Chapter 24: Crowned King in The North!

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In the land of the Frey's, sits the place where the Red Wedding occurred, the butcher of Robb Stark, the King in the North, sitting inside The Twins is Lord Frey himself, a man so full of himself he arranged the slaughter because Robb went back on a single promise, now he's sat at the high table eating pie while drinking ale, it was just him in the room, till a young girl walked in carrying a plate of already cut pie.

She stepped up to the high table where the Lord sat as she placed the tray down before cutting off another piece for him, as she did, Walder took a good look at the young girl.

Walder: You're not one of mine, are you?

He asked with a weird look in his eye, the girl didn't look at him, almost worried for being in his mere presence but still responded to his question, he is Lord Frey after all.

Young Girl: No, my lord.

She just wanted to do what she is made to do then leave before he wants something else, so she placed a peace of pie back onto his near empty plate, only crumbs of the previous slice left behind.

Walder: Didn't think so. Too pretty.

He then left a slap on her ass making her jolt forward with a small groan, she stood up pretty quick and took a step back away from him, the older Frey Lord had a sick smirk on his face while pocking his tongue out slightly, he then looked around taking his mind off the young girl beside him for a second wanting to know where his sons are.

Walder: Where are my damn moron sons? Black Walder and Lothar promised to be here by midday.

Walder bellowed out around the empty room, only thing other then them in the room is empty tables only carrying unlit candles, Walder turned to his ale about to take a sip before the young girl responded to his words.

Young Girl: They're here, my lord.

Walder stopped his movements about to drink his ale and looked to her in the corner of his eye, not seeing the stare she's giving him.

Walder: Well, what are they doing, trimming their cunt hairs? Tell them to come here now.

Walder said with cup in his right hand still not looking at the girl as he just wanted to know where his sons are, the young girl once again answered him in the same way she did before.

Young Girl: But they're already here, my lord.

This time Walder was able to take a drink from his cup, after he looked around to room trying to see where they are or if the girl has gone completely mad, she was done with his density and decided to help him out.

Young Girl: Here, my lord.

She said leaning forward and nodding towards the slice of pie, Walder looked to her confused as she stepped back then placed his cup back on the surface of the high table, he cautiously reached for the top of the pie before pealing back to pastry and seeing a human finger inside the pie.

Young Girl: They weren't easy to carve. Especially Black Walder.

Walder honestly looked like he was about to be sick, retching to the point of near vomiting, his breath started to hitch, panting softly as he took quick, sharp looks around the room.

Walder: What...

The scared old man breathed out looking up to the young girl, only to watch her reach under her chin and pull her face off showing the lost Stark, Arya, Walder looked like he saw a ghost as he leant as far away from her in his chair as he possibly can.

Arya: My name is Arya Stark. I want you to know that. The last thing you're ever going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die.

Arya then pulled a dagger out from her back as the old lord Frey tried to get away, instead, she grabbed his robes forcing him back into the chair, pulling his head back enough to slit his throat in the same chair he sat in when he watched Robb and Caitlyn Stark get murdered.

Arya watched him as he struggled to breath as his wind pipe was cut and blood spilled over his clothes, as soon as his struggling eased, she did exactly what she told him she would, she smiled down to him as he slowly died in front of her, tacking revenge for her brother and mother...


Kenway is now sitting at the table in the Great hall of Winterfell, Jon to his right, Sansa to his left as the Lords and ladies from around the North filled in the room around them, the words of the scroll still fresh in his mind as most the men not so happy about Jon bringing the Wildlings South of the Wall.

Yohn: You can't expect Knights of the Vale to side with Wildling invaders.

Yohn Joyce the commander of the Vale Knights stood up and spoke as Kenway sat there, his left arm resting on the table while Sansa looked to him worried, he's been acting a little weird since she handed him the scroll, she kind of wanted to know what it said.

Tormund: We didn't invade. We were invited.

Tormund spoke for the Free folk as most eyes in the room turned to him, including Kenway's as he listened to the Norths issues, he didn't miss this part while he was basking in the sun of Meereen.

Yohn: Not by me.

That was met with murmurs around the room and Kenway just sat there, he sat there and waited while people whispered and gossiped, Sansa and Jon looked as Kenway as did the others in the room while Midnight laid on the stone behind him resting, Duncan and Elise standing by the wall, protecting the Wolves in the North.

Kenway: My father used to say we find out true friends on the battlefield. Look at what we did, the Northerners, Free folk and Knights of the Vale. We fought together and won. A Stark sits before you again, because we won, together...

Kenway had stood up halfway through his little speech and spoke looking around the room to the vast Lords and Ladies that used to make him nervous all those years ago, now, he's King and this is his Kingdom.

Cley: The Boltons are defeated. The war is over. Winter has come. If the maesters are right, it'll be the coldest one in a thousand years. We should ride home and wait out the coming storms.

Cley Cerwyn interrupted Kenway, something the trueborn Starks didn't take to kindly to, Kenway leant on his fists on the table, his sword helm on display on his left hip while he stared daggers at the Northman.

Kenway: The war is not over. There is always another fight to survive no matter how close Winter is, this is an enemy that welcomes Winter. He brings the cold and wouldn't take a second to slit your throat in your beds while you wait out whats to come.

Kenway's intensity caught all of their attentions as he seemed sure about this, a few murmurs came out around the room, obviously not taking him seriously, Jon looked down hoping that Kenway could get through to them but he wasn't able to, Kenway didn't give up though and went to speak again, only he couldn't as Lyanna Mormont stood up for the Heir of Winterfell.

Lyanna: Your son was butchered at the Red Wedding, Lord Manderly, but you refused the call...

