Confrontation and confusion

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A/n- Enjoy! I suggest you play the music.

Esdeath: Ha!

-Clang! She flashed towards Y/n thrusting her rapier but reacting in time he moved out the way.


Time slowed as his sword came down towards her a quick surprise filled her face and she rolled backwards gaining more distance.

Esdeath: 'When did he swing? I didn't see his hand move.'

Y/n: Before we continue can I ask why you're doing here and what are you?

He rubbed the back of his neck to ease the mark's pulse this was a different feeling from apostles or demons and devils alike she wasn't... human, not entirely.

Esdeath: Strong reflexes and a sharp killing intent...

Y/n: Answer the question.

Patience warring thin he hurried for an answer before deciding what to do with her.

Y/n: 'If I kill will Basara help me dig the grave?'

Esdeath: I will answer if you're strong enough to contend with me, but please feel free to scream I'd love to see you suffer~


He deemed this as useless and charged. Immediately he swung at her figure it passes through an afterimage of her standing and a cold glint from behind warned his sense as he managed to block her thrust from behind.

Right after that she attacked aiming for the head but failed as he moved his sword in the way as a shield to block her strike.

Soon after he countered by swinging at her stomach she was in range and couldn't escape fast enough so she used her sword to parry but got launched into the air she flipped landing at the base of a tree and used the momentum to bounce back and thrusting towards his head ducking below he swung upwards picking up dirt and cracking the ground beneath.


Both swords collided and the force launches her directly up above she eclipsed the moonlight highlighting her hair and her carefree smile stunned him for a moment before jumping back as she descended slashing at where he stood splitting the ground in two. 

He still held Dragon slayer in one hand. The moment Esdeaths feet touched she burst with speed and lunged at him aiming for the heart at a disadvantage so he decided to face it head-on the clash resulted in a shockwave of dust her sword landed. 

She had a crazed smile and started swinging even more until her blade came to a stop.

The dust settled a small looked of awe plastered on her face before disappearing, Her blade was shaking he caught it in your fake arm the left one with an iron grip refusing to let go.

He raised his dragon slayer high her eyes widen at that moment as he brought down the mass with force. It was so wild his swing exploded the air creating a small crater with him in the centre.

He suffered some cuts from the shockwaves but was fine. A small trail of blood leaked from the tip of the dragon slayer. Expecting a body beneath he was shocked to find nothing.

Esdeath: Ha! Huff...

Esdeath was a short distance away he still had her blade at the moment she decided to leave her weapon to flee but she didn't escape in time as a slash mark was clear on her chest down to her stomach. 

Blood spurted slowly, she moved her hand and rubbed the slash down blood was there but it dried up no rather it was frozen. She froze the wound to stop the bleeding. Y/n tossed her sword back to her and 


Esdeath: 'To think he nearly gutted me.'

She smiled her heart skipped a beat not out of fear but she another emotion that only bloomed in battle a warm feeling, deciding to take things seriously and picked up her sword the air got colder. Feeling a change in her tone he grasped the hilt of dragon slayer with both hands.

In a flash, the gap between them was covered and he swung with a roar she parried but got knocked back slamming into a tree not letting up he continued and got in range with Dragon slayer already prepped behind he slashed horizontally with a roar. 

Instantly recovering she left backwards getting out of range as he sliced through the tree and the other trees around. She immediately got up close to face him and thrust her sword like clockwork he moved his sword to block the attack and flipped back to gain distance.

But Esdeath wouldn't let that happen and smiled getting in range and thrusting for the head again she came from the left side where he was open barely reacting he moved his hand in the way to block it, but her force was enough to spin him full force into a tree coughing up blood on impact.


With a roar, he recovered and moved but she reacted just as fast and clashed with him halfway both blades shaking on impact. She smiled and moved in for a kiss a full one where she forced her tongue, it was stunning and exhilarating but she stabbed his hand in the process. 

At that, he lost grip on the dragon slayer and got kicked in the stomach separating them from his sword and she began hacking and slashing at him forcing him to dodge with a hair's length.

Esdeath: 'I expected more from someone who survived the brand of the god hand.'

