Chapter 33: From King to Commander!

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Sorry, it's taken so long. I've been tossing over how to end this story, believe it or not. There's only a few Chapter's left😱! Anyway, I hope you enjoy where I'm taking this story! Take Care!


Kenway is finally about to lay his plan on the table, literally, Tyrion had a good idea but that got washed away thanks to Euron Greyjoy and his sister, the one thing Kenway has over both of them, Cersei and Euron have no idea what he's capable of.

Kenway: First, Casterly Rock. It's a trap you've sent the Unsullied over there where Euron will destroy the rest of your ships. Cersei doesn't care about Casterly Rock as much as she does the Throne, if she has to choose between the two, the Rock will fall.

Tyrion wasn't too sure about that, he's under the impression that Cersei cares more about Casterly Rock then people think but he's wrong, so Kenway walked around to where the Lannister army is and where he had already made plans to protect is.

Kenway: Now don't get mad. But I sent for 30,000 North men to march for Highgarden. That's where the Lannister army will be.

Daenerys did look a little annoyed, maybe that was just because he did it without telling her or it's because he went back on the plan that they had agreed apon, either way, Kenway was finding all the floors in their plan as well as Cersei's.

Kenway: Highgarden is now your only ally south of the Twins. As soon as their gone, the war might as well be over. Olenna is giving you, men, power and coin for this war, something Cersei hasn't got. The Crown is broke and so is the Lannisters. Which is why she'll be going to the Iron Bank. A Lannister always pays theirs debts right?

Kenway asked looking to Tyrion as Tyrion could only nod, the idea that Deanerys would go to Tyrion for a battle plan instead of a proven warrior is madness to her, she realises her mistake and should have gone to him sooner, she just saw Kenway as her King, not her commander, maybe she should give him the honor after this.

Kenway: Cersei will use that coin to hire mercenaries to fight for her and the best thing about mercenaries is they work for the man with the most coin, we use that coin from Highgarden to by them off and Cersei will be left with nothing but the 20 or so thousand Lannister forces. The Throne will be as good as yours.

Kenway stood up straight after laying it all out in the open to them, Deanerys was actually a little over joyed by him, turned on if you will, it's hot watching him take charge, she might be the Queen but he can certainly be in control of her armies from this point on, Kenway smiled and winked to her before Tyrion brought up another point, one Kenway forgot to mention.

Tyrion: This is all good Black Wolf, but you forget about Euron and his ships?

Kenway turned from Deanerys to Tyrion as he could see the look in his wife's eye, he knows that look and it means as soon as the rooms empty, she'll be ripping his clothes off, Kenway though, is probably about to destroy the mood.

Kenway: Aye, I did, that's because I hate this part of the plan. Your going to agree to marry him.

Kenway said looking at Daenerys, he's right he did destroy the mood because the heat in her eyes disappeared and one of pure shock, maybe a little anger flickered in them, Kenway didn't look away from her, he wanted her to now that this is pure tactics and nothing else.

Kenway: No one knows of our marriage, and since he's already spoke of offering you his "magical cock", he will accept.

Kenway spat the words, clearly pissed about it himself but he will make sure it never get's past the discussion of a marriage.

Daenerys: How do you know he'll agree?

Kenway appreciated the fact she knew he hated this as much maybe even more then she does but sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do in war, this is one of those things.

Kenway: He wants power, nothing more. Cersei has granted him that, you however can give him more, much, much more. You'll invite him here as a guest and offer him this, if he doesn't agree. I'll cut his magical cock off and make sure he chokes on it.

Kenway leant back on the table still spitting those words, Daenerys kind of loved the fact that he's so jealous about another man in her bed, another reason that she didn't bring Daario with her, even if she never bedded the man again, Kenway still might have killed him because he can, just to have proven a point, no one spoke up to his plans.

Daenerys: Very well. Let's see what happens at Casterly Rock.

Kenway nodded his agreement with a raise of his cup, something that he just got after handing her one, also filled with liquid, Kenway stood in front of her with a small grin on his face, Kenway held Deanerys in his arms till evening fell and they all called it a night, Kenway's going to be helping Jon and Davos in the mines tomorrow while Deanerys sends a message to Euron Greyjoy, so as soon as Kenway woke he followed Jon and Davos into the cave where the dragonglass is waiting for them, they smiled to each other before venturing further into the cave, stopping at a small opening where drawings were etched onto the cave walls.

