Chapter 26: The Black Wolf's Back!

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Kenway is sitting in his bed chambers, chair right by the fire as Midnight took up the entire bed with her nap, his armour and sword settled nicely on a stand with his new axe set nearby, all Kenway did was stare into the flames, almost as if waiting for it to do something else other then burn.

Kenway: Come!

Kenway called as a knock came at his door, Midnight sat up a little but then went back to sleep as Duncan walked in something in his hands while cautiously stepping into the room.

Duncan: Raven from King's Landing, Your Grace.

The door shut behind him as Kenway indicated for him to hand over the message, Kenway took it, unravelled it and read it while his friend stood there tense from the more aggressive King they have been seeing in recent weeks.

Duncan: What does it say?

Kenway smiled to the scroll as he chuckled before glancing up to his friend, much taller friend but even he's scared of the Black Wolf right no.

Kenway: Cersei of House Lannister, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. "Come to King's Landing, bend the knee or suffer the fate of all traitors".

Duncan didn't know what else to say to that, other then watched Kenway stand from his chair and screw the paper up, before tossing it into the fire, then walk to refill his cup with the wine he keeps seeming to drink.

Kenway: Send a raven to King's Landing. Have it say...

Kenway turned to Duncan as he now has a full cup, maybe that's his problem, a man who drinks too much is a pretty dangerous thing, he is a young man with a Kingdom on his shoulders so drinking his worries away isn't the most un heard thing.

Kenway: ... "The King in the North dares you to march here, to suck my cock". I've got better chance of that happening then she has of me bending the knee to a lion whore.

Kenway drank from his cup walking towards the fire again, leaning on the fireplace as he went back to looking into the flames, Duncan glanced to the over sized wolf on the bed who looked back at him with a deep exhale, almost like she's even giving up on him, Duncan bowed and went to leave but stopped when Kenway spoke to him.

Kenway: Duncan, can I ask you something...?

Duncan turned back to Kenway, the King in the North as he nodded, Kenway didn't see the nod as he was too interested in watching the fire but from the sound of Duncan not leaving made him think he was able to and asked.

Kenway: ... If you knew something, that would change the way someone see's life but them knowing could jeopardies a promise you made to someone else. Would you tell that person the truth, or plead ignorance?

Kenway looked to him, no longer with anger or any emotion for that fact, just curiosity, hand on his waist as another hand held his cup, Duncan didn't know what to sat to him, it's a tough one to be sure so he can only answer the best way he could.

Duncan: Your the King. Your a good man. Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll do the right thing.

Kenway didn't think as highly of himself as Duncan or the others do but this is really toying on his mind, that and the fact he really wants to see Daenerys again, safe and sound, he sent the ships months ago, she has to be nearly here by now.

Kenway: You can go. Don't forget the message.

Duncan bowed before leaving the room, Kenway went back to watching the flames as he sat with the cup in his hands, he drank from it for before holding it in his hands, he then stood to his feet and throw it across the room, causing a crash spilling the wine and making Midnight look up.

Kenway: "Do the right thing", do the right fucking thing. What is the right fucking thing!

Kenway yelled while brushing the paper off his desk causing it all to scatter across the floor, Midnight watched him have a breakdown, trashing the room before resting her head back down on the bed, not sleeping but watching him struggle with the demons running through his mind, she's knows her human and he's not him, this man is something different, he looks like him, fights like him and walks like him, but he smells off to her, almost like a dead man would after a few hours of being dead...


Daenerys is here, finally after months on the sea, Dragon stone is within her reach, she stood at the point of a row boat, Tyrion standing to her left while Aemon is to her right, looking over the edge to the water rushing past the boat, Missandei and Vary's sitting behind them while Grey Worm stood at the back, Aemon's reaching his second Name day now and still is yet to meet the Black Wolf who father the unknown bastard.

The rowboat reached the shore, a couple of Unsullied leaping out to pull the boat further onto land, Daenerys was the first one off, stepping onto the sands of Dragonstone, Aemon close behind her, Tyrion, Missandei, Grey Worm then Varys, Aemon looked around in pure wonder, he pretty much grow up on the ship, he only really knows water, it was just after his first Name day when they first set sail.

