Bump in the Night

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A/n- sorry for the late update.

Later that night.

Y/n stirred in his sleep the colour red sound is seen growing underneath him upon closer inspection blood oozes from the mark on his neck. His eyes shot open and he grunts out of bed.

Y/n: goddammit! I can't sleep.

He huffed and gets out of bed and turns to the window beside it as the moonlight shined in he walked to the window seemingly staring at the shadows of the trees. The shadows move franticly from its point of view a low growl was heard and retreated into the forest.

Back in the room he sighs and turns to the wall where stood suitcase he walks and opens the case taking out his sword the dragon slayer big bad beautiful and the sexiest sword there is, well not a sword more like a heap of raw iron!

He didn't have it sheathed as it was in the other suitcase along with something he wouldn't wear unless necessary. He held the blade over his shoulder carefully making his way outside.

Y/n: This house is so small.

He said just as he was about to leave a familiar voice called him from behind.

Basara: Y/n what are you doing up this late?

He asked his brother-in-law waiting for a response also wearing shorts and a shirt.

Y/n: the same thing you're doing. Pest control.

Basara: Oh so you can sense them too?

Y/n: sense, smell, see all those things now can we go and kill please I can't sleep.

Nothing more was said as he nodded and left the household with him. As the march to the forest growls could be heard as the creatures of the shadow revealed themselves under the moonlight.

Y/n: 'How does Basara fight these things, he's got no weapon.' Maybe you should stay back.

He said with concern which Basara noticed and smirked.

Y/n: nice then get ready.

The slayer spoke as an army of trolls charged at the two ready to tear their flesh.

Y/n: let's see what you can do.

Basara: hm!

Just as they made it within Y/n's range their death was assured as the dragon blade swung cutting all the front pursuers in clean half their upper body flying back. Basara awed by his strength regained his mind and jumped into the next wave hacking and slashing them one by one.

Smiling Y/n jumps in after him dragging his sword down on the unlucky troll and the other trolls around the blade caused a mini crater. Turning to Basara who was behind him said.

Y/n: Not bad but it looks like you don't know how to use that thing.

Basara: Yeah I don't fight often. And I don't think I have to if you're fighting like that.

Y/n smirked deciding to show a hint of his old self with a defining roar.


He froze all the trolls in place and began blending the grass field with their blood and gust with their mix of agonizing screams. Afterwards, he swung the blood off his sword where he stood in the centre.

Y/n: well that was easy huh?

Unbeknownst to him, a Larger creature appeared behind his holding a club the size of a tree ready to swing, which Basara took notice of.

Basara: Woah hey look out!.

He tried to move in time to stop it from reaching but he was too far away.


Basara's eyes widened as time slowed seeing Nathan twists his body along with Dragon Slayer.


The young slayer clashes with the Ogres tree breaking it in an instant along with its arm and the tree behind it.

But he wasn't done ignoring its cries and pivoted his body around gathering the momentum to strike a killing blow to its head.

However, before he could The Ogre's other arm came in ready to strike the defenceless slayer noticing he moved his sword as a shield. The impact sent him skidding back to the side of Basara who stood still witnessing everything in slight shock.

He grunts in pain regaining wielding the blade its end pointed at the Ogre. Basara does the same with his blade both standing side by side. Both their shirts were covered in blood.

Y/n: Damn this was my only shirt.

Basara: I can lend you another after we kill them.

Y/n nods and grips Demon Slayer tighter. The ogre roars calling more trolls to defend it while it grabs its severed arm trying to heal it.

Basara/Y/n: we have to get to it before it heals!

Both dashed and slashed through the first two Trolls with ease Basara being ahead ducked the incoming troll's attack as Y/n came from his side with Dragon slayer cutting its upper body. It flies colliding with the next Troll ahead which Basara dashes past and stabs behind it. It burst into green flames before turning to dust.

Both nod slightly and further on their pursuit where fifteen trolls simultaneously charged them head-on in rows of five Trolls, behind them the ogre who's nearly done regenerating.

Y/n: Basara jump.

Without hesitation, he did so leaping in the air giving Y/n space while doing so he reeled Dragon Slayer and swung mowing down the first five, bringing his blade to his back and about to swing again for the next five shouted.

Y/n: Again!

Basara didn't need further explanation as he landed on the Dragon Slayer which he used as leverage to jump further with Y/n's swing launching him while also killing the next row. Basara who caught up with the plan shouted.

Basara: Ready!

Landing in Dragon Blade one more time. Y/n swung launching him to the head of the ogre one more time as well as killing the remaining trolls he spun one more time in sync with Basara as they both cleaved the top half of its body burning it in the process thanks to Basara's sword.

He landed on his knee panting as his blade vanished into thin air. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turns to see Y/n smiling at him offering his hand.

Basara: Is it over?

He asked Y/n where he checked any paining sensation around his mark.

Y/n: Now we're good. I can finally sleep now.

A sigh escaped the two as they walked home along the way.

Basara: Are you going to need help cleaning that thing?

He said motioning to his sword.

Y/n: yeah if you could that'd help. Also, if you have any spare shorts and shirts I only have one pair.

Taking notice they both look at her sleepwear drenched in blood guts and of their foliage Y/n more so than Basara.

Basara: I got you covered.

Y/n: Thanks I owe you.

Basara: That's what family is for.

Y/n: *Smiling* yeah...family.

Basara: So can I try your sword out?

Y/n: No and it's called dragon slayer.

Basara: The sword? Have you killed a dragon before?

Y/n: Nope I killed a sea god with it though so a dragon shouldn't be much. If I ever come across one.

Basara: You killed a sea god!

Y/n was taken aback by his reaction and he laughed.

Y/n: yeah I'll tell you about it when we get out of these clothes I'm not exhausted anyway.

Basara was intrigued to learn more about his brother and getting closer to him smiled hearing this would be a great bonding time for the two.

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