Chapter 4: The Night's Watch!

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The men going to the Wall stopped for the night nearby a stream as Kenway sat by the fire with the Prophecy in his hands trying to figure out what it all meant, his attention was taken by laughter, he looked to see Elis and Jon by the river bank smiling and getting along like they normally do.

Tyrion: So Black Wolf. Whats the reason for your journey to the Wall?

Kenway: Don't call me that.

Tyrion: Call you what Black Wolf?

Kenway sighed and just went back to what he was doing before, Tyrion took a drink and moved closure to the young Wolf.

Benjen: Sit. You'll be fed.

Kenway's Uncle Benjen said telling a couple of guys to sit on the opposite side of the fire to Kenway, Kenway ignored them as a Night's Watchman untied the guys.

Tyrion: Ah, Rapers.

Kenway looked away from the scroll and towards him as they both looked to the guys.

Tyrion: They were given a choice, no doubt- castration of the Wall.

Kenway: I think I would rather lose my cock then join the Nights Watch. 

Tyrion: No doubt as you haven't used yours yet. Have you?

Kenway: Don't see the point.

Tyrion made a noise to say he's curious as to why that is and Kenway put away the parchment and got comfortable in his wolf skin cloak.

Kenway: When I marry... and I will have to. My wife will be a Virgin so why shouldn't I.

Tyrion: Considerate. I like it but the world will not.

Kenway looked to the new Night's Watchman and looked down at them.

Tyrion: Most actually agree with your choice. Tell me Black Wolf why do you read?

Kenway: Call me my name and I'll tell you, Dwarf.

Tyrion chuckled at him as Kenway smiled, as much as he hates the Lannister's Tyrion is not like them and is actually good company.

Kenway: I read because... well I'm not to sure of that myself, I loved the story's of the Great War growing up. Viserys' Targaryen taking over Westeros on the back of a mighty Dragon. I hope to make my own story one day.

Tyrion: And that you shall. But you must except the title Black Wolf. It's not a curse, look at me I am a dwarf blessed with a magical cock. I do not hie who I am.

There was a moment of silence as Tyrion took a sip of wine.

Kenway: Only because there isn't many things for you to be able to hide behind.

Tyrion laughed behind the wine as Kenway chuckled at the small man's spill of booze.

Tyrion: Very funny Black Wolf. But I use my Dwarfism as a shield... Armour if you will. Change The Black Wolf into a set of Armour, wear it proudly and create your very own story.

Kenway listened to the wise Lannister as Tyrion took another swig from the bottle.

Kenway: I already have.

Kenway said showing him the prophecy, Tyrion looked at the parchment.

Tyrion: Oh yes. The tail of the Long Night. A tail of Wolf and Dragon fighting side by side.

Kenway got confused and looked at his peace of parchment.

Kenway: It doesn't say that?

Tyrion: Your's does not. No. But the others do.

Kenway: Others?

Tyrion: For a smart boy, you are greatly uneducated. There are a total of 4 pieces to this prophecy, you have but one tail to the inter story.

Kenway: Do you know where I can find the other pieces?

Tyrion looked to Kenway and saw that he was serious about this and looked towards the streaming river.

Tyrion: I know many things but that isn't one of them. Sorry Black Wolf.

This did dampen his spirits and continued to look at the parchment.

Kenway *Thoughts*: Dragon? What Dragon?

Tyrion: But life is better with a belly full of wine.

Tyrion said holding the bottle towards Kenway but Kenway just shook his head "No".

Kenway: I don't drink.

Tyrion: You are really something else Black Wolf.

Tyrion took another swig as Kenway leant back on the tree and got some sleep...


The next day arrived as Kenway and the others set off towards the Wall, they are going to get there today and wanted to hurry, Kenway rode beside Tyrion as they continued to talk whilst Jon and Elis rode just behind them.

Kenway and Tyrion came to a stop as Benjen stopped just in front of them, Kenway stopped beside his Uncle's left and Jon to his right, Benjen then looked to Jon.

Benjen: Welcome.

Benjen said as they all looked at the huge structure known only as the Wall, you could also see Castle Black in the far distance but it was a mere speck compared to the Wall.

Kenway: It's bigger in person.

Benjen and Jon chuckled to him as they set off on the short distance towards Castle Black...


Kenway and the others finally arrived at Castle Black, Jon and the others were giving beds in the Rangers quarters as Kenway was giving his very own room with a table and fire with a kings bed and other luxury things that he didn't even know he would get from this place.