Daenerys knelt to the sand beneath her and felt it while her trusted advisors watched, she couldn't put into words what the sand felt like, but she knew she was meant to be here, her head turned though after hearing a small thud and saw that Aemon tried to follow her, instead he face planted the sand, she giggled to her little boy, walking over to him and helping him up, together they brushed the sand off his clothes before she pressed a kiss on his head, she stood up taking his smaller hand in hers as they walked towards the steps leading up to her place of birth.

Daenerys walked up the steps with Aemon by her side, he's not perfect at walking just yet but he's doing better then most at his young age so it took a second longer then they wanted originally but Daenerys didn't mind, Aemon refused to give up, much like his father till they stopped looking at the front gates of Dragonstone, two large wooden doors with two dragon heads carved out of stone either side, young Aemon was over joyed to see them.

Two Unsullied men opened the gates allowing their Queen to look up the many steps to her new home for the time being, the place Aegon stayed when he first came to Westeros, he managed to conquer the land, Daenerys is planning to do the exact same thing, Aemon however has something else to conquer, as he looked back to the steps he struggled to climb then to the thousand of so leading to the castle.

Aemon: Oh, wow.

Daenerys chuckled down to him as Missandei, Tyrion, Grey Worm and even Varys cracked a smile to the small Prince, Daenerys gave him a small message of encouragement and he started the journey beside his mother, determined to do as much as he can to make her proud, it unfortunately for the boy wasn't much, but Daenerys was proud he tried, that's all that mattered to her.

Missandei had helped the young prince up the rest of the steps before letting him walk alone when they entered the main castle, Daenerys walking right to a banner with a Stag on it before tugging it down, the few Unsullied soldiers that followed them now carrying torch's, lighting up the way.

Daenerys walked through the two doors the Unsullied opened for her to see the first Throne Aegon built, the chair that sits in Dragonstone, Missandei, Grey Worm and Varys stayed a distance away while Daenerys looked around in wonder herself, the realisation of them being here actually starting to sink in as she felt a small hand tug at her outfit, she looked down to her baby boy, who had a question.

Aemon: Where are we, mama?

Daenerys smiled to him, he's been taught to talk by herself, Tyrion and Varys, three pretty smart minds, also he's Kenway's son, Kenway was a fast learner as well, he was already running, and trying to read when he was 3, so Aemon learning quickly isn't out of character.

Daenerys: Home, my little Prince.

She ruffled his Targaryen hair making him giggle, she took his hand in her's and walked towards the steps climbing them and entering the war room, a table of Westeros sat in the centre with little ornaments which represented soldiers, Tyrion having had followed her admired the carved Dragon in the wall, Aemon however climbed onto a chair and started to play with the ornaments as if they were toys.

Daenerys and Tyrion smiled to him across the table as she stood at the head, Tyrion just by her side, Daenerys rested her palms on the map of Westeros before turning to Tyrion with an order she's been wanting to give for months now.

Daenerys: Tell Kenway. We're here...


Kenway is in his chambers, he actually hasn't left for a couple of days, Midnight did, she didn't like being cooped up in the room for too long, Kenway however wasn't so against it and leaning against the wall while sitting on the floor, the prophecy running through his mind.

Kenway closed his eyes letting his head fall back to the wall, honestly scared of what's to come, he hasn't been afraid of much in his life but this is really getting to him, Kenway let out a grunt though when his back fell and landed onto what felt like snow behind him, Kenway opened his eyes and saw a darkened sky, snow falling around him.

Kenway: What the...?

Kenway sat up and looked around, nothing but snow covered plains with snow falling all around him, Kenway got to his feet, wiping the snow off the back of his legs, ignoring it on his back, he can't reach it even if he wanted to.

Kenway: ... Where am I?

He asked holding his hand up to try and block the snow from entering his eyes as he turned on the spot, trying to see where he is but instead he sensed something behind him, not a threat but nothing fun either, Kenway lowered his hand while looking to the snow.

Kenway: I know what I am. What I am to you...