Jon: Wow.

Jon and Kenway looked around the cave both with torch's in their hands before Kenway spotted something on the wall, the unmistaken figure of the Night King, his dying corpse and those cold blue eyes looking deep into his soul, Kenway managed to fight off another pain in his head before turning to Jon.

Kenway: Jon!

He called out, the new King in the North turned to him before running over to them, maybe they won't need to go beyond the wall and find prof that they existed, the prof is sitting right here, in this cave and has been for a very long time.

Kenway: Go tell Dany.

Jon agreed and left Kenway alone in the cave, Kenway looked around the drawings carved into the walls, but only one caught his eyes, it's Aemon, it has to be, but what has Aemon got to do with any of this, he's just a boy, sure he's a boy born from a mother who can't birth children and a father he is technically dead, but what has he got to do with the Night King and White Walkers.

The sound of people coming back into the cave caught his attention and he turned to see Deanerys step through the path they came in earlier, Kenway walked over to her and took her right hand in his left, Jon stayed back hoping to see his brother talk his wife into believing that the White Walkers are back.

Kenway: The Children of the Forest made these.

Kenway walked her over to a drawing and lifted her hand, pressing her open palm against it, his hand still covering her's as he watched her look around, amazed at what she's seeing.

Deanerys: When?

That is a question that even Kenway and all of his books later couldn't answer, the Children of the Forest lived among the First Men, no one really knows the exact date they arrived so these cave markings are impossible to guess when they were made.

Kenway: Long, long ago.

Kenway stepped back from her a little as she slipped her hand free and used the torch she's holding to light up the cave even more, allowing her to get a better look at what was her before them, even a Targaryen can appreciate the history here.

Deanerys: They were right here, standing where we're standing. Before there were Targaryen's or Starks or Lannisters. Maybe even before there were men.

Kenway smiled at her looking around in wonder, the look on her face almost has made him forget about what's at stake here, just seeing her so content and relaxed, all the work she's been doing lately has been taking up her time, time she could be spending with Aemon, instead, he keeps asking Kenway where his mommy is.

Kenway: No...

Kenway shook those thoughts from his mind, she's a great mother, her times just being put into something else, she does spend time with her son, just no where near as much as Kenway's mother did with him and his siblings.

Kenway: ... Come here.

Kenway took the torch out of her right hand, then replaced it with his left, she followed her husband where he wanted to take her and Jon followed to, letting her see a carving of the First Men standing with the Children of the Forest.

Jon: They were here together, the Children and the First Men.

Jon spoke for them as Kenway stood on Daenerys' right and Jon on her left, Kenway could feel the picture of the Night King staring at him, almost as if the Night King know's he's here, Kenway hopes he does, that would mean their preparing for him.

Daenerys: Doing what? Fighting each other?

She asked looking between them, this is where Kenway tugged her a little towards him, catching her attention, he walked her towards the carving of the White Walkers, Kenway didn't look at it though, just her face when she saw them.

Kenway: They're real, Dany. You asked me a while ago what my nightmares are about. I watch them burn down everything I love.

Kenway said moving behind her and resting his chin on the top of her head, Jon stayed back out the way of this as Daenerys did stop watching the cave wall where the Night King stood with his White Walker friends.

Kenway: The Children and First Men fought together against a much greater threat, a being who kills then recruits them to his endless forces. Despite their differences, despite their suspicions. Together.

The Prophecy that Kenway read running through his mind while Daenerys turned around, still his arms wrapped around her as she looked up to the man she was destined to fall in love with, she reached to his face and gently ran her hand over his cheek.

Daenerys: "When the Long Night comes. The Black Wolf rides"

Kenway chuckled to her as she recited a little of the Prophecy, not it all, no one other then Kenway at this point knows the entire thing, Kenway knows what will happen from this point on, which is why he can help her more then anyone else can.

Daenerys: Your destined to destroy them.