Kenway got changed and washed then step out his quarters to see Jon and the others training, Kenway looked to  see the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch standing  with Tyrion and made his way over to them.

Kenway smiled as Jon easily broke the guys nose, Kenway stood proudly of his brother as he rested his hand on the handle of Cold Breath, he felt a nudge on his leg and looked to see it was Midnight and she was nearly to his waist already.

Thorne: If that were a real sword, you'd be dead. Lord Snow here grew up in a castle spitting down on the likes of you. Pyp. Do you think Ned Stark's bastard bleeds like the rest of us?

Kenway didn't like the comments and looked to the Lord Commander to his left.

Kenway: Lord Commander is the insults really necessary?

Joer: Of course Black Wolf...

When he called him that Kenway looked to Tyrion  who smiled at him and mouthed "Own it", Kenway looked away from the Imp and back to the Lorn Commander.

Joer: I understand you see him as your brother but to change him and the others into Rangers of the Nights Watch, they must be broken.

Kenway looked back just in time to watch Jon easily handle the Pyp guy, Kenway smiled as Thorne didn't look to pleased, Thorne called "Next" over and over again but Jon easily beat them, even two at once at one point.

Thorne: Well, Lord Snow, it appears you're the least useless person here. Go clean yourselves up! There's only so much I can stomach in a day.

Tyrion: A charming man.

Tyrion said to the small group watching the training frim the balcony.

Kenway: "Charming" isn't the word I'd use.

Joer: I don't need him to be charming. I need him to turn this bunch of thieves and runaways into men of the Night's Watch

Kenway was about to say something about the Lord Commander calling Jon a simple thief or a runaway but Tyrion beat him to it.

Tyrion: And how's that going, Commander Mormont? 

Joer: Slowly.

Joer then looked away from them as he remembered something and looked to Kenway.

Jeor: A raven came for you Stark.

The Lord Commando said pulling a small scroll out his waist belt, Kenway took it and opened it.

Tyrion: Good news or bad?

Kenway sighed, rolled it back up and put it away.

Kenway: Both.

Kenway then watched as three guys followed Jon into the weapons shed, he didn't like the look of it and started to make his way there with Tyrion by his side, they both walked in silence till Kenway opened the door to  see one guy holding Jon from behind and another with a dagger to his throat, the last guy was just there doing nothing in particular.

Grenn: What are you looking at, halfman? Cub.

Kenway: Cub? That's cute, how about you three let my brother go before I take this really real sword and shove it where the gods don't want to go.

The guys went to attack him but Tyrion spoke up. 

Tyrion: Were looking at you. Yes. You've got an interesting face. Hmm, very distinctive faces. All of you.

Kenway looked at him weirdly as this conversation went from Kenway about to kill them to Tyrian trying to seduce them.

Rast: And what do you care about our faces?

Kenway: That is a very good question.

Tyrion: It's just...

Tyrion leans on the door way as Kenway still has his right hand gripped on the hilt of his sword ready to kill them.

Tyrion: ... I think they would look marvellous decorating spikes in King's Landing. Perhaps I'll write to my sister, the queen, about it.

As soon as he said that, Grenn, Pyp and Rast quickly let Jon go, but Grenn had one more thing to say as Rast pushed passed Tyrion and Kenway trying to run out the door.

Grenn: We'll talk later, Lord Snow.

Grenn walked away from him as Kenway walked over to him and made sure he was alright by grabbing his shoulders and Jon grabbed his forearms, Jon nodded as Kenway let him go and he leant on the weapons rack behind him.

Jon: Everybody knew what this place was and no one told me. No one but you.

Jon said to Tyrion who was now standing by them.

Jon: Our father knew and he left me to rot at the Wall all the same.

Kenway: Jon we both know he didn't do that.

Jon: Do we?

Kenway didn't know the answer to that and just stopped talking as Tyrion spoke up.

Tyrion: Grenn's father left him too, outside a farmhouse, when he was three.

Kenway and Jon looked to Grenn as he was doing something by the armour stand.

Tyrion: Pyp was caught stealing a wheel of cheese. His little sister hadn't eaten in three days. He was given a choice - his right hand or the Wall. I've been asking the Lord Commander about them. Fascinating stories.

Kenway looked to them as he actually found himself feeling bad for them, that's not good a Lord can't feel bad for the commonwealth.