Kenway looked up from the snow and turned to who is behind him, the Night King, about 20 feet away from him, he wasn't there a second ago which is why Kenway's not worried, this is just another one of his little dreams that seems to keep happening.

Kenway: ... You know, I used to be scared of what's to come. You marching that undead army into my Kingdom...

Kenway stood relaxed while the Night King just stood there, up straight and looking to him, his light blue eyes trained to him like a hawk as Kenway is in a new mood and a new state of mind, his worry's about what to do, is gone.

Kenway: ... I've been racking my head around the right thing to do and what that thing is but now, now I don't care...

Kenway ran his hand through his hair as the snow started to build on them both standing in the snow covered dead land, Kenway then started to step towards the Night King, no fear left in his eyes.

Kenway: ... I'm the King in the North, I get to decide on what the right thing to do is and what goes. I'm the one who says what goes and what stays. So I promise you that this won't end the way you think it will.

Kenway stopped in front of the Night King as the Dead man had to look down to Kenway slightly but that didn't stop the Stark Trueborn from standing his ground and not stepping down from the danger beyond the Wall.

Kenway: Beyond the Wall may be your world but South of it, is mine. There will be no happy ending for you, no ending where you come out on top. You might be immune to ice but I give you my word, you pass that Wall and I'll burn down everything you've built. I'll destroy you with Ice and Fire.

The Night King still didn't move or say anything, just look dead into Kenway's Grey Stark eyes as he got everything off his chest, the truth about what's happening, the truth he learnt about someone he cares about, then the truth about what's to come, something Kenway has now seen that he has total control over.

Kenway: I maybe your failed creation, I am also your downfall. That's why your scared, your scared to cross the Wall right away because you know I will end you!

Kenway shouted into the Night Kings face still not making the leader of the dead army even flinch but Kenway used this little dream world as training dummy to let everything out, better this thing then someone he actually cares about.

Kenway: You might be the Night King but I'm the Black Wolf, I'm a true King while your nothing but a tail to tell kids in their coats at night, your a story and you'll die a story. Me? I'll live forever in history as the man who destroyed you!

Kenway took a deep breath now done with his little outburst, he felt a little lighter, like the weight of Westeros is now off his shoulder's, Kenway sighed down to the snow covered ground before looking back up to the Night King, smirk on his face.

Kenway: I'll see you soon.

The Night King still didn't say or do anything as Kenway just seemed to wake up from his little dream world, sitting on the floor against the wall in his bed chambers, the room in a mess from his little break downs but now, now he decides on what his fate is to be, no one else.

Kenway: Enter!

Kenway called getting to his feet after another knock came at his door, it took whoever it was a while to walk in, clearly not having expected him to actually answer much less then allow them in, he's been worried about his future, now he doesn't care, all he wants is to see Daenerys sit on the Iron Throne, once they dealt with the Night King once and for all, he'll do anything to see those two things happen, including, dealing with whatever Duncan has for him.

Duncan: Two raven's, Your Grave. One from the Citadel, another from, well, I'm honestly not sure.

Kenway stumbled over to him and took the message's he quickly read the one from the Citadel, it was for Jon, something to do with the Dragonglass Jon's been looking for, the other one made him stop in his tracks as he saw the seal.

Kenway: Dani...

Duncan looked to him as he just stared at the message, before he could ask anything though, Kenway ripped the message open and read over the page, a smile growing on his face as he did, Duncan's never seen him act this way about a piece of paper before.

Kenway: ... Duncan.

Duncan listened to his King as Kenway didn't look away from the message, he can tell she wrote it, it's her hand written and nothing said about him being in the metaphorical Wolf's house, so maybe she's not mad about him up and leaving, also no word of a kid so maybe it was just whispers.

Kenway: Get my ship ready. We're going to Dragonstone.

Kenway smiled to Duncan as he grinned and bowed his head, leaving the room so Kenway can get ready, he's sailing because it's quicker then riding a horse, it'll take weeks on horse back but days on the sea, it's been nearly 2 years since he's seen her and he needs her to keep him in line again, also he can get all the Dragonglass Jon needs him to get at the same time, the main thing is the Black Wolf will get to see his Dragon again...


(To Be Continued)

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