Each slice cut deeper than the last until the pain was overbearing,  and his move got sluggish as he was losing blood with the advantage she aimed for the final blow to his head.


Esdeath: What!?

She tried to shake it away but he held it tighter with his teeth he grabbed her free hand and pulled her in for a solid blow to her gut knocking the wind out of her briefly loosening her grip on her sword. 

Quickly he pulled out the blade rushing for Dragon slayer the moment he caught it he flipped backwards turning to face her. But...


Y/n: She's... gone...

What he didn't know was that the moment he punched her the previous cut reopened. Thus, the result of her disappearance.

Y/n: Hm...

He stood there waiting his mind racing with possibilities before it dawned on him, he chuckled and left the forest returning home careful not to wake anyone so he could clean himself and his sword.

After cleaning himself he slipped back in bed slowly so as not to reopen the cuts his mind cluttered with one question.

Y/n: Why did she kiss me?... my first kiss huh... it felt... nice? Refreshing maybe is a better word.

Soon enough Y/n's mind drifted into sleep. It was oddly calm the next day waking up to the sun with a yawn the pain from his face vanishing, he noticed a letter beside you and read it.

From Basara

I was going to come and wake you up but noticed what happened so I called maria to come and heal you. Also, I switched off your alarm you're not a sleeper so I thought the extra time would be worth it, we already made breakfast and don't worry about being late to class I called and said you had an emergency.

PS Maria tried to strip you naked but I stopped her you should be careful when you sleep now. I'm going shopping tomorrow you can tag and we'll buy some locks.

Y/n: I'm going to need locks now.

After some time passed Y/n finally made it to class and knocked walking in through the door. He almost left with Dragon slayer on its own, forgetting about the case halfway and going back for it.

Teacher: Welcome Mr Koujou. I assume you slept well.

Y/n: Sorry I'm late.

Teacher: I'd like to remind everyone that calling though effective can always be seen through when attempting to skip school.

Y/n: I wasn't trying to-

Esdeath interchanged raising her hand and gaining the class's attention.

Esdeath: It's my fault he was later sir you see last night we had... a confrontation. well it was more like an exchange.

She said smiling and blushing to herself. Earning a brow from Basara and shock from Mio.

Mio: Great another one

Basara: 'I'm glad I let him sleep in... but I wonder...'

He whispered to Yuki gaining her attention and asked.

Basara: Is she here with you?

Yuki: No she's not this. This is something else.

She answered rubbing her chin.

Teacher:... What kind of confrontation?

Students: Did they ya know do it?... She's blushing... not my queen!... Not my senpai! Whyyy!

Y/n:....' Shit.' she gave me a tour and uh a brief lesson on how things worked Besides I was tired from moving and needed the rest that's all.

He gave a straight-ass poker face to the entire class, the teacher seeing the rising questions sighed and spoke.

Teacher: Both of you to the Principal's office.

Esdeath: Alright then. Shall we?

She got up and pranced to pull him by the arm. Outside the class, he pulled back to get out but she wouldn't budge.

Y/n: What's your deal?

Esdeath: My deal?... Hm, If I said I'm falling for you would you stop me?

Y/n:... Stop saying bullshit and answer me.

He charged her by the throat at the same moment she pointed her sword at his neck. Both stared into each other briefly before releasing one another and resumed walking it's not wise to fight in school.

Esdeath: If you want the truth then I have one condition.

Y/n: forget it.

Esdeath: 'Hah I was so close to getting a date,' you know... that was the first kiss I ever had.

She smiled walking alongside him. Y/n didn't respond thinking what was wrong with her, she seemed sweet and innocent, but last night had the eyes of a killer and an experienced one. His interest peaked and he finally asked.

Y/n: You're not going to attack again, are you?

Esdeath: No It was just a test.

Soon both arrived at the office and knocked the voice from inside said to wait a moment, leaving them time to wait in silence.

Y/n: It was my first kiss as well.

Esdeath: Well then I'm glad hehe hopefully it was as memorable to me as it was to you.

Y/n: You tried to kill me.

Esdeath: And so did you.

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