Kenway stayed standing, now up right as Lord Manderly looked down in shame, Kenway has forgiven the man and thanked him for the ships he had built and sent to Meereen, he didn't ask why and didn't care, he just wanted forgiveness from the Lord of Winterfell.

Lyanna: ... You swore allegiance to House Stark, Lord Glover, but in their hour of greatest need, you refused the call...

Lord Glover looked down as well a little in shame as he did, although he joined Kenway in the fight, it took for him to come back from the dead and giving his youngest brother to his daughter for them to join the fight, something Robett Glover isn't too proud of.

Lyanna: ... And you, Lord Cerwyn, your father was skinned alive by Ramsey Bolton. Still you refused the call.

All the men in the room that refused the call from Sansa and Jon had shame written all over their faces, Kenway still standing watched as this little girl, made all these so called Lords feel nothing but shame for not honoring the Stark Banner.

Lyanna: ... But House Mormont remembers. The North remembers. We know no king but the King in the North whose name is Stark. I remember when he stepped up after his brother was butchered as the Red Wedding, a boy only 19 name days, letting you call him King.

Kenway looked around the room as a few nods followed her words, Kenway looked to Sansa and she smiled up to him, yes he called himself King of the North, but calling yourself it and being called it are two different things.

Lyanna: ... Wolf's blood runs through his veins. He's my king from this day until his last day.

She said all that looking to Kenway who nodded his thanks to the young girl, Kenway remembers her father when he was Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, he spoke highly of her and now he can see why, Lyanna sat back in her seat as more chatter came around the room, Kenway still standing till Lord Manderly, stood from his seat.

Wyman: Lady Mormont speaks harshly and truly. My son died for Robb Stark, the Young Wolf. I didn't think we'd find another king in my lifetime. I didn't commit my men to your cause, 'cause I didn't want more Manderlys dying for nothing...

He looked to Kenway who is still standing from his chair, the men and women around the room looking to him as Kenway wasn't officially their king, he took the mantel after Robb died, this could be his crowning moment.

Wyman: ... But I was wrong! Kenway Stark avenged the Red Wedding! He is The Black Wolf...

Kenway has rarely been called that lately, it's been a while but he enjoyed hearing it now more then he did before, he used to think it was a curse, it's not, it's his destiny, something he can't run away from, can't hide from, he is the Black Wolf, he watched as Lord Manderly stepped into the middle of the path drawing his sword.

Wyman: ... The King in the North!

He stabbed his sword into Winterfell's cobble while Kenway smirked a little to the older man, once again, calling yourself king and actually being crowned it are two completely different things, Wyman stayed on his knee sword pointed into the floor as Lord Glover stood beside him.

Robett: I did not fight beside you on the field, for the right reasons, and I will regret that until my dying day. A man can only admit when he was wrong and ask forgiveness.

Kenway nodded to him as Lord Glover really took this to heart, the arranged marriage will still stand, between Rickon and his daughter Erena, it is whats best for the North, the Glover house is one of the biggest in the North, joining them together is what's best.

Kenway: There's nothing to forgive, my lord.

Robett appreciated the Black Wolf's mercy, when they spoke in the halls of Deepwood Moat, he could tell Kenway was Eddard's son, the way he carried himself, fought for his family and respected the North, right then, Lord Glover discovered there is no other King of the North.

Robett: There will be more fights to come! House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousand years! And I will stand behind Kenway Stark...

Robett Glover looked to Kenway as Kenway still stood tall, Sansa looking around and smiling a little for her brother, remember what Baelish told her in the Godswood, she'll tell Kenway he planned to take his throne away soon, she isn't going to ruin this moment for her brother, he's earnt it, Robett pulled his sword out and yelled with a powerful call.

Robett: ... The King in the North!

Much like Wyman Manderly, he pushed the point of his sword into the cobbles of the Winterfell great hall before dropping to his knee, Kenway still stood nodding a small amount to Lord Glover before another call came out.

Northman: The King in the North!

Kenway glanced to the man as he lifted up a cup of ale, not long after he called, all sitting around the hall stood up with their swords drawn and hoisted in the air pledging him their new King in the North.

All: The King in the North! The King in the North!

Kenway looked around with a proud grin on his face, Davos joined them, holding his cup up, Lyanna had already pledge to him but she still called out, Duncan and Elise already holding their weapons high and honoring their friend as their new King, they already did before anyway but this is more meaningful to the Black Wolf, they continued their chants no stop lifting their weapons higher each time as he smiled down to his little sister who grinned up to him with a proud smile, Kenway looked back around the room, honored and moved by this as Sansa looked to Lord Baelish who was just leaning against the wall, not looking all too happy about her brothers new crowning.

Kenway drew his sword, Cold Breath from it's sheathe and lifted it into the air, causing more cheers to ring out around the room, Kenway might have to rethink this whole Kingdom joining thing when Daenerys get's here, they might not let another Southerner rule their land, that's for another time though, Dany's months away from getting to Westeros, or so he thought, she's actually sailing towards them right this second.

Hundreds of ships flying the black flag with a three headed red Dragon in the middle, Unsullied and Dothraki covering most of them as three Dragons flew above them creating a sight to see for the sailors sailing the ships to Westeros, on board the lead ship however, Varys has joined back with them, after his trip to Dawn, he stands by Missandei, Tyrion stood beside his Queen, while Daenerys held Aemon's right hand in her left, he's starting to get older now, able to stand on his own to feet with help, his Targaryen blonde hair waving in the wind as he watched the Dragons fly above them, a confident smile on her face as she's bringing a War to Westeros they have yet to see since Aegon conquered Westeros all those years ago...


(To Be Continued)

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