She gave a small smile and so did the Stark brothers, she seems to believe them now, with her army, Kenway's army and her dragon's, they stand a much better chance at beating the Night King and his army of the dead more then they were before.

Kenway: We. We're destined to destroy them. Together.

Kenway moved his hands to cupping her face as she tip toed and they shared a kiss, Jon looked away a little uncomfortable with watching but that didn't stop them, what did though was the need for air in their lung.

Daenerys: I'll help you. Together. We'll stop them.

Kenway had a proud smile, one of victory, he's been trying to get her to believe him for weeks now, maybe even months, but she's pretty stubborn, it's not a bad thing, some times stubbornness wins wars, but it also stops you from thinking stories are true.

So, together, with their new found information, they left the cave, Davos waiting for them by the entrance with Missandei, Daenerys and Kenway still held hands walking out while Jon gave Davos a small nod, letting him know they finally convinced the mother of dragons to help them, what wasn't to plan is Tyrion standing with Varys outside the cave.

Daenerys: What is it?

She asked stepping towards them, a little bit of tone in her voice worried for the bad news, she trusts her husbands words about battle over the Imp's now and after Kenway told her it was a trap, it worried her a little.

Tyrion: We took Casterly Rock.

Kenway stood with Jon and Davos just behind him on Daenerys' right while Missandei stood just behind her on her left, Kenway could have sworn he saw a little bit of hope in her eyes, might have something to do with Grey Worm.

Daenerys: That's very good to hear.

Kenway looked back to them and even though Daenerys said though words, he's not entirely sure she believed them and the shared look of concern on both the eunuchs and dwarfs face when the glanced at each other, made Kenway wish he wasn't right.

Daenerys: Isn't it?

She asked after seeing the look of concern between them, Kenway looked to the ground hoping that everyone is still alive but all their ships have now gone, just another reason why Kenway told Daenerys to send a letter to Euron, after Tyrion told her what had happened, Daenerys marched up the beach leaving Tyrion struggling to keep up, Varys to walk beside Missandei and Kenway walking with both Davos and Jon on either side.

Davos: You'll want to discuss this amongst yourselves. Perhaps...

Kenway knew it was going to happen like that and was glad he was able to stop Cersei from taking Daenerys's Gold at Highgarden, that way, Cersei has no agreement with the Iron Bank and no mercenaries to add to her much smaller army.

Daenerys: You will stay. All my allies are gone. Only one left, they've been taken from me while I've been sitting here on this island.

Kenway was about to try and get her to calm down, they still have the upper hand here, sure they lost the ships and a few Unsullied along the way but they still have the advantage, before he could though, Tyrion spoke.

Tyrion: You still have the largest armies. Call Grey Worm and the Unsullied back. We still have enough ships to carry the Dothraki to the mainland. Commit to the blockade of King's Landing. We have a plan. It's still the right plan.

Tyrion struggled to keep up with Daenerys' bigger steps while the others stayed out of this, Jon had no idea what was going on, neither did Davos but they can see why she's angry, she's lost a lot because she listened to Tyrion.

Daenerys: The right plan?

Daenerys had heard enough from her hand and turned to him forcing everyone to stop walking, Kenway stood there as he let her get out all her frustrations, the blockade is still a good idea but sometimes, you do have to just knock on the door before it comes off it's hinges and take what you want, Kenway had to do it when Ramsey locked himself back inside Winterfell and look how that turned out.

Daenerys: Your strategy has lost us Dorne, the Iron Islands, the only reason we still have the Reach is because Kenway ignored you and went on his own plan. 

They all glanced to Kenway for a second as Kenway stayed looking at Tyrion and Daenerys, the glance was only a second or so long before turning back to the furious queen with the cowering imp trying to evert her gaze.

Tyrion: If I've underestimated our enemies...

Daenerys didn't let Tyrion finish and interrupted him, Kenway's never seen Daenerys this angry before, it's actually quite worrying, her eyes are no longer the ones he fell in love with, their filled with rage and contempt.

Daenerys: Our enemies. Your family, you mean. Perhaps you don't want to hurt them, after all.

