smiled at me and said

"I have written some number with the books, the first is the row and the second is column and if you don't find than you can check the row because all books are organized in alphabetical order"

"You are well organized unlike me I don't even know were I kept my books"

I joked well I love my things to be well organized but library I never did it myself

"I know you are a organized kind of person so now find the books"

"Okay mommy"

I said and laughed when I sobered up I started looking around the books and found almost 8 books and went to put it on the coffee table at and saw that Rose is standing on the stool and struggling with a book as I went to help her she lost the balance and was about to fall when I scooped her in my arms.

She slowly opened her eyes and her eyes met mine and I was drowning in her eyes those two beautiful blue eyes I kept looking in them and leaned forward she was also looking at me and her hands around my neck she also leaned forward and than something hard fell on my head and I winched as I put her down she asked

"Umm. Are you alright?

"I am fine it's just something hard fell on my head"

I replied as I looked around at the floor there was a diary in blue and a photo was there of five as I bent forward to grab it Rose picked it up before I can see it.

"What's that?"
I asked

"Nothing it's Nothing"

"Rose you are hiding something from me I know that's a diary."

"It's a personal diary I don't want to show you now"

"Okay are you alright you are going fell"

"I am fine thank you"

"It's Okay Let's get back to work"

I said and started finding the books from the corner of my eyes I saw her putting it in her desk's drawer. Maybe something very personal could be there and maybe one day she will let me know.

My eyes fell on a black book it don't have a title or anything just at the bottom of theright corner it's written R.J.A what does it mean I turned around and saw Rose coming in my direction with some books in her hands  as she reached were I was I asked her pointing at the mysterious black book

"Rose what is this book"

"Oh this it belongs to me and it's not a book and please,please  don't open it it's one of my secrets only I knew about it"

"Okay well I have to say you have many secrets in this library"

She smiled at me and said

"I am full of secrets hope I can share it with someone in my life"

" well I hope that I get to know about these secrets"

"Sure maybe one day"


Rose's P.O.V

Now he got to know about the secret diary and also the secret black box but I like the way he asked me about it not directly opened it or else my secrets would have been disclosed in front of him because that black book looking box is a button to my secret room were I had all my secrets.

Well now we were sitting in library's living area and sipping on are coffee and writing notes and I looked up at him and again that moment I fell in his arms came in front of my eyes those beautiful green eyes of him held a different emotion and I can't read it.

He suddenly asked

"Rose when is your birthday coming"

" in 3 weeks why ask?"

"Oh so close do you have any plans for the day"

"I will be celebrating it with dad and mom at there place"

"Oh. I thought you would like to hangout"

" yeah we can at the next weekend after my birthday I will give all of you a party"


"Yeah, I do it every year like this first I will celebrate it with my parents than with my friends"

"You really love your parents"

"Yeah I do and I am there only child"


"Okay let's continue"

"Yeah but what is the date of your birthday you didn't tell me"
He said and pouted so cute

"5th of October, now stop acting cute and complete the notes"

"So you admit I am cute"

"Do the notes"

I smiled at his silly behavior after a long time I am genuinely happy about someone new.

I remember the first day of practice how he asked me to be his friend


He came to me after we were done practicing and said
"Rose we are practicing together I think you should acknowledge me"

"Mr. Matthew I think you should mind your business I not a short of interested in you!"

I told him for the last time this guy is staking me since since that match.

Like really he don't have any work.

"Miss. Parker"
"Yeah yeah Miss. Parker don't you think you are overreacting "

"I am overreacting you are the one following me since match, what's wrong with you"

"I just want to be friends with you that's all"

"And I don't"

"Let it be why it's so hard for you to be my friend"

"I don't want to be friends with you because you are just a bad boy"

"I am not what do you think"

"How can I know that what  I am thinking not is wrong"

"Be my friend than you will know that I am not that bad boy"

"You are giving me headache"

"Just be friends with me please"

He said and gave me his puppy dog eyes

"Okay fine"

~end of flashback~

"Rose why are you smiling"

Fuck!I am starring at him

"Oh N-nothing I was just thinking about something"

"Yeah play innocent miss"

"Fuck off"

"Okay Okay"

My phone started ringing I picked up and saw the caller ID it's dad

"Wait a second it's dad"

"Yeah take your time"

I picked up and walked out and said

"Hello dad anything urgent"

"Rose why are you at the apartment not in your penthouse?"

"Actually dad one of my friends not from Platinum's is there so I prefer to bring him to apartment not penthouse and we were discussing the assignment"

"Okay you freaked me out, well I want to tell you to come to the company tomorrow first place we are having a meeting"

"With Platinum's dad right"


"Okay I will be there I will go to penthouse now and do the work you assigned me"

"Bye I love you princess"

"Bye dad love you too"

I ended the call and went inside and Dark asked

"Is every thing alright"

"Yeah it's fine I just have to do some Emails and dad was insisting on a visit"

"Oh go ahead I think it's already late I should leave we can continue tomorrow at school library"

"Yeah fine"

I see him out and went to my library logged in my laptop and checked the work well I do work in my company and I assistant my dad with some human resource management work but I work from home.

So I go through the new project as soon as I complete I called Matt and asked him to come over and I packed my stuff and went downstairs and wore sunglasses and I saw my car Max opened the door and I entered and turned to Max

"Max where is Matt"

"Mam he is waiting for you at your home office"



Published: 21 August, 2020
Word count: 2434 words


Hello cupcakes

this is the longest chapter till now and the next chapter is going to be the best and upcoming update is quite  long also.

I hope you liked it please comment and do you like there view and I also added the flashback of there being friends.

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With Love



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