Jon: They hate me because I'm better than they are.

Tyrion: It's a lucky thing none of them were trained by a master-at-arms like your Ser Rodrik. I don't imagine any of them had ever held a real sword before they came here.

Tyrion then left both the sons of Eddard Stark to their thoughts as Kenway remembered something.

Kenway: Jon it's Bran.

Jon: What about him?

Jon asked worried as Kenway calmed him down.

Kenway: He's awake... but he'll never walk again.


Kenway is on top of the wall with his Uncle Benjen as they stay warm by the fire.

Benjen: Found anything?

Kenway: What about? Myself or the Prophecy.

Benjen: Both.

They both chuckled as Kenway didn't answer, that gave Benjen the answer he wanted as they both got back to staying warm till Jon went to walk passed them but stopped when he saw them both, Jon hugged his brother then his Uncle and looked to see the other side of the Wall, Jon stood as close to the edge as possible whilst Benjen stood to Jon's right and Kenway stood to Jon's left.

Benjen: I wanted to be here when you saw it for the first time. Both of you.

Jon didn't say anything as he just took in the view, Kenway has been up here a few times now in the passed couple weeks he's been here so it's not that meaningful to him now but it is still a sight to see.

Benjen: I'm leaving this morning.

Jon: You're leaving?

This caught both their attentions as Kenway didn't know this and clearly neither did Jon.

Benjen: I'm the First Ranger. My job is out there. There have been disturbing reports.

Jon: what kind of reports.

Benjen: The kind I don't want to believe.

Jon: I'm ready. I won't let you down.

Kenway didn't know what to say in this situation so he kept quite as Jon said his piece.

Benjen: Your not going. You're no ranger, Jon.

Jon: But I'm better than every...

Benjen: Better than no one! Kenway's better then most men I know but he isn't coming either.

Benjen turned his body towards Jon as Benjen looked to be in authority mode.

Benjen: Here... a man gets what he earns, when he earns it. We'll speak when I return.

Benjen left them there in their place as he went back down to Castle Black, Kenway decided to follow him down and head to the library to try and find more out about this prophecy he keeps seeming to hear about.

Benjen: Don't let Jon do anything stupid.

Kenway: We both know I would help him, not stop him Uncle.

The elevator stopped at the bottom and they both got out the lift and went their separate ways, Benjen to his destination as Kenway went to the library to find out as much as he can.

Kenway: If I can at least find the Dragon then it would be a start...

Aemon: It is not a Dragon you seek.

Kenway turned around in his chair to see a blind Maester.

Kenway: You must be Maester Aemon. Pleasure.

Aemon: The pleasure is mine Lord Stark.

Aemon responded slowly making his way over to the empty seat beside him as Kenway is understandably confused.

Kenway: How do you know who I am?

Aemon: I have learnt many things in my time in this realm and your story is one of the most intriguing to me.

Kenway: You know about the Prophecy?

Aemon: I do. What would you like to know my boy?

Kenway: Tell it to me... In full.

Aemon: Before I do, I must ask. Would you still do the act that you know leads to your death?

Kenway sat their and thought about it, no one wants to know how they die but that question already answer his.

Kenway: So I die?

Aemon: Do not fear death my boy as it will come for us all. But I asked if you would do the act that leads to your death, weather it be early death or a late one... which would you choose?

Kenway: Are you trying to stop me from finding the truth?

Aemon: The truth is something many seek but only few find.

Kenway: Okay. I get it, you won't tell me the prophecy, but you can at least tell me where to find a Dragon.

Aemon: My dear boy all Dragons are dead.

Kenway: Exactly so where do I find a live one?

Aemon: My boy you are reading the prophecy wrong, it is not a Dragon you seek but someone who lives by the Dragon.

Kenway thought about it for a moment as the only sound in the room is the nearby fire crackling as it burns to keep them warm this far into the north.

Kenway: A Targaryen?

Aemon smirked at him as Kenway finally figured it out.

Kenway: The Targaryen's all died in the Rebellion.

Aemon: Un true, two escaped, one Viserys the oldest living Targaryen. The second, Daenerys Targaryen.

Kenway: But which one is the Dragon? 

Aemon: If you still need to ask that question Black Wolf then you still have a long way to go.

Aemon stood up as that told Kenway that the conversation was now over, Aemon left the room leaving Kenway to his still many unanswered questions...


(To Be Continued)

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