The sound of dragons caught everyone's attentions and they all turned to see Viserys, Rhaegal and Drogon all in the distance, Drogon is certainly the biggest but also the most dangerous one, he seems to be the one with the best connection to Daenerys, Kenway might have to keep an eye on that.

Daenerys: Enough with the clever plans. I have three large dragons. I'm going to fly them to the Red Keep.

This did get everyone on edge again, she can't be like her father, he was willing to burn down King's Landing for the Throne, she can't be like him, something Kenway was going to try and stop but then opted against it, he'll talk to her when their alone.

Tyrion: We've discussed this.

Tyrion looked up to Daenerys as she turned back to him, the fury still clear as day on her face as Kenway and the others still watched, Jon and Davos stood a little uncomfortably behind Kenway while he just rested his hands on his waist band.

Daenerys: My enemies are in the Red Keep. What kind of a queen am I if I'm not willing to risk my life to fight them?

Kenway had to agree with that, he's been in two battle for his home and was front and centre for them all, a King who doesn't fight for what's his, is a coward, Daenerys is no coward, she's brave, smart but also young and that could lead to mistakes.

Tyrion: A smart one.

Kenway huffed in amusement to that, looking back to all the kings or queens who never fought their own battles, Daenerys' father comes first to mind and Cersei is up there as well, getting her brother to do her dirty work, neither of them made good rulers because they never had to fight for what they got, they never had to protect it like Kenway has everything he's owned.

Daenerys: What do you think I should do?

Kenway looked away from the open sea's where her Dragons are still flying high in the shy and to her as she looked to him, apparently his plans from earlier has made her aware of Kenway's military expertise over the dwarf, but before Kenway could even tell her, she continued while walking towards him.

Daenerys: We're at war. We're losing. What do you think I should do? I'm not asking you as my King, or my husband. I'm asking you as my commander.

Kenway looked down to her as she stood in front of him, Kenway has a plan, a plan that could get people killed but that's war, maybe they should take the Iron Throne before protecting the North, it would make their lives all so much simpler.

Kenway: I think you should march towards King's Landing with the men you have. Right now.

All eyes are on Kenway now as he stood there still in the sand, with Davos and Jon behind him, Tyrion now behind Daenerys, while Varys and Missandei stood off to the side, Daenerys seemed a little confused by his advice, she expected him to tell her to listen to Tyrion, then again, Kenway knows what he's talking about.

Kenway: First. Your not losing. You have coin, men and dragons. Cersei has very little of the first two and none of the last. My men at Highgarden have already weakened her 20,000 men and Euron's weeks away with her navy.

Kenway made a little bit of sense which got Daenerys thinking, if they can take over King's Landing before the Night King even attempts to get to the Wall then it'll be even easier to fight the army of the dead.

Kenway: It'll take days for my men to join us, Euron's weeks out, with my whole army and the Tyrell's men. King's Landing will be your's before bed time.

Daenerys smiled up to him as he gave her a better plan then before, Kenway didn't wait to take Winterfell and it's still standing, people are thriving because of it, why should this be any different, Daenerys was about to walk up to Dragonstone to get everything prepared, but Kenway wasn't finished.

Kenway: But the dragons stay. Let them fly around, show your power sure, but let my men fight for you. We'll kick down the front gates and paint the streets red with Lannister blood.

That way, no one innocent dies and the dragons won't burn down King's Landing, it's a win win, then all the focus can go towards the Night King and his army beyond the wall, the plan didn't seem to be argued against as this was him re writing the Prophecy, the Prophecy said that the "Night King fell before the Dragon sat upon the Iron Throne", if Deanerys takes the Iron Throne before the Night King get's here, then Kenway's story will end differently, just like he wants.

Daenerys: Very well. We'll prepare for King's Landing.


(To Be Continued)

Before people tell me I'm rushing things or whatever, understand that this was the plan all along, and the way I've wrote my previous Chapter's, most of Season 7 is pointless, Jon won't have to go north of the Wall to catch a Walker, Viserys won't get killed by the Night King and Daenerys has the advantage here, so I want to write it where they take King's Landing before the Long Night, it might not make sense, but I just need you all to trust me on this. Okay? Take Care!

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